Wednesday, March 14, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 53 - Luke 9: Losers (vs 24) Counting the Cost!

Wow – can you say way too much to cover in one chapter and one devotion?!~! So I’ll focus on three things:
First, we see the learners (disciples) now becoming sent ones (apostles: apo = out, stella = sent). The call to “follow me”, is from the get go is a call with the intention of becoming “fishers of men.” Check out Jesus’ leadership methods: Empower them (vs 1), delegate to them (vs 2), give them specific instructions (vs 3-4), teach them how to deal with adversity (vs 5), send ‘em out (vs 6) and hold them accountable (vs 10). This is great leadership stuff!
Secondly, Jesus predicts His death twice in this passage. He continually wants them to see the big picture and although His disciples don’t get it yet, they will.
Finally, in verses 23-27 comes one of my favorite and most challenging passages in the Bible! What are the requirements to follow Jesus? Total surrender, no more thinking about ourselves, possibly death, and more of the same. Later in verses 57-62 He again states the high cost of following Him.
*Where are you in regards to learning and being sent? Most believers are comfortable learning but fear being sent, so all their lives they just learn more & more & more about Jesus and rarely speak the good news to anyone. Who have you shared Christ with this past week? This past month? This past year? We have THE GREATEST NEWS anyone could ever receive and God never meant for us to keep it to ourselves! Share it today!!!
*Do you get “the big picture?” Jesus died, was buried, rose again, ascended into heaven and is coming back soon to take all those who trust in Him to be with Him forever, and then will judge sin and this sinful world. Are you ready? Let’s set our hearts on things above (Colossians 3).
*What is it costing you to follow Jesus? Are striving for all this life has to offer you? Never, forget that saving your life (living for yourself) will cost you your soul. Rather, let’s be a LOSER for Jesus! (Lose your life you’ll save it)
Wow – now that’s some Cool God Stuff to chew on today……

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