Saturday, January 16, 2010

AXIOM Purity Conference - Sex & Lies

Ok, so I figure with Sex in the title I might get a few more people to read my blog today - HA!
Anyway, this weekend we had our Purity Conference. This is the culmination of much prayer, months of preparation, 12 churches coming together in Katy, 570+ students, 100ish leaders and more prayer! THANK YOU LORD for bringing this together!!! And parents, be ready to answer your student's questions about sexual and relational issues!
Jimmy Needham band cranked us up and led us to God's throne - way to go guys! God created Sex & Sexuality as Good and as worship! More verses in the Bible about it being good than bad and an entire book (Song of Solomon) dedicated to it! Then, speaker Steve Gerali shared "5 Lies about Sex."

LIE ONE: Sexuality starts when you get married. Ummm..... no.... TRUTH is you are sexual NOW (See #2) because you are forming values attitudes, desires, etc... right now. It's a process.

LIE TWO: Your Primary Sex Organ is Below Your Belt. No.......TRUTH is it's your mind, your brain that is primary! What you think about. Romans 12:1-2, Titus 3:5-6
*Lie - Guys are sex machines, girls aren't interested
*Lie - You're not really a man/woman until you've had sex
*Lie - Sex is just a physical act (friends w/ benefits)
*Lie - If you don't have sex, you won't be a great lover

LIE THREE: ALL sexual thinking and arousal is sinful. No..... TRUTH is God has wired us to think sexually, yet there are boundaries! Philippians 4:8 Lies that fall under this one are that:

LIE FOUR - Sex is only Intercourse....... no ......TRUTH is that Sex is a PROCESS that involves your entire being.

- Sexual Sin is the worst of all sins. TRUTH is that sin is sin and God redeems & restores for all sin!!!!

So yeah, the conference is over and NOW is when the real purity tests begin! Here are my notes from the weekend:
*Sexual Purity is God's will - 1 Thes 4:1-5
*There are sexual boundries - Prov 6-7
*Present your body & mind to God as a living sacrifice - Rom 12:1-2
*Know God's Word - Ps 119:9-12
*Seek Wise Counsel - Prov 11:14
*Submit, Resist, Draw Near to God, Cleanse Self, Humble Self - James 4:7-10
*We are not meant to complete each other but to compliment each other
*A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a young man has to seek God to find her
*Pursue Lord first before pursuing a boy/girlfriend
*Love always seeks to give, lust always seek to get

Yeah, lots of fun humor, some embarrassed faces, but stuff that students think about and, at least during a conference like this, can talk about freely and ask questions.

Cool God Stuff!

You can see pics on my facebook page as well.....

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