Tuesday, March 20, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 57 - Luke 13: Getting Right with God

At the heart of Jesus’ loving & restoring message is repentance – a realization that we need to get right with our Creator. And with that, as a back drop, comes the issues of pride.
Jesus addresses this attitude when being told about a group of Galileans whom Pilate had killed. Because Jesus always knows our hearts, He makes sure we realize there are no “worse sinners.” People may have felt that the Galileans & those in Siloam got what they deserved. But Jesus corrects their thinking and tells them twice, “unless YOU repent, YOU too will perish!”
He then addresses wastefulness & productivity. If something isn’t doing what it was meant to do – like a tree meant produce fruit – get rid of it. Jesus is warning that God will not tolerate forever their (or our) lack of productivity. Hey, John the Baptizer said the same thing just a few chapters back (3:9).
Then, as Jesus heals a crippled woman, the prideful synagogue ruler rebukes Him for doing it on the Sabbath (Side note: Ya’ might want to jot down here not to question the Lord of the Universe!). Jesus humiliates them by pointing out their hypocrisy and their error.
Again, believing that the Messiah would come in marvelous ways (after all, He’s King), Jesus addresses that His Kingdom is beginning quietly, like a small seed and like yeast, but will spread and impact all.
Finally, the question is asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus answer is one we should take note of: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate…” This does not mean we can in any way work or earn our acceptance before God. The “effort” we give to “enter through the narrow gate” is our heart’s desire to KNOW JESUS! Read the rest of the story. Twice He says, “I don’t know you.” Jesus is PLEADING with us to enter a relationship with Him, to come to Him (34) - are you willing to do that?
*PRIDE is often the stumbling block to getting right with God. Do you see yourself as “not that bad a sinner?” If so, it will keep you from God. Read Romans 3:9-18 for God’s perspective J
*Are you wasting valuable time & space on this earth and producing nothing for our Patient Gardener Jesus? We were created to Know Jesus & Make Him Known? Are you involved in this process and allowing God to produce spiritual fruit thru you? Some day, God’s patience will run out. Let’s “make every effort” and serve with joy our Creator!

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