Tuesday, February 23, 2016

7 Reasons You Should Bring Yourself & Your Students To Lead THE Cause This Summer

This summer I will be taking students back to Lead The Cause. This will be my fifth LTC, not with the same students, not for the same information, but certainly for the same purpose - Transformation! Why am I going back again? Here are my Top 7 reasons:

1 - To PRAY: If this were my only reason, it would be enough. Me and my students get to beg God for our friends to come to Christ, to ask God to give us a passion for them and then for God to give us HIS plan to see these things get accomplished! AND to pray with hundreds of other students who have the same desire - Priceless!

2 - It’s a MISSIONS Week: This is not a week of just sitting in classes. We’re out sharing our faith, doing ministry, texting friends, beginning Gospel conversations and recruiting other believers to join us in this Cause! And then, when we the week is over and we return, it’s like a year long missions work on our campuses begins!

3 - It Draws Students DEEPER: Every student I’ve take has repeatedly told me that this week drew them closer to the Lord than ever before. The substance of the week causes them to risk and to be taken out of their comfort zones where they HAVE to trust in their Lord! It’s an uncomfortableness that takes us all to places in our soul we might not otherwise go.

4 - It Sends Students WIDER: The training and immediate application helps us all be better inspired & equipped to have Gospel conversations with our friends. Fears are removed and replaced with Faith - faith that we can do this and God can use us!

5 - It’s My DISCIPLE-MAKING Strategy: This week helps me make disciples who make disciples who make disciples, and it can help you do the same. Legacy is not our church’s ministry to students, it’s our students ministry to the world! LTC gives students an opportunity to get involved in this disciple-making process - and we are seeing this happen! Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UklfJ6Z-CsE

6 - Students OWN IT: Unlike camps & retreats where students usually return and tell people what they missed, LTC students return and recruit their friends to join them in a Cause greater than themselves - THE Cause of sharing the hope of Jesus with everyone! I don’t have to sell an idea to students who weren’t there, instead my students own this movements and THEY inspire & recruit others!

7 - We Return With A STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN: After praying, discussing, praying and strategizing, we come away with a set of 30 day, 3 month and 9 month goals that, by God’s grace & power, will help us reach our area for HIM! We all want to see our friends come to know Jesus, but how many of us actually sit down, pray and set goals to see that happen?! Well, at LTC we do!

In my 31 years of doing student ministry, LTC has produced more “fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) than ANYTHING else I’ve ever done! I’ve literally watched my LTC alumni leave for college, gather other followers, and begin to Lead The Cause on their campuses! If you’re tired of the typical and ready for transformational, get yourself and your students to Lead The Cause this summer!

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