Saturday, June 23, 2012


Yesterday was the climax of all this week was about and it was AMAZING!~

We committed to PRAY for THE Cause on Monday.
We went out to LIVE THE Cause on Tuesday.
We were INSPIRED to lead & live THE Cause on Wednesday.
We we EQUIPPED to lead & live THE Cause on Thursday.
And yesterday, we were DEPLOYED to lead & live the Cause in OUR Jerusalem, OUR Judea & Samaria and OUR ends of the earth - everywhere we go!

We spent 2 hours, praying & developing our multiPLIED plan. Then we met with a D2S LTCU professor to be approved and passed on. It was unifying, intense, exciting & scary to hammer out what we would love to see God to TO us and ThRU us in Katy Texas for HIS Cause!

Graduation was a super special time and was led by Greg, Zane & Prop. D2S had a pic of every Alpha X graduate placed on the bottom side of the Alpha "X", signifying the spread of the gospel thru us. Every youth leader then anointed each student & leader with oil & gave them a word of benediction - TOTALLY COOL time for me. THEN, the students & other leaders anointed their youth leaders and prayed for us - TOTALLY EMOTIONAL time for me! Thank You Jesus.

We were also given a piece of yarn as we came in that later we made a circle on the floor with, stood in that circle, and asked God to start a revival inside that circle! May it be true and start with me Lord!
Finally, each student then came forward, announced their name & where they were from, then recited & signed the following pledge:

We, the undersigned, do hereby surrender ourselves fully to Christ and His Cause. Through His power we will LEAD THE CAUSE. First and foremost, we will lead through prayer, by passionately interceding to God on behalf of our generation.
We will lead by example by relationally and relentlessly declaring the Gospel to those within our Cause Circle. Through God's power we will inspire, equip and deploy other Christian teenagers, youth groups, campus groups and churches to reach this generation for Christ.
Although Satan will seek to distract, discourage and destroy us, we will improvise, adapt and overcome. Our goal is to persevere until every teen at every school within our Cause Turf hears the Gospel from a teenager they know and respect.
We won't stop until we're a part of a spiritual awakening that sweeps our schools, communities, state, nation and world. And we won't stop when we graduate from high school. By staying connected to Christ and His people, we'll keep leading THE Cause wherever we go and in whatever we do.
Through God's Spirit we won't give up, give in, or give way until the mission is accomplished. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing, but through Christ, we are an unstoppable force. Who are we? WE ARE ALPHA X! We will lead THE Cause!


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