Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LTCU Tuesday - LVE, INSPIRE.....and Spiritual Warfare.

Yesterday we continued on our "ALPHA X" training on what it takes to launch a movement of young people who are lead by the Holy Spirit to see people Know Jesus & Make Him Known!
Monday was PRAY, yesterday we talked about LIVE - the fact that we must not only ask God to work in us and thru us, but we need to "get at it." As the apostle James said, faith without works is dead. The result? Out of the classroom to hit the streets of Denver, sharing the hope of Jesus with people! This always upsets the enemy, and so lets say that "stuff" just sorta' started to happen. After I realized what was going on, I sent texts & tweets out asking for air support, for the prayer warriors to PRAY! It was cool to see the Lord took care of these battles, as we shared hope with people! Sure, we saw the same responses that the early church saw in Acts: some mocked, some, asked questions but some BELIEVED - 5 people that we know of gave their lives to Jesus!~ It was soo cool to hear the testimonies of students and their experiences as well!
We spent a lot of time writing down those who are in our "cause" circles: those whom we are asking God to save, as well as those whom we are inviting them to be a part of this movement with us!
Then we did a Q & A, answering tough questions that the students ran into - very important, and very cool as well.
Then we moved on to INSPIRE - if you & I are going to be used of God to launch & be a part of a movement, we must inspire others to join us! One way to do that is thru raw truth, tough subjects about Jesus & life...
Today, we'll discuss another way, thru stories...
Bring it LTCU...

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