Tuesday, April 17, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 76 - John 8: Jesus – The Light of the World

Jesus is God – The Living Water, The Bread of Life and now in this chapter, The Light of the World. John continues to give evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and how better than to record Jesus’ claim to be “Light” (which by the way is a theme in most of John’s writings). Light helps us to see things and see them more clearly. In this chapter, Jesus sheds light on the Pharisees misunderstandings.

First, trying to trick Jesus, they bring Him a woman who was caught in adultery. She was having relations with someone other than her husband and the punishment was death. Classic reply from Jesus, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Jesus first shed light on the judgmental attitudes of the Pharisees! And the older you get (as indicated) the more you realize how much of a sinner you are! So each of them dropped their stones & left. THEN Jesus shed light on the adulteress by telling her to “go now and leave your life of sin.”

The rest of chapter 8 is about Jesus shedding light to the Pharisees regarding who HE is and who THEY are. He begins with a GREAT promise to believers: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jesus is LIGHT, they are Darkness. The Pharisees tell Jesus He can’t claim things to be true without other witnesses & Jesus tells them God is both His Father and His witness. They don’t get it because they have no relationship with Jesus - “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” Jesus goes on to tell them a bunch of things they don’t get and don’t like:
- You will die in your sin.
- Where I go you cannot come.
- You are from below, I am from above.
- You are from this world, I am not.
- You are slaves to sin, I AM Truth that sets people free.
- God is my Father, the devil is your father.
- Before Abraham was born, I AM

*Jesus did not come into the world to condemn people but to save them (John 3:17). You and I are not called to be judges who hand down sentences to sinners, but rather we are to show the mercy & grace to others that God has shown to us (Ephesians 4 :32). This past week, have you been wanting God to pass judgment on another person for their sin? Take a moment right now to ask forgiveness for throwing judgmental rocks. Then ask God how you can instead show His love, mercy & grace to them instead. Then DO IT!

*”This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (3:19) Lord, help us to Love YOU and Your Light!

*The Pharisees had knowledge OF God but no relationship WITH God. How about you?

*Finally, “Who’s Your Daddy?!” - Had to ask it!

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