Monday, January 11, 2010

Luke 6 DEVO: Ministry with Jesus

Keep in mind as you read today the invisible peeps, the shadowing disciples, who are at each of these happenings and are WATCHING, LEARNING & GROWING! If you haven’t noticed already, as you read the gospels, Jesus’ ministry was a thorn in the flesh to the “religious” of that day with their rules & traditions. They were always trying to catch Jesus doing something wrong. First of all they accuse Jesus of working on the Sabbath even though it was ok to pick grain from another’s field to satisfy hunger (Deut 23:25). Then they tried to accuse Him of working on the Sabbath. Jesus pointed out that to heal & do good was no violation of Sabbath laws. And oh yeah………….all He did was simply “speak” and the hand was healed.
Next we read the official list of the 12 disciples, those whom Jesus spend 3 years with. WOW – what a privilege to hang out with GOD! Then Jesus gives what is commonly known as the sermon on the mount, a message on how to live a transformed life (I’ll go more into detail in Matthew on this). Blessings that come from sacrificial living, loving others, being merciful, not being judgmental, living out God’s word, etc… all of which start in the heart!
*Who are you watching, growing and learning from? The numero uno peeps God has placed in your life are your parents! Proverbs 13:1 (actually the whole book) tells us we would be wise to listen & learn from them! Coaches, teachers, spiritual leaders etc are “significant others” that God places in your life as well.
*The Bible doesn’t teach we are not to judge, what it teaches is we are not to be judgmental – evaluating the lives of others without evaluating our own. Nobody appreciates someone who is always down on what you’re doing. Yet, if we are corrected by a friend in love, it can be a great blessing! Maybe check out the mirror for logs this morning. I’ve found over the years that as I evaluate my own life with God’s Word I’m usually too busy to be watching everyone else’s!
*If we just read and listen to what the Bible says, all we do is give God lip service (vs 46). Let’s respond as James 1:22 tells us!
More tomorrow….


  1. So what is does mean that the disciples were "rubbing their hands together" when eating in verse 1?


  2. They would rub the grain together to get it out and separate it from the chaf. As a former farm boy I knew just what they meant! Guess I take that for granted :)
