Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas Present Ideas for JESUS!
Each year when Christmas arrives and I reflect on Jesus' birthday, I always think it's the most awkward birthday party ever. Think about it: Everyone arrives, we may or may not take time to talk to the guest of honor, then we all rip into HIS presents. Ok, maybe I'm just a bit weird, but to me that's awkward. So, a few years ago, as I became more frustrated with this awkward party, I began searching for ways to help it be less awkward. Here are some ideas to help us all:
Christmas Present Ideas for Jesus!
• Visit hospital patients who can’t go home for the holidays. Bring gifts, cookies, etc…and share the Gospel.
• Give a days wages, $ you saved, etc… to a rescue mission, Salvation Army, a missionary, etc…
• Volunteer time/service at your church – cleaning, repairing, etc…
• Buy socks & blankets and take them to the homeless with some food.
• Visit those unable to get out & about, in nursing homes, jail, etc…
• When eating at restaurants, ask the waiter/waitress how you can pray for them.
• Pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru line.
• Invite friends over for a Christmas party – have games, snacks & a speaker who will share the Christmas story about Jesus.
• Write letters of encouragement to those who need a “written hug.”
• Wrap gifts up for Jesus (commitments, $ for needy, goals, etc…) – open them first!
• Include tracts/cards when you pay your bills, when you drive thru fast food places, when you give gifts, etc…
• Sing Christmas Carols at stores, in your neighborhoods, etc…
• Don’t let people be “home alone” on Christmas. Invite them to part of your celebration.
• Help the elderly/widows with a meal, yard work, etc…
• Ask local stores if you can wrap gifts, help carry out packages, etc…. all All for FREE!!!
• Bring lunch to a retirement home and share the Christmas story – the Gospel.
• Create a birthday card for Jesus. Write in it what you would tell Him if you could hand it to Him in person.
• Have a Birthday Party for Jesus or a pinata’ for kids in the neighborhood.
• Take your family to a stinky old barn on Christmas morning and read thru the Christmas story.
• Get some families together and buy a bunch of NEW cloths, toys, etc.. and have a FREE garage sale in a poorer neighborhood.
• Cater in lunch for teachers at your student’s school and leave gift books that tell the story of Jesus.
• For every dollar you spend at Christmas, give the same amount to your church, missionaries and other Jesus-centered ministries.
• Not much $ - Make a “kind deeds” Christmas book & give it to your parents. Coupons for “I’ll cook dinner”, “I’ll do the laundry”, “free kid-sitting”, etc…
• Leave a gift card in the mailbox with the Christmas story for your postal worker.
• Take a homeless person to lunch.
• Have a Christmas cookie exchange – and a speaker to share the Gospel.
• Go to the mall, Look for lonely people sitting on a bench and talk to them about Christmas.
• Invite a neighbor, friend or family member to Christmas Eve service.
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me.”
Matthew 25:40
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