Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mark 8 DEVO: Ministry with Jesus

Chapter 8:
12 guys got to spend 3 years in an intimate relationship with our Almighty, Creator God doing ministry together. WOW - Talk about an internship!~ Today we read some more of what that was like.
First, we have another miraculous feeding, this time 4000 men, so maybe only 16,000+ total people to feed (hehe). Last time Jesus feed a primarily Jewish crew, this time it’s a primarily Gentile bunch. Jesus compassion for non-Jews as well is confirmed as He miraculously feeds them all with only seven loaves.
Next, the Pharisees want Jesus to perform a miracle that could only come from God. Duh – what do you call every miracle He’s been doing? Jesus knew their hearts had already chosen not to believe so He denied their request. We must be careful not to let our hearts become so hardened toward God that even the most convincing of facts won’t change us.
This next section has to stab the disciples in the chest. Jesus tells them to “watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.” Jesus is thinking bad teaching that can affect them, the disciples are thinking “it is because we have no bread” – Ha! “Do you still not understand?” Jesus says to them.
Mark, like Matthew & Luke, also records Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah! All of us have to answer, at some point in this life, the question of who Jesus is! Peter nails it and if we want to spend eternity with God in heaven, we must nail it as well!
Finally, we end with Jesus predicting His death. After doing this, Peter decides to take Jesus (God) aside and give Him the what for! Jesus lived “On Mission” for God and never lost sight of His purpose & plan. Supernatural living will always baffle natural living and we see that as Peter gets rebuked and becomes the only disciple whom Jesus called “Satan.” Ouch!
The chapter ends with a reminder of our purpose & calling: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”
*How long have you been a believer? One year? 3 years? 10 years? More than 10? However long it is, you and I have been invited into an intimate relationship with our Almighty, Merciful, Gracious & Loving Creator! Lets never see spending time with Him as a burden but rather to approach each day with this amazing privilege always in mind!!!
*Who are you hanging out with? “Bad company corrupts good morals” – so choose your friends wisely! I’m not talking about avoiding mixing it up with unbelievers so we can show & tell them about Jesus. I’m talking about those you spend a lot of hours with. Are they drawing you closer & deeper to Jesus or farther away? Let’s ask this question often!

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