Chapter 9:
Trying new things does not always come easy for most. People tend to like routine. This will never fly in student ministry and we have to realize it doesn’t fly in regards to our relationship with God either. The old way of doing things - external regulations that only covered sin for a time - has been replaced by a new way – internal relationship with God based on the blood of Jesus!
1-5: The old sanctuary was a picture of what was to come but was earthly, temporary and never provided true access to God. There was only ONE entrance, symbolizing only ONE way = Jesus! God made it that way! Jesus now lights our path, feeds us and intercedes for us.
6-7: Priests would daily “carry on their ministry” of representing the people, Now Jesus continually intercedes for us!
8-10: Worship has changed too! In the old way, only the high priest could get close to God, and that only once a year. But “They are only…………external regulations applying until the time of the new order.” Now we can all have a relationship with God through Jesus!
11-14: The old covenant was designed by God, but made by man. The new is designed by God, made by God and Christ is THE sacrifice, ONCE for ALL! It’s permanent & eternal. The old sacrifices symbolized external cleansing of sin, the new cleanses internally (where sin really exists).
KEY VERSE: “For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.”
The writer now gives 3 reasons it was necessary for Jesus to die:
15-17 - A Will Demands Death: Ok, no brainer.
18-22 – Forgiveness Demands Blood: Blood is the symbol of death and the payment for sin (22). Since the penalty for sin is death, nothing but death could pay for sin. We cannot enter into God’s presence by trying to live good, do good, etc.
23-28 – Judgment Demands a Substitute: All of us must die, our death is by divine appointment, and after death comes judgment (vs. 27). So this leaves us two Choices: Either (1) we pay for our sins by our own death and sentence to hell or (2) we have a substitute. Ummmmm…I choose #2! (2 Cor. 5:21!)
*What must a person do to inherit eternal life? NOTHING! It’s already been done and all we need do is trust in Him who did it for us! Have you? Jesus truly is INDESCRIBABLE!
*When was the last time we truly thought about the devastation that our sins bring us? I wonder if not seeing sin the way God does causes us to take it lightly at times? Lord, help me to see my sin the way you see it and to have Your strength to turn from it!
Monday, September 6, 2010
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