Wednesday, August 22, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 168 - Galatians 6: Doing Good & Boasting

Up to this point, Paul has been pretty blunt with the Galatians. They were adding to grace which actually changes grace to works and THAT should anger us all. Here in chapter 6 we see Paul’s shepherding heart. He reminds us that we were never created to live independently (sorry America) but Dependently. We are to carry each other’s burdens, to share & support those who teach us the Word of God, to do good to all people, especially fellow believers, to not grow weary, etc…. All these things imply others. Paul then states that, “ Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” We’ve had gardens and love them! But when we plant our garden, it would have certainly been a surprise if corn came up where we planted green beans. You reap (green beans) what you sow (green beans). The same is true in other areas. Talk bad about your friends and you’ll lose them. Live your life for your self and you’ll lose it too (Luke 9:24a). But live for Jesus and wow what you’ll reap! (Luke 9:24b) Paul’s final exhortation has to do with – you guessed it – circumcision. Once more Paul reminds them that it’s not about being outwardly conformed but about being inwardly transformed! And ya’ wanna’ boast? Boast in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ! Live this way, peace & mercy will follow you! SO WHAT?! *When was the last time you reached out to a friend who had gotten themselves into a bind due to bad choices? It’s easy to think “you deserve it”, but that is of little help to them. Is there someone you can reach out to today, encourage and bear a burden with? Go for it! *It’s easy to receive good Bible teaching and take our spiritual leaders for granted. Paul says we are to take care of their material needs (vs 6, 1 Cor 9:7-12). I am grateful for all our Pastor does: peaching the Word, shepherding the flock, praying, discipling, evangelizing, etc… If you know your pastor has a material need, why not meet it today, and in doing so please the Lord as well as encourage your pastor! *What are you sowing? What am I sowing? Let’s be sowing seeds of the Gospel wherever we go – that’s the stuff we want to reap! *Where do you spend more time – in front of the mirror in your room (external conformity) or before the mirror of scripture (internal transformation)? It’s an indicator of what matters more to us! PS – Galatians 6:11 (he, he…)

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