Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 Corinthians 12 DEVO: A Thorn, A Vision and Sarcasm

Chapter 12:
Wild as some of it may seem, this chapter is classic! For those of us who receive & dish out sarcasm it will be even more enjoyable!
Boasting has been a theme for a couple chapters now. In lieu of this, Paul basically states “Hey, it’s foolish to boast, but here goes….”
“I know a man” – ok, he’s talking about himself here, so just track with him. Paul had some kind of “out of this world, out of body” experience. Not sure what it was and neither was Paul, but it was an experience with God and it left Paul speechless. Paul would “boast about a man like that” because it exalts Jesus not himself! Paul also clarified that if he did boast about his experiences “he would be speaking the truth.”
Well, because “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” – James 4:6, God will do whatever it takes to make & keep us humble. Say, like, a “thorn in the flesh!” What was this? Temptations? Malaria? Epilepsy? Speech problems? Persecution? People? Again, not exactly sure what this was, but guys, Paul is NOT talking about his wife!~ (I’ve heard this) What I do know is that it was GOD who gave it to him and, whatever it was ,it was meant to keep him from exalting himself! Paul didn’t want it, but God was more concerned that Paul see God’s grace as enough, all he needed, sufficient.
Paul spends the rest of this chapter sarcastically explaining his love and sacrifice for the Corinthians. He was hurt that this church doubted & questioned him – let me paraphrase 11-13: “I served y’all faithfully and sacrificed tons – what didn’t I do for y’all?!~ Oh yeah, I didn’t charge you a stinkin’ dime – well excuuuuse me!
Paul goes on to say in verse 15 “I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?” Paul spent the money he earned as a tent maker on them and was willing to risk his life for them as well! Then with a little more sarcasm writes, “Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!” Translation – I can’t believe you’ve been deceived to think I’m exploiting you!~ This hurt Paul even more.
Paul then finishes by explaining that anything he did was to strengthen them in their faith and walk with Christ. Period.
*Visions, miracles & supernatural stuff can be difficult to understand, but I believe they still exist (not the crazy stuff on TV). The tests are time, and if they line up with God’s Word.
*All over Bible we read that God is for the humble, lowly & meek, but opposes the trash talkin’ & arrogant. This is a great reminder to always humble ourselves before the Lord & others, lest God allows a jab in our side with something sharp!
*Great grace and great privilege go hand in hand with great suffering. Lord help us to remember that YOU are greater than anything we face!
*Finally, verse 15 impressed me! Ministry costs time, money, resources, energy, etc… Unless we gladly minister (vs 15), it can be easy to become bitter or feel unappreciated. How are you feeling about the ministry you’re involved in?

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