Thursday, January 7, 2010

Luke 4 DEVO: Jesus: Temptation & Ministry

Ok…… there are at least a dozen messages that could be preached from today’s reading – more than I’ll put in this blog – but here are my thoughts:
Jesus is led by God, yes God (Spirit – capital S) into the desert to be tempted by Satan. Doesn’t the Lord “lead me beside quiet waters?” - Psalm 23:2. Yep, and sometimes He may lead us into very difficult things, like here with Jesus. But rest assured, He promises to be with us! 3 times Satan tempts Jesus to satisfy Himself: First with food (40 days without and ya’ gotta’ be hungry), then for authority (in trade for worshiping him) and finally physical care (“hey God will catch you”) – all the time twisting the Word of God. Jesus on the other hand, quotes God’s Word correctly right back at Him each time ‘til finally we read that the devil left.
After passing this incredible test, Jesus began his preaching ministry – first in Galilee and then to Nazareth. The folks there seemed to really like Him until He told them that sometimes God chose to reach Gentiles rather than Jews. That torqued them off so much that they took Him to a hill in order to toss Him off the cliff! Ha- I love what the Bible says next, “But He walked right through the crowd and went on His way!” Jesus and His message have authority that are unequalled!
Then we see Jesus doing some pretty sweet miracles: casting out a demons, healing Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, healing sicknesses, shutting up demons, etc… all proof of who He was and is = GOD!
*Remember, God is never the one who tempts (James 1:13) and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). We fall when our thoughts turn selfish, but if we’ll follow the Holy Spirit, go to Scripture (like Jesus did) and heed it’s commands, we too can overcome temptations. So what temptations are you facing? Find some Bible verses that deal with those temptations, memorize those verses and the Holy Spirit will bring them to mind!

*Do you believe JESUS alone is the fulfillment of the OT prophecies regarding the Messiah? He said He is! So that makes Him either a liar, a lunatic or LORD. Trust in Him today!

*Finally, God is “Jehovah Rapha” = our healer. YES God still heals today – maybe not like you see on some TV shows, but He still heals people today! What do you need healing of? Cast your cares on HIM because He cares for you! More tomorrow…

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