Wednesday, January 25, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 18 - Matthew 18: Greatness, Value, Restoration & Mercy

Yep - at least four messages can be applied from this chapter:
1 – Wanna’ Be Great? Be child-like! Not childish, 1 Corinthians 13:11 tells us that has to go. BUT - we are to forever be like a child - dependent, innocent and simply believe. Not what our culture, that is more & more abandoning our children, would tell us huh?! But Jesus saw them as a priority and that works for me! And what is worse than not being child-like? Causing a little kid to sin!
2 – Where Do We Place Value? Sheep are of great value in a subsistence (big word that means how we make a minimal living) oriented culture. Animals were used for wool, milk, leather, food, etc… So to have one wander off & become lost was a big deal. But a bigger deal is to have friends who wander through life lost without Jesus! Find a lost sheep = whoohoo! Lead a lost friend to Jesus = priceless!
3 – How to Get Right with Others: If you’ve ever wondered what to do when you have an issue with a Christian friend, then wonder no more. Listed here is a step by step process. Go straight to them by yourself. If that doesn’t work, take another friend with to plead and beg for reconciliation.. We must do this ALL THE TIME in humility & love, praying and hoping (love hopes all things) for things to be made right. Will it always work? No, and when it doesn’t, keep loving and reaching out to them. I’d rather err on grace & mercy than on law!
4 – Why Should I Show Mercy? Ok, I’ll say the obvious, because God’s mercy toward us is unending and invaluable! We often want mercy to be dished out to us while we crank out judgment to others – just like this passage! Don’t do it! Read this story and don’t do it!
*What do you value most in life? Ok, this may sound like day 2 of my youth bias, but here goes anyway: Value kids ministry & student ministry! Both in your home and outside your home. If Jesus placed high value on the young, then so should we. 85% of all of those who put their trust & faith in Jesus Christ alone do so by age 18. And 85% of those who don’t, never do! Which generation are you living for? This one or the next? How about both!~ Invest in this one for the sake of the next one! Volunteer to work with kids and students. I rarely hear of any church that doesn’t need help in these areas!
*Is there anyone whom you need to make things right with today? Apply a little Nike Theology and “Just Do it!” Do it with humility. Do it in love. Do it with grace. But do it.
*With whom do you need to be more merciful with? You know, that person who pushes your buttons or rubs you the wrong way. Ask God to help you see them as He does!

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