Thursday, April 12, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 74 - John 6: Jesus - The Bread of Life

In chapter 5, John describes Jesus as God, The Living Water. Here in chapter 6, He is God, The Bread of Life. Kinda’ cool that he uses the two most necessary things that sustain our physical bodies to describe Jesus!

Jesus is gonna’ feed the crowd but first asks a question to test his disciples: "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" Phillip bombs the test and Andrew passes – good thing it isn’t the ultimate test! Phillip pulls out his “living by sight” calculator and basically says it can’t be done. Andrew, attempting to live by faith, brings Jesus a little boy with some fish & chips, figuring Jesus could do something with it – and He does! This is the second of three occurrences in John where we see Andrew bringing people to Jesus (1:40-41, 12:20-22). And Jesus DOES do something – he feeds everyone there and there are leftovers! Then he left because they were gonna’ try to make Him King. Throughout the Gospel accounts we often see Jesus leave or get away in order to avoid things that were not in line with His calling.

The next account, that proves that Jesus is the Christ (remember our theme in 20:31), is His authority over creation. The disciples are out in the boat, see Jesus walking on water up to the boat, and they freak out! Yeah duh – me too! He calms them and they go on – astonished at what they had seen!

Next we read how Jesus sees hearts, another proof of His deity. “I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” How do we get this bread? “Believe in the one he has sent." And who did God send? “For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Yep – the Christmas verse – John 1:14! Only problem is, many saw Jesus – The Living Water & The Bread of Life, and still chose not to believe.

All of this ticked off the Jews because Jesus was claiming to be God. So Jesus tells them, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh….I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life…” They did not understand that Jesus was talking about being united with Him into a new living relationship by believing! Even some of those who followed Jesus left after hearing this because it was a hard teaching.

*Living by sight is always easier and seems more practical. But we are called to live by FAITH! What are you & I believing God to do that, when it happens, there could be no other explanation for?! Live this way and watch God be strong! Sight living is boring, but as we live by faith, we get to brag on what God does instead of what we do!

*Many things distract us from all God wants us to be. Jesus chose to avoid many of the things that distracted Him from doing His Father’s will. How about you? What are the things that distract your life from God’s will? Technology? Gadgets? Parties? Pleasure? Stuff? Pursuits? The list is endless. Write yours down, give them to God and ask Him to help you stay focused on your life’s calling!

*Having a relationship with Jesus is a killer – you have to DAILY DIE to self! God wants no less than 100% of each of us. Is this a hard teaching for you to follow? It’s a good reminder that we need to be “all in” when it comes to our relationship with Jesus! There’s a hymn that goes, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back……Though none go with me, still I will follow… turning back, no turning back.” - Good stuff.

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