Friday, September 28, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 195 - 1 Timothy 5: Properness with Widows & Elders
Ok, for the most part, it was my mom (sorry dad) who taught me properness. And I know, some of you are thinking she didn’t get the job done, but hey, that’s MY fault not hers!
Anyway, this chapter wreaks of properness. Timothy was a young man and needed to understand properness with those older whom he was going to have to correct. So Paul says “Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.” And because Timmy was young & hormonal, Paul told him to “Treat…….younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.” Good call Paul.
Then he addresses, in length, widows – those whose husband had died and were left without any means of support. Here’s the gist:
- If they have family, their family is to support them first.
- If no family to support them, the church should.
- Have to be at least 60 yrs old, faithful to husband & know for good deeds
- Younger widows are encouraged to remarry, have children, manage their homes
Paul then says of the elders (overseers, pastors) in the church:
- Pay them & honor them well for hard work
- Don’t let people bad talk them
- If an elder has sinned publically, he should be publically rebuked
- Don’t be partial or show favoritism
- Don’t be quick to make someone an elder
*Our culture tends to treat older people as useless, old fashioned and out of touch with reality. While many older people may not understand the latest technology or movie, they have a deep vault of wisdom to pass on to the next generation. God certainly does not view them as invaluable and neither should we. So how do you treat your parents? Your grandparents? It says a lot about us. Find out who the widows are in your church and visit them or visit a nursing home if you can. It will humble you as well as give you a great opportunity to learn some wisdom!
*Guys – how do you treat the younger girls? Paul says with purity! Ya’ know how you do that? Think of them as your sister. What kind of a guy is gonna’ make a sensual advance on his sister – yikes!~!
*When was the last time you let your elders and pastor(s) know how much you appreciate their hard work? They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. So give ‘em some encouragement today!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
26o in 2012 DEVOS - Day 194 - 1 Timothy 4: Truth & Influence Matters!
In today’s reading, Paul returns to addressing false teaching. “In the later times” (today - we’re in the later times), some people are gonna’ ditch God because they’ll buy into lies from the evil one! A true believer can’t ditch God but “make believers” can and will. The lies specifically mentioned here are that celibacy (staying single & not marrying) and what food you eat can save you. NOT WAY! – “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected…”
Paul then lists out how his readers can guard the truth of God:
- Warn against and point out sin (6a)
- Be a servant (6b)
- Know & obey the truth (6c)
- Avoid false teaching (7a)
- Discipline yourself in truth (7b-9)
- Work hard (10)
- Teach others to do the same (11)
- Model/live out the truth (12)
- Devote yourself to truth (13)
- Be sure you are using your gifts for Him (14)
- Be single-mindedly sold out (15)
Paul concludes with a great summary statement on influence: “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”
*Although true believers can never be separated from the love of God, we can be deceived and our witness hindered. What lies are you tempted to buy into? How do they affect your relationship with Jesus and witness for Him?
*Ever been looked down upon because you’re young? Yeah, me too. It could be the theme song of many a student. Paul says the way to combat it is to “…set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” What kind of example are you & I setting in these areas?
*Watching my life & doctrine is a daily calling. It means we need to not only read God’s word, but know it, obey it, do it and help others do the same – DAILY! How are we doing? Remember, “…physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 193 - 1 Timothy 3: Character Qualities for Leaders
As I read the qualifications Paul lists in this chapter, I think, who can be all these things?! Nobody! So God has to use unqualified peeps like you and me, but these character traits are listed for a reason. What is it? God is serious about His leaders! Though not perfectly, these traits are to characterize those who humbly lead in His kingdom!
“If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.” – God’s leaders must first want to serve Him. Specifically here Paul is addressing “elders” – spiritual leaders in the church. They are to be:
- above reproach: blameless, not perfection, but pursuit
- husband of but one wife: a one-woman man,
- temperate: handles their emotions
- self-controlled: can say no to things, disciplined
- respectable: wouldn’t give Jesus a bad name
- hospitable: opens their home up, loves people
- able to teach: the Word of God
- not given to drunkenness: is not a boozer
- not violent but gentle: responds with self-control
- not quarrelsome: can work with others
- not lover of money: sees finances as a stewardship, not his own
- He must manage his own family well: if they can’t, why let them lead God’s family?!
- He must not be a recent convert: not trained enough yet to lead
- He must also have a good reputation with outsiders: it matters what your neighbors think
Then he lists qualifications for deacons (those who serve, more task oriented) and their wives (8-12). The only real difference between qualities for elders and deacons is that elders must be “able to teach.” And by the way, it totally matters what the spouse of a leader is like too!
Paul concludes by sharing that “Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.” What an encouraging byproduct for those who serve faithfully!
*So why the big deal about our character? Because we are God’s representatives to an unbelieving world that needs to see Jesus in us! And by the way, even though this list is for those who serve as deacons & elders in a church, they are character qualities that God desires of all His kids! Take a moment today and go thru the list above and rate yourself. If you’re bold, ask someone else to rate you. Then take your lowest one and ask God to help you work on it over the next 30 days. If you do one of these a month, within a year you will have nearly covered them all.
*As a student pastor, whenever I put someone in leadership, I am basically saying “Be like them.” That’s a sobering thought for me and my fellow servant leaders. God is obviously not looking for the perfect, but He does seek FAT peeps and so do I! Faithful, Available & Teachable ones whom the Holy Spirit can do great things to and through! Lord, help us to be FAT today!
Monday, September 24, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 192 - 1 Timothy 2: Evangelistic Prayer & Some Unpopular Verses
I considered titling this “Passion & Punches” but settled for a wimpier one – pretty sad huh?! We see in this chapter both Paul’s passion for the lost (ok, GOD”S passion) as well as his passion for proper worship. Both very relevant topics for today as well!
Paul begins by begging that “…requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority…” Now at the time, Nero was in power and this was a radical request from Paul! Because he was killing believers, few wanted to pray for Nero (ok, maybe for his death) and fewer wanted to give thanks for him! But Paul begs we do! Why? He lists two reasons:
- This is good and pleases God our Savior.
- Who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.
Paul’s life was a constant “soul patrol” because he was following the example of Jesus who “came to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Then he addresses worship. The focus of our worship is to be on God alone and anything that would distract from that is to be removed – regardless of whether you’re male or female! Ok ladies, the focus here is not on the outward – “braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes…” – but on the inward – “dress modestly, with decency and propriety…. with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God” – and the attitude of your heart – “in quietness and full submission” and “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent” (1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Peter 3:3-6).
*How’s your prayer life? What takes up the majority of your prayers? Is it stuff? Selfish requests? Paul’s prayer life showed a passion for those who don’t know Christ! When was the last time you and I begged God for one of our friends who don’t know Jesus yet? Lord remind us daily to be praying, begging for our unsaved family & friends!
*Ladies – do these verses bother you? They are reminders of God’s role for women. Men & women are all created equal in worth, but unequal in role. Are you fulfilling the role God has for you?
*Men – passages like these are not to be quoted by you to women. God did NOT give guys the role of leader because we are smarter or better. It is simply a role we are to be in. Are you fulfilling the role God has for you?
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 191 - Intro & 1 Timothy 1: Beware, Be Thankful, Be Firm…
Introduction to 1 Timothy:
As with Titus, the letters of 1&2 Timothy are written to a young pastor. Timothy was a convert of Paul’s ministry (1:2) who traveled and ministered alongside Paul and was dear to his heart. Paul begins this first letter to Timothy by warning him against false teachers, possibly Judaizers (1:3-11). He thanks “Christ Jesus our Lord” for his amazing grace to “the worst of sinners.” (1:12-20). Chapter 2 is on instructions for church worship and Chapter 3 covers the qualifications of elders and deacons in the church. 4:1-5, deals again with guarding against false teachers, and 4:6-16 admonishes Timothy to maintain sound doctrine and sound discipline. Chapter 5 deals with widows in the church (3-16) and the treatment of elders (17-20). Chapter 6 instructs slaves (1-2), gives more warnings against false teachers (3-5) and the love of money (6-10), a personal charge to Timothy (11-16) and special instructions for the rich.
1 Timothy 1: Beware, Be Thankful, Be Firm…
Teaching things about God that are not true is a big deal. It was in Paul’s time and it is today! Why? Because what we believe affects what we do and how we live. Because most of the Bible lessons that are taught (or I’ve heard) are taught by “non-pastors”, it’s important that Bible teachers “correctly handle the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
Paul begins by addressing a false teaching problem. He tells Timothy to “command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies.” Superstitions, myths & legalism are meaningless and add to the good news of Jesus, which is about Grace – AMAZING GRACE! And whenever we stray from striving for a pure heart, a clear conscious and a sincere faith, we come up with our own ideas of God – totally not good.
Next, in humility, Paul gives thanks to God that He even allows him to do what he does! Verses 12-17 are so true of me and describe the gracious testimony of so many God has saved!!! Go GOD!
Finally, Paul knows Timothy needs perseverance in this spiritual battle, so he reminds him of his potential “the prophecies once made about you…” and tells him to hold on to “faith and a good conscience.” - Be firm!
*I was in a small discipleship group with our college president Joe Wall. One of the things we would do each week was report back and discuss as to what was taught at each of our churches. One week, a fellow student told Dr. Wall that the message was on the feeding of the five thousand and how they picked up 12 basketfuls afterwards. Then, get this, he says that the teacher told everyone that the meaning of this story is that we should not litter – HA! Now don’t get me wrong, I believe we are to take care of this planet that God put us on, but that is NOT why Jesus told this story! Now, have I ever misinterpreted & taught a passage of scripture? Yep. I look at some of my early Bible studies and wonder – what was I thinking?!~! Dr Wall would take the word of God and show me where I was wrong & I’d learn. I was corrected. Are you teaching anything false about God that might lead others astray?
*When you read 12-17, do you think of “other” sinners or do you see yourself? Truth be known, all of us at one time were against God (Ephesians 2). Take a moment today and thank God!
*In what area of your life do you need strength to stand strong? Ask God today for that strength (Ps 46:1).
Friday, September 21, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 190 - 2 Thessalonians 3: No Lazy Bums!
One of the sad stereotypes of a pastor is that they are lazy bums with an easy life and living off everybody else’s money. I’m a pastor and I hate that stereotype! I believe I work hard as God’s servant and this too was the message Paul was sending to the Thessalonians.
Before he addresses laziness, he asks for prayer and reminds these believers of the greater spiritual battle. We all need to pray daily for God to “deliver us from wicked and evil men.” And Paul was confident that the Lord would do just that.
Then Paul addresses the fact that some of these believers were being idle and lazy. Some may have felt that because Jesus was coming back soon they should quit their jobs, don’t make plans and just wait on the Lord. Paul made it real clear – don’t even hang out with these peeps – they don’t get it! He cites his own example of how to live and serve the body of believers: “We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow.” Paul was not a lazy servant of Christ and here he says that no believer should be. They should provide for themselves and their families. As a matter of fact, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." They need to “settle down and earn the bread they eat.” As Paul gives these instructions, he reminds them this is not a salvation issue though and they should “not regard them as an enemy” but rather to “warn them as a brother.” God’s Word consistently warns against laziness and it’s outcome.
*We are in a spiritual battle every day, one that Satan would love for us to lose. I don’t totally understand all that goes on, but I’ve seen enough to know it’s real and that Satan fights dirty – getting at me thru my family. How about you? Let’s ask God today to protect us from the evil one so we can accomplish the good work HE has for us! (Ephesians 2:10)
*I grew up on a farm in Iowa and am grateful for a father who taught me hard work, loyalty and how to earn a living. I’m sure my dad saw me as lazy at times (and I probably was at times) but I’ve always worked and tried to make him proud. Ever since trusting in Christ as my Savior, I’ve wanted to say thanks back to God by how I live and I’ve wanted to make my Daddy in heaven proud. I know I’m not perfect, but I try to work hard for Jesus, not because I have to, but because I WANT to. We’re also committed to staying out of debt because I don’t want our church to see the Freunds as a burden, but rather as a blessing. And, we want the role of pastor not to be seen as some kind of freeloading and extortion of people’s hard earned offerings, but a calling to love, shepherd and equip people – specifically students! So how about you? Do those around you see you as a hard worker they can respect, or a lazy freeloader? As ambassadors for Jesus, let’s let our work ethic draw people to Jesus, not drive them away!
*Finally, I don’t believe Paul was teaching us to be “work-a-holics.” There is a difference between leisure & laziness. Relaxation and recreation are needed to balance our lives. For some reading this, it might be that you need to spend a few less hours at your job and more time with your family. It’s one thing to be disrespected at your job for being lazy, it’s much worse to be disrespected by your family for being a work-a-holic and not fulfilling your role as spouse and parent. WOW – pretty convicting – Lord please transform us!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 189 - 2 Thessalonians 2: Clarifying “The Day of the Lord”
Paul in this chapter addresses their concerns regarding Jesus’ return. Somehow, a false teaching had reached them saying that “the day of the Lord” had already come. Paul corrects them by saying that this day cannot occur until the “the man of lawlessness” is revealed. This is the one the Bible calls “the anti-Christ.” He will oppose God, try to take over God’s place and call himself God. “Hey – we’ve talked about this before” – Paul says.
He goes on to remind them that the “power of lawlessness” is already at work. In other words, evil reigns right now but someday that will be corrected. Who is the one who “holds back” this evil one? Ultimately it’s God, but there’s some debate as to the specifics - that would take way more than this devo to describe. Just know that miraculous acts will accompany this anti-Christ – so don’t be fooled, supernatural powers are not limited to God (remember Pharaoh’s magicians) but are certainly under His sovereignty!
“Those who are perishing” refuse to love the truth, so God allows them to believe the lie. Those who do not believe the truth will be condemned. The only unforgivable sin, truly is unbelief. Makes sense that you don’t get to be with God if you don’t believe.
We need to remember as believers that from the beginning God chose & called us (verses 13-14). Oh boy, look out………… so did God choose us or did we choose Him? Again, this would take like, a year’s worth of devos, but here’s where I stand: Yes and in that order!
This certainly is encouraging for believers, that God initiated our salvation and that we can’t do anything to earn it or to lose it! This is a good reason for Paul to conclude with a benediction citing God as loving, gracious and encouraging!
*Ever been unfairly treated? Been shown injustice in a situation? Then you are among the ranks of the saints in scripture, and even among our Savior Jesus, who faced these very things, especially during passion week. The Bible teaches us that we should thank God that we were worthy to suffer for His name’s sake!
*If you have put your trust & faith in Jesus Christ, God not only CHOSE you but has GOOD WORKS for you to do! Namely to Know Jesus and Make Him Known! I challenge you to ask someone in the next 48hrs, “What do you believe God wants from you and me?” Listen, and then maybe say something like, “Would it surprise you that most of all God wants a relationship with you?” Then share with them the good news of Jesus - Go ahead, I double-dog dare ya’!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 188 - "Pirate-y Version" be "Talk Like A Pirate Day" - so here is me devo fer the day........
Introduction to 2 Thessalonians:
Aye me lads & lassies, In 2 Thessalonians, my good matey Paul continues the theme of 1 Thessalonians regardin’ the Lord’s return. After sendin’ his first letter, the report back was that some were misunderstandin’ Paul’s teaching. Blimey!~ Some scallywags may have stopped a workin’, thinkin’ “why shoulds we work if thatin’ Jesus is a comin’ soon?!” Other seadogs were being so persecuted and were a thinkin’ that “The Day of the Lord” was now. Shiver me timbers!~ There was a misunderstandin,’ so me matey Paul writes anudder letter to these lads & lassies better explainin’ things..
2 Thessalonians 1: Hang in There Thessalonians!
Yo Ho Ho – Me matey Paul is grateful for his fella’ buccaneers. Their growin’ faith & increasin’ love made the old salt proud. They was a perseverin’, despite being hornswaggled and pillaged! Aye, he’d be willin’ to walk the plank for any of ‘em!
This was just a provin’ that God is “just” – aye He’s a right and a true! Avast ye isgreat news for the sufferin’ fer doing right!~! Me God WILL make everythin’ right in the end, we’s just to persevere – and the Thessalonians mateys were doing that.
Then me matey Paul, done prays to God that He might:
- Count ’em worthy of His callin’
- Give the lad & lassies power fer every good purpose
- Give ‘em power fer acts prompted by faith
- And that other pirates, lads & lassies would see God in ‘em
*Aye - what would your mateys give thanks to God fer you about? Yer faith? Yer perseverin’? Yer encouragement? Ahoy mateys - we be thinkin’ tough times are God teachin’ us. Bu avast ye - maybe God has it fer you or I to be sufferin just to be an example of perseverin’ to other pirates & scallywags? Shiver me timbers!
*Ever misunderstandin’ somethin’ someone said? Don’t ya’ go to yer mateys and be yappin’, git ya’ straight to that person – lest we make ya’ walk the plank!? Aye – it’s a helpin’ the whole crew thatin’ way!
*Ahoy whatevers you & me is a goin’ thru rightin’ now, don’tcha be forgettin’ that GOD knows – soyou be “hangin’ in there.” We can all be tossin everything overboard on HIM, because HE is Captain!~ (1 Peter 5:7)
If ya' not likin' the pirate-y devo, here's me regular one
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 188 - Introduction to 2 Thessalonians & 2 Thessalonians 1: Hang in There Thessalonians!
Introduction to 2 Thessalonians:
In 2 Thessalonians, Paul continues the theme of 1 Thessalonians regarding the Lord’s return. After sending his first letter, the report back was that some may have misunderstood Paul’s teaching. It seems that some may have stopped working, thinking “why work if Jesus is coming soon?!” Others were being so persecuted that they may have felt that “The Day of the Lord” was now. Regardless, there was misunderstanding so Paul writes another letter to this young church to both encourage & clarify.
2 Thessalonians 1: Hang in There Thessalonians!
Paul begins this letter by thanking God for their growing faith and increasing love! The reports Paul received encouraged him so much that he bragged on them! He realized they were being tested and that they were persevering, despite the injustice and discomfort.
All this was proof that God is “just.” That means He is right, true and always right & true. What great news for those who were suffering for doing right!~! God WILL make everything right in the end, our role is to patiently persevere – and the Thessalonians were doing that.
After Paul describes the punishment to come for unbelievers and the reward to come for believers, he prays that God would:
- Count them worthy of His calling
- Give power for every good purpose
- Give power for acts prompted by faith
- People see God in them
*What would your friends give thanks to God for you about? Your faith? Your perseverance? Your encouragement? Sometimes we think tough times are God teaching us. Maybe God has it for you or I to suffer just to be an example of perseverance to others? YIKES - Who knew?!
*Have you ever misunderstood something someone said? Rather than go to friends and talk about it, why not go straight to that person and get things clarified? It will certainly be better for unity in the body of Christ!
*Whatever you or I are going thru right now, we need to remember that GOD knows – so “hang in there.” We can “cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us!” (1 Peter 5:7) Why not take a moment right now and do just that?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOIS - Day 187 - 1 Thessalonians 5: The Return of Jesus & Final Words
Yesterday in chapter 4 Paul talked about the rapture, today in chapter 5 he addresses when Jesus will return. “Now, about times & dates…” refers to the fact that no one knows exactly when Jesus will come back and suggests the bigger idea of being ready.
“The Day of the Lord” is a phrase used 19 times in the OT and 4 times in the NT. Every time it is used it conveys the idea of judgment & wrath – specifically toward sin. Jesus came the first time as a humble baby and offered Himself to all for the forgiveness of their sins. The second time He comes will be as a warrior and king to judge the world for sin. And the idea of this day coming like a thief reminds us that many will be surprised.
But believers should not be surprised because we belong to the “Light” (Jesus) and will not face this dreadful day (yes, I am “pre-trib untill further notice”). As a result, we should live like we belong to Jesus and so Paul gives us a list of exhortations to do so:
- Be alert & self-controlled
- Put on faith & love & hope
- Encourage one another
- Build each other up
- Respect & hold high your pastor & Bible teachers
- Live in peace with each other
- Warn the idle
- Encourage the timid
- Help the weak
- Be patient with everyone
- Don’t pay back evil
- Be kind & joyful
- Pray continuously
- Give thanks in everything
*Regardless of your end times position, we can all agree that Jesus IS coming back and we should live a life of readiness! Are you & I prepared to meet our Lord? We can do that by choosing each day to give & live that day for Him and not ourselves!
*Ok – so pick one of the exhortations above that you need work on. Start today and ask God to help you to live it. Maybe memorize a verse that is related to it. As we seek these things, God can daily conform us to His image!
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 186 - 1 Thessalonians 4: Watchfulness and The Rapture
As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am living my entire life to someday be with Jesus! As I read my Bible, that will either happen through an event called the Rapture (referred to in this chapter) or when I die. Either way, until that happens, I am to be watchful as I am involved in Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known!
Paul begins with encouragement and continual challenges as he writes, ”Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.” We need both encouragement in our walk, as well as challenge to continue, because life’s trials are persistent.
Paul then exhorts them to live differently, especially in the area of sexuality. In a culture that worshiped all kinds of sexual “gods” Paul wanted them to know that new belief in Christ meant their body was no longer theirs but the Lord’s and they were to honor Him with their body (1 Cor 6:19-20).
Moving on, apparently the Thessalonian believers had a problem with idleness. Paul encouraged them to work hard, to earn their pay so that they wouldn’t be dependent on anyone. This brings respect and you can’t be effective in your witness for Christ if you are not respected.
Then Paul comes to an incredible and often debated portion of scripture. These believers were excited about being with the Lord someday but had lots of questions (sounds like me). A primary one was “What happens to those who die before the Jesus comes?” A great question which Paul seeks to answer: “According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” So if I get this right, the Lord (along with Michael) is gonna’ come to earth, make some kind of loud command, along with a trumpet sound and then those who had died knowing Jesus will rise first (I picture 1st class on this flight) and then those who know Jesus and are still alive will be “caught up” (“rapturo”) in the air (that would be like riding coach) and we’ll be with Jesus forever! Now is this cool stuff or what?!~! So cool that Paul concludes, “Therefore encourage each other with these words.”
*How “watchful” and excited are you about Jesus coming back? Does it make you nervous? Are You ready? It could happen any time - even toda……………... (he, he). If you only had 48 hours left on earth, what would you do? Reality is, some day that will be true for each of us!
*Are you keeping yourself sexually pure? Without question, we WILL be punished for our sexual sins (vs. 6). My guess is that there are many who are reading this right now who are involved in internet pornography. If this is you, get help TODAY! Set your computer up so you can’t go there, get a program like covenant eyes that reports to a friend, spouse, etc…. everything you’ve looked at. And if you need help in this area, ask me, I’d love to help you! These sins destroy relationships!
*Finally, let’s encourage one another toward love & good deeds……….and do it even more, because today (be it first class or coach) we are one day closer to being with Jesus!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 184 - 1 Thessalonians 2: Relationship: A Key Role in Discipleship!
Relationship is not necessarily key in sharing our faith, since often times we can share with strangers. BUT when it comes to discipleship, relationship is vital! As we read today’s passage, we see the deep relationship that Paul & his companions had with the believers in Thessalonica. I’ll divide it up into three sections:
FIRST – How Paul & his companions brought the Gospel to them. Paul took risks in sharing Jesus with them. They didn’t use trickery, flattery or impure motives but sought to make God happy by telling them about Jesus! Verses 7-8 are precious: “but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Paul poured his heart & soul into these people for THE Cause (Knowing Jesus & making Him Known) – that they might turn around and do the same! He encouraged, comforted and urged them to live lives worthy of God!
SECOND – How the Thessalonicans received the message. It’s easy to be impressed with preachers and speakers who are funny, insightful and passionate. Not necessarily bad, but we need to remember when the Bible is spoken it is coming straight from GOD! That’s how the Thessalonicans saw it. They received it, became imitators of God’s people and suffered as well.
THIRD – How Paul longed to be with them again. When Paul had to leave these believers it was like leaving close family and when he had tried to return, somehow Satan stopped him. Then he says something very cool about them: “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.” Whoah – how cool is that?!
*How are you and I bringing the Gospel to our circles of influence? Ask God for opportunities. Look for them and them follow the Holy Spirit and bring God up. My son Drew even did that this week. You can read about it here.
*When you hear a Bible message, do you take it as from God? I am thankful for all the great preachers, teachers and mentors I have in the Lord but I regularly need to remind myself it is GOD’S WORD I need to be most impressed with!
*Do you like hanging out with fellow believers? That IS what we will do in heaven! And what a blessing it is to get a “foretaste of glory divine” here on earth! Spend some time with some fellow believers this week!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 183 - 1 Thessalonians 1: Paul Brags on the Thessalonians!
Paul established the church in Thessalonica during his second missionary journey in about 51 AD. He wrote this letter a short time later to encourage the young believers there. He wanted to remind them of his love, encourage them for being faithful while under persecution, and to remind them of their great HOPE – that their Lord & Savior Jesus was returning!
In ten short verses, Paul gives these believers remarkable encouragement for their strong faith and good reputation! I don’t know about you, but if I read that someone was telling God thanks for me (vs 2), I’d totally be encouraged! He mentions three things:
1) Their work produced by faith:
2) Their labor prompted by love:
3) Their endurance inspired by hope
If actions speak louder than words, then attitudes speak louder still. These believers had attitudes that wreaked of Faith, Hope & Love and as a result, their labor in the Lord was not in vain!
Next, Paul mentions how the Gospel was given to them: It wasn’t just Paul’s words, but the Holy Spirit’s and with that came conviction leading to conversion. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t lead, then it can end up being MY words and they only lead to guilt & resentment! Paul’s character was so Christ-like that they imitated him (& the Lord).
Finally, look at the continual compliments he gives:
- The imitated him & Jesus!
- Though suffering, they received the Gospel with joy!
- They became role models for believers!
- Their faith had become known everywhere!
- They were transformed!
*Would someone ever brag to God about you or me? If they were to thank God, what aspects of our lives would they give thanks for?
*How’s your attitude? We can DO the right things and still have a bad attitude about it. Chuck Swindoll has said that “85% of the same stuff in life happens to everyone.” How we respond shows out attitude! Want a good one to follow? Read Philippians 2:3-8!
*All of us are models. No, I don’t mean the kind who walk down a runway displaying scanty clothes. I mean that we are being watched by our family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, etc… So………………….what are you & I modeling to them? Like Rafiki told Simba in the Lion King to “remember who you are”, we need to remember that God has called us to be His ambassadors! Let’s model JESUS to everyone and anyone we can!
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 182 - Colossians 4: Application of Our Higher Calling & Final Words
Paul concludes Colossians by giving some practical ways that “setting our hearts on things above” is demonstrated. He finishes up on authoritative relationships with masters by reminding them to be “right and fair” because they too have a Master in heaven!
This higher calling demands a devotion to prayer (2-4). We must never lose sight that we don’t stand a chance without God and we need to go to Him in everything! And we should do so with an attitude of both gratefulness and caution (watchfulness).
Our higher calling also affects our witness: “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (5-6) We are to be wise in both actions and speech! We must realize that hearing & receiving the good news from us can TOTALLY TRANSFORM a person’s life for eternity! Don’t hesitate to share Christ with someone, but when we do, we must be gracious & tasteful about it. And if they don’t make a decision, well, that’s not our role but God’s. We just keep praying!
Paul concludes the letter with words about those in ministry with him: Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Jesus/Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas (who deserted Paul later), Archippus, etc…
*Life is not fair – period. But it is good to BE as fair with others as possible. How are you & I being fair with our friends? Our family? Those who work for us? Etc…
*When was the last time you shared Jesus with someone? We are to make the most of every opportunity because it may be their or our last chance! Let’s take the 48 hour challenge (again) together! Lets ask God to give us an opportunity to share Jesus with someone by Wednesday! And I’d love to hear know how it went with each of y’all!
*Finally, if Jesus were writing a letter to those in ministry he’d like to thank, would you be in it? What would He write about you or me? “dear brother, faithful minister, fellow servant, a comfort to me, prayer warrior”??????
Monday, September 10, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 171 - Colossians 3: A Higher Calling
Now Paul turns from truths about God to the application of these truths. Yep – it’s the “So What” part of his letter, or in more current terms, “here’s an app for that!”
“Since then…” – Because Jesus is enough, because Jesus is God, because Jesus is before and above ALL things, then we are called to “…set your hearts on things above……..Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” And how do we do this? At least 3 ways:
1) “Put to death whatever belongs to your sinful nature…” – The way we used to live before Jesus came into our lives is to end. Kill it! Take off the old self and put on the new self
2) “…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Taking off the old and putting on the new involves changes in our attitudes! We are also to bear with and forgive each other!
3) “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…” – Unity & peace, not competition & comparison are to come first now.
Then Paul explains how this works itself out in relationships: Wives to husbands, children to parents, fathers to children, slaves to masters – all in appropriate submission & obedience as “It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
*During this past week, have our minds been on “things above” or have they been on things below? Earning money to buy something? A vacation? Etc… God wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds! Let’s ask Him to help us to daily refocus our attention towards Him!
*What did you clothe yourself with this morning? Hopefully something (he, he)! Seriously, we take time each day to pick out what we physically wear, but what do we clothe ourselves with spiritually each day? How about putting a sign in your closet that says this: “Don’t leave spiritually naked today – clothe myself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness & patience!” I’ll bet it will help!
260 in 2012 DEVOS 176-180 (yeah, I fell behind with our move)
Philippians 2: Humility, Humility, Humility…
This chapter totally ROCKS!
Four times he uses “if” in verse one, and it is better translated “since” because we do have encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness & compassion IN Christ! Since this is true we should be “like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” And because being precedes doing, then we are reminded how to act – not with…
- selfish ambition = wanting what others have
- vain conceit = prideful about what we have
Instead – in HUMILITY (this is the key) – consider others better than ourselves! Not our natural attitude but a supernatural one! And are you ready for an attitude adjustment?
OUR ATTITUDE should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
- Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, = Jesus had the right to His “Godness” but did not exercise that right!
- But made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. = this is the kenosis, the emptying of Himself. Not sure what all he emptied or gave up (certainly some knowledge – Matthew 24:36) but is was a lot!
- And being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! = Humility & obedience are still great character qualities in God’s eyes!
And as a result, God exalted Jesus!
So how do we exercise humility?
- With fear, trembling, without complaining or arguing and sacrificially – even to death!
Paul then concludes by giving two living examples of humility:
Timothy – “…no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.”
Epaphroditus – “brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. For he longs for all of you and is distressed because you heard he was ill….welcome him ….honor men like him”
*PRIDE – It started in the garden and is still the root of most sin! On the pride-humility scale, where do you locate yourself? What are we willing to give up for Jesus, the One who gave up everything for ALL of us?!
*If actions speak louder than words, then attitudes speak louder still. How’s the attitude today? Do you need an AA class? (Attitude Adjustment)
*Look at what Paul wrote about Tim & Epapy – WOWSA!~! What would others write about you in a letter? What would you like them to write? What needs to change in our lives in order for these two questions to have the same answer???
Philippians 3: The Best Prize Ever!
In this chapter, Paul gives a warning, his personal example and shares his heart.
Paul called Judaizers (Jews who insisted on circumcision) “dogs” – a term used to describe Gentiles. So……...ummmm…………this was not a complement! He goes on to say that if you want to take confidence in fleshy stuff, man I gotcha’ beat: “…circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless.” No one could contend with Paul in a battle of “religious accomplishments.” So – what does Paul call all these so called “accomplishments”? Rubbish – and ya’ want to know what this word means? Dung! Crap! Get the picture?!
Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known (this would be a great purpose statement for a student ministry J) is far more valuable: “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ…”
Because this is a process, Paul continues: “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…..Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – BEST PRIZE E-V-E-R!
Paul concludes by sharing his heart for the lost: “For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.” Paul’s heart was broken for those who would not believe.
*So, what trophies have you won? What awards hang on your wall? What is to your profit? Oh Lord help us today to lay them all aside in comparison to our relationship with YOU! Give us daily the passion & desire to Know You & Make You Known! Amen.
*What bums us out? Things not going our way? A dent in the car? Not getting something we want? How about our family, friends & neighbors not knowing Jesus and on their way to hell? As horrible as it sounds, it’s true. Lord may THIS break our hearts the most – so much so that we will share Jesus with whomever we can!
Philippians 4: Whatever!~
We’ve all been in a conversation with someone where they’ve said in sarcasm “whatever.” Well, this is Paul’s “whatever” chapter – only sarcasm is not intended!
We begin with a “cat fight” – 2 ladies not getting along – and Paul is pleading with them to do so, and even asking “loyal yokefellow” to step in and referee a bit! Christian love is to be a hallmark of how a believer lives because it shows love and leaves a great testimony of Jesus. So Euodia & Syntyche – chill! Paul’s advice? “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near…..prayer……with thanksgiving…..the peace of God.” Praying, focusing on the Lord, being thankful and taking the focus off of self is always helpful in conflict!
And here is what Paul says to focus on: “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” In addition, Paul says “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Contentment is another way to avoid selfish conflict!
Paul concludes by thanking them for their gifts and assuring them that God will meet THEIR needs as well!
*Ok, who was your last fight with? Side note – Jean & I don’t fight, we have “serious fellowship.” (he, he…) Actually, sometimes it’s intense fellowship!~ LOL! Back to the question – what was your fight about? Usually it’s pretty dumb stuff, or at least misunderstandings. Regardless, seek to work it out! I’m not sure how much I’ve done right in our marriage, but only once since 1991 have Jean & I not worked it our before we went to bed – and that time we worked it out the next day. Totally helps in keeping accounts short and thoughts from brewing “evil stew”! Don’t let the sun go down on your anger….Ephesians 4:26
*Contentment – not really a part of the American way huh?! Well, it is God’s way. What is something you could get if you wanted but that you can choose to do without this week? Maybe it’s eating out or a new computer or cell phone or you fill in the blank. How about using “whatever” money you don’t spend on that this week and investing it in the Lord?! Maybe memorize today’s “whatever passage” so you can remember it when you face circumstances?!
Introduction to Colossians:
Like Ephesians, Philippians & Philemon, Colossians was written during Paul’s first time in prison while in Rome. There was false teaching going on which was a mix of Jewish legalism, Greek philosophy and Eastern mysticism (worshipping angels, visions, etc…).So Paul writes this letter to combat these things. The theme of this letter that Jesus is both sufficient (enough) and supreme (over & before all)!
Colossians is very similar to Ephesians. Both letters are broken into 2 equal parts with the first half being doctrinal and the second half being applicational. Both books also cover similar topics.
Colossians 1: Jesus is God!
I was taught in Bible college, and still remember, that whenever someone is doubting the deity (being God) of Jesus, take them to Romans 1, Hebrews 1, John 1, Revelation 1 & Colossians 1. Each of these passages speak of Jesus being God.
Paul begins by giving thanks for their faith, hope and witness for Jesus Christ – each of which is founded in grace & truth!
Then he launches into an amazing passage on Jesus! He is:
- “…the image of the invisible God…” – the exact representation! In other words, Jesus IS God!
- “…the firstborn over all creation.” – this is not that He was a created being, but that Jesus has all the rights belonging to the firstborn because He was before and is over all creation!
- “For by him all things were created: …by him and for him.” – Jesus was with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in the beginning creating everything! And it was all created FOR Him as well!
- “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” – Not only is Jesus before all things, but He’s the one who hold everything together!
- “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead…” – Jesus is the firstborn = the first one to rise from the dead with a resurrection body! Why? “…so that in everything he might have the supremacy.”
“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” – We were separated from God and HE brought us back to Him! What a deal!
Paul concludes with two of the verses I have for my job description: “We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.” My goal is to point people to Jesus through His Word so that I can see every student I’ve ever influenced in heaven someday! And man, it’s hard work, but God’s Holy Spirit is the one working hard in me toward accomplishing this!
*Is Jesus enough (sufficient) for you? Often times we fill emptiness in our lives with things or other people but JESUS wants to be our everything! Lets ask Him to make us increasingly more aware that HE is enough!
*If I am created FOR Jesus, then I am to be used for His purposes not mine! Take a moment and look at your daily schedule. How much of it is filled with His purposes and how much is filled with my own purposes?
*When we are passionate about something, we work hard at it! That is what Paul is saying in 28-29. Do you work hard at being God’s Ambassador (Ephesians 2:10)? Lord, give us a passion for the things YOU are passionate about!
Colossians 2: Jesus Trumps False Teaching
Paul ended chapter one saying that he labored/struggled to teach people the truth about Jesus. In this chapter he explains how that looks as he combats the false teachings going around. He wanted them to “know the mystery of God, namely, Christ…”
He reminds them to stay rooted in what he taught them about Jesus and to “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Some Greeks would use the stars or traditions to determine their religious practices. These are misleading and not Biblical!
The next verse is an amazingly clear verse that Jesus is God: “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form…” I’m always amazed how a Jehovah’s Witness can read this and say how it doesn’t mean that. Why? Because they’ve been taken captive! We need to fight for them to be released!
When we were dead in sin, God made us alive in Jesus and forgave all our sins. As a result, legalistic systems & the worship of angels are not to be – “the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Those who teach otherwise have “…lost connection with the Head…”
*What are some of the hollow & deceptive philosophies in our culture? Being good enough to get to heaven, going to church or RSM, giving money, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, etc…. are all ways the enemy uses to deceive! Stand up for truth today so both you and others won’t be deceived!
*What application does Jesus being God have for your life & mine? Let’s marinate on this one today!
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