Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luke - 8 DEVO: Women, Dirt & More Miracles

I hope as we are reading we keep in mind the big picture – that Luke is one of four Gospel accounts, each of which are “manifesting” God to us, i.e…..Jesus is God! That all these miracles and stories are meant to bring us onto a relationship with the Author!
We begin with 3 short verses on Jesus ministering to some women. The Jewish culture was degrading towards women but here Jesus lifts them up as equals. This would have been a huge and welcome change for women at that time.
And ohhhh the parable of the our soils. Are we talking about believers & unbelievers? Is it an allegory? There are lots of differing interpretations on this one. Best to stick with the one Jesus gives here! I think the overall point is this: God wants us to allow His Word (the seed) to impact our lives and the lives of those whom we come into contact with (Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known). This makes us His “true family’ (vs 21).
Because Jesus is God, telling the wind and water to “chill” is not a problem! (Side note – He again addresses their faith). Because Jesus is God, He has authority over……... ummm…….. everything & everyone! So demons tremble as well as obey. And read what he told the formerly demon possessed guy, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” JESUS did these things……………….oh yeah, Jesus is God!
And ok, I’ve had a cut that has bled for a while, but not for 12 years! But somehow, knowing Jesus could help her, she touches Him and is healed. Jesus commends her for what? Her faith! And again as he addresses Jairus, the synagogue ruler, about his dead daughter, Jesus addresses faith by telling him, “…just believe and she will be healed. And ya’ gotta love this scene: Jesus tells them all, “stop wailing” and “she’s just sleeping.” They laugh at Him until she stands up – WOW!
*What is your view towards the women, the downcast, the “freaks” of society (in those days demon-possessed)? God always went to them and showed them love & help. Who is it today that you can reach out to?
*Are you humbled by the greatness of Jesus? I hope we are and it drives us to our needs in gratefulness each day! Let's Know Jesus and Make Him Known!


  1. I think one of the themes in Luke so far has been the Jesus demonstrating His authority in various ways. This chapter is a great example of that theme in 4 ways. Jesus shows that He has authority over the weather (v.22-25), demons (v.26-39), sickness (v.40-48), and death (v.49-56).
