Wednesday, September 12, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 182 - Colossians 4: Application of Our Higher Calling & Final Words

Paul concludes Colossians by giving some practical ways that “setting our hearts on things above” is demonstrated. He finishes up on authoritative relationships with masters by reminding them to be “right and fair” because they too have a Master in heaven! This higher calling demands a devotion to prayer (2-4). We must never lose sight that we don’t stand a chance without God and we need to go to Him in everything! And we should do so with an attitude of both gratefulness and caution (watchfulness). Our higher calling also affects our witness: “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (5-6) We are to be wise in both actions and speech! We must realize that hearing & receiving the good news from us can TOTALLY TRANSFORM a person’s life for eternity! Don’t hesitate to share Christ with someone, but when we do, we must be gracious & tasteful about it. And if they don’t make a decision, well, that’s not our role but God’s. We just keep praying! Paul concludes the letter with words about those in ministry with him: Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Jesus/Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas (who deserted Paul later), Archippus, etc… SO WHAT?! *Life is not fair – period. But it is good to BE as fair with others as possible. How are you & I being fair with our friends? Our family? Those who work for us? Etc… *When was the last time you shared Jesus with someone? We are to make the most of every opportunity because it may be their or our last chance! Let’s take the 48 hour challenge (again) together! Lets ask God to give us an opportunity to share Jesus with someone by Wednesday! And I’d love to hear know how it went with each of y’all! *Finally, if Jesus were writing a letter to those in ministry he’d like to thank, would you be in it? What would He write about you or me? “dear brother, faithful minister, fellow servant, a comfort to me, prayer warrior”??????

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