Friday, April 30, 2010

2 Corinthians 3 DEVO: Grace = "The New Covenant"

Chapter 3:
Does it seem to you like Paul is always having to defend his ministry? Well that is what he is doing again in these next few chapters. Specifically in this chapter he defends the ministry of the “new covenant.” Ok, it’s somewhat of a churchy term. “Covenant” is a promise, a contract, a way of doing things. The “old covenant” was the 10 commandments, the law, works. Their intended purpose was to get us to see that we break them all, fall short and that we need God to provide a way to be made right with Him! And He did that in Jesus, the “new covenant” and it’s by God’s GRACE, not works!
After telling the Corinthian people that THEY are his resume, Paul states that God has made him a “minister of the new covenant.” God called Paul to preach Jesus – God’s gracious offer of reconciliation to all who believe! This “new covenant” is greater and Paul compares them:
OLD -------- NEW
On stone ---- On hearts
Fading away ---- Permanent
Condemns ---- Brings Righteousness
Glorious ---- Surpassing Glory
Covers sin ---- Removes sin
The ministry of GRACE is greater because our “veil” can be removed, yet the Spirit is the key! “Veil” is equal to unbelief. The Jewish people refused to believe that Jesus was and is the Messiah. As a result, “…to this day the same veil remains… It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.” There is only one way to be made right with God – through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”
*When was the last time that you and I thanked God for His AMAZING Grace?! (the New Covenant) Why not take a moment right now and express that to Him?!
*Do you believe in Jesus personally, or are you still “veiled”? Remember, it’s not knowing “about” God (facts) that matters. It is knowing Him personally that counts. Ha – it truly isn’t WHAT you know but WHO you know that counts when it comes to eternity!
*In what ways does your life and mine reflect God’s glory? Why not list them out and give thanks!

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