Tuesday, October 26, 2010

John 2 DEVO: Power & Passion

Chapter 2:
The two events that take place in this chapter both point to the deity (God-ness) of Jesus.
First, we find Jesus, His family and His disciples at a wedding. Apparently it was a pretty good party because the wine runs out. And who else do you look to in a crisis like this but Jesus. He then gives some perspective: "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come." Often times what we may see as a crisis, may fade when compared to eternity. Jesus was on a mission and he wanted others to know that everything He did was to fulfill that mission. So He has them get the wash basins, fill ‘em with water and then scoop some out for the host. The host tastes it and is blown away because it is the best wine yet – and at the end of the party!~ What was the result? “He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in Him.”
The second event is one that tics Jesus off! He comes into His Dad’s house (the temple) and it was like a flea market with tons of dishonesty. “So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables………”Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!" The religious peeps question Jesus’ authority in doing this and He baffles them with His answer. Jesus doesn’t need “their permission” to use His authority because “He knew what was in a man.”
*In providing wine for a wedding, Jesus was not emphasizing celebrations (though not necessarily bad). Jesus saw all of life as an occasion to reveal Himself and in providing wine for this wedding He revealed His deity to all who saw it. Often times we can make evangelism a “project” when it’s meant to be a missional lifestyle. Is going on missions trips and going to the mall to share Christ wrong? Not necessarily. But we are called to make disciples “as we go” – in the circles where God already has us. Who are those in your circles of influence? Why not take a moment and write down their names and ask God to daily remind you to be concerned for them?!
*What tics you off? Trust me - there’s plenty of stuff that can tic us all off! But are we most upset by the things that upset God such as: Our own sin? Mockery towards the Bible? Lack of love? Etc…. Lord, break our hearts with the things that break yours!

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