Luke spends most of this chapter talking about “future stuff” which is not a new topic. Three times already Jesus has predicted his death, we’ve been warned to be ready for His return, warned about coming judgment, etc… so this is not a new subject.
We first read a short story about giving. Jesus is watching those who give and notices a poor widow who gave “two very small copper coins.” Although these two coins probably had a value of less than a penny, Jesus tells us SHE gave the most! It’s a good reminder that God is more impressed with our heart in giving than He is with our amount!
Then, as the disciples were impressed with the temple, Jesus bursts their bubble by letting them know that it would be completely destroyed (and it was in AD 70). Intrigued, they ask Jesus when all these things are gonna’ take place and what the signs would be. Luke spends the rest of this chapter recording Jesus’ reply. It sort of goes like this:
*Don’t be deceived…
*It’s gonna’ get worse….
*You will be persecuted…
*I’ll tell you what to say….
*Be strong, it’s gonna’ get worse….
*Keep an eye on Jerusalem….
*Panic will abound for unbelievers…
*Don’t hang on to stuff here…
*It’s gonna’ be really bad for pregnant & nursing moms…
*Celestial signs means it’s getting close…
*These signs bring joyful expectation for believers…
*Be watchful….
Ok… is this all clear? Yeah, whenever the Bible talks about future stuff I’m always a bit confused on the details (I do however take great comfort in knowing that many of the commentaries I read are all over the place on the details as well). Only God knows the exact details of the future, but ONE THING He makes very clear: Jesus IS coming back someday, this time not as meek & mild Jesus, but as King & Judge Jesus! This is clearly understandable. And my role? Be ready!!!
*How’s your heart toward giving? “God so loved the world that He gave…” Is it out of your abundance or sacrificial? Lord, please help me to give sacrificially like you gave Jesus sacrificially for me!
*Are you ready for Jesus to return? It could be today! Are you ready? We can better prepare ourselves for His return by Knowing Him and Making Him Known! Are you growing deeper today in your relationship with Jesus and wider in telling others about Him? Let’s put Nike theology into practice and just do it!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 64 - Luke 20: Religious Peeps Questioning Jesus
Luke devotes this entire chapter towards the religious leaders of Jesus day, the “spiritual heavyweights” at the time. And by now you should know that He’s not going to commend them! Things written about “religious leaders” tend to grab my attention because, although I don’t consider myself “religious”, I do (well I did) work for a church and I have been called to teach students spiritual truths. So I want to listen & learn and not have Jesus torqued at me!
Ya’ gotta’ like this first story. “Hey Jesus, who do you think you are doing all theses miracles & stuff, who sent you?” (I again point out the stupidity of questioning GOD!) Jesus, with his unequalled wisdom, tells them “you tell me who John is and I’ll answer your question.” Ha – He catches them in their own game!
And ohhhh, it gets better. He then proceeds to tell a story (wicked tenants) of wickedness, they agree it is wrong and Jesus quotes the OT basically telling them this story is about them!~! Didn’t make them real happy…
Again, trying to trap Jesus, they send some spies to ask Him about paying taxes. Jesus tells ‘em to look at who’s on the coin and replies, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Wow – great answer!
Then the Sadducees (who don’t believe in the resurrection, that’s why they’re “Sad U See”….he, he) get in on the action. They give Jesus a scenario of a bunch of brothers who keep dying after they marry this same woman (seriously, by the third one wouldn’t you get a clue where you were headed). So they ask who’s wife she’ll be at the resurrection? He basically explains that heaven will not be like life here. Then He hits their real issue – the truth of the resurrection - and you know what it reads next? “And no one dared to ask Him any more questions.” I’ll bet!
*Are you in spiritual leadership? You don’t have to be a pastor or an elder in order to be. I believe all believers are spiritual leaders to some extent – because we have been called to represent GOD! (2 Cor 5:20) So how are you doing? Follow JESUS – not men, not traditions, not rules, just JESUS!
*We have a responsibility to both man (Caesar) and God. How are you doing? There are plenty of laws that keep us from cheating “Caesar.” But what about cheating God? We are to give to Him what is His – our lives. Take some time today to reaffirm to God that you are HIS! And them let’s give Him our all!!!
“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.' "
Ya’ gotta’ like this first story. “Hey Jesus, who do you think you are doing all theses miracles & stuff, who sent you?” (I again point out the stupidity of questioning GOD!) Jesus, with his unequalled wisdom, tells them “you tell me who John is and I’ll answer your question.” Ha – He catches them in their own game!
And ohhhh, it gets better. He then proceeds to tell a story (wicked tenants) of wickedness, they agree it is wrong and Jesus quotes the OT basically telling them this story is about them!~! Didn’t make them real happy…
Again, trying to trap Jesus, they send some spies to ask Him about paying taxes. Jesus tells ‘em to look at who’s on the coin and replies, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Wow – great answer!
Then the Sadducees (who don’t believe in the resurrection, that’s why they’re “Sad U See”….he, he) get in on the action. They give Jesus a scenario of a bunch of brothers who keep dying after they marry this same woman (seriously, by the third one wouldn’t you get a clue where you were headed). So they ask who’s wife she’ll be at the resurrection? He basically explains that heaven will not be like life here. Then He hits their real issue – the truth of the resurrection - and you know what it reads next? “And no one dared to ask Him any more questions.” I’ll bet!
*Are you in spiritual leadership? You don’t have to be a pastor or an elder in order to be. I believe all believers are spiritual leaders to some extent – because we have been called to represent GOD! (2 Cor 5:20) So how are you doing? Follow JESUS – not men, not traditions, not rules, just JESUS!
*We have a responsibility to both man (Caesar) and God. How are you doing? There are plenty of laws that keep us from cheating “Caesar.” But what about cheating God? We are to give to Him what is His – our lives. Take some time today to reaffirm to God that you are HIS! And them let’s give Him our all!!!
“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.' "
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 63 - Luke 19: Small Guy, Big Truth
“Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he….” – so the song goes. Actually, being chief tax collector & rich was a pretty big position. But, desperate times call for desperate measures. Zach knew, as humbling as it might be to climb a tree in order to see Jesus, that it would be worth it. And it was! Jesus asks to come to dinner and Zach has a change of heart. Judging from the reaction of the crowd (vs7), Zach must have been pretty crooked. But his inward change of heart led to outward action, which led Jesus to say, "Today salvation has come to this house………for the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." This is Luke’s message: Jesus Saves! (5:31-32, 15:7,10,32)
Then Jesus tells the parable of the King’s 10 servants. We certainly need to be good stewards of all God gives us. But deeper than that, I believe that this is meant to remind us that Christ has departed to receive His kingdom and one day will return to rule and to judge – specifically those who would not believe! (i.e. didn’t want Him as king vs. 14)
The next event is what is known as Jesus’ “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, the final week of His life. This event marks the beginning of the course Jesus has been telling His disciples about all along. AMAZING how the very people here who are calling Him Messiah & Savior are the very ones who a few days later are saying “crucify Him.” Their lack to repent and respond to Him as their Savior led Jesus to weep! In spite of even this, the religious peeps were determined to kill Jesus but “could not find a way to do it, because all the people hung on His words.”
*To what extreme would we go to “get a glimpse of Jesus?” To sit at His feet….. Give half of all you have away? Make things right with those you’ve cheated?? Most of us like to park in front & sit in back when it comes to church…………maybe we should flip ‘em around this week? I mean, when I go to a sports event or concert I never ask for the back row. J Let’s hang on His Word!
*Jesus is coming back soon, are we ready? He came to seek and to save the lost – you & me & everyone! Thank you Jesus! I need you and don’t stand a chance without you!
Then Jesus tells the parable of the King’s 10 servants. We certainly need to be good stewards of all God gives us. But deeper than that, I believe that this is meant to remind us that Christ has departed to receive His kingdom and one day will return to rule and to judge – specifically those who would not believe! (i.e. didn’t want Him as king vs. 14)
The next event is what is known as Jesus’ “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, the final week of His life. This event marks the beginning of the course Jesus has been telling His disciples about all along. AMAZING how the very people here who are calling Him Messiah & Savior are the very ones who a few days later are saying “crucify Him.” Their lack to repent and respond to Him as their Savior led Jesus to weep! In spite of even this, the religious peeps were determined to kill Jesus but “could not find a way to do it, because all the people hung on His words.”
*To what extreme would we go to “get a glimpse of Jesus?” To sit at His feet….. Give half of all you have away? Make things right with those you’ve cheated?? Most of us like to park in front & sit in back when it comes to church…………maybe we should flip ‘em around this week? I mean, when I go to a sports event or concert I never ask for the back row. J Let’s hang on His Word!
*Jesus is coming back soon, are we ready? He came to seek and to save the lost – you & me & everyone! Thank you Jesus! I need you and don’t stand a chance without you!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 62 - Luke 18: Prayer & What it Takes to Be Right with God
Have you ever read a passage of scripture numerous times and all of the sudden discover something new? That’s totally me today with the first story. The persistent widow story has always troubled me. So like, if you bug God long enough, He’ll give in?! Now I know I used to do that with my parents and it worked (sad but true), but is God really like that? I mean, does He say one thing and then because you wear Him down, say something different? Ummmmm – NO – you can’t equate God in this story to the “unrighteous judge.” The story tells us about God, who IS Righteous, and that He will certainly respond with compassion to His own when they cry out to Him! Yes – we should persist in prayer (1 Thess 5:17), but God doesn’t respond out of weariness but out of compassion & love.
Then there’s the two guys praying – this is a great example of “justification” – being made right with God. The Pharisee starts listing off all the reasons why God should accept him and that he’s glad not to be like the sorry chump next to him! Honestly, squeaky clean people (or at least they think they are) like this make me gag! Clearly the story teaches how a sinner, who has absolutely no righteousness, can in an instant be declared righteous by God because they repented..…vs 14, ”I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God.”
Jesus also addresses two things again: First, the foolishness of placing earthly riches above God. Second, Jesus repeats (for the third time) the fact that He was going to be beaten, killed and rise again.
Just as this chapter begins with pleading, it ends with pleading. This time it’s a beggar pleading for Jesus to give him sight. It is interesting to note what Jesus DOES and what Jesus SAYS. "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you." Again, it is FAITH that is the real message!
*When was the last time you “begged” God for a friend or family member that they might come to know Jesus? We persist to get so many things in so many other areas, why wouldn’t we persist with the eternal issues?! Why not make a list today of 3 friends/peeps that you want to see come to know Jesus in 2012. Then begin to “beg” God daily for those 3 and watch what He does!
*Have you ever been guilty of being thankful that you’re “not like other men?” Lets never forget that apart from the grace of God shown to us, WE ARE like all other sinners! Faith alone in Christ alone is our only hope!
Then there’s the two guys praying – this is a great example of “justification” – being made right with God. The Pharisee starts listing off all the reasons why God should accept him and that he’s glad not to be like the sorry chump next to him! Honestly, squeaky clean people (or at least they think they are) like this make me gag! Clearly the story teaches how a sinner, who has absolutely no righteousness, can in an instant be declared righteous by God because they repented..…vs 14, ”I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God.”
Jesus also addresses two things again: First, the foolishness of placing earthly riches above God. Second, Jesus repeats (for the third time) the fact that He was going to be beaten, killed and rise again.
Just as this chapter begins with pleading, it ends with pleading. This time it’s a beggar pleading for Jesus to give him sight. It is interesting to note what Jesus DOES and what Jesus SAYS. "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you." Again, it is FAITH that is the real message!
*When was the last time you “begged” God for a friend or family member that they might come to know Jesus? We persist to get so many things in so many other areas, why wouldn’t we persist with the eternal issues?! Why not make a list today of 3 friends/peeps that you want to see come to know Jesus in 2012. Then begin to “beg” God daily for those 3 and watch what He does!
*Have you ever been guilty of being thankful that you’re “not like other men?” Lets never forget that apart from the grace of God shown to us, WE ARE like all other sinners! Faith alone in Christ alone is our only hope!
Monday, March 26, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 61 - Luke 17: Forgiveness, Faith and God’s Kingdom
Forgiveness is both an incredible gift from God as well as a very painful thing to exercise. It was certainly a killer for Jesus! Literally – Hebrews 9:22 tells us that “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness” of sin. Only through the Holy Spirit’s power - as I remember the extent that God in Christ forgave me - can I forgive others. But that IS what God commands us to do. Overwhelmed by the thought? Jesus’ disciples were so overwhelmed by the thought that they asked Jesus to “increase their faith!”
Faith in Christ will lead to gratefulness, as we see in the next section. Jesus heals 10 lepers and only one of them comes back to give praise to God! Jesus then tells the one who did come to “Rise & go, your faith has healed you.” So, ok…………if he was already healed, what did Jesus mean? Literally the words mean, “saved you.” You see, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Not by following all the “rules” the Pharisees put on them at the time.
In the final part of this chapter Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God. And yeah, if you read this stuff and sometimes go “what does this mean”, then get in line with the rest of us! It’s future stuff and ONLY GOD understands it completely because only He transcends time. But there are things we can understand though. God’s kingdom is more a spiritual kingdom than a physical one (“within you”). Jesus’ return will come quickly and when we don’t expect it – like “lightning.” It is meant to teach us to be ready. And it will bring with it judgment!
*Are you a forgiving person? Is there someone whom you need to show forgiveness to? The more we truly grasp the unconditional and limitless forgiveness God has shown us, the more we will forgive whatever others have done to us! Forgive. Ephesians 4:32
*Are you ready for Jesus to come back? Ok, ok, none of us are really “ready” but we can be prepared! Are you spending time each day growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus and wider in your witness to others? Our time will be up some day.
*This past week, have you been more of a complainer or more of a thanker? (ha- new word) Faith is Christ will lead to a grateful spirit and that grateful spirit will be a refreshing witness to those around you! Why not start right now by taking a moment to thank God for who He is and for all He has done for us!
Faith in Christ will lead to gratefulness, as we see in the next section. Jesus heals 10 lepers and only one of them comes back to give praise to God! Jesus then tells the one who did come to “Rise & go, your faith has healed you.” So, ok…………if he was already healed, what did Jesus mean? Literally the words mean, “saved you.” You see, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Not by following all the “rules” the Pharisees put on them at the time.
In the final part of this chapter Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God. And yeah, if you read this stuff and sometimes go “what does this mean”, then get in line with the rest of us! It’s future stuff and ONLY GOD understands it completely because only He transcends time. But there are things we can understand though. God’s kingdom is more a spiritual kingdom than a physical one (“within you”). Jesus’ return will come quickly and when we don’t expect it – like “lightning.” It is meant to teach us to be ready. And it will bring with it judgment!
*Are you a forgiving person? Is there someone whom you need to show forgiveness to? The more we truly grasp the unconditional and limitless forgiveness God has shown us, the more we will forgive whatever others have done to us! Forgive. Ephesians 4:32
*Are you ready for Jesus to come back? Ok, ok, none of us are really “ready” but we can be prepared! Are you spending time each day growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus and wider in your witness to others? Our time will be up some day.
*This past week, have you been more of a complainer or more of a thanker? (ha- new word) Faith is Christ will lead to a grateful spirit and that grateful spirit will be a refreshing witness to those around you! Why not start right now by taking a moment to thank God for who He is and for all He has done for us!
Friday, March 23, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS -Day 60 - Luke 16: Money, Money, Money
How we handle money is a good indicator of where we are in our relationship with Jesus! In this chapter, Jesus gives us stories to illustrate just that.
He begins with a rich man whose got wind that his CFO was mishandling his money. So he confronts him and lets him know he’s gonna’ be fired. Quickly, this manager, knowing he’s gonna’ be out on the street soon, cleverly arranges discounts to his master’s debtors – something they are quick to agree too! This would gain their indebtedness to him so when he got the boot from his boss they would feel obligated to help him out. And what was the masters response? He praised this manager for his craftiness - which may give hint that he too was a wicked man! How sad to try to buy your friends.
Then Jesus addressed the Pharisees’ habit of seeking the approval of men. How many times did they (or do we) need to be reminded that we can’t be or live good enough to please God?!~! And that HIS way trumps any clever ways we might come up with.
The final story of the rich man & Lazarus (not the friend Jesus rose from the dead) reminds us again of Jesus’ previous words, “Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last." - 13:30. In this story the beggar Lazarus is rewarded and the rich man is punished. The rich man did not go to hell because of his wealth, but because he was selfish – refusing to feed Lazarus, take him in or care for him. Being blessed with wealth is not sin, but to keep it for only your own purposes is!
*The way we use our money is a good test of our faith in God. How are you using what God has given you? Nervous about giving because then who will meet “my needs?” Go ahead and give, God IS big enough to meet your needs!
*The amount of money we have is not as important as how we use it. What is your attitude towards money & possessions? Remember we are stewards/managers – not owners (Psalm 24:1). We often ask the question, “How much of my money should I give to the Lord?” To put things in perspective, a better question would be, “How much of the Lord’s money should I keep, and where does He want me to put the rest?”
*Finally, we’ll only use money in this life! You can’t take it with you BUT you can send treasure ahead………….…Matthew 6:19-21. (Pay it Forward)
He begins with a rich man whose got wind that his CFO was mishandling his money. So he confronts him and lets him know he’s gonna’ be fired. Quickly, this manager, knowing he’s gonna’ be out on the street soon, cleverly arranges discounts to his master’s debtors – something they are quick to agree too! This would gain their indebtedness to him so when he got the boot from his boss they would feel obligated to help him out. And what was the masters response? He praised this manager for his craftiness - which may give hint that he too was a wicked man! How sad to try to buy your friends.
Then Jesus addressed the Pharisees’ habit of seeking the approval of men. How many times did they (or do we) need to be reminded that we can’t be or live good enough to please God?!~! And that HIS way trumps any clever ways we might come up with.
The final story of the rich man & Lazarus (not the friend Jesus rose from the dead) reminds us again of Jesus’ previous words, “Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last." - 13:30. In this story the beggar Lazarus is rewarded and the rich man is punished. The rich man did not go to hell because of his wealth, but because he was selfish – refusing to feed Lazarus, take him in or care for him. Being blessed with wealth is not sin, but to keep it for only your own purposes is!
*The way we use our money is a good test of our faith in God. How are you using what God has given you? Nervous about giving because then who will meet “my needs?” Go ahead and give, God IS big enough to meet your needs!
*The amount of money we have is not as important as how we use it. What is your attitude towards money & possessions? Remember we are stewards/managers – not owners (Psalm 24:1). We often ask the question, “How much of my money should I give to the Lord?” To put things in perspective, a better question would be, “How much of the Lord’s money should I keep, and where does He want me to put the rest?”
*Finally, we’ll only use money in this life! You can’t take it with you BUT you can send treasure ahead………….…Matthew 6:19-21. (Pay it Forward)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 59 - Luke 15: Three Stories, One Message
The three stories in this chapter comprise an incredible truth from God on value.
The Lost Sheep:
You’d think that leaving 99 sheep alone might be foolish but a shepherd knows that the 99 will be ok together whereas the lost one would be in danger. The value of the lost sheep drove the shepherd to both risk and to rejoice.
The Lost Coin:
Palestinian women received 10 silver coins as a wedding gift. So to lose one of them was both the loss of something of monetary value as well as a loss of sentimental value. It would be like losing your wedding ring today. This led to both an extreme search and eventually extreme rejoicing.
The Lost Son:
So in this story you have the selfish son wanting his inheritance early so he could leave and truly “enjoy life.” He soon learned the truth of 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “If man will not work, he shall not eat.” He blew it all and now was hungry and in need, bad enough that he was willing to eat even the pig slop! Then God grabbed his heart. He recognized he had sinned against GOD and his dad, in humility sought forgiveness and was welcomed back by a father running to him! Incredible!
So here’s the KEY: All three stories teach us what is truly valuable! We first see the hint of this in verse 2 when the religious peeps are put out because Jesus “welcomes sinners and eats with them.” In telling these stories, Jesus points out that what His Father values most is SOULS, not animals or coins. I believe this because at the end of each story He states it:
Verse 7: “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
Verse 10: “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Verse 32: “But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
*What are you valuing today, right now? Are people (souls) more important to you than “stuff?” Look at where you spend your time and money – that’s a good indicator. Always remember, only 2 things in life last forever: God & His Word and the souls of men & women. Lord, please help us to pour our lives into these two things!
*How do you respond to God’s grace & mercy on others? Are you like the brother of the lost son who had a hard time accepting his brother back and was jealous? We can tend to want grace & mercy for ourselves but want God to give others “what they deserve” so they’ll learn! Let’s love mercy & grace everywhere and rejoice over the things God rejoices over!
“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." – Luke 15:10
The Lost Sheep:
You’d think that leaving 99 sheep alone might be foolish but a shepherd knows that the 99 will be ok together whereas the lost one would be in danger. The value of the lost sheep drove the shepherd to both risk and to rejoice.
The Lost Coin:
Palestinian women received 10 silver coins as a wedding gift. So to lose one of them was both the loss of something of monetary value as well as a loss of sentimental value. It would be like losing your wedding ring today. This led to both an extreme search and eventually extreme rejoicing.
The Lost Son:
So in this story you have the selfish son wanting his inheritance early so he could leave and truly “enjoy life.” He soon learned the truth of 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “If man will not work, he shall not eat.” He blew it all and now was hungry and in need, bad enough that he was willing to eat even the pig slop! Then God grabbed his heart. He recognized he had sinned against GOD and his dad, in humility sought forgiveness and was welcomed back by a father running to him! Incredible!
So here’s the KEY: All three stories teach us what is truly valuable! We first see the hint of this in verse 2 when the religious peeps are put out because Jesus “welcomes sinners and eats with them.” In telling these stories, Jesus points out that what His Father values most is SOULS, not animals or coins. I believe this because at the end of each story He states it:
Verse 7: “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
Verse 10: “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Verse 32: “But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
*What are you valuing today, right now? Are people (souls) more important to you than “stuff?” Look at where you spend your time and money – that’s a good indicator. Always remember, only 2 things in life last forever: God & His Word and the souls of men & women. Lord, please help us to pour our lives into these two things!
*How do you respond to God’s grace & mercy on others? Are you like the brother of the lost son who had a hard time accepting his brother back and was jealous? We can tend to want grace & mercy for ourselves but want God to give others “what they deserve” so they’ll learn! Let’s love mercy & grace everywhere and rejoice over the things God rejoices over!
“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." – Luke 15:10
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 58 - Luke 14: Counting the Cost…..Again!
This is the second time (Ch 9) in these first few chapters that Jesus specifically teaches the high & humble cost of following Him. And I believe it begins with the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2). Jesus brings a whole new way of life & thinking that confronts the old ways of law & tradition. We see this as He again addresses healing on the Sabbath. This time He asks them straight out “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Survey says……..nothing……..silence……..they knew the answer but admitting it was ok would go against their tradition!
Then Jesus tells a parable to teach the humility of those who desire to follow Him. Bottom line: “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Next, Jesus tells the parable of the great feast where people are too busy, or it was inconvenient to come to the King’s banquet so then the King invites ANY who would come.
Finally, Jesus again talks about counting the cost of following Him. Here, Jesus does not mean we are to “hate” these people. What is meant is that He (Jesus) receives priority over your parents, your spouse, your family and even your own life! The cost is high because it’s meant to be a totally different lifestyle, a transformed one (Rom 12:2). What good is salt (believers) if it has no taste (no difference in living)?
*Jesus’ words often left people speechless. As you read your Bible, the Word of God, I hope you & I are left speechless at times as well! No other book in the world is “living and active” and cuts to our soul like the Bible. I hope these devos are helpful, but never put them in the place of God’s Word!
*And ok….. humility. The joke goes, “I had a friend who received a humility award…..but then he showed it to someone…..” ha, ha. Indeed, “the last shall be fist and the first shall be last.” We are so good at exalting the unholy trinity of Me, Myself & I! Always remember, life & eternity is NOT about us!
*Jesus is calling us to His banquet, to follow Him. Are we ready or we you too busy with school or pleasure or work? As great a school district or as great a job or as enjoyable as pleasure is, if you give them every waking moment of your day they’ll take it. Then you can become unavailable for the things of God. Or maybe it’s inconvenient to fit God in. Let me encourage you, God doesn’t want to be squeezed in. Put Jesus at the center of your life and work everything else in. He wants to be the hub on your wheel of life, not just a spoke!
Then Jesus tells a parable to teach the humility of those who desire to follow Him. Bottom line: “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Next, Jesus tells the parable of the great feast where people are too busy, or it was inconvenient to come to the King’s banquet so then the King invites ANY who would come.
Finally, Jesus again talks about counting the cost of following Him. Here, Jesus does not mean we are to “hate” these people. What is meant is that He (Jesus) receives priority over your parents, your spouse, your family and even your own life! The cost is high because it’s meant to be a totally different lifestyle, a transformed one (Rom 12:2). What good is salt (believers) if it has no taste (no difference in living)?
*Jesus’ words often left people speechless. As you read your Bible, the Word of God, I hope you & I are left speechless at times as well! No other book in the world is “living and active” and cuts to our soul like the Bible. I hope these devos are helpful, but never put them in the place of God’s Word!
*And ok….. humility. The joke goes, “I had a friend who received a humility award…..but then he showed it to someone…..” ha, ha. Indeed, “the last shall be fist and the first shall be last.” We are so good at exalting the unholy trinity of Me, Myself & I! Always remember, life & eternity is NOT about us!
*Jesus is calling us to His banquet, to follow Him. Are we ready or we you too busy with school or pleasure or work? As great a school district or as great a job or as enjoyable as pleasure is, if you give them every waking moment of your day they’ll take it. Then you can become unavailable for the things of God. Or maybe it’s inconvenient to fit God in. Let me encourage you, God doesn’t want to be squeezed in. Put Jesus at the center of your life and work everything else in. He wants to be the hub on your wheel of life, not just a spoke!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 57 - Luke 13: Getting Right with God
At the heart of Jesus’ loving & restoring message is repentance – a realization that we need to get right with our Creator. And with that, as a back drop, comes the issues of pride.
Jesus addresses this attitude when being told about a group of Galileans whom Pilate had killed. Because Jesus always knows our hearts, He makes sure we realize there are no “worse sinners.” People may have felt that the Galileans & those in Siloam got what they deserved. But Jesus corrects their thinking and tells them twice, “unless YOU repent, YOU too will perish!”
He then addresses wastefulness & productivity. If something isn’t doing what it was meant to do – like a tree meant produce fruit – get rid of it. Jesus is warning that God will not tolerate forever their (or our) lack of productivity. Hey, John the Baptizer said the same thing just a few chapters back (3:9).
Then, as Jesus heals a crippled woman, the prideful synagogue ruler rebukes Him for doing it on the Sabbath (Side note: Ya’ might want to jot down here not to question the Lord of the Universe!). Jesus humiliates them by pointing out their hypocrisy and their error.
Again, believing that the Messiah would come in marvelous ways (after all, He’s King), Jesus addresses that His Kingdom is beginning quietly, like a small seed and like yeast, but will spread and impact all.
Finally, the question is asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus answer is one we should take note of: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate…” This does not mean we can in any way work or earn our acceptance before God. The “effort” we give to “enter through the narrow gate” is our heart’s desire to KNOW JESUS! Read the rest of the story. Twice He says, “I don’t know you.” Jesus is PLEADING with us to enter a relationship with Him, to come to Him (34) - are you willing to do that?
*PRIDE is often the stumbling block to getting right with God. Do you see yourself as “not that bad a sinner?” If so, it will keep you from God. Read Romans 3:9-18 for God’s perspective J
*Are you wasting valuable time & space on this earth and producing nothing for our Patient Gardener Jesus? We were created to Know Jesus & Make Him Known? Are you involved in this process and allowing God to produce spiritual fruit thru you? Some day, God’s patience will run out. Let’s “make every effort” and serve with joy our Creator!
Jesus addresses this attitude when being told about a group of Galileans whom Pilate had killed. Because Jesus always knows our hearts, He makes sure we realize there are no “worse sinners.” People may have felt that the Galileans & those in Siloam got what they deserved. But Jesus corrects their thinking and tells them twice, “unless YOU repent, YOU too will perish!”
He then addresses wastefulness & productivity. If something isn’t doing what it was meant to do – like a tree meant produce fruit – get rid of it. Jesus is warning that God will not tolerate forever their (or our) lack of productivity. Hey, John the Baptizer said the same thing just a few chapters back (3:9).
Then, as Jesus heals a crippled woman, the prideful synagogue ruler rebukes Him for doing it on the Sabbath (Side note: Ya’ might want to jot down here not to question the Lord of the Universe!). Jesus humiliates them by pointing out their hypocrisy and their error.
Again, believing that the Messiah would come in marvelous ways (after all, He’s King), Jesus addresses that His Kingdom is beginning quietly, like a small seed and like yeast, but will spread and impact all.
Finally, the question is asked, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Jesus answer is one we should take note of: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate…” This does not mean we can in any way work or earn our acceptance before God. The “effort” we give to “enter through the narrow gate” is our heart’s desire to KNOW JESUS! Read the rest of the story. Twice He says, “I don’t know you.” Jesus is PLEADING with us to enter a relationship with Him, to come to Him (34) - are you willing to do that?
*PRIDE is often the stumbling block to getting right with God. Do you see yourself as “not that bad a sinner?” If so, it will keep you from God. Read Romans 3:9-18 for God’s perspective J
*Are you wasting valuable time & space on this earth and producing nothing for our Patient Gardener Jesus? We were created to Know Jesus & Make Him Known? Are you involved in this process and allowing God to produce spiritual fruit thru you? Some day, God’s patience will run out. Let’s “make every effort” and serve with joy our Creator!
Monday, March 19, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 56 - Luke 12: Red Letters
Nearly all of today’s reading is in “red letters” = the recorded words of Jesus. So today for a change, I thought I’d pick out a few verses that stood out to me:
• "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God.” Ever been ashamed or embarrassed of Jesus? These verses are sobering. Peter was. The other disciples were. Then they received the Holy Spirit and their lives were never the same. Let’s live unashamedly!
• "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." What are you wanting today? Money? iPhone? iMac? iPad? iWant?!~ Lord please help me to want the things YOU want! For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
• “It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes….you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." What are you doing to be ready to meet Jesus? He IS coming back!
• “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” I don’t know about you, but I have been given soooooo much: God’s Word, faith in Jesus, good health, loving wife, wonderful son, hilarious daughter, great job, faithful mentors, the best friends, food, clothes, shelter, yadda, yadda, yadda…. I could go on & on! I’ll need my entire life to say thanks back to God by living for Him. How about you?
• "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God.” Ever been ashamed or embarrassed of Jesus? These verses are sobering. Peter was. The other disciples were. Then they received the Holy Spirit and their lives were never the same. Let’s live unashamedly!
• "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." What are you wanting today? Money? iPhone? iMac? iPad? iWant?!~ Lord please help me to want the things YOU want! For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
• “It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes….you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." What are you doing to be ready to meet Jesus? He IS coming back!
• “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” I don’t know about you, but I have been given soooooo much: God’s Word, faith in Jesus, good health, loving wife, wonderful son, hilarious daughter, great job, faithful mentors, the best friends, food, clothes, shelter, yadda, yadda, yadda…. I could go on & on! I’ll need my entire life to say thanks back to God by living for Him. How about you?
Friday, March 16, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 55 - Luke 11: Prayer & Warnings
This chapter begins with the disciples asking Jesus to teach them to pray. Interesting that they could have asked Him to teach them how to witness, or to serve or to do miracles or hundred other things. BUT they asked Him to teach them to pray. They had been seeing Jesus get away with His Heavenly Father and the difference & power in his life must have been so evident that they wanted in on it! He then gives them what has been called “The Lord’s Prayer” which is actually meant to be how WE should pray TO the Lord. Principles like reverence, petition, seeking forgiveness from sin, help us for give, keep us from temptation and to persevere.
Then Jesus, always knowing hearts, explains things to his followers and gives warnings:
- He is not Satan and the miracles he does are not from Satan….that would be divisive.
- People think if they would just see more signs/proof they’d believe = not true!
- Guard your eyes & desires. Spend time with God & His Word.
- WOE TO THOSE who try to look good on the outside (i.e. wash your hands, give 10%, go to church, serve the Lord, etc…) but whose hearts are always evil!
*How is your prayer life? Would anyone see it as so incredible that they would ask you to teach them how to pray? Yeah……no one has ever asked me either. Let’s ask GOD to teach us to pray!
*How convinced are you that Jesus is Lord God? Spend time in your Bible and more & more time there. Pray and the Holy Spirit will continue to deepen your faith!
*Finally, are you trying to look better that God knows you are? That was the sin of Ananias & Sapphira in Acts 5 and God didn’t appreciate it! Let’s be real and allow God daily conform us to HIS image!
Then Jesus, always knowing hearts, explains things to his followers and gives warnings:
- He is not Satan and the miracles he does are not from Satan….that would be divisive.
- People think if they would just see more signs/proof they’d believe = not true!
- Guard your eyes & desires. Spend time with God & His Word.
- WOE TO THOSE who try to look good on the outside (i.e. wash your hands, give 10%, go to church, serve the Lord, etc…) but whose hearts are always evil!
*How is your prayer life? Would anyone see it as so incredible that they would ask you to teach them how to pray? Yeah……no one has ever asked me either. Let’s ask GOD to teach us to pray!
*How convinced are you that Jesus is Lord God? Spend time in your Bible and more & more time there. Pray and the Holy Spirit will continue to deepen your faith!
*Finally, are you trying to look better that God knows you are? That was the sin of Ananias & Sapphira in Acts 5 and God didn’t appreciate it! Let’s be real and allow God daily conform us to HIS image!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 54 - Luke 10: Ministry for Jesus, Pride & What Truly Matters
As we read today’s chapter we need to remember that at the end of the previous chapter Jesus had just let His disciples know that following Him was costly. By now there were more that just the 12 who had been following. Totally cool that Jesus in a sense asks them, “who’s in?” Immediately, those willing to count the cost, He sends out in pairs (Mormons have learned this well, though their message is flawed), gives instructions and follows up (just as he did with the 12 in ch 9).
As they report back, Jesus addresses their pride and points out what REALLY matters. They’re stoked that the demons even submit to them……and I have to admit, that would have been pretty cool. But Jesus tells them however “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Oh yeah, how often we forget that life’s about Jesus! And what a PRIVILEGE it is to know Jesus and make Him known (21-24)!
He then addresses the heart of the law expert. This “expert” felt like he was “doing ok” and yet when Jesus asks him which one in the parable was a neighbor, he couldn’t even say “Samaritan” but replied “the one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him to do likewise, which would have meant to reach out to………wow…….a Samaritan! An outcast!
The chapter concludes with Martha so busy “doing” when, according to Jesus, “being” was more important at the time! Ouch…..any Martha’s out there?!
*I hope that those of us who know Jesus realize just how much of a PRIVILEGE it is to serve Him! He doesn’t need us, could do much better without us, but wants us to serve Him in spite of us! Thanks Lord!!!
*With that said, ever think what God allows you to do is so cool that you focus on it? Remember, it’s about Jesus, not us J
Finally, do you truly believe Jesus’ words that “the harvest is plentiful?” If so, then let’s “ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.” And yep, you guessed it, He may well want US to be the answer to that prayer!!! Let’s be good farmers today and every day!!!
As they report back, Jesus addresses their pride and points out what REALLY matters. They’re stoked that the demons even submit to them……and I have to admit, that would have been pretty cool. But Jesus tells them however “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Oh yeah, how often we forget that life’s about Jesus! And what a PRIVILEGE it is to know Jesus and make Him known (21-24)!
He then addresses the heart of the law expert. This “expert” felt like he was “doing ok” and yet when Jesus asks him which one in the parable was a neighbor, he couldn’t even say “Samaritan” but replied “the one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him to do likewise, which would have meant to reach out to………wow…….a Samaritan! An outcast!
The chapter concludes with Martha so busy “doing” when, according to Jesus, “being” was more important at the time! Ouch…..any Martha’s out there?!
*I hope that those of us who know Jesus realize just how much of a PRIVILEGE it is to serve Him! He doesn’t need us, could do much better without us, but wants us to serve Him in spite of us! Thanks Lord!!!
*With that said, ever think what God allows you to do is so cool that you focus on it? Remember, it’s about Jesus, not us J
Finally, do you truly believe Jesus’ words that “the harvest is plentiful?” If so, then let’s “ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.” And yep, you guessed it, He may well want US to be the answer to that prayer!!! Let’s be good farmers today and every day!!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 53 - Luke 9: Losers (vs 24) Counting the Cost!
Wow – can you say way too much to cover in one chapter and one devotion?!~! So I’ll focus on three things:
First, we see the learners (disciples) now becoming sent ones (apostles: apo = out, stella = sent). The call to “follow me”, is from the get go is a call with the intention of becoming “fishers of men.” Check out Jesus’ leadership methods: Empower them (vs 1), delegate to them (vs 2), give them specific instructions (vs 3-4), teach them how to deal with adversity (vs 5), send ‘em out (vs 6) and hold them accountable (vs 10). This is great leadership stuff!
Secondly, Jesus predicts His death twice in this passage. He continually wants them to see the big picture and although His disciples don’t get it yet, they will.
Finally, in verses 23-27 comes one of my favorite and most challenging passages in the Bible! What are the requirements to follow Jesus? Total surrender, no more thinking about ourselves, possibly death, and more of the same. Later in verses 57-62 He again states the high cost of following Him.
*Where are you in regards to learning and being sent? Most believers are comfortable learning but fear being sent, so all their lives they just learn more & more & more about Jesus and rarely speak the good news to anyone. Who have you shared Christ with this past week? This past month? This past year? We have THE GREATEST NEWS anyone could ever receive and God never meant for us to keep it to ourselves! Share it today!!!
*Do you get “the big picture?” Jesus died, was buried, rose again, ascended into heaven and is coming back soon to take all those who trust in Him to be with Him forever, and then will judge sin and this sinful world. Are you ready? Let’s set our hearts on things above (Colossians 3).
*What is it costing you to follow Jesus? Are striving for all this life has to offer you? Never, forget that saving your life (living for yourself) will cost you your soul. Rather, let’s be a LOSER for Jesus! (Lose your life you’ll save it)
Wow – now that’s some Cool God Stuff to chew on today……
First, we see the learners (disciples) now becoming sent ones (apostles: apo = out, stella = sent). The call to “follow me”, is from the get go is a call with the intention of becoming “fishers of men.” Check out Jesus’ leadership methods: Empower them (vs 1), delegate to them (vs 2), give them specific instructions (vs 3-4), teach them how to deal with adversity (vs 5), send ‘em out (vs 6) and hold them accountable (vs 10). This is great leadership stuff!
Secondly, Jesus predicts His death twice in this passage. He continually wants them to see the big picture and although His disciples don’t get it yet, they will.
Finally, in verses 23-27 comes one of my favorite and most challenging passages in the Bible! What are the requirements to follow Jesus? Total surrender, no more thinking about ourselves, possibly death, and more of the same. Later in verses 57-62 He again states the high cost of following Him.
*Where are you in regards to learning and being sent? Most believers are comfortable learning but fear being sent, so all their lives they just learn more & more & more about Jesus and rarely speak the good news to anyone. Who have you shared Christ with this past week? This past month? This past year? We have THE GREATEST NEWS anyone could ever receive and God never meant for us to keep it to ourselves! Share it today!!!
*Do you get “the big picture?” Jesus died, was buried, rose again, ascended into heaven and is coming back soon to take all those who trust in Him to be with Him forever, and then will judge sin and this sinful world. Are you ready? Let’s set our hearts on things above (Colossians 3).
*What is it costing you to follow Jesus? Are striving for all this life has to offer you? Never, forget that saving your life (living for yourself) will cost you your soul. Rather, let’s be a LOSER for Jesus! (Lose your life you’ll save it)
Wow – now that’s some Cool God Stuff to chew on today……
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 52 - Luke 8: Women, Dirt & More Miracles
I hope as we are reading we keep in mind the big picture – that Luke is one of four Gospel accounts, each of which are “manifesting” God to us, i.e…..Jesus is God! That all these miracles and stories are meant to bring us onto a relationship with the Author!
We begin with 3 short verses on Jesus ministering to some women. The Jewish culture was degrading towards women but here Jesus lifts them up as equals. This would have been a huge and welcome change for women at that time.
And ohhhh - the parable of the four soils. Are we talking about believers & unbelievers? Is it an allegory? There are lots of differing interpretations on this one. Best to stick with the one Jesus gives here! I think the overall point is this: God wants us to allow His Word (the seed) to impact our lives and the lives of those whom we come into contact with (Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known). This makes us His “true family” (vs 21).
Then, because Jesus is God, telling the wind and water to “chill” is not a problem for Him! (Side note – He again addresses their faith). Because Jesus is God, He has authority over……... ummm…….. everything & everyone! So demons tremble as well as obey. And read what he told the formerly demon possessed guy, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” JESUS did these things and, oh yeah, Jesus is God!
And I’ve had a cuts that have bled for a while, but not for 12 years! But somehow, knowing Jesus could help her, she touches Him and is healed. And Jesus commends her for what? Her faith! Then, as he addresses Jairus the synagogue ruler about his dead daughter, Jesus again makes it a faith issue, “…just believe and she will be healed.” And ya’ gotta love this scene: Jesus tells them all, “stop wailing” and “she’s just sleeping.” They’re all laughing at Him until she suddenly stands up – WOWSA!
*What is your view towards the women, the downcast, the “freaks” of society (in those days demon-possessed)? God always went to them and showed them love & help. Who is it today that you can reach out to? Lord, send me the students in town that no other church wants!~
*Are you & I humbled by the greatness of Jesus? I hope we are and I pray it drives us to our knees in gratefulness each day! Let’s Know Jesus and Make Him Known!
We begin with 3 short verses on Jesus ministering to some women. The Jewish culture was degrading towards women but here Jesus lifts them up as equals. This would have been a huge and welcome change for women at that time.
And ohhhh - the parable of the four soils. Are we talking about believers & unbelievers? Is it an allegory? There are lots of differing interpretations on this one. Best to stick with the one Jesus gives here! I think the overall point is this: God wants us to allow His Word (the seed) to impact our lives and the lives of those whom we come into contact with (Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known). This makes us His “true family” (vs 21).
Then, because Jesus is God, telling the wind and water to “chill” is not a problem for Him! (Side note – He again addresses their faith). Because Jesus is God, He has authority over……... ummm…….. everything & everyone! So demons tremble as well as obey. And read what he told the formerly demon possessed guy, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” JESUS did these things and, oh yeah, Jesus is God!
And I’ve had a cuts that have bled for a while, but not for 12 years! But somehow, knowing Jesus could help her, she touches Him and is healed. And Jesus commends her for what? Her faith! Then, as he addresses Jairus the synagogue ruler about his dead daughter, Jesus again makes it a faith issue, “…just believe and she will be healed.” And ya’ gotta love this scene: Jesus tells them all, “stop wailing” and “she’s just sleeping.” They’re all laughing at Him until she suddenly stands up – WOWSA!
*What is your view towards the women, the downcast, the “freaks” of society (in those days demon-possessed)? God always went to them and showed them love & help. Who is it today that you can reach out to? Lord, send me the students in town that no other church wants!~
*Are you & I humbled by the greatness of Jesus? I hope we are and I pray it drives us to our knees in gratefulness each day! Let’s Know Jesus and Make Him Known!
Monday, March 12, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 51 - Luke 7: Four Stories, One Theme
In today’s chapter we read some pretty amazing stuff! I believe each of these stories teach FAITH. We first read about the Centurion who exercises faith that Jesus can heal his dying servant by just the word of his mouth. Jesus then says, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”
Then you have the Jesus interrupting a funeral for the son of a widow lady. He touches the coffin and tells him to get up! It says that the dead guy sits up & talks! Now, as much as I would have loved to heard what he said, it’s more intriguing to see their response: Praising God and spreading the news!
Next we have John the baptizer (that is what he did, he wasn’t “baptist” in the sense of denomination) wondering if Jesus is the promised one. This gives us another aspect of faith: sometimes we have doubts! Jesus assures John with His words of both comfort & evidence – and, just like John, our doubts too can be calmed by going to God’s Word.
Finally, a sinful woman, most likely an adulteress, interrupts a meal Jesus was having with the Pharisees. She falls down sobbing on Jesus feet and wiping the tears off with her hair. And, as usual, the religious peeps didn’t like it: “Doesn’t he know this is a nasty woman?!” And again, Jesus sets them straight by telling a story that makes them look bad – ha! He concludes by saying to her, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.”
*So – where is your faith? I don’t mean the faith you exercise when you sit on a chair and trust it won’t break, or ride in a bus to school and trust you’ll get there safe (he, he). I’m talking about faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Why did Jesus tell the woman her sins are forgiven? Because she showed faith in Christ! The Bible says we’re all sinners (Rom 3:23) and ONLY JESUS can forgive sins! Have you ever, by God’s grace, believed this? If not, you can right now! Read John 1:12 ☺
*If you already HAVE faith in Jesus, how is it? I believe my son Drew has the gift of faith, He totally believes God can do anything (shouldn’t we all?). He loves trains and a few years ago he had a track that broke. Three times I attempted to super glue it and it just wouldn’t hold. So as I was telling him we’d just have to throw it away, he says to me, “Did you pray about it dad?” Sheepishly, as his youth pastor dad, I replied, “No, I sure haven’t.” So right there we prayed (him believing, and me…….. not so much) and off to the garage I went for the forth time to get the super glue…………….you know where this is going! That track never broke again and I am forever reminded that GOD CAN DO ANYTHING! Happy Faith Day!
Then you have the Jesus interrupting a funeral for the son of a widow lady. He touches the coffin and tells him to get up! It says that the dead guy sits up & talks! Now, as much as I would have loved to heard what he said, it’s more intriguing to see their response: Praising God and spreading the news!
Next we have John the baptizer (that is what he did, he wasn’t “baptist” in the sense of denomination) wondering if Jesus is the promised one. This gives us another aspect of faith: sometimes we have doubts! Jesus assures John with His words of both comfort & evidence – and, just like John, our doubts too can be calmed by going to God’s Word.
Finally, a sinful woman, most likely an adulteress, interrupts a meal Jesus was having with the Pharisees. She falls down sobbing on Jesus feet and wiping the tears off with her hair. And, as usual, the religious peeps didn’t like it: “Doesn’t he know this is a nasty woman?!” And again, Jesus sets them straight by telling a story that makes them look bad – ha! He concludes by saying to her, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.”
*So – where is your faith? I don’t mean the faith you exercise when you sit on a chair and trust it won’t break, or ride in a bus to school and trust you’ll get there safe (he, he). I’m talking about faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Why did Jesus tell the woman her sins are forgiven? Because she showed faith in Christ! The Bible says we’re all sinners (Rom 3:23) and ONLY JESUS can forgive sins! Have you ever, by God’s grace, believed this? If not, you can right now! Read John 1:12 ☺
*If you already HAVE faith in Jesus, how is it? I believe my son Drew has the gift of faith, He totally believes God can do anything (shouldn’t we all?). He loves trains and a few years ago he had a track that broke. Three times I attempted to super glue it and it just wouldn’t hold. So as I was telling him we’d just have to throw it away, he says to me, “Did you pray about it dad?” Sheepishly, as his youth pastor dad, I replied, “No, I sure haven’t.” So right there we prayed (him believing, and me…….. not so much) and off to the garage I went for the forth time to get the super glue…………….you know where this is going! That track never broke again and I am forever reminded that GOD CAN DO ANYTHING! Happy Faith Day!
Friday, March 9, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 50 - Luke 6: Ministry with Jesus
Keep in mind as you read today the invisible peeps, the shadowing disciples, who are at each of these happenings and are WATCHING, LEARNING & GROWING! If you haven’t noticed already, as you read the gospels, Jesus’ ministry was a thorn in the flesh to the “religious” of that day with their rules & traditions. They were always trying to catch Jesus doing something wrong. First of all they accuse Jesus of working on the Sabbath even though it was ok to pick grain from another’s field to satisfy hunger (Deut 23:25). Then they tried to accuse Him of working on the Sabbath. Jesus pointed out that to heal & do good was no violation of Sabbath laws. And oh yeah………….all He did was simply “speak” and the hand was healed.
Next we read the official list of the 12 disciples, those whom Jesus spent 3 years with. WOW – what a privilege to hang out with GOD! Then Jesus gives what is commonly known as the “sermon on the mount”, a message on how to live a transformed life (we wnet into more detail in Matthew on this). Blessings that come from sacrificial living, loving others, being merciful, not being judgmental, living out God’s word, etc… all of which start in the heart!
*Who are you watching, growing and learning from? Hopefully from Jesus above all! Then, the numero uno peeps God has placed in our lives are our parents! Proverbs 13:1 (actually the whole book) tells us we would be wise to listen & learn from them! Coaches, teachers, spiritual leaders etc are “significant others” that God places in your life as well.
*The Bible doesn’t teach we are not to judge, what it teaches is we are not to be judgmental – evaluating the lives of others without evaluating our own. Nobody appreciates someone who is always down on what you’re doing. Yet, if we are corrected by a friend in love, it can be a great blessing! Maybe check out the mirror for logs this morning. I’ve found over the years that as I evaluate my own life with God’s Word I’m usually too busy to be watching everyone else’s!
*If we just read and listen to what the Bible says, all we do is give God lip service (vs 46). Let’s respond as James 1:22 tells us!
Next we read the official list of the 12 disciples, those whom Jesus spent 3 years with. WOW – what a privilege to hang out with GOD! Then Jesus gives what is commonly known as the “sermon on the mount”, a message on how to live a transformed life (we wnet into more detail in Matthew on this). Blessings that come from sacrificial living, loving others, being merciful, not being judgmental, living out God’s word, etc… all of which start in the heart!
*Who are you watching, growing and learning from? Hopefully from Jesus above all! Then, the numero uno peeps God has placed in our lives are our parents! Proverbs 13:1 (actually the whole book) tells us we would be wise to listen & learn from them! Coaches, teachers, spiritual leaders etc are “significant others” that God places in your life as well.
*The Bible doesn’t teach we are not to judge, what it teaches is we are not to be judgmental – evaluating the lives of others without evaluating our own. Nobody appreciates someone who is always down on what you’re doing. Yet, if we are corrected by a friend in love, it can be a great blessing! Maybe check out the mirror for logs this morning. I’ve found over the years that as I evaluate my own life with God’s Word I’m usually too busy to be watching everyone else’s!
*If we just read and listen to what the Bible says, all we do is give God lip service (vs 46). Let’s respond as James 1:22 tells us!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 49 - Luke 5: Fishers of Men
At the beginning of this chapter we see Jesus ‘ call of Peter, James & John. Of the 12 disciples, these three get more ink on the pages of Scripture than any of the others. As close as Jesus got to his disciples, He was closest with these three. I believe verse 10b is the key to this chapter: Jesus says to Peter, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will catch men.” This was the turning point in their lives. From fisherman to fishers of men, from a career to a calling – their lives would never be the same! They left everything and now they would be Jesus’ shadows as he did ministry. They saw Him heal the man of leprosy. When Jesus told the paralytic, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” and then rebuked the religious leader’s hearts, these disciples must have been in awe. As Jesus called Matthew to join them, sat down to dinner with Matt & his “sinner” buddies and then explained His mission – they were there, watching, learning and asking. That’s what disciples do – they learn. And that’s exactly what the word disciple means = “learner.”
They were also there as Jesus explained the fasting questions and then told the parable of the wine & wineskins – which, by the way, has to do with the Pharisees being too rigid and wanting the old wineskins (the law) rather than the new (grace). I’m not always sure they always got it though, which ironically gives me great comfort, because I don’t always get it!
*The calling of Peter, James, John, Matthew and the rest of the disciples is the same call God gives today to all who believe: A call to leave it all and follow Jesus Christ! Have you answered His call? It’s both a one-time response by grace thru faith in Christ as well as a lifetime of daily dying to your self. October 1982 was when I first responded, how about you?
*Secondly, what do you want to do in life? Doctor? Engineer? Professional Athlete? Stay at home Mom? Whatever career you choose, don’t forget that God’s call goes beyond your career – you are now a “fisher of men.” So keep baiting your conversations with spiritual things and watch God reel in those around you for Him!
*Finally, what are you learning from God. A disciple is constantly learning (and you thought school was enough). Take some time this weekend to reflect on what you’ve read this week. If you missed a chapter, go back and read it. Maybe jot some thoughts down in a journal. If you do, you’ll learn even more! And hey, want to memorize a verse a week with me too?
Here’s one for us:
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. – 5:10b-11
They were also there as Jesus explained the fasting questions and then told the parable of the wine & wineskins – which, by the way, has to do with the Pharisees being too rigid and wanting the old wineskins (the law) rather than the new (grace). I’m not always sure they always got it though, which ironically gives me great comfort, because I don’t always get it!
*The calling of Peter, James, John, Matthew and the rest of the disciples is the same call God gives today to all who believe: A call to leave it all and follow Jesus Christ! Have you answered His call? It’s both a one-time response by grace thru faith in Christ as well as a lifetime of daily dying to your self. October 1982 was when I first responded, how about you?
*Secondly, what do you want to do in life? Doctor? Engineer? Professional Athlete? Stay at home Mom? Whatever career you choose, don’t forget that God’s call goes beyond your career – you are now a “fisher of men.” So keep baiting your conversations with spiritual things and watch God reel in those around you for Him!
*Finally, what are you learning from God. A disciple is constantly learning (and you thought school was enough). Take some time this weekend to reflect on what you’ve read this week. If you missed a chapter, go back and read it. Maybe jot some thoughts down in a journal. If you do, you’ll learn even more! And hey, want to memorize a verse a week with me too?
Here’s one for us:
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. – 5:10b-11
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 48 - Luke 4: Jesus: Temptation & Ministry
Ok…… there are at least a dozen messages that could be preached from today’s reading – more than I’ll put in this blog – but here are my thoughts:
Jesus is led by God, yes God (Spirit – capital S) into the desert to be tempted by Satan. Hey - doesn’t the Lord “lead me beside quiet waters?” - Psalm 23:2. Yep, and sometimes He may lead us into very difficult things, like here with Jesus. But rest assured, He promises to be with us! Three times Satan tempts Jesus to satisfy Himself: First with food (40 days without and ya’ gotta’ be hungry), then for authority (in trade for worshiping him) and finally physical care (“hey God will catch you”) – all the time twisting the Word of God. Jesus on the other hand, quotes God’s Word correctly right back at Him each time ‘til finally we read that the devil left.
After passing this incredible test, Jesus began his preaching ministry – first in Galilee and then to Nazareth. The peeps there seemed to really like Him until He told them that sometimes God choses to reach Gentiles rather than Jews. That torqued them off so much that they took Him to a hill in order to toss Him off the cliff! Ha- I love what the Bible says next, “But He walked right through the crowd and went on His way!” Jesus and His message have authority that are unequalled!
Then we see Jesus doing some pretty sweet miracles: casting out a demons, healing Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, healing sicknesses, shutting up demons, etc… all proof of who He was and is = GOD!
*Remember, God is never the one who tempts (James 1:13) and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). We blow it when our thoughts turn selfish, but if we’ll follow the Holy Spirit, go to Scripture (like Jesus did) and heed it’s commands, we too can overcome temptations. So what temptations are you facing? Find some Bible verses that deal with those temptations, obey those passages, memorize them and the Holy Spirit will bring them to mind! He’s certainly done this with me at times.
*Do you believe JESUS alone is the fulfillment of the OT prophecies regarding the Messiah? He said He is! So that makes Him either a liar, a lunatic or LORD. Trust in Him alone today!
*Finally, God is “Jehovah Rapha” = our healer. YES God still heals today – maybe not like you see on some TV preacher shows, but He still heals people today! What do you need healing of? Cast your cares on HIM because He cares for you! More tomorrow…
Jesus is led by God, yes God (Spirit – capital S) into the desert to be tempted by Satan. Hey - doesn’t the Lord “lead me beside quiet waters?” - Psalm 23:2. Yep, and sometimes He may lead us into very difficult things, like here with Jesus. But rest assured, He promises to be with us! Three times Satan tempts Jesus to satisfy Himself: First with food (40 days without and ya’ gotta’ be hungry), then for authority (in trade for worshiping him) and finally physical care (“hey God will catch you”) – all the time twisting the Word of God. Jesus on the other hand, quotes God’s Word correctly right back at Him each time ‘til finally we read that the devil left.
After passing this incredible test, Jesus began his preaching ministry – first in Galilee and then to Nazareth. The peeps there seemed to really like Him until He told them that sometimes God choses to reach Gentiles rather than Jews. That torqued them off so much that they took Him to a hill in order to toss Him off the cliff! Ha- I love what the Bible says next, “But He walked right through the crowd and went on His way!” Jesus and His message have authority that are unequalled!
Then we see Jesus doing some pretty sweet miracles: casting out a demons, healing Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, healing sicknesses, shutting up demons, etc… all proof of who He was and is = GOD!
*Remember, God is never the one who tempts (James 1:13) and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). We blow it when our thoughts turn selfish, but if we’ll follow the Holy Spirit, go to Scripture (like Jesus did) and heed it’s commands, we too can overcome temptations. So what temptations are you facing? Find some Bible verses that deal with those temptations, obey those passages, memorize them and the Holy Spirit will bring them to mind! He’s certainly done this with me at times.
*Do you believe JESUS alone is the fulfillment of the OT prophecies regarding the Messiah? He said He is! So that makes Him either a liar, a lunatic or LORD. Trust in Him alone today!
*Finally, God is “Jehovah Rapha” = our healer. YES God still heals today – maybe not like you see on some TV preacher shows, but He still heals people today! What do you need healing of? Cast your cares on HIM because He cares for you! More tomorrow…
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 47 - Luke 3: John the Baptizer Points Us to Jesus
Today we read in verse 3 that “the word of God came to John” and that he “preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” In our “I’m ok, you’re ok” culture today, repentance is not very popular. In December, watched a Christmas cartoon made in the 60’s and they used the words “repent and make amends” – won’t find that in shows today!~ Add to that being called “snakes” was NOT a compliment. John had no time for “make believers” who wanted a baptism to save them from God’s punishment. “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” were his words – i.e. he was getting at their heart! Specifically he told them to share with those in need, do your job with fairness and be content. John was not promoting that works save you – because they don’t - but rather that “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation” (see 2 Corinthians 7:10). It’s always a heart issue with God and JOHN’S HEART WAS RIGHT WITH GOD. It would have been easy as all the crowds came to him for him to want to take some credit. Instead, as people began to wonder if he was the Messiah, John quickly reminded them he was not…. ”one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie……He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” And again he warned them to get right with God! He didn’t hold back when it came to the Herod either, but rebuked his sin, not being worried about what it might cost him. We then see John baptize Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes upon Him and God tells Him before everyone, “You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased.” The chapter closes with a genealogy (if you’re looking to name your kid…). Whereas Matthew traces Jesus Jewish genealogy, Luke here traces Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam, being related to all humans, and this is certainly consistent with Luke’s picture of Jesus as Savior of all!
*Is there anything you or I need to repent of? It’s best to keep short accounts with God! And oh how forgiving He is! (1 John 1:9)
*Baptism doesn’t save you, but God does command us to be baptized, to make a public profession of our faith. If you’ve never done that, talk to your pastor about it soon and take a stand for Jesus! I was baptized 6 months after I believed. It was Easter Sunday, 1983, and I remember letting my family and everyone else know I had surrendered my life to Jesus! It was Cool God Stuff that I’ll never forget!
*Finally, believing in and living for Jesus will no doubt cost you. It cost John his life. It has cost many believers in history. It’s cost me. And it will cost you. But it’s totally worth it!
*Is there anything you or I need to repent of? It’s best to keep short accounts with God! And oh how forgiving He is! (1 John 1:9)
*Baptism doesn’t save you, but God does command us to be baptized, to make a public profession of our faith. If you’ve never done that, talk to your pastor about it soon and take a stand for Jesus! I was baptized 6 months after I believed. It was Easter Sunday, 1983, and I remember letting my family and everyone else know I had surrendered my life to Jesus! It was Cool God Stuff that I’ll never forget!
*Finally, believing in and living for Jesus will no doubt cost you. It cost John his life. It has cost many believers in history. It’s cost me. And it will cost you. But it’s totally worth it!
Monday, March 5, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 46 - CHAPTER 2: Come & See, Go & Tell
Today we go from Jesus birth to age 30ish – all in one chapter – so hang on! The birth of Jesus never ceases to amaze me: GOD, coming in the meager form of a person, being born in a barn (Jean would SO NOT have done this), placed in a feed trough for a bed, and then who does God give the press release to? Not CNN, not TMZ, not Oprah, but lowly shepherds?*! The shepherds, while on night duty, are met by an angel & the glory of the Lord, and, yeah, I’d have been scared too. They’re told the Messiah - Savior Jesus - is born, and then a whole lotta’ angels show up praising God. What an incredible scene this must have been! They immediately decide to go check it out (Come & See). And when they find Joseph & Mary it’s all just like they were told, so immediately they “spread the word” (Go & Tell)!
Lots of stuff follows: We read that Joseph & Mary followed all the laws as they had Jesus circumcised, presented Him back to the Lord & offered the appropriate sacrifices. Then God sends Simeon to say some pretty awesome things – and some sobering things – about Jesus, as well as the prophetess Anna. Then it says that Jesus, “ …grew and became strong; He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him.” No details are given about the next few years but we see Him at age 12 “amazing” the teachers in the temple with His “understanding & answers.” Then there’s the awkward “oops where’s our son” moment (if you have kids you know this) to which Jesus responds, as always, with obedience. The chapter ends with what I call the 18 years verse: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God & man.” This is all we know of Jesus from age 12 until He begins His public ministry 18 years later.
SO WHAT?! Here are my thoughts:
1) First & foremost, have you ever put your trust & faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? I don’t want to assume you have. If you haven’t, there is “good news of great joy” for you! Read this:
2) Secondly, the “good news of great joy…for all people” has always meant to be experienced & shared! The biggest excuse I hear from people for not sharing their faith is “they don’t know enough, or what to say.” Let me ask you this: How much did the shepherds know? Only what they had just seen & heard! Philemon 6 says, “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” According to this verse, sharing our faith HELPS us to know what we believe! YES - learn more - but share Jesus with people as we learn, maybe even today!!! I am grateful for the students who consistently meet me at the mall to share Christ with others – their souls are worth it! Not your style? Mine either!~ But I’m reminded of the lady who once told DL Moody that she didn’t like the way he witnessed, that he was to brash. His response? “I don’t always like the way I witness either, what do you do?” Her response? “Ummm…….I don’t.” DL Moody then said, “Well I like the way I witness better than the way you don’t!” Wowsa! Let’s just share the good news of Jesus with love & grace & in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God!
3) Third, many of y’all who read this are students. Verse 51 tells us that Jesus obeyed his parents; step-parents at that because Joseph wasn’t Jesus’ real dad! If Jesus (God) obeyed his earthly parents/step-parents, how much more should we?!
4) Finally, it’s pretty evident (vs. 52) that as Jesus was growing up He spent time with His Heavenly Father – in prayer and in the Word. I pray that we, like Jesus, will grow in wisdom (through the Scriptures) and in stature and in favor (by how we live) with both God and man!
More tomorrow…..
Lots of stuff follows: We read that Joseph & Mary followed all the laws as they had Jesus circumcised, presented Him back to the Lord & offered the appropriate sacrifices. Then God sends Simeon to say some pretty awesome things – and some sobering things – about Jesus, as well as the prophetess Anna. Then it says that Jesus, “ …grew and became strong; He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him.” No details are given about the next few years but we see Him at age 12 “amazing” the teachers in the temple with His “understanding & answers.” Then there’s the awkward “oops where’s our son” moment (if you have kids you know this) to which Jesus responds, as always, with obedience. The chapter ends with what I call the 18 years verse: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God & man.” This is all we know of Jesus from age 12 until He begins His public ministry 18 years later.
SO WHAT?! Here are my thoughts:
1) First & foremost, have you ever put your trust & faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? I don’t want to assume you have. If you haven’t, there is “good news of great joy” for you! Read this:
2) Secondly, the “good news of great joy…for all people” has always meant to be experienced & shared! The biggest excuse I hear from people for not sharing their faith is “they don’t know enough, or what to say.” Let me ask you this: How much did the shepherds know? Only what they had just seen & heard! Philemon 6 says, “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” According to this verse, sharing our faith HELPS us to know what we believe! YES - learn more - but share Jesus with people as we learn, maybe even today!!! I am grateful for the students who consistently meet me at the mall to share Christ with others – their souls are worth it! Not your style? Mine either!~ But I’m reminded of the lady who once told DL Moody that she didn’t like the way he witnessed, that he was to brash. His response? “I don’t always like the way I witness either, what do you do?” Her response? “Ummm…….I don’t.” DL Moody then said, “Well I like the way I witness better than the way you don’t!” Wowsa! Let’s just share the good news of Jesus with love & grace & in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God!
3) Third, many of y’all who read this are students. Verse 51 tells us that Jesus obeyed his parents; step-parents at that because Joseph wasn’t Jesus’ real dad! If Jesus (God) obeyed his earthly parents/step-parents, how much more should we?!
4) Finally, it’s pretty evident (vs. 52) that as Jesus was growing up He spent time with His Heavenly Father – in prayer and in the Word. I pray that we, like Jesus, will grow in wisdom (through the Scriptures) and in stature and in favor (by how we live) with both God and man!
More tomorrow…..
Thursday, March 1, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 45 - Luke 1: Talking Angels, Bizarre Pregnancies & the Holy Spirit
So even if you’re somewhat familiar with the whole pregnancy thing, you know that neither 80 year olds nor virgins get pregnant. Yet this is what Luke writes to us in detail “for nothing is impossible with God.” (Thinking about this makes me uncomfortably nervous for the grandparents out there!~)
Anyway - Tons of thoughts as I read, but I’ll give you three:
FIRST, notice the ultimate reaction to the angels’ messages = praise to God! Luke records the great responses of both Zechariah & Mary. Both gave incredible praise to God!
SECOND, Mary, calls the Lord her “Savior.” Even those who “find favor with God” are sinners in need of a Savior.
FINALLY, we see God’s work, being accomplished in God’s timing, and in God’s strength. We see John (in the womb), Mary (as she bears Jesus) and Zechariah (after John is born) all filled with the Holy Spirit. What difference does this make? Ummm….. absolutely all the difference! Zechariah’s initial response was one of doubt and God shut him up for a few months as a result. But later, “filled with the Holy Spirit”, he prophesied!
*What is your reaction the God’s Word – Doubt? Intrigue? Belief? As far back as the garden of eden, the enemy’s job is to get us to doubt God & His Word. Be a Proverbs 3:5-6 person!
*Are you full of your self or of the Holy Spirit? Let’s aim for the latter. “All the things of me will pass, only the things of God will last.”
*May the last verse be true of us - that we would “grow and become strong in spirit!”
Anyway - Tons of thoughts as I read, but I’ll give you three:
FIRST, notice the ultimate reaction to the angels’ messages = praise to God! Luke records the great responses of both Zechariah & Mary. Both gave incredible praise to God!
SECOND, Mary, calls the Lord her “Savior.” Even those who “find favor with God” are sinners in need of a Savior.
FINALLY, we see God’s work, being accomplished in God’s timing, and in God’s strength. We see John (in the womb), Mary (as she bears Jesus) and Zechariah (after John is born) all filled with the Holy Spirit. What difference does this make? Ummm….. absolutely all the difference! Zechariah’s initial response was one of doubt and God shut him up for a few months as a result. But later, “filled with the Holy Spirit”, he prophesied!
*What is your reaction the God’s Word – Doubt? Intrigue? Belief? As far back as the garden of eden, the enemy’s job is to get us to doubt God & His Word. Be a Proverbs 3:5-6 person!
*Are you full of your self or of the Holy Spirit? Let’s aim for the latter. “All the things of me will pass, only the things of God will last.”
*May the last verse be true of us - that we would “grow and become strong in spirit!”
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 44 - Mark 16: JESUS IS ALIVE!!!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is pivotal to our Christian life. Paul wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” But 3 verses later he also wrote, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.” It’s true – Jesus is Alive!
The chapter begins with three discouraged ladies, heading faithfully to Jesus’ tomb with no idea of how they’re gonna’ get in. Their wondering soon ended as they met an angel who said, “"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' " This had to have been AWESOME as they ran off to tell the others!
Next we read that Jesus appeared to many, including the disciples, whom He rebuked for their lack of faith.
Then Jesus gives them “THE Cause” of all causes = to make disciples who make disciples = to Know Jesus & Make Him Known, to preach the good news! Finally, we read this: “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them.” From the very beginning, Jesus had a plan (follow me) that led to His purpose (I will make you fishers of men). What an incredible Savior we have that desires to connect with us and that we we be part of His-Story, His plan!
*In just three short weeks, we’ve looked at the true story of Jesus. Take a moment today and write down 2-3 things that stood out the most to you in your reading of the Gospel of Mark and then thank the Lord for them.
*Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known (THE Cause) is the greatest cause in life because the eternity of people’s souls is at stake! Are you actively involved in both living the Gospel (showing) and speaking the Gospel (sharing)? If not, why not? In heaven, believers will have fellowship with God, we will have THE living Word of God with us, we will pray directly to God, etc…. The one thing we won’t do is witness. That task is for HERE and NOW. So – will you take the 48 hour challenge with me to verbally share the good news of Jesus with someone within the next 2 days?! Go ahead, I Double-Dog Dare Ya’! And let me know how it went!
The chapter begins with three discouraged ladies, heading faithfully to Jesus’ tomb with no idea of how they’re gonna’ get in. Their wondering soon ended as they met an angel who said, “"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' " This had to have been AWESOME as they ran off to tell the others!
Next we read that Jesus appeared to many, including the disciples, whom He rebuked for their lack of faith.
Then Jesus gives them “THE Cause” of all causes = to make disciples who make disciples = to Know Jesus & Make Him Known, to preach the good news! Finally, we read this: “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them.” From the very beginning, Jesus had a plan (follow me) that led to His purpose (I will make you fishers of men). What an incredible Savior we have that desires to connect with us and that we we be part of His-Story, His plan!
*In just three short weeks, we’ve looked at the true story of Jesus. Take a moment today and write down 2-3 things that stood out the most to you in your reading of the Gospel of Mark and then thank the Lord for them.
*Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known (THE Cause) is the greatest cause in life because the eternity of people’s souls is at stake! Are you actively involved in both living the Gospel (showing) and speaking the Gospel (sharing)? If not, why not? In heaven, believers will have fellowship with God, we will have THE living Word of God with us, we will pray directly to God, etc…. The one thing we won’t do is witness. That task is for HERE and NOW. So – will you take the 48 hour challenge with me to verbally share the good news of Jesus with someone within the next 2 days?! Go ahead, I Double-Dog Dare Ya’! And let me know how it went!
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