Friday, January 8, 2010

Luke 5 DEVO: Fishers of Men

Luke 5:
At the beginning of this chapter we see Jesus ‘ call of Peter, James & John. Of the 12 disciples, these three get more ink on the pages of Scripture than any of the others. As close as Jesus got to his disciples, He was closest with these three. I believe verse 10b is the key to this chapter: Jesus says to Peter, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will catch men.” This was the turning point in their lives. From fisherman to fishers of men, from a career to a calling – their lives would never be the same! They left everything and now they would be Jesus’ shadows as he did ministry. They saw Him heal the man of leprosy. When Jesus told the paralytic, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” and then rebuked the religious leader’s hearts, these disciples must have been in awe. As Jesus called Matthew to join them, sat down to dinner with Matt & his “sinner” buddies and then explained His mission – they were there, watching, learning and asking. That’s what disciples do – they learn. And that’s exactly what the word disciple means = “learner.”
They were also there as Jesus explained the fasting questions and then told the parable of the wine & wineskins – which has to do with the Pharisees being to rigid and wanting the old wineskins (the law) rather than the new (grace). I’m not always sure they always got it though, which ironically gives me great comfort, because I don’t always get it!
*The calling of Peter, James, John, Matthew and the rest of the disciples is the same call God gives today to all who believe: A call to leave it all and follow Jesus Christ! Have you answered His call? It’s both a one-time response by grace thru faith in Christ as well as a daily dying to your self. October 1982 was when I first responded, how about you?
*Secondly, what do you want to do in life? Doctor? Engineer? Professional Athlete? Stay at home Mom? Whatever career you choose, don’t forget that God’s call goes beyond your career – you are now a “fisher of men.” So keep baiting your conversations with spiritual things and God will reel in those around you for Him!
*Finally, what are you learning from God. A disciple is constantly learning (and you thought school was enough). Take some time this weekend to reflect on these first 5 chapters. If you missed one, go back and read it. Maybe jot some thoughts down in a journal. If you do, you’ll learn even more! And hey, want to memorize a verse a week with me too?
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." 11So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. – 5:10b-11


  1. Two questions for you Bill:

    1) What does the second half of verse 17 mean? ("and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing"). Is that Luke's way of telling us that Jesus was healing people in addition to teaching?

    2) What does the parable at the end of the chapter mean? Who/what are the old wineskins and who/what are the new wineskins?


  2. I have questions, too!

    My Bible says he called Levi; is that another name for Matthew? Does the difference come from the difference between Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek?


  3. Corbin - Yes Jesus was healing and teaching. And as far as the parable at the end, it depends on who you read but the majority see it as a slam on the rigidity of the Pharisees who were unable to accept grace but stuck to the old ways (old wineskins) of the law.

    Heather - Yes, Matthew & Levi are one & the same. Levi was his surname.
