Tuesday, March 23, 2010

THE Cause Retreat - 5 Amazing Days....

July 14-18, 2010 left a mark on the 14 students, leaders and kids who got away from Katy, Texas and headed to the hill country to hear the voice and heart of God! Out theme was "THE Cause" - taken from my good friends at Dare 2 Share. You don't have to look far to see that this generation of students is all about causes: Helping Haiti & other tragedy victims, standing up against child extortion and this list goes on & on. But what is THE Greatest cause we could be involved in? It's THE Cause of Christ! At Redeemer we call it, "Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known!" It's making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. It's the great commission and the great commandment. AND it's THE Cause we must give our lives to.
So...... we spent the week discovering this cause, looking at our passion fuels, our personal evangelism styles, our circles of influence and how God wants to empower us to reach our friends in those circles with the good news of Jesus! We spent time getting used to evangelism tools: The G.O.S.P.E.L. Journey, our personal testimony, Connecting with God tract and spiritual surveys. During our time together, we all opened up and "caught it" more so than ever before.
I concluded by leaving each of us with two visual reminders:
1) Spark Plug - This represents the Holy Spirit and that if HE is not leading us, then doesn't matter how much passion fuel we have, there will be not fire!
2) Paper Clip - Yes, we made paper airplanes during the retreat. Flew them once, then added a paper clip and flew them again - noting a change in trajectory. Point: you never know how something small (an encouraging word, note, smile) can change the trajectory of someone's LIFE AND how the Gospel can change the trajectory of someone's ETERNITY!
Then we hit the streets of San Antonio and shared Christ with people. One guy, "Doc", remembered us from last summer. It was awesome to be out sharing with strangers the good news of Jesus.
Some day in eternity I truly believe we will see many who came to know Jesus because we were just faithful to share. I'm excited for these students as they head back to their campuses this week and Live THE Cause!
Let's tell someone about Jesus today!

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