Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hebrews 10 DEVO: Christ the Perfect Sacrifice – Let us Draw Near

Chapter 10:
I don’t know about you, but I need hope. Not only do I need hope, but I need it every day! In Corinth, Paul was determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. This is the only hope we have and is the theme of this chapter. In His death, Jesus was and is THE perfect sacrifice!
The old sacrificial system could not bring access to God, it could not remove sin and was totally external and ultimately unpleasing to God. They were however, “…an annual reminder of sins…” (1-6).
The New Sacrifice (Jesus) reflects God’s will (5-7), replaces the old system (8-9), makes us holy (10), removes sin (11-12), conquers (13), perfects believers (14) and fulfills the promise God made (15-18).
Verse 19, “Therefore…” = How then are we to live? Three things are mentioned:
Draw Near in Faith: (19-22) – When it comes to God, it’s always been about relationship. Can you believe He desires to have us near Him?!~! And He provides the way for that to occur when we humbly realize our sinful, helpless condition and trust in what Jesus did for us that we could not! What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Hold Unswervingly to Hope: (23) – Perseverance is the key to victory. In Revelation 2-3 the promises in each church are given “To him who overcomes.” We are to be overcomers and that means sticking it out through the good and the not so good.
Encourage One Another in Love: (24-25) – It is amazing how big an impact just a small compliment or a word aptly spoken can have! And the best words are God’s Words when shared together.
But some will reject this truth of Christ (26-31) and will receive judgment for doing so. Because of this, the writer ends with a final appeal to not reject Christ (towards unbelievers) and to persevere (believe & be saved).
*In what ways are working ant drawing near to God? Do you regularly spend time in the Bible? In prayer? Confessing sin? With God’s people? Serving the Lord? All of these will help you & I draw near to our Savior who desires to be near to us!
*How are you persevering? I’ve run a lot of races in my life. I’ve never won any of them but I HAVE finished them all! So here’s the deal: EVERYONE who finishes the Christian life WINS! I know at times this life can dish out a lot of crap. But let’s ask God to give us spiritual pitchforks so we can toss the manure of this life aside and run with perseverance the race marked out for us!
*Encouragement – we love to receive it, but are often to busy to give it. I challenge each of y’all reading this TODAY to send a note, a text, an email, etc… of encouragement to someone who you think needs a “word aptly spoken.” Go ahead, I Double-Dog Dare Ya’!


  1. I grew up in a church where God seemed distant, and only approachable by means of one of our certified religious leaders. I guess they missed the veil being torn. What an amazing privelege and blessing to be able to confidently approach the throne of grace because I am covered by the blood and goodness of Jesus. But even as I draw near to God now, may it never be casually, as I feel the heat of His gaze, and the blinding light of His perfect presence. It is the cross that connects our worlds apart.

  2. I'm with ya' Joe, we had similar upbringings and I am sooooo in awe God's amazing desire to have a relationship with me!
