Tuesday, July 31, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 152 - 2 Corinthians 3: Grace = “The New Covenant”

Does it seem to you like Paul is always having to defend his ministry? Well that is what he is doing again in these next few chapters. Specifically in this chapter he defends the ministry of the “new covenant.” Ok, it’s somewhat of a churchy term. “Covenant” is a promise, a contract, a way of doing things. The “old covenant” was the 10 commandments, the law, works. Their intended purpose was to get us to see that we break them all, fall short and that we need God to provide a way to be made right with Him! And He did that in Jesus, the “new covenant” and it’s by God’s GRACE, not works!

After telling the Corinthian people that THEY are his resume, Paul states that God has made him a “minister of the new covenant.” God called Paul to preach Jesus – God’s gracious offer of reconciliation to all who believe! This “new covenant” is greater and Paul compares them:

On Stone
Fading away
Covers Sin

On Hearts
Brings Righteousness
Surpassing Glory
Removes Sin

The ministry of GRACE is greater because our “veil” can be removed, yet the Spirit is the key! “Veil” is equal to unbelief. The Jewish people refused to believe that Jesus was and is the Messiah. As a result, “…to this day the same veil remains… It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.” There is only one way to be made right with God – through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”

*When was the last time that you and I thanked God for His AMAZING Grace?! (the New Covenant) Why not take a moment right now and express that to Him?!

*Do you believe in Jesus personally, or are you still “veiled”? Remember, it’s not knowing “about” God (facts) that matters. It is knowing Him personally that counts. Ha – it truly isn’t WHAT you know but WHO you know that counts when it comes to eternity!

*In what ways does your life and mine reflect God’s glory? Why not list them out and give thanks!

Monday, July 30, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 151 - 2 Corinthians 2: Forgiveness & Relationships

Life is about people, not stuff, relationships not accumulations. And where two or three are gathered, there will be conflict! That is why forgiveness is so important. Paul had an intimate relationship with the people of Corinth. As a result, he could share both his incredible joy with them, as well as his deep concerns.

In the first 11 verses we see that true forgiveness addresses sin, helps people change, restores relationships, keeps us humble and helps us from sinning even more. Apparently someone had said or done something to Paul and it really upset the Corinthian believers. They confronted that person (vs 6) so that he wouldn’t negatively affect others (Gal 6:1-2). Because the tendency is to hurt people back when they hurt us, Paul writes “instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.” In other words, forgive them, and don’t make them jump through hoops, God’s forgiveness has no restrictions! Living like this will help against the schemes of the devil, who wants us to fight with each other and be divided!

Verses 12-17 teach us the priority of relationships over tasks, and even over ministry. Paul put Titus before a ministry opportunity! Apparently he had planned to meet Titus in Troas and get a report. Even though the Lord opened a great door for him and people were coming to Christ - No Titus = No Peace – so he left. Yet he looked beyond his personal troubles and thanked God, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” And finally, Paul was in ministry for the people, not for the money: “…we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.”

*Which is harder for you – to give forgiveness or to ask for it? Whichever one we say, it is pride that makes it difficult. Who do you need to forgive today? Is there someone whom you need to ask forgiveness of? Let me encourage you, the longer you wait, the harder it is and the more damage it does. Make things right today., and “as far as you can, live at peace with all men.”

*How are you doing with balancing family, work, ministry, etc…? There are times we need to say no to “tasks” and spend time with people. Jesus did it, Paul did it, and you & I need to do it now or we probably never will. Where our treasure is, our heart will be also. Lord please help me to treasure relationships above tasks!

Friday, July 27, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 150 - Introduction to 2 Corinthians & Chapter 1: Compassion & Troubles

Paul invested a lot of time and energy into the church people of Corinth:

He first visited there on his 2nd missionary (discipleship) journey (Acts 18:1-18) and spent 18 months there. After leaving, he heard of the immorality and wrote a letter (lost) to confront their sin (1 Cor. 5:9) While ministering in Ephesus, heard more reports about divisions (1 Cor. 1:11) and they wrote him a letter (1 Cor. 7:1) asking for clarifications on certain issues. Paul responded by writing what we call 1 Corinthians (which we just finished).

Disturbing news reached Paul about false prophets and an assault on his character/credibility.

Paul left the ministry at Ephesus and went immediately to Corinth. This was his “painful visit” (2 Cor. 2:1) – because they didn’t stand up for Paul. So Paul returned to Ephesus discouraged and instead of making another visit (2 Cor. 1:23) he wrote a “severe” letter (2 Cor. 2:4) and sent it with Titus (2 Cor. 7:5-16). Paul later was encouraged to hear back from Titus that most had taken his “severe” letter well and had repented (7:7). But sin always likes to creep in and so Paul wrote what we call 2 Corinthians (from Macedonia) to: Defend his apostleship (1-7), Exhort them to continue to collect for poor at Jerusalem (8-9) and Confront false apostles (10-13)

This is an intensely personal letter written in the heat of a battle against those attacking his character and credibility! No letter of Paul’s is more personal, bares more of his soul or professes more continuing love to the Corinthians (despite their unfaithful feelings toward him) than this one.

2 Corinthians 1: Compassion & Troubles

I am soooo thankful for the first part of this chapter (not that I’m not thankful for the whole thing….sheeeesh). Over and over again I come back to this section when the storms of life come my way. God is the God of “compassion” and literally it means “coming alongside.” Now how cool is that?!~ It is amazing to think that the God of all coming alongside, comes alongside me when I’m going thru stuff!~ I don’t know about you but there is nothing I want more than to not go thru stuff alone! And that IS the promise! And for a purpose too – so that I can come alongside others when they are going thru stuff and offer them God’s comfort! Combine this passage with Psalm 46:1 and 1 Peter 5:7 and you’ve got my “Trifecta for Peace!” Wow – I should write that one down – LOL!~

Paul had been thru a lot, “far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.” It caused him to rely on God, for that circumstance and for his ultimate future. We need to do the same.

Then Paul defends his actions, his character and his heart. Paul was being accused of acting wrong, of being insincere, and so he calls his first witness – his conscience. It’s the right & wrong warning system of the soul and Paul says he acted appropriately. He was also being accused of being fickle and not keeping his word. Paul’s “plan A” was to visit them after Macedonia. God changed his plans and so they thought Paul’s word was now untrustworthy. Paul assures them it wasn’t for selfish interests or because he didn’t care for them that he was re-routed on a “plan B.” Finally, Paul gives his reason for not coming, “it was in order to spare you that I did not return to Corinth.” They were in sin and Paul could have come and confronted them but wanted to give them time to repent!

*If you had a personal tragedy today, to whom would you turn for comfort? Would anyone turn to you? We all need to go to God, but we also need someone here, on this earth, that we can go to. Who’s your “go to” person?

*Maybe you’re facing something right now and feel like you’re gonna’ lose it. That’s how Paul felt too. Why not ask God right now to come alongside and help – He will!

*How is you “walk”? Is the way you are living attractive to others? Or does it cause others to view you as a hypocrite? Do you keep your word? And how’s your attitude? You’ve heard it said that actions speak louder than words. Well I say to you, “If actions speak louder than words, then attitudes speak louder still!”

Thursday, July 26, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 149 - 1 Corinthians 16: Giving & Serving

As we come to the end of this letter, Paul addresses our responsibility & privilege to give, as well as some final commands & reminders.

GIVING: (1-4)
From Paul’s statements here, we can learn a lot about giving to the Lord:

1. It should be regular: “On the first day of every week…”

2. It should be planned: “…set aside…”

3. It should be financial: “…a sum of money…”

4. It should be proportional: “…in keeping with his income…”

5. It should be a priority: “…saving it up…”

SERVING: (5-18)
Paul’s life was constant ministry. His love for Jesus and for believers motivated him. So much so, that he was willing to face hard times in order to know Jesus and make Him known. He was a constant encourager to Timothy toward boldness. And as he served, he took people along with him who would be devoted and serve as well (discipleship). “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” These final commands must have left a stamp on the reader’s hearts.


*How is your giving? Did you notice that there is nothing said about age?! Often times we think this is written to those with regular jobs or those who are finished with college, or those……well…… you fill in the blank. But it is written to all of us who come across any form of finances. Did you know that the second biggest spending group of peeps in the USA is the 14-19 year olds?! (20-25 is largest) So whether we work for it or our parents give it to us, we ARE making choices of how to spend it. Amazing how a $50 bill looks small at the mall, but to put it in the offering on Sunday – we can think “wow, that’s a lot.” And of course, we all need that 4th pair of jeans – LOL!~ Let’s ask God to help us prioritize our finances so we can invest in “treasures in heaven.”

*How are you & I involved in ministry? Maybe you’re thinking “yeah, you get paid to serve” – which is true. But I served a lot before becoming a pastor and there are a lot of things I do that are not part of my “job” and it’s a joy to serve! God has great plans to use us (Ephesians 2:10)! If you’re not involved in a regular ministry right now, talk with your parents and pastor and see how you can be! The body of Christ needs you!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 148 - 1 Corinthians 15: The Gospel & The Resurrection

What is the Gospel? The word gospel means “good news”, but what is that good news? Is it that God loves us? Is it that He has a wonderful plan for our lives? Is it that He will help us through our tough times? While all of these are true of God, Paul in this chapter clearly defines what the Gospel is. It is the gospel that he preached to them, that they received and the gospel that they stand by and “By this gospel you are saved…” Paul writes: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…” The GOSPEL is the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ as the payment for our sins! It is foundational!

The rest of the chapter is devoted to the truth of the resurrection – which is key to the “good news” of the Gospel! You can go to the graves of every founder of every other religion and, as my Dare 2 Share friends say, “Unless someone dug them up and sold them on E-Bay, they will still be there.” The tomb where Jesus was buried has been empty for nearly 2000 years. No one has ever found His body and no one ever will because HE IS ALIVE!

Paul writes that after Jesus rose from the dead that “He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, He appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all He appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.” Acts 1:3 says “After his suffering, He showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” The Resurrection of Jesus was no flash in the pan, hey did this really happen kind of thing. Tons of peeps literally saw Jesus alive again and they saw Him as He hung out with them for over a month! It was real – He was dead, and now He’s alive.

Then Paul explains how important the resurrection is to our faith. Some denied the resurrection – the Sadducees (that’s why they’re “sad you see”….hahaha). Anyway, Paul then gives some deductions: Ok, if there’s no resurrection, then Jesus is dead. And if Jesus is dead, then what I’m preaching to you is worthless and so is your faith. And we’re false witnesses. AND – Big one here – if Jesus is not alive, “Houston, we still have a sin problem!~” We’d still have a sin issue that somebody needs to pay for! Conclusion: “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead…” Easter is true! We serve a LIVING God!

Finally, Paul anticipates some questions concerning what our resurrection will be like: Our bodies will be real bodies but with one big difference – no sin. Now, how all of that works out, we have fewer details. But you’ll be you and I’ll be me, only without sin! Paul’s conclusion: “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

*After today’s reading, could you explain what the Gospel is to a friend? Have you ever done this? Is there anything that is keeping you from doing this today? Go for it today – and I will too!!!

*What close friend or relative do you know who has died recently? IMAGINE FOR A MOMENT that suddenly they are looking over your should as you read this!~ You’d turn around and be totally freaked out that they are alive! That’s how it must have been for those who saw Jesus! AND THEN He hung out with them for 40 days! How would remembering this each day affect the way you live? The way you witness to others? Lord help us to daily remember Easter, to daily remember YOU ARE ALIVE!

*Verse 58 tells us that living for Jesus is not a waste. Want your life to count? Give up the things of this world for the treasures of heaven. Now this is Cool God Stuff!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 147 - 1 Corinthians 14: Spiritual Gifts & Order

After presenting LOVE as the “most excellent way” above all ministries & gifts, Paul now corrects their misuse and misunderstanding of the gift of tongues. And yeah, if you read thru this chapter and get confused, join the club, it is a much abused and misunderstood chapter. Tongues was a language, not jibberish like was being practiced, so Paul both confronts this wrong practice and explains the correct usage. 2 points:

1) Prophecy is actually of greater benefit: (1-19) – Why? Because it builds up the whole church. In our selfish, independent culture, the tendency is not to be a team player, but an individual. Paul reminds us that we are part of the body of Christ – a team. He illustrates this with musical instruments. When Jessica was in 4th grade, she started playing the recorder. At first, I had no idea what she was playing (so I just smiled and said good job). But soon I could recognize tunes and I was truly encouraged. (side note – the only thing I can play is the iPod). Tongues encourage those speaking, but prophecy encourages everyone!

2) The Purpose of Tongues – A Sign to Unbelievers: (20-28) – Paul tells us to be mature in our thinking. Picture this – an unbeliever comes to a church and “jibberish” is going on, they think we’re freaks. But if they come in and hear the Word of God in their language – a preacher or tongues with an interpreter – he “…will be convinced by all that he is a sinner…” and believe! So, if tongues is to be used, you have to have an interpreter – there needs to be order in worship. So, use your gifts for the Lord, but in a “fitting and orderly way.” And oh, I wouldn’t go around quoting verse 34 guys……out of context and very dangerous!

*Personally, I believe some of these gifts no longer exist (but I could be wrong) – BUT GOD HAS gifted every believer! In what areas has God gifted you spiritually? Are you using them? If not and you’d like to, talk with your parents or your pastor about ways to make that happen. Remember, we, the body of Christ, NEED you! (12:21-26)

*In what ways are you involved in encouraging the body of Christ? Take some time today to send some encouragement!

*What is one way you could “prophesy” (proclaim the Word of God) this week?

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 146 - 1 Corinthians 13: Love is…

Ok, you fill in the blank. How would you define “Love”? It’s a lot of things isn’t it?! And what is this chapter doing in the middle of spiritual gifts? I believe it is because Paul is explaining the realm in which spiritual gifts are to operate – Through Love – “And now I will show you the most excellent way.” (12:31b) This chapter is considered by many, to be Paul’s best literary writing. John MacArthur writes, “…it has been called the hymn of love, a lyrical interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes set to music. Studying it is somewhat like taking apart a flower; part of the beauty is lost when the components are separated. When each part is understood more clearly, the whole can become even more beautiful.”

I’ll break it down into three sections:

First, Without Love We’re Nothing (1-3): There was a selfishness of these believers to want the “showy” gift of tongues. Well right here Paul implies that so what if you speak in tongues, if it’s not done in love, it’s nothing. Or speaking for God or giving to the poor = nothing without love!

Secondly, Paul describes What Love Is and Is Not (4-7): “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Ok, maybe we should stop here and pray about this list. Living out these would keep us challenged for the rest of our lives!

Paul’s final point is that Love Never Fails (8-13): Spiritual gifts are temporary and eventually will pass, BUT LOVE will never pass away! We can also know a lot right now, but not like we’re gonna’ fully know when we get to be with Jesus!

*Take a survey of you activities for today – How many of these were truly motivated by love? How many by selfishly looking out for “me”? Yikes – Lord help me be motivated by love!

*Of the “is” and “is not” descriptions of love, which one do you need God to help you with most today?

*Love always hopes, always perseveres. When are you most vulnerable to giving up? What are you facing right now that you need God’s strength for? Why not stop right now and ask Him – He wants to mightily work in you and thru you!

*Who do you know who needs to be shown the Love of Jesus today? Go for it!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 144 - 1 Corinthians 11: Roles, Relationships and Communion

When it comes to God’s call on men & women, we need to remember God’s Word teaches that men & women are both equal in value & worth, as well as unequal in role/function.

After praising the Corinthians for remembering him and God’s Word, Paul addresses properness in worship. Men prayed uncovered (like taking your hat off today). Jewish women had always covered their heads in worship, not to do so in public was a disgrace and a sign of loose morals. Gentile women worshiped without covering their heads. Result - two cultures collide. So what is the solution? God-given roles and properness. The disgrace comes from dishonoring those roles = “dishonors their head.” “No other practice”: Female rebellion (or any rebellion) is condemned in scripture. Therefore, in this culture, women were to have distinctively feminine hairdos, and where culture dictated, were to wear a covering. It’ was mainly a sign of submission, and when we are not submissive, we offend others - and we are not to even offend the angels!

Paul then goes on to address properness in worship – specifically during communion. Apparently some were not waiting on others (this is one reason we take communion together). Others were taking way to much wine, getting drunk and eating everything while others were left out – total selfishness! So Paul writes these words that may sound familiar: “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.”

What were the results of improperness in worship? “Sinning against the body & blood of the Lord.” Some got weak, sick and even died! So before we “rush” into this reverent time, we are to take a moment & examine our hearts! And hey, if you’re hungry, eat at home before you come! And Paul ends with “I fill you in more later…”

*Whether you’re a guy or a gal, it’s most important to demonstrate your submission to the Lord by fulfilling His God-given role for your life! So – how we doin’?

*Ok, so head coverings….. ummmm……. do we tell every lady to wear a bonnet each week?!~ Tell guys to cut their hair short? I don’t think so, but I do believe we should demonstrate submission to our God-given authorities. So again, how we doin’?

*How is our worship & reverence of the Lord? Are we talking or texting during church or student ministry? Worship is to an audience of ONE – Jesus! If there is anything that pulls us from that it needs to be addressed. And yep, you guessed it, how we doin’?

* Finally, communion is a time to remember our Lord and what He has done for us – to remember His body being broken and His blood being shed (instead of mine) for our sin. Why not stop right now and do that?!~

260 in 2012 - DEVOS - Day 143 - 1 Corinthians 10: Overconfidence

Ever see an athlete excel and then become “cocky” and fall? Have you ever gotten overconfident and fell? This is the issue Paul addresses in chapter 10. Three times he uses the word “example” – twice in a negative, the final one as positive. Here are the 3:

1) “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.” – vs 6. This is referring to the previous five verses. Paul explains that even though their forefathers were given incredible privileges and blessings from God, they still became overconfident and fell into temptation & sin. The result? “God was not pleased with most of them…”

2) “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us…” – vs 11. Again, this refers to the previous verses: 7-10. They participated in idolatry, in sexual immorality, in grumbling and even in testing the Lord….and they died, were killed, and were killed! What is Paul’s point? Verse 12: “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” In other words, the temptation to become overconfident is great, BUT GOD is greater! He will “not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” If we’ll go to the Lord during trials & temptations He will “provide a way out.” Now I used to think that this meant I could go to God and He would get me out of stuff. But in reality, the verse goes on to say “so that you can stand up under it.” This means that the way “out” is by going “thru.” I don’t like that as much, but I do know it’s true and God has helped me thru things so many more times than He’s bailed me out!

Paul goes on to talk address allegiances – to idols or to God. He speaks about freedom again, and not causing others to stumble. His finishes with this mindset: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

3) “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” – 11.1. Ok, ok….. I know this third use of example is actually in chapter 11, but it’s a great transitional verse that goes here. Paul writes, instead of following the examples of those who got overconfident and fell into sin, follow my example – with this disclaimer: “…as I follow the example of Jesus!”

*Is there anything you feel overconfident of? “I would never__________ … is a dangerous place to be. (see vs 12) Let’s ask God to make/keep us humble!

*To whom or what do you give your greatest allegiance? Jesus? Work? $$$? Want to find out? Ask your kids/students?

*You & I reap benefits from the faithful in Christ who have gone before us. What benefits will those following us reap from you & me?

*How’s your example? Could you say to others “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ”? If not, what needs to change and are you willing to make it happen?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 142 - 1 Corinthians 9: God’s Servant & His “Rights”

Ok, so today’s passage has to do with pastors, of which I am one. I’m always humbled, sobered and grateful for God’s call on my life to work with students. I believe there are two messages here from Paul:

Message to the Congregation: Support Your Pastor! Paul represented God. He had every “right” to be supported by those whom he ministered to, though he chose not to. Paying workers is appropriate. Soldiers don’t work another job, are provided food, clothing, shelter, weapons, shields, etc. at our expense! Farmers plant and get paid for it. Even shepherds get milk! God tells us to pay them as they earn their living from the Gospel. The Corinthians supported others (12) why not Paul? Finally, Jesus tells us to pay our pastors (14).

Message to the Pastor: Be a Joyful, Servant Leader! Servants don’t demand things, and Paul didn’t. He should have been getting paid, but he didn’t write these things to get paid but to teach a responsibility. And Paul was glad to preach the Gospel, whether it be for money or not. I’ve always told everyone, if I didn’t have bills to pay, I’d do what I do for free! I did do it for free for a lot of years before Katy, Texas, and currently am doing it for free until God leads me to my next student ministry! Pastors (& everyone) are called to be a “slave to everyone” so that we can see people come to Christ (20-23)! We are also called to discipline, to training, to run strong in this Christian life with goals and purpose, and to lead other to Jesus! I am so grateful for the privilege and I can truly say it is and has been a Great Adventure!

*So, how are you involved in supporting your pastor(s)? $$$, encouragement, speaking highly of him, praying for him, obeying him? Do you pay them enough so that their spouse doesn’t have to work outside the home? (Hebrews 13:7,17) Yeah, yeah, I’m sure this sounds self-serving. You should know that in my 22+ years of student ministry in Katy, I’ve only asked/sought financial help two times – both after we had cashed in all our savings. And both times the church helped. If I were in this to get rich I’d be considered an idiot! I’m just echoing Paul, take care of your pastor.

*What “rights” are you giving up for the sake of being used by God? We like to call ourselves servants, at least until we get treated like one! Becoming a servant will cost you & me, but if we do it for the Lord, it’s an investment for eternity! Give it up for the Lord today!

*Finally, how is your spiritual training going? Is it lame or is it truly a work out? Always remember we are in the race of life, eternal life, and it takes training to run well! Spending time with the Lord regularly in prayer and reading His Word is vital training!

Monday, July 16, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 141 - 1 Corinthians 8: Freedom is Never Free

Freedom in Christ – graciously being forgiven of sin to live freely for Jesus - is all over the New Testament (Jn. 8:31-32; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 5:1). Yet – how far does a believer’s freedom extend in regard to behavior? Specifically, behavior not addressed (1 Pet. 2:16) in scripture? Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, dancing, playing cards, wearing make-up, working on Sundays, Sunday sports/activities, going to movies, styles of music, the internet, clothing styles, etc. We know specifically that stealing, murder, lying and adultery scripture plainly calls sinful! So, where do you draw the line? Are there gray areas? Here are 2 principles:

1) Attitude:
Knowledge puffs up, love builds up. The key is operating out of love. Specifically, meat sacrificed to idols bothered some but not others. The reality Paul shares is that idols are nothing.

2) Don’t be a Stumbling Block: Some things may not be sin for you or me but may be sin for a friend who is with us. If we try to get them to participate in something non-sinful to us and they give in, it is sin for them and we just caused it! Not good.

Verse 9 is KEY: “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.” Paul deals with this in more detail in Romans 14-15.

*Is there an attitude that God needs to address in your life? In mine? Pride? Insensitivity? Lack of grace? Impatience? Whatever the issue, ask God right now to help you by His Holy Spirit to change.
*Is there an area of your life or mine where we may be leading a younger/weaker friend into sinning? Matthew 18:6 is a scary thought!

Friday, July 13, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 140 - 1 Corinthians 7: Marriage, Divorce, Celibacy, Remarriage – Soooo Many Questions!

“Concerning the matters you wrote about…” - Paul now in chapters 7-11 begins to address questions that the Corinthian believers had. I’d like to say up front that no “devo” can do justice in covering one of the most misunderstood and controversial chapters in the New Testament. With that in mind, here’s my best shot…..

What I know for sure: Statistics sadly tell us that half of all marriages end in divorce. So every other one of you reading this has in some way been affected by divorce. My parents got divorced. Jean’s mom had a divorce. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). I’m not divorcing Jean!

What I’m still learning = Everything else! Let’s walk thru this chapter…

1-7: Marriage is a gift from God to most people, but singleness (Celibacy) is a gift as well. To remain unmarried and abstain from sexual relations is good and honorable. But it is not better than marriage as some were thinking, and is not the norm for most people. As a matter of fact, so many in Corinth were involved in sexual sin that Paul encourages them to “have” their own wife = get married, be a one woman man and enjoy sex within your marriage!

8-9: To unmarried & widows: Ok to stay that way unless you can’t control your sexual desires. If you can’t, get married! That is better than burning with lust!

10—11: To married: Don’t divorce. But if you do, you can’t remarry.

12-40: To the rest:

12-14: Husbands don’t divorce unbelieving wife, wives, don’t divorce unbelieving husband. Why? Because they will reap benefits from your belief, one of which could be salvation!

15-16: BUT, if the unbeliever leaves (divorces you), can’t do much about that. But verse 11 still seems to come into play.

17-24: Remain as you are! 3 times we are told this. Apparently Corinthian believers were wanting “get out of marriage free” cards and making wholesale changes! Paul is saying that if you’re married, stay married. If you’re a slave, stay a slave, if you became a believer without circumcision, then don’t get circumcised and if you are free in Christ don’t use that to rationalize your sin!

25-28: Now about virgins: Basically Paul states that because persecution is coming, he’d suggest not marrying. It’s ok if you do, but there are going to be lots of troubles. Persecution is tough enough on a single person, let alone a married person with a family.

29-31: These verses are NOT saying marriage is over or that we are to toss out all emotion. Rather, Paul is describing the priority the Lord and eternal things should have in our lives. Truth is to guide us more than our emotions.

32-35: Paul here communicates the fact that single people can be more fully dedicated to the Lord than married people. I can attest this is true. When I came to Katy as a single guy out of college I was putting in 70-80 hours a week with students. I was single and had “no life.” But when I got married, I put in less time. And when we had Drew & Jessica even less time. Don’t get me wrong, next to Jesus, Jean, Drew & Jessica are the greatest gifts that God has ever given me. But it IS true that I have divided interests – God-given ones! This does NOT mean I can’t serve the Lord wholeheartedly though.

36-38: Apparently some dads had dedicated their daughters to the Lord as permanent virgins - and, you guessed it, these daughters wanted to marry. Paul’s point was if they want to marry let them, that’s ok, and it’s even better if they keep their father’s dedication.

39-40: This is the “till death do we part” statement in all the weddings we go to. Marriage is a lifetime commitment ‘til one dies, then the contract ends. A person whose spouse dies is free to remarry, but they must be a believer. Then Paul again reiterates his bias of singleness.

Ok, whew…….hope this helps make a bit more sense of this chapter!

*Next to a person’s surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ, marriage is the most important decision you will ever make or have made! It’s a promise to God (& the other person) for a lifetime. That’s why I won’t do a wedding without the couple going through marriage counseling with me and doing all the homework. Yes, homework! Couples will spend hours, dollars, energy, etc…. to plan for a one day event (wedding) without even blinking to think about planning for their marriage. Are you single? If so, there is no greater time in your life to pour all your energies into serving the Lord and I hope you do! Are you married? If so, I hope you’ll take time today to thank God for your spouse, appreciate your spouse, help your spouse and date your spouse! You did that when you were dating, why stop now? I feel bad for marriages that have gone cold and boring because it doesn’t have to be that way!

*If you are single, make a promise to God TODAY that you will not get a divorce – then keep it! The only way you’ll be able to do that is if GOD is in the center of your marriage. If HE is what y’all are living for then your marriage will be about pleasing HIM and not yourselves, because at the root of all divorce is selfishness.

* Finally 2 Quotes: First, Mr Herb when asked how he and Peggy have stayed together for so long always says, “No Way Out” has been our mentality. Secondly, “It’s better to be single wishing you were married than to be married wishing you were single.” Marriage Rocks when God is at the center and both just keep their promises!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 139 - 1 Corinthians 6: Lawsuits & Doing What You Want

A few years back a patron at McDonald’s spilled his coffee in his lap and sued McDonalds because it burned him – and he won the lawsuit! Was it a cold coffee he wanted, ummmm that would be a frappuccino. Anyway, I mention this to describe the crazy direction that lawsuits have gone.

We see this here. In this chapter, Paul is addressing yet another area where the Corinthian believers were not living any different from the world. Believers were taking their cases to unbelievers and so Paul writes, “If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints?” Paul’s concern was not that they would get an unfair trial but that they had so little respect for church authority & ability! Instead, “…if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church!” Believers who know the Word of God and have the Holy Spirit are far more qualified than the best trained lawyers. Not to mention (don’t understand this phrase because I am gonna mention) that public disputes as believers is a bad testimony to the world = “…and this in front of unbelievers.”

So here’s Paul’s main point: “Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?” In other words, take the loss. Wow – that’s not very American. Nope, but it is Biblical! Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” It is better to leave a good testimony for Jesus than to be “right.”

The next issue Paul addresses is living freely. Because these new believers had experienced forgiveness in Christ, many may have felt that it didn’t matter how they lived, Christ would forgive them. While it is true that Jesus will forgive us, it doesn’t give us the freedom to continue to live wrong. Romans 6:1-2 says, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” Specifically they were being sexually impure, thinking that it didn’t affect their relationship with God or others. Paul tells them to RUN from this kind of thinking! God lives inside us and we are not to treat God’s home with such filthy living.


*Ever been wronged and you desperately want to be “righted?” yeah, me too. A few years ago, right after I got JJ (my new truck) a lady in the Academy parking lot backed into my side and dented in my door. We looked at the damage, exchanged numbers and even had an officer there helping us. I went and got 2 estimates and both places also noticed that the front fender was pushed in as well. When I gave the estimates to her she became irate. “I didn’t do that much damage, all I did was dent your door” she exclaimed. I explained I didn’t see the other damage either (I’m not a body shop estimator). Then, because I had taken the opportunity to talk with her about Jesus, she said adamantly, “How can you call yourself a pastor and be scamming me like this?!” This hit me hard. I told her I wasn’t scamming her, but I could see this was not going anywhere so I said, “Mam, I have not tried in any way to scam you, but because it seems that you might hold this against Jesus or His people, consider your debt paid.” I was wronged, I was cheated, but so was Jesus in my place. I still have that dent in JJ and every time I see it I reminds me that Jesus took my wrong for me! Oh Lord, whenever we are wronged, remind us that YOU know what that is like and to respond in a Christ-like manner.

*Sexual sin was bad in Paul’s day and the same is true today – even in the church. I work with students and it’s amazing how we can “rationalize” our sexual sin. Truth is that sex is great within it’s God designed parameter of marriage, and that it is extremely damaging when taken outside of marriage. Is there sexual sin you need to ask forgiveness of and stop? Internet porn? Going to far in a dating relationship? Having an affair? Paul is right – RUN AWAY from it! I pray you will today.

PS – Want a good laugh? Weird Al wrote a song making fun of lawsuits – you can check out the lyrics here:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 138 - 1 Corinthians 5: Sexual Sin in the Church

So….if you like gross stuff, you’ll like today’s reading.

The city of Corinth was much like cities in America today – intent on fulfilling physical lust. Sexual permissiveness was rampant then as it is today and church believers were fulfilling those lusts then as well as today. As serious as the sexual immorality itself was, so was the tolerance of it! These believers were not taking corrective measures, but rather became arrogant and flippant about it. We read this and say, “Man, I can’t believe this so called believer is doing such a gross sin…” We forget that God is likely saying, “I can’t believe YOU are tolerating this sin in My house!!!” The Church just stood by doing nothing about it. In fact, they arrogantly refused to do anything about it! And as a result, their testimony was being severely hindered!

“It is reported” = people knew, it was public, it was in the church and it was disgraceful enough that even unbelievers didn’t practice it. Incest – a man was having sex with his dad’s wife, probably his step-mom. And though they should have been ashamed and addressed this sin, they instead were proud. Paul straightforwardly let’s them know they need to tell this guy to get out!

He then goes on to explain why by using an analogy. Yeast, though very small, when worked into the dough affects the entire batch – it puffs up! These believers had allowed a disgusting sin to go on and had even become “puffed up” about it.

Paul goes on to say we shouldn’t associate with sexually immoral believers, not to even eat with them. Why? Not to show hatred but to drive them to conviction and to seek forgiveness from the Savior!

*None of us are perfect and we all hide sin at times, all of which displeases God. This passage though is not so much talking about committing a single sin, as it is addressing continual sinning with the knowledge it is wrong. And yes, I am guilty of that as well at times. How about you? Is there a sin you need to confess and stop or will God need to make it “public” in order for you to change?

*Worse than this, is there sin going on with someone else that you know is wrong and you aren’t saying anything about? Sometimes our silence gives approval. Often we want to please people more than God and we’re afraid to gently bring it up for fear we’ll lose a friend. Ask God for strength to lovingly address it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 137 - 1 Corinthians 4: Characteristics of a Servant

What is the criteria by which you evaluate your pastor(s)? Success? Influence? Giftedness? Membership? Attendance? Degrees? Speaking Engagements? Personality? According to verses 1-2 it should be servanthood and Paul gives 8 things that define a servant:

1) Faithfulness: (1-2) Believers have been given God’s Word and we have a responsibility to feed it to others.

2) Seeks to please God: (3-4) God is to be first & foremost on a servants mind – He is our Master! (Gal 1:10)

3) Not Judgmental: (5) A servant’s role is not as judge but servant – duh.

4) Doesn’t think too highly of self: (6-7) Pride is always a stumbling block to servanthood. We like calling ourselves servants until we are treated like one!

5) Humility: (8-13) Servants are willing to be counted as nothing for Christ. The Corinthians thought they had everything in themselves, Paul knew he had nothing in himself.

6) Produces spiritual children: (14-16) Paul loved these people as a father and led many of them to Jesus!

7) Teachable: (17) Whenever we become unteachable, we become unusable to God.

8) Confronts sin: (18-21) When we truly love someone, we will lovingly help them to see destructive issues, as hard as it can be.

*How faithful are you & I with what God has given us:
Good health? Finances? Friends? The Good News of Jesus? Living in the USA? Gifts? Talents?

*Would your friends say that you are teachable or hard to teach? Says a lot about the ability God has to use us!

*Who are your spiritual kids- those whom you have helped know Jesus and are helping make Him known? What steps are you taking to conceive & give birth to spiritual kids? Why not start today and ask God to give you an opportunity to share Jesus with someone today?!

Monday, July 9, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 136 - 1 Corinthians 3: Spiritual Retardation

Whenever we don’t get along in our home, it affects family relationships: parents, siblings, inlaws & outlaws. The same is true in God’s house and Paul addresses that in chapter 3.

After beginning the topic of divisiveness in 1:10, he picks it up again, this time calling it worldly and childish. When we bicker about things that in the end don’t matter, it brings out self-centered and selfish behavior that is so prominent in our world. These people were inexcusably immature. Mental retardation is a tragedy, but is not a condition we are responsible for. Spiritual retardation is one’s own doing because of selfishness & worldliness.

The problem here was loyalty to those who had led them to Jesus: Paul, Peter, Apollos, etc… Paul sets them straight by noting “What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” Great reminder Paul!

He then makes an architectural analogy. Paul was a foundation layer. God used him to establish churches in Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, etc… by preaching Christ. Others came along and built these churches up from that foundation. Paul rightfully saw himself not as the source, but as part of the process (vs. 9) of knowing Jesus and making Him known. How others built on this foundation differed. Some worked hard showing dedicated spiritual service to build up God’s church – represented by gold, silver & costly stones. The efforts of others was shallow and of no eternal value – represented by wood, hay & straw. And one day our work will be tested by fire and…….you can guess which efforts will stand the test.

Paul concludes with yet another argument that human wisdom cannot save. Why? So we won’t raise up people or their “wisdom”……“So then, no more boasting about men! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.”

*How long have you been a believer? Would Paul have considered you a “spiritual retard?” Lord please help us to daily know you more and make you known more!

*Where do you see yourself in the spiritual reproduction process? Are you a planter? Or maybe you water? Let’s remember to ask God to bring the growth in our own lives and the lives of those within our circles of influence!

*What have you boasted about recently – outwardly or inwardly? Lord, teach us to only boast in YOU!

Friday, July 6, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 135 - 1 Corinthians 2: Real Power & Wisdom

Our culture tends to think power comes with position, the higher you climb in academia or business, the more powerful you become. Here Paul writes that true power & wisdom come from God. “Know Jesus, Know Power - No Jesus, No power!”

Paul begins by making it clear that as he preached the Gospel it wasn’t with “eloquence, superior wisdom or persuasive words” but it was simple and powerful: “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Why? So our faith wouldn’t be because someone “talked us into believing” but rather that God Himself saved us by His power!

On the flip side, Paul does speak the wisdom of God revealed to us by His Holy Spirit! This is a great section on how God’s Spirit works in the life of a believer. He reveals truth to us as we read God’s Word. He also searches our hearts, knows our thoughts and knows God’s thoughts. This is why those who have the Holy Spirit understand REAL truth & wisdom – because we have God inside us to give us understanding. Those who don’t have God inside them have no way of understanding spiritual truth, so they have to find “truth” elsewhere.

Talk about an amazing blessing from God – wow!?! And we have no idea of the endless implications, that’s why Paul writes: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”

*Ever try to talk someone into believing in Jesus? Yeah, me too. How should today’s reading affect our view of evangelism? It should cause us to PRAY more because it’s the Spirit’s power not my words.

*What wisdom from the world is most tempting for you? Work hard, get rich? Scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours? Etc… Jesus gives REAL wisdom. The old Michael Card song says:

We in our foolishness thought we were wise.
He played the fool and he opened our eyes.
We in our weakness believed we were strong.
He became helpless to show we were wrong.

Remember, “Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:24

Thursday, July 5, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 134 - 1 Corinthians 1: Bickering, Wisdom & Perspective

Introduction to 1 Corinthians:

This letter was written by the apostle Paul (vs. 1) around AD 55ish, near the end of Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, on his third missionary/discipleship journey.

Today, the city of Corinth is a small town of little significance. But in New Testament times it was a thriving, prosperous and strategically located city. All north and south traffic had to pass through Corinth. Sea travel around Corinth (250 miles) was dangerous and captains would carry their ships overland on skids because it was more economical and safer, so all would pass by Corinth. Today, a canal connects the 2 gulfs. Two great athletic festivals were held in Corinth – the Olympian games and the Isthmus games. Originally it was a Roman colony but because it was a major trade center of the world, it had a cosmopolitan population: Greeks, Romans, Near Easterners, Jews, Officials, and Businessmen (much like Houston or L.A.). The pagans worshiped Aphrodite (Goddess of Love). Her temple housed over 1000 prostitutes who would come down each night and ply their trade in Corinth to travelers and local men. Even in the pagan world, Corinth was known for its moral corruption! So much so that “to Corinthianize” meant gross immorality: drunken debauchery, pornography, adultery homosexuality, stealing, coveting, drunkenness, foul language/speech, swindling, etc…(6:9-10).

Paul came to Corinth on his 2nd missionary journey (Acts 18:1-11) and stayed 1½ years (vs. 11). Sometime between leaving Corinth and writing I Corinthians, Paul had written another corrective letter (5:9) referred to as “The Lost Letter” and another after II Corinthians (2 Cor. 2:4) called “The Severe Letter”.

The theme of this book is: “HOW TO LIVE GODLY IN AN UNGODLY SOCIETY.” What a timeless theme for today. We are not to blend in with this world’s practices or accept it’s values and lifestyles. I look forward to how God wants to transform me thru His Word to the Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 1: Bickering, Wisdom & Perspective

Throughout Paul’s writings, the Gospel and the Cross make up his spiritual DNA. When Charles Spurgeon was asked how he put together his sermons his reply was, “I take my text and make a bee line for the cross.” Paul did the same.

This letter is written to “…all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…” – you and me! After he gives thanks for those in Corinth who were eagerly waiting for Jesus return, he immediately addresses a bickering issue that could easily divide. They were choosing favorite preachers – “I follow Ed Young…..well I follow Chuck Swindol….well I follow Gary White…….and oh yeah, then the real spiritual ones…..well I follow Jesus…” Paul sets them straight – he’s not the Savior and none of the others are either – only Jesus! It’s the cross of Christ that has power – not people!

Paul then transitions into the Gospel message: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” He goes on in the next few verses to basically say that often times “higher learning” can keep people from accepting the simple message of Jesus! All the smarts in the world cannot even compare to the wisdom from God.

Finally, Paul concludes with perspective, a reality check. The basic message is that when God chooses people, He doesn’t look for the brainy, good looking, talented & gifted type – for none of us whom God chooses are “qualified.” Why? So we won’t get a big head and think too much of ourselves! And God knows we need to hear & see this!


*How are you involved in building up your church family? A principle I’ve found true is that it’s always easier to tear down that to build up! Rather than take sides, may we be more like Paul today and to only emphasize Christ crucified!

*What do you feel like you “bring to the table” for God? It’s a trap of the devil to get us to think God couldn’t do without us. Truth is – the only thing I bring to the table is MY SIN! That is why I need Christ! Lord please use Your Holy Spirit to make verses 26-31 evident in my life.

*This “foolish message” turns into transforming power when someone believes. Who can you share this with today?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 133 - Romans 16: Friends in Ministry & the Gospel

The call to follow Jesus is a call to be part of a bigger family – the family of God. God never meant for us as believers to be alone. Type the phrase “one another” into any Bible software search and you’ll see all the things we are to be and to do with “one another.” This was certainly true of Paul. He was no Lone Ranger in ministry (even the Lone Ranger had Tonto) and we see that in this final chapter. 13 times in the first 16 verses he says to “greet” someone. Who are these peeps? They were those who faithfully served with Paul in knowing Jesus and making Him known! So here goes:

Phoebe – she is probably delivering this letter, a helpful servant
Pricilla & Aquilla – Paul first met them on his 2nd missionary journey and worked with them in tentmaking. They risked their lives for Paul.
The Church – that meets at P&A home.
Epenetus – the first convert to Christ in Asia (kept track, must have been Baptist – he, he..)
Mary – she put in some hours for the Lord
Andronicus & Junias – They were spiritual relatives in prison with him for the Gospel. They were the best and came to Christ before Paul!
Amphliatus – love this guy!
Urbanus & Stachys – worked together, friend
Apelles – persevered some tough stuff
Aristobulus’ Home – yeah, tell ‘em hi
Herodion – relative
Narcissus – believers
Tryphena & Tryphosa – hard working women (also, a couple good names if you ever have twins)
Persis – another hard worker for Jesus
Rufus & his mom – believers who were like family to me
Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas & all my bro’s with ‘em
Philologus, Julia, Nereus & sis, Olympas & all the saints
One Another – go on, kiss ‘em for me!

Paul then ends with a warning to watch out for peeps who stir up trouble by getting them to believe a false Gospel. He wants them to be “wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.” Good advice! Paul then gives greetings from those who are with him and finishes it off with a Gospel Doxology (a praise song about the good news of Jesus)

*While serving Jesus, is your tendency to do everything on your own or do you look for ways to get others to serve with you? Independence may be the American way, but Inter-dependence is the Biblical way. It takes more time and energy to do work together at first, but it is how God has designed us, and in the end much more is accomplished for His kingdom (1 Corinthians 12).

*When was the last time you THANKED & ENCOURAGED those with whom you serve Jesus Christ? Today – will you send an email, a text, a facebook message, a card, etc… and let them know?! Whenever I get notes like this, I keep them in a box (my anti-depressant box) and pull them out whenever I get bummed. Maybe that sounds weird, but it works for me, and some of y’all have notes in my box!

*Finally – Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known is a life-long process. And the more we spend time doing these two things, the better we’ll be able to recognize false teachings when they come – and they will come!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 132 - Romans 15: The Weak, The Strong & How to Get Along – Part 2

Ok – same song, different chorus. Paul continues in chapter 15 with:


a. Bear with (1)
b. Please your neighbor (2a)
c. Build up (2b)
d. Follow Christ’s example (3)
e. Seek to glorify God (6)
f. Accept (7)
g. Be a servant (8)
h. Rejoice (9-13)
i. Trust Him (13)

Paul then finishes up with ministry to the Gentiles and his plans to visit Rome.


*So here is how this weak/strong thing looks: GOD lays down a law or a principle. Man comes along and reduces God’s great law to some set of rules that is burdensome, and so people are no longer required to make individual choices! Then man elevates rule keeping as a mark of spirituality and judges himself AND others by it! THIS is hazardous to unity in the body! Luke 12 – “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees!” Why? Their opinions are becoming laws! “Traditions of men” become the standards! Why do we want rules? One reason is because rules make it easy to measure. We also fear that if we don’t have all these rules, people are going to run wildly into sin and do what they want, SO we have these rules to control people! This becomes an attempt to force people to do what is right! Forced compliance IS NOT spirituality & conformity IS NOT sanctification! Often times we don’t believe the Holy Spirit works in people’s hearts and has the power to take the Word of God and direct people into right living… instead we think we’ve got to “help Him.” I am NOT SAYING have no rules – we must, especially in the early years! BUT I WANT my kids/students to LEARN God’s principles & apply them to life!

*So – who is right? Doctrinally the strong are right. BUT BOTH groups need correction in the areas of attitude and conduct! Here are a few additional verses to look at: Hebrews 12:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Matthew 28:19-20. Which way do you lean?

*Finally, remember that one of Satan’s plans is to get us fighting with each other so we never get involved in our Lord’s work!

Monday, July 2, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 131 - Romans 14: The Weak, The Strong & How to Get Along – Part 1

Local churches are filled with all kinds of peeps - race, culture, backgrounds… = nothing wrong with this! The church was never meant to be a club of like-minded peeps of the same race, social, economic, intellect, etc… Believers were never meant to be equal & identical in all aspects. BUT this will always be a challenge! The Church is made up of young, old, rich, poor, various personalities, backgrounds… Other groups are not like this. They tend to have limitations on membership. NOT so with the church – variety is good! (1 Cor 12)

HOW THEN do we co-exist when we are different? Because where two or three are gathered, there will be conflict! First of all, we must define “weak” and “strong”.

The WEAK are the legalists (often new believers) who tend to look at their liberated brother/sister as too loose & undisciplined. Now, legalism is NOT the same as having convictions. God Himself is a God of law, unchanging perfect ones at that! We all have convictions we live by, and we should. But historically man has not been content w/ God’s standards, so we add to them! (Ex: Gen. 3:3 , Gen. 2:16-17) And then we make them a gauge of spirituality..i.e. “keep the rules & you’ll be spiritual” Legalism is “…the tendency to reduce Christianity to a set of rules rather than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” (Truman Dollar) When we put RULES ABOVE RELATIONSHIP! This can be very judgmental & eliminates the need for people to make Biblical decisions because personal, moral decisions are being made for them. This LEGALISTIC SYSTEM RESULTS in frustration, misery and tends to produce morally weak people who live with guilt because they haven’t lived by some man-made standards!

The STRONG are those liberty/freedom in Christ understanders. They tend to look at their legalistic brothers/sisters as too rigid. Remember, freedom in Christ is not the freedom to do whatever you want. Freedom in Chris is the freedom to choose to do what is right without the “rules” being present. It’s truly understanding GRACE! So – here are the two points in chapter 14:

“Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.” So what are these disputable matters? Well, here are just a few: Facebook, movies, TV, cards, games, coed swimming, paintball, laser tag, computer games, Dave & Busters, skateboarding, clothes, make-up, jewelry, hair length, earrings, parenting, Music – style, beat, etc…,, dating/courting, birth control, home/public/private schooling, language, Bible translations, giving, worship, food, Sunday activities, politics, debt/credit, drinking wine/alcohol, dancing, smoking, environmental issues, cloning, stem cell research, life support, drugs, Disney?, cell phone providers, United Way?, separation, Halloween, Santa Claus, yadda, yadda, yadda…

Why accept him? Because God does! (3b). And why does God? Because it was done as unto the Lord (4-10a) and I will answer to God for MY life, not everyone else’s (10b-12)

“Therefore” because of vs 12, we need to stop condemning others and making them jump through legalistic hoops. Why? Because nothing is unclean in itself (14) and when we do so we are no longer acting in love (15). So what is he goal of all of this? “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” “These things” are the disputable matters and we are to keep them to ourselves & God (22). In other words, we are not to push our convictions on disputable matters on others. And remember, “everything that does not come from faith is sin.”


*Have Convictions! We need them! What are some of the convictions you have? Maybe write them out. Do they fall under “directly addressed in scripture” or are they “disputable matters?”