Wednesday, September 19, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 188 - "Pirate-y Version" be "Talk Like A Pirate Day" - so here is me devo fer the day........ Introduction to 2 Thessalonians: Aye me lads & lassies, In 2 Thessalonians, my good matey Paul continues the theme of 1 Thessalonians regardin’ the Lord’s return. After sendin’ his first letter, the report back was that some were misunderstandin’ Paul’s teaching. Blimey!~ Some scallywags may have stopped a workin’, thinkin’ “why shoulds we work if thatin’ Jesus is a comin’ soon?!” Other seadogs were being so persecuted and were a thinkin’ that “The Day of the Lord” was now. Shiver me timbers!~ There was a misunderstandin,’ so me matey Paul writes anudder letter to these lads & lassies better explainin’ things.. 2 Thessalonians 1: Hang in There Thessalonians! Yo Ho Ho – Me matey Paul is grateful for his fella’ buccaneers. Their growin’ faith & increasin’ love made the old salt proud. They was a perseverin’, despite being hornswaggled and pillaged! Aye, he’d be willin’ to walk the plank for any of ‘em! This was just a provin’ that God is “just” – aye He’s a right and a true! Avast ye isgreat news for the sufferin’ fer doing right!~! Me God WILL make everythin’ right in the end, we’s just to persevere – and the Thessalonians mateys were doing that. Then me matey Paul, done prays to God that He might: - Count ’em worthy of His callin’ - Give the lad & lassies power fer every good purpose - Give ‘em power fer acts prompted by faith - And that other pirates, lads & lassies would see God in ‘em SO WHAT?! *Aye - what would your mateys give thanks to God fer you about? Yer faith? Yer perseverin’? Yer encouragement? Ahoy mateys - we be thinkin’ tough times are God teachin’ us. Bu avast ye - maybe God has it fer you or I to be sufferin just to be an example of perseverin’ to other pirates & scallywags? Shiver me timbers! *Ever misunderstandin’ somethin’ someone said? Don’t ya’ go to yer mateys and be yappin’, git ya’ straight to that person – lest we make ya’ walk the plank!? Aye – it’s a helpin’ the whole crew thatin’ way! *Ahoy whatevers you & me is a goin’ thru rightin’ now, don’tcha be forgettin’ that GOD knows – soyou be “hangin’ in there.” We can all be tossin everything overboard on HIM, because HE is Captain!~ (1 Peter 5:7) If ya' not likin' the pirate-y devo, here's me regular one

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