Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Acts 3 DEVO: Miracle & Message

Chapter 3:
In this chapter we begin with the first recorded miracle done by the disciples now turned apostles. As the disciples are headed to pray, they come across a beggar placed at the temple. This man was totally helpless - crippled from birth bad enough that he had to be carried & dropped off each day. It was a strategic place to be, as the pious religious peeps would give $ to poor & crippled people in order to look good. As this man asked Peter & John for money, what he got instead was a far greater deal! Peter replies, “Look at us……Silver and Gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Immediately they helped him up and he walked – to the astonishment of everyone!
So as news of this gets out, they all come running to the disciples. Now this would have been a great opportunity for Pete & Johnny to show off by doing a few more miracles. But since it is no longer they who live but Christ who lives in them (Gal 2:20), and since they represent Jesus not themselves (2 Cor 5:20), they give a powerful message from God! We then read of Peter’s second recorded message:
Three times in verses 13-15 he says “You” – telling them again that THEY were responsible for the death of Jesus! And, like his first sermon, it’s not your “how to make friends and influence neighbors” message. No, he gives them the same basic message: Repent! Turn from self to God! Why? “…so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.” ALL of us need forgiveness for our sins in order to be made right with God and "Indeed, all the prophets from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days.” Much more could be said, but we are beginning to see the priorities of the early church: Preaching Jesus & Repentance!
*God is just as much a God of miracles today as He was in the time of the apostles. Do we believe it? What are you trusting God to do that is humanly impossible? Are you in need of a miracle in your life today? Like the beggar we too are totally helpless to change our situation. But GOD is not, so lets ask Him! 1 John 5:14-15
*How well are you (and I) representing our Lord? When we are given opportunity to give credit for awesome things, it’s tempting to take the Lord’s credit ourselves? Let’s follow the example of Peter (vs 12) and point people to Jesus!
*Repentance is both a turning FROM and a turning TO. To just stop doing/saying/thinking whatever is only a partial repentance. True transformation takes place when we turn from things and TO GOD! Lord please help us to turn towards You daily!

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