Monday, July 19, 2010

Matthew 2 DEVO: King Jesus: Prophecies, How He Was Received & God’s Sovereignty

Chapter 2:
Ok, let’s define some words: Prophecies are “predictions” made specifically about Jesus. Sovereignty means that God is in control of everything: people, circumstances, etc…
As we read today’s chapter, there are three additional evidences that Jesus has legitimate, unique and absolute royal right to be King!
1. Wise Men Worship Jesus: “Magi” were men skilled in astrology, interpreting dreams etc… and THESE magi recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
2. Fools are either Hostile or Indifferent to Jesus: It “disturbed” Herod that people were worshipping someone other than him! So he plotted to eliminate Jesus by getting the magi to tell them where he was so “…I too may go and worship him.” Ha! God sovereignly overruled by telling the magi in a dream not to go back to Herod. Yeah, that torqued him off! So he figured he’d just kill ALL the babies 2 years old & under, but again we see God’s sovereignty as he told Joseph in a dream to leave.
3. Fulfilled Prophecies: These predictions should certainly convince the skeptical.
a. Verse 6 = Micah 5:2
b. Verse 15 = Hosea 11:1
c. Verse 18 = Jeremiah 31:15
*What is your response to Jesus? Hostility? Indifference? Worship? We all have to choose to do something with Jesus. His #1 desire is for our worship – not service, not sacrifice, but first & foremost worship. How are you and I involved in worship of Jesus? Not just Sunday mornings, but throughout our daily lives. Take some extra time today and tell God how awesome He is! Then make it a part of your daily routine!
*Who have you recently brought to worship? Wycliff missionary, Greg Carlson, spoke at our church yesterday and said, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” Being God’s rep here on earth means leading people to worship! Who have you shared Christ with recently? Who have you invited to church or student ministry lately? These are invitations to worship!

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