Thursday, April 15, 2010

1 Corinthians 8 DEVO: Freedom is Never Free

Chapter 8:
Freedom in Christ – graciously being forgiven of sin to live freely for Jesus - is all over the New Testament (Jn. 8:31-32; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 5:1). Yet – how far does a believer’s freedom extend in regard to behavior? Specifically behavior not addressed (1 Pet. 2:16) in scripture? Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, dancing, playing cards, wearing make-up, working on Sundays, Sunday sports/activities, going to movies, styles of music, the internet, clothing styles, etc. We know specifically that stealing, murder, lying and adultery scripture plainly calls sinful! So, where do you draw the line? Are there gray areas? Here are 2 principles:
1) Attitude: Knowledge puffs up, love builds up. The key is operating out of love. Specifically, meat sacrificed to idols bothered some but not others. The reality Paul shares is that idols are nothing.
2) Don’t be a Stumbling Block: Some things may not be sin for you or me but may be sin for a friend who is with us. If we try to get them to participate in something non-sinful to us and they give in, it is sin for them and we just caused it! Not good.
Verse 9 is KEY: “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.” Paul will deal with this more in Romans 14-15.
*Is there an attitude that God needs to address in your life? In mine? Pride? Insensitivity? Lack of grace? Impatience? Whatever the issue, ask God right now to help you by His Holy Spirit to change.
*Is there an area of your life or mine where we may be leading a younger/weaker friend into sinning? Matthew 18:6 is a scary thought!

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