Saturday, March 23, 2013
2013 Palm Sunday
“A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” – Matthew 21:8-9
This Sunday is Palm Sunday – a pretty historically significant day in the life of Jesus! On the Sunday before his upcoming Friday crucifixion, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds knew He was coming, they had heard of all He had been doing, so they laid palm branches down as a sign of worship and were screaming “Hosanna” which means save us.
They wanted Jesus to save them from Roman rule but He had something far greater in mind. He had come to restore their relationship with His Dad – a relationship that we too lost because of our sin. Tragically, many of those yelling “save us” on this day, were the same people just a few days later yelling “crucify him.” Why is it that we often seem to be content with lesser, when God wants to give us better?
Jesus was killed in our place, to remove our sin, to restore our relationship with Him and to offer us our place in heaven for eternity with Him and his Father. And He offers this to ALL who simply trust in Him!~ I was twenty one when someone first shared this with me and I believed & received! How about you? Have your ever put your trust & faith in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sin and the hope of eternal life? You can right now, right where you are, by simply telling God what is on your heart: “I’m not perfect, I’ve sinned. You God are perfect and must punish sin. But I believe Jesus took the punishment I deserved and today I am trusting in Him alone to remove my sin and make me right with You!” The moment you believe this you begin a journey with God that starts now and lasts forever!
Since October of 1982 when I put my trust in Jesus, God has put a desire in my heart to both Know Him and Make Him Known. If today is your first day as a new believer, He will give you that desire as well. If you’re already a believer, God wants us share this great news with as many as we can so they too can be brought into this amazing relationship with Jesus!
Here is my challenge for us all: Tomorrow, for The CORE, we'll be discussing with students the above passage and what Palm Sunday is about. Would you prayerfully join us in the following application? The palm branches remind us of what Jesus did for us, so tomorrow, we'll be using the palm of our hand to remind us of those He died for. Think of 3 friends who don’t know Jesus yet and lets write their names on our palms. Then lets ask the Lord, as we look at those names this week on our hands, to remind us that they are crying out “save us”. And then, lets ask God to give us the opportunity to talk to them about Jesus this week! Maybe even by just asking them, "What does Easter mean to you?"
What an opportunity!
What a worthy cause!
May this be your best "Palm" Sunday ever because God gave one of your friends the opportunity to Hear, Understand & Respond to the Good News of Jesus!

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