Tuesday, February 7, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 27 - Matthew 27: Crucifixion, Death & Burial of the King

The time has come. Jesus predicted His death three times earlier in Matthew and now it is time. The guilt of participating in the killing of Jesus was too much for Judas, so he tossed the 30 coins and hanged himself, ALL of which was predicted years earlier in the Bible!
Pilate was stuck. He was hoping to release Jesus but underestimated the Jewish leaders and their schemes to get Jesus crucified. He then agreed to have Jesus crucified, yet ironically “washed his hands”, a symbol that he was not responsible for Jesus’ blood – Ha – nice try Pilate!
As Jesus hung on the cross the soldiers mocked Him, which again, was predicted.
Then strange things began to happen! For three hours during the middle of the day it got dark. At the moment Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two (symbolizing we no longer need a priest but that we can now go straight to God ourselves), there was an earthquake, tombs broke open, resurrections took place and those who saw these things said, “Surely he was the Son of God!" WOWSA – Now that’s Cool God Stuff!
Then they took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped him, placed him in a tomb with a huge stone in front, sealed it and put a guard to watch it!
*We live in a culture where a person’s word seems to mean very little any more. People lie all the time. Not so with God! Whatever He says is going to happen, IS going to happen! And believers should speak the same – letting our Yes be Yes and our No be No! How is your word? Your trustworthiness? Don’t know? Ask your wife, or kids, or friends, or boss – they know!
*What was the point when you said, “Surely Jesus is God, Lord, Messiah”? When did that occur? Here’s a 48hr challenge: If you know Jesus, share your personal testimony with someone in the next 48 hours. I Double Dog Dare Ya! Then hey, let me know how it went!

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