Wednesday, April 4, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 68 - Luke 24: Jesus is Alive!

You can visit the graves of every religious founder such as Joseph Smith, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, etc…. And why? Because they are DEAD. Yep, all of them. Not so with Jesus! He and He alone rose from the dead – an event verified by many witnesses (1 Cor 15:3-7)!

We read today that early in the morning (after keeping the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) women came to bring spices to complete Jesus’ burial. They arrived to find Jesus gone and angels reminding them what happened. The women, in turn, went back and told the disciples. The disciples didn’t believe them, yet Peter ran to see for himself and was still baffled!

I love the next story! Two guys are walking on the road to Emmaus, talking and discouraged about all that had happened in Jerusalem (to Jesus). Then, like out of nowhere, Jesus is walking with them…..listening…..hmmm……..I see………..hmmm…..and they begin to tell Jesus their twist on the story. Side note – Jesus has a better grip on how things are. Anyway, Jesus sets them straight in sort of a Hello duh, didn’t Jesus have to suffer & die?! Then, He took them through the scriptures to show them, ate with them and as He broke bread they recognized Him and poof – He was gone!

Later, while the disciples were talking about all this, Jesus pops in and says, “Peace be with you.” And yeah, you & I would have freaked out too! They think it’s a ghost, Jesus tells them to look at his hands & feet (I believe in order to see the scars), and then asks for some food.

Then in verse 45 we read, “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.” We all need the Lord to understand the scriptures! Then He gives them their calling: Preach in His name, be His witnesses and I’ll give you the power to do it! After that Jesus ascended into heaven and the people worshiped & praised God!


*Faith in Jesus Christ alone rests completely on the validity of the resurrection! The apostle Paul puts it this way, “…if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.” – 1 Corinthians 15:17-19. Do you believe it? Let’s remember, as we tell others about what Jesus did for us, not to leave Him in the grave! HE’S ALIVE!!!!! Maybe instead of wearing crosses we should be wearing open tombs?

*Do you have a hard time understanding the Bible? Pray before you read your Bible and ask God to “open your mind” so you can understand. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job and He loves to do it!

I've LOVED growing with y'all thru Luke's gospel!~

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