Wednesday, March 28, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 63 - Luke 19: Small Guy, Big Truth

“Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he….” – so the song goes. Actually, being chief tax collector & rich was a pretty big position. But, desperate times call for desperate measures. Zach knew, as humbling as it might be to climb a tree in order to see Jesus, that it would be worth it. And it was! Jesus asks to come to dinner and Zach has a change of heart. Judging from the reaction of the crowd (vs7), Zach must have been pretty crooked. But his inward change of heart led to outward action, which led Jesus to say, "Today salvation has come to this house………for the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." This is Luke’s message: Jesus Saves! (5:31-32, 15:7,10,32)

Then Jesus tells the parable of the King’s 10 servants. We certainly need to be good stewards of all God gives us. But deeper than that, I believe that this is meant to remind us that Christ has departed to receive His kingdom and one day will return to rule and to judge – specifically those who would not believe! (i.e. didn’t want Him as king vs. 14)

The next event is what is known as Jesus’ “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, the final week of His life. This event marks the beginning of the course Jesus has been telling His disciples about all along. AMAZING how the very people here who are calling Him Messiah & Savior are the very ones who a few days later are saying “crucify Him.” Their lack to repent and respond to Him as their Savior led Jesus to weep! In spite of even this, the religious peeps were determined to kill Jesus but “could not find a way to do it, because all the people hung on His words.”


*To what extreme would we go to “get a glimpse of Jesus?” To sit at His feet….. Give half of all you have away? Make things right with those you’ve cheated?? Most of us like to park in front & sit in back when it comes to church…………maybe we should flip ‘em around this week? I mean, when I go to a sports event or concert I never ask for the back row. J Let’s hang on His Word!

*Jesus is coming back soon, are we ready? He came to seek and to save the lost – you & me & everyone! Thank you Jesus! I need you and don’t stand a chance without you!

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