We continue on this journey of Jesus’ last week on earth by looking at what he went through:
Before Pilate – “Very early in the morning…” – The “Holy Hefty’s” held an illegal trial of Jesus in the middle of the night and determined He was guilty. They brought Him to Pilate. And even though Pilate saw no crime, he handed Jesus over to be crucified. Jesus said nothing.
Mocking – They stripped Jesus, made fun of him, spit on Him, mocked Him and hated Him so much that they would lead our innocent Lord away to be crucified! Passers by hurled insults and the chief priests & teachers of the law mocked as well.
Jesus’ Death & Burial – For the first time in Jesus life, he felt loneliness. God, His Father, had turned His back on Him and for the first time ever there was a tremor in the Trinity as Jesus took on the sins of the world! The moment Jesus died, an amazing & symbolic event occurred: “The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” This was to show that all people, now through Jesus, can have instant access to God!
*How do you react when being unfairly treated? Usually we argue or loudly plead our case or try to “prove” we’re right or maybe even get into a scuffle! We can learn a lot (again) from Jesus on this one. Was Jesus right? Yep! Were his accusers wrong? Yep! But Jesus left the results up to God. Peter puts it best: “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:23)
*Loneliness is a terrible feeling. God made us for relationships! No one likes to feel alone or likes to feel like no one cares. Jesus felt it too and what did He do? He cried out to God! He had to go thru an excruciating experience BUT God came to Him, resurrected Him and exalted Him! Usually when God doesn’t immediately answer us in our lonely times, we can become offended. Let’s resist that temptation and continually go to God! Maybe even grab someone else who will pray with you – that’s a good start to combat loneliness!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 42 - Mark 14: The Journey to the Cross is Painful
In this chapter we read of the events that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus. As we read it and take it in, we gain an ever-increasing thankfulness for what Jesus went through for us! Here is how the events lined up:
• Jesus Anointed – A lady dumps a really expensive jar of perfume on Jesus and everyone watching sees it as a waste. Not Jesus, He is honored - so much so that He states, “wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."
• Jesus’ Last Meal with the 12 – Gotta’ love the instructions Jesus gives about the dinner place! But as Jesus reveals “one of you will betray me” they are all sickened and each begin to wonder if it is them! Judas was soon to turn on Him. Jesus’ main concern – remember Me!
• Peter’s Pride – Peter thought he was better than other people who would ditch Jesus!
• The REAL Lord’s Prayer – Jesus gets away with his closest buddies to pray about the upcoming events because He knows He will need His Father’s strength. He is disappointed to find that His closest buddies couldn’t even stay awake to pray at His most crucial moment.
• Judas the Betrayer - He now hands Jesus over to be arrested. It’s one thing to have a friend turn on you, it’s another to have them attempt to be intimate while doing it. The kiss of Judas had to be terribly painful for Jesus!
• An Unfair Trial – “Some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: Yet even then their testimony did not agree.” The only thing they could accuse Jesus of was His claim that He was God – which He was and is!
• Peter Disowns Jesus – Just like Jesus told him, Peter ditches Jesus. Jesus is always right and Peter realized it “and he broke down and wept.”
*What are you willing to give as a love offering to God? This lady poured out on Jesus the equivalent of a year’s wages. What about you? What are you lovingly willing to sacrifice for Jesus? Kind David said, “I will not give to the Lord that which costs me nothing.” How about you? How about me?
*Ever had a friend turn their back on you? If you have, you know the shock and the pain it brings. I certainly do. No one knew that more than Jesus and we can learn a lot from how He continued to treat that person. Jesus loved Judas and continued to show him mercy & grace until the very end. Oh Lord, only through YOU can we do the same to those who hurt us most! Help us/me Jesus!
• Jesus Anointed – A lady dumps a really expensive jar of perfume on Jesus and everyone watching sees it as a waste. Not Jesus, He is honored - so much so that He states, “wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."
• Jesus’ Last Meal with the 12 – Gotta’ love the instructions Jesus gives about the dinner place! But as Jesus reveals “one of you will betray me” they are all sickened and each begin to wonder if it is them! Judas was soon to turn on Him. Jesus’ main concern – remember Me!
• Peter’s Pride – Peter thought he was better than other people who would ditch Jesus!
• The REAL Lord’s Prayer – Jesus gets away with his closest buddies to pray about the upcoming events because He knows He will need His Father’s strength. He is disappointed to find that His closest buddies couldn’t even stay awake to pray at His most crucial moment.
• Judas the Betrayer - He now hands Jesus over to be arrested. It’s one thing to have a friend turn on you, it’s another to have them attempt to be intimate while doing it. The kiss of Judas had to be terribly painful for Jesus!
• An Unfair Trial – “Some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: Yet even then their testimony did not agree.” The only thing they could accuse Jesus of was His claim that He was God – which He was and is!
• Peter Disowns Jesus – Just like Jesus told him, Peter ditches Jesus. Jesus is always right and Peter realized it “and he broke down and wept.”
*What are you willing to give as a love offering to God? This lady poured out on Jesus the equivalent of a year’s wages. What about you? What are you lovingly willing to sacrifice for Jesus? Kind David said, “I will not give to the Lord that which costs me nothing.” How about you? How about me?
*Ever had a friend turn their back on you? If you have, you know the shock and the pain it brings. I certainly do. No one knew that more than Jesus and we can learn a lot from how He continued to treat that person. Jesus loved Judas and continued to show him mercy & grace until the very end. Oh Lord, only through YOU can we do the same to those who hurt us most! Help us/me Jesus!
Monday, February 27, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 41 - Mark 13: Keep Watch
In this chapter we are told 4 times to “watch”, 3 times to “be on our guard” and another time to “be alert.” Jesus, through Mark, wants his readers to be ready! For what you say? For future stuff – specifically in this chapter, the tribulation and Jesus’ second coming.
The disciples were much like you & me, impressed with human accomplishments. Jesus shocks them by saying, "Do you see all these great buildings?" Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." A bit taken back, finally, one of them asks Jesus later, “Tell us, when will these things happen?” This begins a quite lengthy answer by Jesus.
Mark records the description of a future period known as the tribulation, which appropriately describes what it will be like. False prophets, wars, deception, earthquakes & famines are just a few of the “birth pains”, or indicators, that we’re getting close. And we totally see all this stuff today, so hey, we’re close!
Other things that will happen is that believers will be persecuted, but through this persecution “the Gospel will be preached to all nations.” Unheard of abominations (a pig – unclean - was sacrificed on God’s altar) will occur, the biggest being someone else claiming to be the Messiah. This will be followed by dreadful times of murders, pain, and “days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.” Will believers go through all of this? Some theologians think so, some don’t. What we DO know is that it WILL happen just like God says and we are to be ready!
Then, some time after the tribulation (23-32), there will be some kind of disintegration of the universe just before we “see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”
*When you hear of the events described in this chapter, what reaction do you have?
• It can cause confusion – whenever we read of future things the details seem foggy.
• We may also react with some fears, I mean who can endure the things listed?
• It should also bring concerns for friends, family and neighbors we love.
• First and most important, we need to be sure we are right with God. Have you put your trust & faith in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sin that HE paid with His life in your place? If you’ve done this, your eternity is secure!
• Second, persevere: Ask God daily for strength to overcome.
• Finally, “What I say to you I say to everyone: ‘Watch.’” (vs37)
The disciples were much like you & me, impressed with human accomplishments. Jesus shocks them by saying, "Do you see all these great buildings?" Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." A bit taken back, finally, one of them asks Jesus later, “Tell us, when will these things happen?” This begins a quite lengthy answer by Jesus.
Mark records the description of a future period known as the tribulation, which appropriately describes what it will be like. False prophets, wars, deception, earthquakes & famines are just a few of the “birth pains”, or indicators, that we’re getting close. And we totally see all this stuff today, so hey, we’re close!
Other things that will happen is that believers will be persecuted, but through this persecution “the Gospel will be preached to all nations.” Unheard of abominations (a pig – unclean - was sacrificed on God’s altar) will occur, the biggest being someone else claiming to be the Messiah. This will be followed by dreadful times of murders, pain, and “days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.” Will believers go through all of this? Some theologians think so, some don’t. What we DO know is that it WILL happen just like God says and we are to be ready!
Then, some time after the tribulation (23-32), there will be some kind of disintegration of the universe just before we “see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”
*When you hear of the events described in this chapter, what reaction do you have?
• It can cause confusion – whenever we read of future things the details seem foggy.
• We may also react with some fears, I mean who can endure the things listed?
• It should also bring concerns for friends, family and neighbors we love.
• First and most important, we need to be sure we are right with God. Have you put your trust & faith in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sin that HE paid with His life in your place? If you’ve done this, your eternity is secure!
• Second, persevere: Ask God daily for strength to overcome.
• Finally, “What I say to you I say to everyone: ‘Watch.’” (vs37)
Friday, February 24, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 40 - Mark 12: Stories & Answers That Offend
There is a line in the movie, “A Few Good Men”, that states, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” That could easily be the title for this chapter. The beginning story and all of Jesus’ answers afterwards cut to the heart, because truth is like that!
Picture the first scene: The religious peeps are listening intently to the story Jesus is telling and agreeing with what the owner of the vineyard does until it got personal. “Then they looked for a way to arrest him (Jesus) because they knew he had spoken the parable against them.”
Moving on to taxes, the religious peeps were again trying to outwit Jesus & catch Him (futile). But since money means very little to Jesus, he answers so wisely: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Ching-Ching!
Next – Who is gonna be married to whom in the resurrection. This is somewhat of an ironic question when you consider it is coming from the Sadducees who don’t believe in the resurrection (that’s why they’re “sad-you-see”….hehe)!~ But Jesus answers it anyway. We must always remember that, even though earth is all we have to compare with, we can’t compare heaven to here!
Next – Which is the greatest commandment? First = Love God, Second = Love People! I’m intrigued with Jesus’ reply to the teacher of the law: "You are not far from the kingdom of God." In this short reply, Jesus both complimented him and challenged him. He acknowledged his mention of the importance of love, but let him know that love needs to be shown, obeyed and accepted as well!!
Next – Who’s son is Jesus? Ummmm = God’s!
Next – Jesus makes it clear that giving has more to do with sacrifice than amount! This certainly offended the big givers who made sure their giving was noticed
*Can you handle the truth? How are you doing as a student? A spouse? A parent? A friend? Etc…. Want to really know? Then ask the ones who count: teachers, spouses, children, peers, etc… But be ready to take the truth. I asked my son Drew how I was doing as a dad and he told me “ok”. Then I said, “If there were one thing (I limited him) I could do better as a dad, what would it be?” About 30 minutes later he came back & told me, “I don’t like it when you & mom argue.” It was truth, and like a knife, it cut deep! That night, Jean & I talked and we prayed and asked God to help us to handle the stress better in our home. I believe Drew would tell you we’ve done better. But it took a stab of truth to change us. How about you asking someone for some truth?! Then…………………swallow hard, take it and change to be more like Jesus!
*The Bible talks a lot about finances. God knows they often become an issue in this life, but remember, they won’t be an issue in eternity, so don’t make a bigger deal of them than they truly are. We are managers of all God gives us. Let’s just manage it, not own it.
Picture the first scene: The religious peeps are listening intently to the story Jesus is telling and agreeing with what the owner of the vineyard does until it got personal. “Then they looked for a way to arrest him (Jesus) because they knew he had spoken the parable against them.”
Moving on to taxes, the religious peeps were again trying to outwit Jesus & catch Him (futile). But since money means very little to Jesus, he answers so wisely: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Ching-Ching!
Next – Who is gonna be married to whom in the resurrection. This is somewhat of an ironic question when you consider it is coming from the Sadducees who don’t believe in the resurrection (that’s why they’re “sad-you-see”….hehe)!~ But Jesus answers it anyway. We must always remember that, even though earth is all we have to compare with, we can’t compare heaven to here!
Next – Which is the greatest commandment? First = Love God, Second = Love People! I’m intrigued with Jesus’ reply to the teacher of the law: "You are not far from the kingdom of God." In this short reply, Jesus both complimented him and challenged him. He acknowledged his mention of the importance of love, but let him know that love needs to be shown, obeyed and accepted as well!!
Next – Who’s son is Jesus? Ummmm = God’s!
Next – Jesus makes it clear that giving has more to do with sacrifice than amount! This certainly offended the big givers who made sure their giving was noticed
*Can you handle the truth? How are you doing as a student? A spouse? A parent? A friend? Etc…. Want to really know? Then ask the ones who count: teachers, spouses, children, peers, etc… But be ready to take the truth. I asked my son Drew how I was doing as a dad and he told me “ok”. Then I said, “If there were one thing (I limited him) I could do better as a dad, what would it be?” About 30 minutes later he came back & told me, “I don’t like it when you & mom argue.” It was truth, and like a knife, it cut deep! That night, Jean & I talked and we prayed and asked God to help us to handle the stress better in our home. I believe Drew would tell you we’ve done better. But it took a stab of truth to change us. How about you asking someone for some truth?! Then…………………swallow hard, take it and change to be more like Jesus!
*The Bible talks a lot about finances. God knows they often become an issue in this life, but remember, they won’t be an issue in eternity, so don’t make a bigger deal of them than they truly are. We are managers of all God gives us. Let’s just manage it, not own it.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 39 - Mark 11: Beginning of the End
Starting in this chapter, we begin to look at the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. It begins with what has been know as “The Triumphal Entry.” This is Sunday of the week Jesus will be crucified. Jesus sends two disciples to a village with very specific instructions to get a donkey for Jesus to ride and it goes just as they were told. The put blankets on the donkey and Jesus rides it into Jerusalem. As he does, people are laying palm branches & clothing on the path and shouting “Hosanna” – which means “save us.” Maybe they recognized that He was fulfilling Zechariah 9:9. Whether they believed or not is up for grabs, because by Thursday, many of these same were shouting “crucify him.”
Jesus first act of business – curse a tree (because it wasn’t fulfilling it’s purpose) and then address the money-making schemes going on in the “temple’ = His house! People were getting scammed and in God’s house! This ticked off Jesus and “He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.” Ohh, and as they go by the fig tree later they notice it had withered. Jesus basically tells them they just need faith to believe!
Finally, Jesus’ authority is again questioned and, again, Jesus answers their question with a question: "I will ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John's baptism—was it from heaven, or from men? Tell me!" Duph – the religious peeps had to be thinking “He’s got us! “If we say, ‘From heaven, he will ask, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’ But if we say, ‘From men…” (They feared the people, for everyone held that John was a prophet.) So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.” Jesus’s reply? “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things."
*The temple in Jesus day represented the dwelling place of the Lord. Today, God lives in people by His Holy Spirit because WE are now His temple! With that said, how are we treating God’s temple? Whenever we live for anything other than God, we too abuse His temple. We can also abuse it by not taking care of it: overeating, not exercising, smoking, drug abuse, pornography, etc… What are you doing to take care of God’s dwelling? Are we feeding ourselves spiritually as much as physically? Make time to take care of His temple!
*PS – After reading this chapter, it would be wise to never try to outwit Jesus!
Jesus first act of business – curse a tree (because it wasn’t fulfilling it’s purpose) and then address the money-making schemes going on in the “temple’ = His house! People were getting scammed and in God’s house! This ticked off Jesus and “He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.” Ohh, and as they go by the fig tree later they notice it had withered. Jesus basically tells them they just need faith to believe!
Finally, Jesus’ authority is again questioned and, again, Jesus answers their question with a question: "I will ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John's baptism—was it from heaven, or from men? Tell me!" Duph – the religious peeps had to be thinking “He’s got us! “If we say, ‘From heaven, he will ask, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’ But if we say, ‘From men…” (They feared the people, for everyone held that John was a prophet.) So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.” Jesus’s reply? “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things."
*The temple in Jesus day represented the dwelling place of the Lord. Today, God lives in people by His Holy Spirit because WE are now His temple! With that said, how are we treating God’s temple? Whenever we live for anything other than God, we too abuse His temple. We can also abuse it by not taking care of it: overeating, not exercising, smoking, drug abuse, pornography, etc… What are you doing to take care of God’s dwelling? Are we feeding ourselves spiritually as much as physically? Make time to take care of His temple!
*PS – After reading this chapter, it would be wise to never try to outwit Jesus!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 38 - Mark 10: Hard Lessons
In the three years the disciples spent with Jesus, they got to see Him do and hear Him teach amazing stuff! They also got to hear Him teach some hard & unpopular things. This chapter has some of those. First off, Jesus is asked by the Pharisees, who were always looking for loopholes and a chance to get Him to stumble,, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?" Jesus addresses “lawful” vs “permitted.” Jesus replies, “God 'made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." And if you divorce your spouse and remarry – you commit adultery because God doesn’t recognize the divorce. Go ahead and try to tell couples who get divorced that they can’t remarry. NOT popular.
Next, Jesus is asked by a rich man what it takes to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him he must keep the commandments and the rich dude says he has – since he was a boy! I find this hard to believe, but Jesus doesn’t address it. He instead goes straight for the heart because he knows that where your heart is, your treasure is! "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The rich man left sad. Why? He loved his wealth more than God and his keeping of all the commandments was for the wrong reasons! He was a fan, not a follower. It is hard for a rich man to enter heaven! NOT popular!
Following this, Jesus predicts his death for the third time and then is asked by James & John ( or maybe their mom) if they can sit on Jesus right & left in heaven. Guess they forgot the humility lesson from the last chapter! Anyway, as Jesus usually does, he answers their question with a question that in essence means “can you do & go thru what I will?” Ummmm no, but they answer yes. And in some ways they can because Jesus knows James will be beheaded for his faith and John will be exiled for his! NOT Popular! Jesus basically ends up telling them it’s not up to Him but God.
*USA statistics on divorce mean that most of those reading this devo come from a divorced family. I did. My wife Jean did. It’s always a hard experience for all involved. But YOU AND I can get off the divorce train in our generation! Make sure both of you place GOD at the center of your marriage, KNOW the person whom you are marrying and finally, how about KEEPING your promise no matter what! You made it to God and to your spouse – just keep it! Jean & I have now been married since July of 1990 and we aren’t gonna’ divorce – we promised! And by the way, we LOVE being married to each other and WORK at keeping it that way! You too can make this decision right now, even if you’re not married yet!
*If world statistics are true, then ALL of us reading this (and the one writing it) are rich! Come on, we live in the US, in TEXAS, in KATY and next to CINCO RANCH………and we have JESUS! We’re rich. So let’s not let our riches be the treasure of our hearts, that’s where Jesus needs to be!
Next, Jesus is asked by a rich man what it takes to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him he must keep the commandments and the rich dude says he has – since he was a boy! I find this hard to believe, but Jesus doesn’t address it. He instead goes straight for the heart because he knows that where your heart is, your treasure is! "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The rich man left sad. Why? He loved his wealth more than God and his keeping of all the commandments was for the wrong reasons! He was a fan, not a follower. It is hard for a rich man to enter heaven! NOT popular!
Following this, Jesus predicts his death for the third time and then is asked by James & John ( or maybe their mom) if they can sit on Jesus right & left in heaven. Guess they forgot the humility lesson from the last chapter! Anyway, as Jesus usually does, he answers their question with a question that in essence means “can you do & go thru what I will?” Ummmm no, but they answer yes. And in some ways they can because Jesus knows James will be beheaded for his faith and John will be exiled for his! NOT Popular! Jesus basically ends up telling them it’s not up to Him but God.
*USA statistics on divorce mean that most of those reading this devo come from a divorced family. I did. My wife Jean did. It’s always a hard experience for all involved. But YOU AND I can get off the divorce train in our generation! Make sure both of you place GOD at the center of your marriage, KNOW the person whom you are marrying and finally, how about KEEPING your promise no matter what! You made it to God and to your spouse – just keep it! Jean & I have now been married since July of 1990 and we aren’t gonna’ divorce – we promised! And by the way, we LOVE being married to each other and WORK at keeping it that way! You too can make this decision right now, even if you’re not married yet!
*If world statistics are true, then ALL of us reading this (and the one writing it) are rich! Come on, we live in the US, in TEXAS, in KATY and next to CINCO RANCH………and we have JESUS! We’re rich. So let’s not let our riches be the treasure of our hearts, that’s where Jesus needs to be!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 37 - Mark 9: Transfiguration, Humility & Temptation
In this chapter we read of one of the “perks” of being Jesus’ closest buddies. Peter, James & John got invited on a mountain top experience they’d never forget. Jesus’ clothes turn glowingly white and suddenly they see Jesus talking with Moses & Elijah! Although they’re not exactly sure what to do, they know it’s a radical experience: “it is good for us to be here.” A cloud comes over, opens up (whatever that means) and God says “This is My Son whom I love. Listen to him.” Then poof - everyone is gone – whoah! God is again confirming who Jesus is!
Following this, Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy and then, for the second time, predicts His death. The disciples didn’t get it and were afraid to ask. Imagine that, Peter is speechless!~
The next two incidents recorded I believe have to do with humility. First, Jesus knows they’ve been arguing about who is gonna’ be the greatest in heaven, so He asks them “what were you arguing about on the road?” I can hear it already, “I told you He’d overhear us!~” Anyway, Jesus basically tells them that the way up is down! "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." With these words, the arguing ceased.
The next lesson on humility was when John says to Jesus, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." Kinda’ like, “Hey Jesus, we’re the ones in charge not this guy, so we told him so.” Ummm – wrong! What was Jesus’ reply? “whoever is not against us is for us.”
Finally we finish with a short but sweet lesson on temptation. The main point? We are to remove whatever causes us to sin, or another to sin, even if it means a part of our own body! For “It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.” Is God serious about dealing with sin? Yes!
*What is the most awesome experience you’ve ever had with God? E-mail me, I’d love to hear it! (mrbill6761@mac.com) And why not share that experience with someone else this week. You may be of great encouragement to a fellow believer or a great witness to a “pre-Christian.” Either way, you can’t go wrong!
*At what times are we most tempted to be prideful? When we’re good at something? When we don’t want to ask forgiveness? When we think we’re right? Regardless, pride is often at the center of our sinning. It’s always important to come before God and others in an attitude of humility. I’ve heard that doing this is often called “eating crow.” I’ve never had crow, but I’m guessing it’s better when it’s warm. So, make things right as soon as possible – with God and with others.
*What things tempt you most? Do you lust after people? Maybe it’s the latest iPhone or iPad or iTouch or iCan’t name them all……. Whatever it is, let’s pray “Lord help us to throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily binds us and help us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Amen.
Following this, Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy and then, for the second time, predicts His death. The disciples didn’t get it and were afraid to ask. Imagine that, Peter is speechless!~
The next two incidents recorded I believe have to do with humility. First, Jesus knows they’ve been arguing about who is gonna’ be the greatest in heaven, so He asks them “what were you arguing about on the road?” I can hear it already, “I told you He’d overhear us!~” Anyway, Jesus basically tells them that the way up is down! "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." With these words, the arguing ceased.
The next lesson on humility was when John says to Jesus, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." Kinda’ like, “Hey Jesus, we’re the ones in charge not this guy, so we told him so.” Ummm – wrong! What was Jesus’ reply? “whoever is not against us is for us.”
Finally we finish with a short but sweet lesson on temptation. The main point? We are to remove whatever causes us to sin, or another to sin, even if it means a part of our own body! For “It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.” Is God serious about dealing with sin? Yes!
*What is the most awesome experience you’ve ever had with God? E-mail me, I’d love to hear it! (mrbill6761@mac.com) And why not share that experience with someone else this week. You may be of great encouragement to a fellow believer or a great witness to a “pre-Christian.” Either way, you can’t go wrong!
*At what times are we most tempted to be prideful? When we’re good at something? When we don’t want to ask forgiveness? When we think we’re right? Regardless, pride is often at the center of our sinning. It’s always important to come before God and others in an attitude of humility. I’ve heard that doing this is often called “eating crow.” I’ve never had crow, but I’m guessing it’s better when it’s warm. So, make things right as soon as possible – with God and with others.
*What things tempt you most? Do you lust after people? Maybe it’s the latest iPhone or iPad or iTouch or iCan’t name them all……. Whatever it is, let’s pray “Lord help us to throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily binds us and help us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Amen.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 36 - Mark 8: Ministry with Jesus
12 guys got to spend 3 years in an intimate relationship with our Almighty, Creator God doing ministry together. WOW - Talk about a privileged internship!~ Today we read some more of what that was like.
First, we have another miraculous feeding, this time 4000 men, so maybe only 16,000+ total people to feed (hehe). Last time Jesus fed a primarily Jewish crew, this time it’s a primarily Gentile bunch. Jesus’ compassion for non-Jews as well is confirmed as He miraculously feeds them all with only seven loaves.
Next, the Pharisees want Jesus to perform a miracle that could only come from God. Duh – what do you call every miracle He’s been doing? Jesus knew their hearts had already chosen not to believe so He denied their request. We must be careful not to let our hearts become so hardened toward God that even the most convincing of facts won’t change us.
This next section has to stab the disciples in the chest. Jesus tells them to “watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.” Jesus is thinking about the bad teaching that can affect them, the disciples are thinking “it is because we have no bread” – Ha! “Do you still not understand?” Jesus says to them.
Mark, like Matthew & Luke, also records Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah! All of us have to answer, at some point in this life, the question of who Jesus is! Here, Peter nails it, and if we want to spend eternity with God in heaven, we must nail it as well!
Finally, we end with Jesus predicting His death. After doing this, Peter decides to take Jesus (God) aside and give Him the what for! What Peter needed to know was that Jesus never lost sight of His Father’s purpose & plan. Supernatural living will always baffle natural living and we see that as Peter gets rebuked and becomes the only disciple whom Jesus called “Satan.” Ouch!
The chapter ends with a reminder of our purpose & calling: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”
*How long have you been a believer? One year? 3 years? 10 years? More than 10? However long it is, you and I have been invited into an intimate relationship with our Almighty, Merciful, Gracious & Loving Creator! Lets never see spending time with Him as a burden but rather to approach each day with this amazing privilege always in mind!!!
*Who are you hanging out with? “Bad company corrupts good morals” – so choose your friends wisely! I’m not talking about avoiding mixing it up with unbelievers so we can show & tell them about Jesus. I’m talking about those you spend a lot of hours with. Are they drawing you closer & deeper to Jesus or farther away? Let’s ask this question often!
First, we have another miraculous feeding, this time 4000 men, so maybe only 16,000+ total people to feed (hehe). Last time Jesus fed a primarily Jewish crew, this time it’s a primarily Gentile bunch. Jesus’ compassion for non-Jews as well is confirmed as He miraculously feeds them all with only seven loaves.
Next, the Pharisees want Jesus to perform a miracle that could only come from God. Duh – what do you call every miracle He’s been doing? Jesus knew their hearts had already chosen not to believe so He denied their request. We must be careful not to let our hearts become so hardened toward God that even the most convincing of facts won’t change us.
This next section has to stab the disciples in the chest. Jesus tells them to “watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.” Jesus is thinking about the bad teaching that can affect them, the disciples are thinking “it is because we have no bread” – Ha! “Do you still not understand?” Jesus says to them.
Mark, like Matthew & Luke, also records Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah! All of us have to answer, at some point in this life, the question of who Jesus is! Here, Peter nails it, and if we want to spend eternity with God in heaven, we must nail it as well!
Finally, we end with Jesus predicting His death. After doing this, Peter decides to take Jesus (God) aside and give Him the what for! What Peter needed to know was that Jesus never lost sight of His Father’s purpose & plan. Supernatural living will always baffle natural living and we see that as Peter gets rebuked and becomes the only disciple whom Jesus called “Satan.” Ouch!
The chapter ends with a reminder of our purpose & calling: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”
*How long have you been a believer? One year? 3 years? 10 years? More than 10? However long it is, you and I have been invited into an intimate relationship with our Almighty, Merciful, Gracious & Loving Creator! Lets never see spending time with Him as a burden but rather to approach each day with this amazing privilege always in mind!!!
*Who are you hanging out with? “Bad company corrupts good morals” – so choose your friends wisely! I’m not talking about avoiding mixing it up with unbelievers so we can show & tell them about Jesus. I’m talking about those you spend a lot of hours with. Are they drawing you closer & deeper to Jesus or farther away? Let’s ask this question often!
Friday, February 17, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 35 - Mark 7: True Cleanliness & 2 Miracles
Wash your hands, don’t pick your nose, brush your teeth, put deodorant on………ever hear these from your mom? Thank the Lord for moms who told us these things – it has probably kept us from many a sickness, or embarrassment! Having good hygiene is important, but we must never confuse it with having a clean heart. These are two totally different things! It is this very issue that Jesus addresses in chapter seven. The Pharisees were more concerned with how they looked (outwardly) than with how they loved (inwardly). Jesus summed it up best: “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." Whenever we place our little “rules” as equal or above God’s Word we get into trouble! The fact is “Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.'" And the stuff that comes from deep down in our heart? Not very pretty: “evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.”
The chapter ends with two miracles. First, Jesus sends a demon out of a girl, then He makes a deaf & mute man hear and talk. As I read miracle after miracle that Jesus lovingly and graciously performed, I cant help but believe Jesus is giving repeated evidence that He IS the Messiah Gad, as well as repeated opportunity to believe in Him!
*How’s your “spiritual hygiene?” Let me rephrase it, how’s your heart? If Jesus were to give you & I a spiritual heart examination, what would His diagnosis be? A strong & healthy heart? Or…..…In need of a pacemaker? Quadruple bi-pass? Electrical shock??? Lets ask God to work on our hearts more than our exteriors, because it’s the inside that truly needs cleansing!
*Who is Jesus to you? Repeatedly ,throughout the Bible, Jesus has and is revealing Himself to us as Lord, Messiah, King, Creator, etc…. Do you believe it? I don’t mean in your head, I mean in your heart too – Do you believe it? I pray you do!
The chapter ends with two miracles. First, Jesus sends a demon out of a girl, then He makes a deaf & mute man hear and talk. As I read miracle after miracle that Jesus lovingly and graciously performed, I cant help but believe Jesus is giving repeated evidence that He IS the Messiah Gad, as well as repeated opportunity to believe in Him!
*How’s your “spiritual hygiene?” Let me rephrase it, how’s your heart? If Jesus were to give you & I a spiritual heart examination, what would His diagnosis be? A strong & healthy heart? Or…..…In need of a pacemaker? Quadruple bi-pass? Electrical shock??? Lets ask God to work on our hearts more than our exteriors, because it’s the inside that truly needs cleansing!
*Who is Jesus to you? Repeatedly ,throughout the Bible, Jesus has and is revealing Himself to us as Lord, Messiah, King, Creator, etc…. Do you believe it? I don’t mean in your head, I mean in your heart too – Do you believe it? I pray you do!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 34 - Mark 6: No Honor, Fellow Ministers, A Beheading & 2 Miracles
Jesus is in the middle of His ministry years – teaching like no other, healing and doing miracles. Prior to that, He spent close to 30 years as a carpenter’s son in Nazareth. These peers from His own hometown were offended that people we’re impressed with Jesus! Come on, they “knew Him better than them” and these preconceived ideas of who they thought Jesus was made it impossible for them to accept His message. This left Jesus “amazed at their lack of faith.”
The next thing I noticed is that Jesus always had in His mind to pass on the ministry. He was less about classroom lectures and more about on the job training and so “They (Jesus & the disciples) went out and preached that people should repent.” These 12 were fellow ministers.
Up next we see confusion as to who Jesus is: John? Elijah? A prophet? Apparently they didn’t want to listen to Jesus. Mark then recounts the events leading up to John the Baptizer’s death because Herod thought that it was John raised to life. Maybe Herod was haunted with guilt because John confronted his sin of marrying his brother’s wife. As a result “Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him.” To do so, she has her daughter perform for Herod a “gimmie what I want” dance and John loses his head as the prize.
Last up are two miracles which also are recorded in Luke & Matthew. First, Jesus feeds like 20,000+. Yeah, it reads 5000, but that’s just the men. Include women & children and you’ve got an even larger buffet to serve. Jesus “had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”
Second, Jesus walks out to them on the water and it says “They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” The disciples still had not realized who Jesus was. The good news - Jesus never gave up on them!
*Ever have preconceived ideas about someone? We must be careful not to let those ideas become keep us from truth. People can change. I’m not at all who I was in high school (whew) yet often, when I see a former schoolmate, they still see me the same. Get to know people and that way you’ll know the truth about them. And yeah, allow them time and space to change as well!
*How are you & I involved with Jesus in ministry? Are you regularly serving? Are you making Jesus known? Passing the baton of ministry IS the plan of Jesus! Talk to your pastor or youth pastor about how you can get involved today!
*I’m glad Jesus never gives up on me. Sometimes (ok, maybe most of the time) I wonder if Jesus is saying about me, “God, is this all you’ve given me to work with?!” But God is patient and merciful and gracious and wants to use unqualified people, like you & me, to do His eternal work! Thank You Lord!!!
The next thing I noticed is that Jesus always had in His mind to pass on the ministry. He was less about classroom lectures and more about on the job training and so “They (Jesus & the disciples) went out and preached that people should repent.” These 12 were fellow ministers.
Up next we see confusion as to who Jesus is: John? Elijah? A prophet? Apparently they didn’t want to listen to Jesus. Mark then recounts the events leading up to John the Baptizer’s death because Herod thought that it was John raised to life. Maybe Herod was haunted with guilt because John confronted his sin of marrying his brother’s wife. As a result “Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him.” To do so, she has her daughter perform for Herod a “gimmie what I want” dance and John loses his head as the prize.
Last up are two miracles which also are recorded in Luke & Matthew. First, Jesus feeds like 20,000+. Yeah, it reads 5000, but that’s just the men. Include women & children and you’ve got an even larger buffet to serve. Jesus “had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”
Second, Jesus walks out to them on the water and it says “They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” The disciples still had not realized who Jesus was. The good news - Jesus never gave up on them!
*Ever have preconceived ideas about someone? We must be careful not to let those ideas become keep us from truth. People can change. I’m not at all who I was in high school (whew) yet often, when I see a former schoolmate, they still see me the same. Get to know people and that way you’ll know the truth about them. And yeah, allow them time and space to change as well!
*How are you & I involved with Jesus in ministry? Are you regularly serving? Are you making Jesus known? Passing the baton of ministry IS the plan of Jesus! Talk to your pastor or youth pastor about how you can get involved today!
*I’m glad Jesus never gives up on me. Sometimes (ok, maybe most of the time) I wonder if Jesus is saying about me, “God, is this all you’ve given me to work with?!” But God is patient and merciful and gracious and wants to use unqualified people, like you & me, to do His eternal work! Thank You Lord!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 33 - Mark 5: Sinking Pigs, Touching Jesus & Raising the Dead
We again see in this chapter the Deity of Jesus – the fact that He is God! Mark begins with the account of Jesus casting some demons out of a man & into some pigs. (By the way, my good friends, The Skit Guys, have a hilarious video on this) This “animal of a man” whom no one could restrain and who was in torment comes to Jesus. First note that he KNOWS who Jesus is. Second note that he is afraid: “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!" Jesus grants these demons (Legion = many) permission to go into the pigs, the pigs run over the side of the hill and all drown. The towns people come out, and, because they just lost their means of income, plead with Jesus to leave. Apparently, their income was more important to them than protection from this “man-freak!” Imagine how this demon-possessed man, now delivered, must have felt – seeing the immensity of the evil he was set free from! He obeyed Jesus by telling “how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." The result? AMAZEMENT!
The next miracle of Jesus here is bringing Jairus’ daughter back to life. A leader in the synagogue comes to Jesus pleading to heal his daughter, but before Jesus could do it, the leader gets word that she has died and not to “bother” Jesus. Jesus upon hearing this says, “Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe." Imagine then, being the elite group of Peter, James, John & the parents, who got to watch Jesus bring her back to life – WOWSA – would have loved to have been there!
In the midst of this miracle, is recorded another one. This bleeding lady, whom no one can help any more, feels that if she could just “touch” Jesus it would be enough. And it was! Then Jesus, being God, even in a crowd, can tell when someone touches Him and so asks who it was. “Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you.” I am ever amazed by the faith events recorded in scripture!
*Have you ever truly gotten a glimpse of who Jesus really IS? What was your response? Whenever people came into the presence of God in the Bible, they fell on their face in reverence, in honor and in fear. Because of Jesus, and by God’s grace, today we can “approach the throne of grace with confidence” (Hebrews 4:16). But let us always remember to view God for Who He Is as well!
*What is the most incredible, supernatural thing that God has allowed you to be a part of? Email me today and tell me your story. I love to hear Cool God stuff!!! mrbill6761@mac.com
*How’s your faith today? Remember, we do not need to have big faith, what we need is just a little faith in our BIG God! Ask God for a little today!
The next miracle of Jesus here is bringing Jairus’ daughter back to life. A leader in the synagogue comes to Jesus pleading to heal his daughter, but before Jesus could do it, the leader gets word that she has died and not to “bother” Jesus. Jesus upon hearing this says, “Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe." Imagine then, being the elite group of Peter, James, John & the parents, who got to watch Jesus bring her back to life – WOWSA – would have loved to have been there!
In the midst of this miracle, is recorded another one. This bleeding lady, whom no one can help any more, feels that if she could just “touch” Jesus it would be enough. And it was! Then Jesus, being God, even in a crowd, can tell when someone touches Him and so asks who it was. “Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you.” I am ever amazed by the faith events recorded in scripture!
*Have you ever truly gotten a glimpse of who Jesus really IS? What was your response? Whenever people came into the presence of God in the Bible, they fell on their face in reverence, in honor and in fear. Because of Jesus, and by God’s grace, today we can “approach the throne of grace with confidence” (Hebrews 4:16). But let us always remember to view God for Who He Is as well!
*What is the most incredible, supernatural thing that God has allowed you to be a part of? Email me today and tell me your story. I love to hear Cool God stuff!!! mrbill6761@mac.com
*How’s your faith today? Remember, we do not need to have big faith, what we need is just a little faith in our BIG God! Ask God for a little today!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 32 - Mark 4: Five Stories
Parable of the Sower – Seed represents the Word of God, the Farmer is Jesus (and all who proclaim the Gospel), and the people represent the different kinds of soil where the seed falls. I love this parable and I believe understanding this one helps us understand the rest of them! Some will be receptive, some won’t. Some will be troubled & distracted from God more than others. And some will multiply like Jesus intended!
Lamp on the Stand – Lamps were meant to bring to light everything in a room and were for everyone in that room. Jesus’ free gift of salvation opens our eyes and is available to all who desire the truth! And the more we put into practice the Word of God (being good soil), the more we will be given to be faithful with.
Growing Seed – Short, but sweet, this one is only recorded by Mark. I believe it has to do with the results of spiritual growth occurring in the “good soil.” All of which is meant to reproduce “because the harvest has come.”
Mustard Seed – The Gospel, God’s offer of salvation, may seem simple because it is a free gift, accepted by faith, not earned. But the benefits are HUGE! Even unbelieving friends can benefit from a believers faith. Amazing!
Calming of the Storm – The chapter ends with a demonstration of Jesus’ power over even the weather & seas. The disciples are in a boat in a really bad storm and are freaking out. They accuse Jesus of not caring because He was sleeping in the stern. So He gets up, tells the wind & the waves to “chill” and basically says they have weak faith! Wow. “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!”
*Which of these parables stands out to you? Why? Which one challenges you in your walk with the Lord? Will you ask God to help you to put in to practice what you’ve learned from that one?
*How are you letting your “light” shine to those around you? Are you living the Gospel by doing good deeds, loving your neighbors, helping those in need, etc…? Are you speaking the Gospel by turning conversations to spiritual things, bringing God up, sharing the good news, etc..? BOTH are a vital in Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known!~
*Interesting that the disciples were “afraid” they were going to die but were “terrified” when they realized who was with them! Often we can get so used to Jesus being our friend (which He is) that we lose sight of the fact that He is GOD too! Lets take some time today to be in awe and to revere God for who He is – it will give us a refreshing perspective!
Lamp on the Stand – Lamps were meant to bring to light everything in a room and were for everyone in that room. Jesus’ free gift of salvation opens our eyes and is available to all who desire the truth! And the more we put into practice the Word of God (being good soil), the more we will be given to be faithful with.
Growing Seed – Short, but sweet, this one is only recorded by Mark. I believe it has to do with the results of spiritual growth occurring in the “good soil.” All of which is meant to reproduce “because the harvest has come.”
Mustard Seed – The Gospel, God’s offer of salvation, may seem simple because it is a free gift, accepted by faith, not earned. But the benefits are HUGE! Even unbelieving friends can benefit from a believers faith. Amazing!
Calming of the Storm – The chapter ends with a demonstration of Jesus’ power over even the weather & seas. The disciples are in a boat in a really bad storm and are freaking out. They accuse Jesus of not caring because He was sleeping in the stern. So He gets up, tells the wind & the waves to “chill” and basically says they have weak faith! Wow. “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!”
*Which of these parables stands out to you? Why? Which one challenges you in your walk with the Lord? Will you ask God to help you to put in to practice what you’ve learned from that one?
*How are you letting your “light” shine to those around you? Are you living the Gospel by doing good deeds, loving your neighbors, helping those in need, etc…? Are you speaking the Gospel by turning conversations to spiritual things, bringing God up, sharing the good news, etc..? BOTH are a vital in Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known!~
*Interesting that the disciples were “afraid” they were going to die but were “terrified” when they realized who was with them! Often we can get so used to Jesus being our friend (which He is) that we lose sight of the fact that He is GOD too! Lets take some time today to be in awe and to revere God for who He is – it will give us a refreshing perspective!
Monday, February 13, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 31 - Mark 3: Silence, The 12, Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit & Family
Often times our mouth, specifically the things we say, can get us in trouble. But remaining silent can also speak volumes that can damage as well. We see this happen in the first part of this chapter. A man with a shriveled hand came to Jesus for healing. It was the Sabbath and work was not allowed and they were watching Jesus to see what He would do. Like always, Jesus knew their hearts and asked, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" Their response? “They remained silent.” They wouldn’t answer because they knew Jesus was right. Instead, from this point on they worked at plotting to kill Him!
Later in this chapter Jesus “called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.” Here we see the Master’s Plan: He chose them, they learned from Him, He gave them their purpose right up front and He gave them the authority to accomplish the task. Great model to follow!
Next up, the religious peeps accuse Jesus of being demon possessed – Ha! Jesus refutes their accusations and instead goes for the spiritual jugular – the unbelief in their hearts! All sins can be forgiven through belief in Christ, except one. That one sin? “Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.” What is this sin? It is the sin of unbelief. Makes sense, if all sins can be forgiven by believing in what Christ did in our place, then only if you don’t believe can your sins not be forgiven!
Finally, Jesus makes a statement regarding eternity. Physical families are great things but when a person becomes a follower/believer of Jesus, they are given an eternal, spiritual family that is even greater! Jesus wasn’t dissin’ His family, He was pointing out a new family that transcends the physical one!
*When have you been silent when you should have spoken up? Often times we want to be liked so we don’t address things. Other times we may stay quiet because it may be awkward to bring it up. Regardless, our silence can speak volumes. When a student in our ministry does something wrong in front of the entire group, if I don’t say anything, then I’ve silently told everyone else “it’s ok to do.” – NOT good! Let’s ask God for wisdom as to when to speak and for courage to do it when we should. And to speak up lovingly!
*What has God called you to do and to be? He gives each of us at least one gift, what is yours? Are you using it for Him? If you’re not currently involved in doing so, why not talk with your parents or youth leader or pastor and see how you can be used!?~!
*I am living proof that God can forgive anyone of anything if they’ll believe! Have you done things you’re ashamed of? Disgusted by? Me too and my Bible reads “If we confess our sins, god is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Now THAT is good news!
*Family is meant to be priority, to be of first importance, both your physical family and your spiritual family. How can you show today that you value these families? Then, take your answer and do it!
Later in this chapter Jesus “called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.” Here we see the Master’s Plan: He chose them, they learned from Him, He gave them their purpose right up front and He gave them the authority to accomplish the task. Great model to follow!
Next up, the religious peeps accuse Jesus of being demon possessed – Ha! Jesus refutes their accusations and instead goes for the spiritual jugular – the unbelief in their hearts! All sins can be forgiven through belief in Christ, except one. That one sin? “Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.” What is this sin? It is the sin of unbelief. Makes sense, if all sins can be forgiven by believing in what Christ did in our place, then only if you don’t believe can your sins not be forgiven!
Finally, Jesus makes a statement regarding eternity. Physical families are great things but when a person becomes a follower/believer of Jesus, they are given an eternal, spiritual family that is even greater! Jesus wasn’t dissin’ His family, He was pointing out a new family that transcends the physical one!
*When have you been silent when you should have spoken up? Often times we want to be liked so we don’t address things. Other times we may stay quiet because it may be awkward to bring it up. Regardless, our silence can speak volumes. When a student in our ministry does something wrong in front of the entire group, if I don’t say anything, then I’ve silently told everyone else “it’s ok to do.” – NOT good! Let’s ask God for wisdom as to when to speak and for courage to do it when we should. And to speak up lovingly!
*What has God called you to do and to be? He gives each of us at least one gift, what is yours? Are you using it for Him? If you’re not currently involved in doing so, why not talk with your parents or youth leader or pastor and see how you can be used!?~!
*I am living proof that God can forgive anyone of anything if they’ll believe! Have you done things you’re ashamed of? Disgusted by? Me too and my Bible reads “If we confess our sins, god is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Now THAT is good news!
*Family is meant to be priority, to be of first importance, both your physical family and your spiritual family. How can you show today that you value these families? Then, take your answer and do it!
Friday, February 10, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 30 - Mark 2: Amazement, An Outcast & Overruling
Because Mark presents Jesus as Servant, we will read a lot of what Jesus DOES! And there is no better word to use than…
Amazement: People constantly wanted to be around Jesus. Who wouldn’t?! He taught the Bible like no one before, He was healing people, casting out demons, calming storms – the special effects in themselves would have been pretty incredible to see! He always drew a crowd, and apparently if you can’t push through the crowd to get to Jesus, you come in from above! Jesus is so impressed with their FAITH that He tells the paralytic “Son, your sins are forgiven." (This statement upset the religious peeps) And you guessed it, the guy walked away! Was this amazing? Absolutely! But what is more amazing is “Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, ‘Why are you thinking these things?’” I think they were even more amazed (& scared) that Jesus knew exactly what they were thinking!
An Outcast: Tax Collectors were seen as traitors. They were worked for the Roman government (the enemy) as well as collected extra for themselves when they made their rounds. So when Jesus says to Matthew “follow me” He was not out to win neighbors and influence friends! We see that in the Pharisees disapproval to Jesus eating at Matthew’s home. Jesus’ reply? “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus loved all people and was a cheerleader of the Outcasts!
Overruling: If there is one thing clear in Scripture over & over again is that Jesus overrules. Two times here – First fasting: The Pharisees were upset that Jesus’ disciples were not fasting (rules). Jesus basically tells them that would be a bit awkward since fasting involves mourning HE is with them (relationship). This should be a time of celebration, not mourning. Second the Sabbath: Again, tradition & rules are being held above relationship. The idea of the Sabbath was rest, but rabbis had added all kinds of goofy restrictions - like you couldn’t travel 3000 feet from your home, etc… The disciples were not breaking God’s law, just these silly, added traditions. Maybe the real sin was that the rabbis were holding their “traditions” as equal to God’s Word!~
*Does Jesus amaze you? Are you drawn to Him? OT peeps were! What about Jesus is most attractive to you? His Love? Compassion? Power? Wisdom? Why not thank Him for whatever it is that attracts you to Him?! And, since He knows our thoughts, let’s ask forgiveness for our sins as well!
*All over scripture, God is reaching out to the poor, the helpless, the shameful, the weak. This is just the opposite of our culture where the rich, talented, athletic, funny and intellectual are seen as the biggest assets. Who can you reach out to today? Someone sitting by themselves? That person with a bad attitude? That friend who is so high maintenance? Etc… You never know what kind of an impact you could make in their life! Go for it!
*When it comes to your Christian life, are you more about the rules or the relationship? Without a doubt, God has holy standards that He desires us to seek, but if those become our focus we will miss out on the joy of the relationship! Dine with Jesus – today & everyday! He’s knocking……let Him in!
Amazement: People constantly wanted to be around Jesus. Who wouldn’t?! He taught the Bible like no one before, He was healing people, casting out demons, calming storms – the special effects in themselves would have been pretty incredible to see! He always drew a crowd, and apparently if you can’t push through the crowd to get to Jesus, you come in from above! Jesus is so impressed with their FAITH that He tells the paralytic “Son, your sins are forgiven." (This statement upset the religious peeps) And you guessed it, the guy walked away! Was this amazing? Absolutely! But what is more amazing is “Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, ‘Why are you thinking these things?’” I think they were even more amazed (& scared) that Jesus knew exactly what they were thinking!
An Outcast: Tax Collectors were seen as traitors. They were worked for the Roman government (the enemy) as well as collected extra for themselves when they made their rounds. So when Jesus says to Matthew “follow me” He was not out to win neighbors and influence friends! We see that in the Pharisees disapproval to Jesus eating at Matthew’s home. Jesus’ reply? “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus loved all people and was a cheerleader of the Outcasts!
Overruling: If there is one thing clear in Scripture over & over again is that Jesus overrules. Two times here – First fasting: The Pharisees were upset that Jesus’ disciples were not fasting (rules). Jesus basically tells them that would be a bit awkward since fasting involves mourning HE is with them (relationship). This should be a time of celebration, not mourning. Second the Sabbath: Again, tradition & rules are being held above relationship. The idea of the Sabbath was rest, but rabbis had added all kinds of goofy restrictions - like you couldn’t travel 3000 feet from your home, etc… The disciples were not breaking God’s law, just these silly, added traditions. Maybe the real sin was that the rabbis were holding their “traditions” as equal to God’s Word!~
*Does Jesus amaze you? Are you drawn to Him? OT peeps were! What about Jesus is most attractive to you? His Love? Compassion? Power? Wisdom? Why not thank Him for whatever it is that attracts you to Him?! And, since He knows our thoughts, let’s ask forgiveness for our sins as well!
*All over scripture, God is reaching out to the poor, the helpless, the shameful, the weak. This is just the opposite of our culture where the rich, talented, athletic, funny and intellectual are seen as the biggest assets. Who can you reach out to today? Someone sitting by themselves? That person with a bad attitude? That friend who is so high maintenance? Etc… You never know what kind of an impact you could make in their life! Go for it!
*When it comes to your Christian life, are you more about the rules or the relationship? Without a doubt, God has holy standards that He desires us to seek, but if those become our focus we will miss out on the joy of the relationship! Dine with Jesus – today & everyday! He’s knocking……let Him in!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 29 - Mark 1: Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry
Introduction to Mark:
The Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the Son of Man. The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as King. And the Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as Servant. This Gospel was written before the other three and was most likely used by the other three writers. It was written to encourage believers and to prove beyond a doubt that Jesus is Messiah.
Wow – A LOT in this chapter! Where to begin…..
Preparation: John the Baptizer’s coming was a fulfillment of what Isaiah spoke. He came to ”prepare the way for the Lord.” He himself wasn’t God & he knew it (7). He came to get people ready for Jesus, and then his baptism OF Jesus prepared Jesus for His earthly ministry. Another preparation involved Jesus calling of two sets of brothers to something greater than their careers - to follow Him and HE would make them “fishers of men.”
Ministry - 3 Specific Miracles & Prayer: Ok, so this didn’t describe my ministry last week, but then, I’m not Jesus! The first miracle happens at a “church service.” Jesus is teaching “as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law” (slam on the religious peeps) and the demon in this dude is scared that Jesus is gonna’ do something with him and he’s right! Evil is always fearful in the presence of holiness!
The second miracle involves Peter’s mother-in-law. She is sick with a fever and all Jesus does is grab her hand & help her up…….healed! Her reply? “Thanks Jesus, can I get you anything?” And then He does quite a few more miracles as well.
The third miracle was healing a man of leprosy. People would stay away from lepers so as to not catch their disease – not Jesus! His love & compassion for people overruled, so He “reached out His hand and touched the man.” And yep, you know what happened – healed!
What catches my attention in this chapter is verse 35: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” WOW, if Jesus felt the need to go to His Father in heaven often, how much more should I?!~! Want to know the key to His earthly ministry? He relied on strength from above. So should we!
*How are you & I preparing to be with Jesus? If Jesus gave you the choice today of either staying here on earth or leaving to be with Him, which would you choose? Jean, Drew, Jessica – I LOVE Y’ALL, but I’d be out of here! If this life is preparation for eternity, let’s use it to drag as many others with us to heaven!
*Where in your life are you in need of a miracle? Is there a relationship that needs restoring & seems impossible? Are you having financial problems like never before? Physical problems? Regardless, our God is a God of miracles and still does them. Take your impossibilities to Him today and watch Him work!
*How’s your prayer life? Would others be so impressed that they would ask you to pray? That is exactly what Jesus’ disciples asked Him. Oh Lord. please let my prayer life reflect that I need you and I am trusting in YOUR strength for my daily living!
The Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the Son of Man. The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as King. And the Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as Servant. This Gospel was written before the other three and was most likely used by the other three writers. It was written to encourage believers and to prove beyond a doubt that Jesus is Messiah.
Wow – A LOT in this chapter! Where to begin…..
Preparation: John the Baptizer’s coming was a fulfillment of what Isaiah spoke. He came to ”prepare the way for the Lord.” He himself wasn’t God & he knew it (7). He came to get people ready for Jesus, and then his baptism OF Jesus prepared Jesus for His earthly ministry. Another preparation involved Jesus calling of two sets of brothers to something greater than their careers - to follow Him and HE would make them “fishers of men.”
Ministry - 3 Specific Miracles & Prayer: Ok, so this didn’t describe my ministry last week, but then, I’m not Jesus! The first miracle happens at a “church service.” Jesus is teaching “as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law” (slam on the religious peeps) and the demon in this dude is scared that Jesus is gonna’ do something with him and he’s right! Evil is always fearful in the presence of holiness!
The second miracle involves Peter’s mother-in-law. She is sick with a fever and all Jesus does is grab her hand & help her up…….healed! Her reply? “Thanks Jesus, can I get you anything?” And then He does quite a few more miracles as well.
The third miracle was healing a man of leprosy. People would stay away from lepers so as to not catch their disease – not Jesus! His love & compassion for people overruled, so He “reached out His hand and touched the man.” And yep, you know what happened – healed!
What catches my attention in this chapter is verse 35: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” WOW, if Jesus felt the need to go to His Father in heaven often, how much more should I?!~! Want to know the key to His earthly ministry? He relied on strength from above. So should we!
*How are you & I preparing to be with Jesus? If Jesus gave you the choice today of either staying here on earth or leaving to be with Him, which would you choose? Jean, Drew, Jessica – I LOVE Y’ALL, but I’d be out of here! If this life is preparation for eternity, let’s use it to drag as many others with us to heaven!
*Where in your life are you in need of a miracle? Is there a relationship that needs restoring & seems impossible? Are you having financial problems like never before? Physical problems? Regardless, our God is a God of miracles and still does them. Take your impossibilities to Him today and watch Him work!
*How’s your prayer life? Would others be so impressed that they would ask you to pray? That is exactly what Jesus’ disciples asked Him. Oh Lord. please let my prayer life reflect that I need you and I am trusting in YOUR strength for my daily living!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 28 - Matthew 28: THE Resurrection & THE Cause!
Last chapter ended with “Good Friday” and today’s chapter picks up with “Easter Sunday”! I’ve heard it said this way about this historic event, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin’!” The resurrection of Jesus is HUGE. Our faith rests on it. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 that if the resurrection is not true, basically we’re all idiots! I agree. But it IS true – and that makes every difference!
Apparently, God likes announcing big things with earthquakes! So it is with the resurrection. An angel of the Lord met them - the guards passed out and the women freaked out! “He has risen” – these three words are the basis for our faith. “Just as He said” – God keeps His promises! Then the angel gives them what Christian living is all about: “Come and see...then go and tell…” This is what Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known is all about!
Then, as always, anti-Jesus people will stir things up. So they decide to make up a story (lie), “You are to say, 'His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.'” Let’s call this the lie that PROVES the resurrection! First, if all of them were asleep at the same time, how could they say who stole the body. Second, why would they risk their lives for a bribe? The story was self-contradictory! This was no “quick flash, was that really Jesus”, kind of deal. Paul say he was seen by over 500 peeps at the same time and was here for 40 days! It was real - He was alive!
Finally, Jesus gives what has been renamed “THE Cause.” (formerly the great commission) There are a lot of great causes in our world: world hunger, anti-child trafficking, breast cancer, etc… But THE Cause above all causes is THE Cause of Christ to make disciples who make disciples! To Know Jesus and Make Him Known! And this is what Jesus calls us to do with our lives!
*What do you rest your faith on? Your good works? The money you give? Volunteering? What your parents believe? The Bible is clear. Faith alone in Christ alone and what HE accomplished is the only faith that saves! Got Faith?
*What are you doing with your life? Jesus gave us the task of making disciples and one day He’s coming back to see how we did! If I ask my son or daughter to do something while I’m gone and I come back and it’s not done, I’m not happy. Doesn’t matter if they tell me all the other things they may have done, they didn’t do what I asked! Going to church, having Bible studies, praying, etc… are all good things but if we never involve ourselves in THE Cause of making disciples, then we fail at what God has called us to be & do! So, how are you involved in Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known? Ask your pastor or spiritual mentor how you can be!
Apparently, God likes announcing big things with earthquakes! So it is with the resurrection. An angel of the Lord met them - the guards passed out and the women freaked out! “He has risen” – these three words are the basis for our faith. “Just as He said” – God keeps His promises! Then the angel gives them what Christian living is all about: “Come and see...then go and tell…” This is what Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known is all about!
Then, as always, anti-Jesus people will stir things up. So they decide to make up a story (lie), “You are to say, 'His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.'” Let’s call this the lie that PROVES the resurrection! First, if all of them were asleep at the same time, how could they say who stole the body. Second, why would they risk their lives for a bribe? The story was self-contradictory! This was no “quick flash, was that really Jesus”, kind of deal. Paul say he was seen by over 500 peeps at the same time and was here for 40 days! It was real - He was alive!
Finally, Jesus gives what has been renamed “THE Cause.” (formerly the great commission) There are a lot of great causes in our world: world hunger, anti-child trafficking, breast cancer, etc… But THE Cause above all causes is THE Cause of Christ to make disciples who make disciples! To Know Jesus and Make Him Known! And this is what Jesus calls us to do with our lives!
*What do you rest your faith on? Your good works? The money you give? Volunteering? What your parents believe? The Bible is clear. Faith alone in Christ alone and what HE accomplished is the only faith that saves! Got Faith?
*What are you doing with your life? Jesus gave us the task of making disciples and one day He’s coming back to see how we did! If I ask my son or daughter to do something while I’m gone and I come back and it’s not done, I’m not happy. Doesn’t matter if they tell me all the other things they may have done, they didn’t do what I asked! Going to church, having Bible studies, praying, etc… are all good things but if we never involve ourselves in THE Cause of making disciples, then we fail at what God has called us to be & do! So, how are you involved in Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known? Ask your pastor or spiritual mentor how you can be!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 27 - Matthew 27: Crucifixion, Death & Burial of the King
The time has come. Jesus predicted His death three times earlier in Matthew and now it is time. The guilt of participating in the killing of Jesus was too much for Judas, so he tossed the 30 coins and hanged himself, ALL of which was predicted years earlier in the Bible!
Pilate was stuck. He was hoping to release Jesus but underestimated the Jewish leaders and their schemes to get Jesus crucified. He then agreed to have Jesus crucified, yet ironically “washed his hands”, a symbol that he was not responsible for Jesus’ blood – Ha – nice try Pilate!
As Jesus hung on the cross the soldiers mocked Him, which again, was predicted.
Then strange things began to happen! For three hours during the middle of the day it got dark. At the moment Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two (symbolizing we no longer need a priest but that we can now go straight to God ourselves), there was an earthquake, tombs broke open, resurrections took place and those who saw these things said, “Surely he was the Son of God!" WOWSA – Now that’s Cool God Stuff!
Then they took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped him, placed him in a tomb with a huge stone in front, sealed it and put a guard to watch it!
*We live in a culture where a person’s word seems to mean very little any more. People lie all the time. Not so with God! Whatever He says is going to happen, IS going to happen! And believers should speak the same – letting our Yes be Yes and our No be No! How is your word? Your trustworthiness? Don’t know? Ask your wife, or kids, or friends, or boss – they know!
*What was the point when you said, “Surely Jesus is God, Lord, Messiah”? When did that occur? Here’s a 48hr challenge: If you know Jesus, share your personal testimony with someone in the next 48 hours. I Double Dog Dare Ya! Then hey, let me know how it went!
Pilate was stuck. He was hoping to release Jesus but underestimated the Jewish leaders and their schemes to get Jesus crucified. He then agreed to have Jesus crucified, yet ironically “washed his hands”, a symbol that he was not responsible for Jesus’ blood – Ha – nice try Pilate!
As Jesus hung on the cross the soldiers mocked Him, which again, was predicted.
Then strange things began to happen! For three hours during the middle of the day it got dark. At the moment Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two (symbolizing we no longer need a priest but that we can now go straight to God ourselves), there was an earthquake, tombs broke open, resurrections took place and those who saw these things said, “Surely he was the Son of God!" WOWSA – Now that’s Cool God Stuff!
Then they took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped him, placed him in a tomb with a huge stone in front, sealed it and put a guard to watch it!
*We live in a culture where a person’s word seems to mean very little any more. People lie all the time. Not so with God! Whatever He says is going to happen, IS going to happen! And believers should speak the same – letting our Yes be Yes and our No be No! How is your word? Your trustworthiness? Don’t know? Ask your wife, or kids, or friends, or boss – they know!
*What was the point when you said, “Surely Jesus is God, Lord, Messiah”? When did that occur? Here’s a 48hr challenge: If you know Jesus, share your personal testimony with someone in the next 48 hours. I Double Dog Dare Ya! Then hey, let me know how it went!
Monday, February 6, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 26 - Matthew 26: The Passion of the King
As we read these next two chapters in Matthew, I am reminded of the film “The Passion of the Christ.” When that film came out, our church bought an entire showing and we all prayed and invited our neighbors. My friend Noe came and I’ll never forget it. It was the most graphic rendition of Jesus’ final week I had ever watched. It was not your popcorn eating, laughing and joking kind of movie. And when it was over, everyone just quietly left, including my friend Noe, who was in tears. The price Jesus paid for sin should sober us! Yes, it’s a free gift to all who by grace thru faith believe & receive, but don’t mistake FREE for cheap! It cost Jesus His life!
It began with a plot on His life by the religious peeps who had had enough of this Jesus guy. A woman falls at Jesus feet, dumping expensive perfume to show us what is truly valuable. One of Jesus’ closest friends, Judas, turns on Him, and yet, Jesus wants one last meal with His friends. Another disciple ditches Jesus, well ok, actually they all did, but Peter gets the bad rap for it. And when time was so intense for Jesus, his buddies couldn’t even stay awake. Judas then turns Jesus over and He is arrested, then appears before the religious “Holy Heavies” and is mocked, spit on and beaten. These were certainly extremely difficult and lonely times for our Lord & Savior!
*Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. The Passion of the King ought to transform how we live! Is it doing that in your life?
*Ever want to give up on people? You pray for them & pray for them and never see any interest in spiritual things? Jesus could have felt that way with Judas, but He loved him to the end. It’s been years, but recently my friend Noe visited our church, and again was in tears after the message! I’m not sure if he has believed yet or if he ever will, but I’m not gonna give up on him because Jesus never gave up on me! Is there a friend whom you are getting tired of turning down spiritual things? Don’t give up on them – they’re worth it, Gods knows!
It began with a plot on His life by the religious peeps who had had enough of this Jesus guy. A woman falls at Jesus feet, dumping expensive perfume to show us what is truly valuable. One of Jesus’ closest friends, Judas, turns on Him, and yet, Jesus wants one last meal with His friends. Another disciple ditches Jesus, well ok, actually they all did, but Peter gets the bad rap for it. And when time was so intense for Jesus, his buddies couldn’t even stay awake. Judas then turns Jesus over and He is arrested, then appears before the religious “Holy Heavies” and is mocked, spit on and beaten. These were certainly extremely difficult and lonely times for our Lord & Savior!
*Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. The Passion of the King ought to transform how we live! Is it doing that in your life?
*Ever want to give up on people? You pray for them & pray for them and never see any interest in spiritual things? Jesus could have felt that way with Judas, but He loved him to the end. It’s been years, but recently my friend Noe visited our church, and again was in tears after the message! I’m not sure if he has believed yet or if he ever will, but I’m not gonna give up on him because Jesus never gave up on me! Is there a friend whom you are getting tired of turning down spiritual things? Don’t give up on them – they’re worth it, Gods knows!
Friday, February 3, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 25 - Matthew 25: The King’s Second Coming – Part 2
Jesus continues with His answer to the disciples question in 24:3 by telling three parables that describe Readiness, Responsibility and Judgment.
1 – The Ten Virgins This Parable, like much of chapter 24, speaks of readiness. It is foolish to know Jesus is coming back and to not prepare. There were two phases to Jewish weddings. First you’d party at the bride’s home, then you’d take her to the grooms home to celebrate. I believe Jesus will take His bride (the church, believers) to heaven (rapture), then He will return with his bride at his second coming. It could also be that the virgins represent the professing Jewish believers on earth at His return, but I could be wrong.
2- The Talents: This Parable is about responsibility and faithfulness. God gives differently to each of us. This issue is not that someone else has been given more or less (5,2,1) – that happens all the time. The real issue is what are we doing with what God gives to each of us!
3 – The Sheep & The Goats: This Parable describes judgment upon those whom did not know Jesus! Remember chapter 22? How does a loving relationship with God show itself? By loving Him and loving people! We must show love to God’s people!
*Are you ready for Jesus to come back today? Seriously, He could at any moment! Have you prepared? If Jesus were to come to you today and ask you if you’d rather stay here or go to be with Him, which would you choose? Jean, Drew, Jessica and everyone else – I love ya’, but I’m outta’ here! Just sayin’… I mean really, if heaven is as great as the Bible says it is, and if I’m planning my whole life to get there, I’m not going to be disappointed when the time comes! How about you?
*What has God given you? I think we often look more at what we haven’t been given. I’m a youth pastor who can’t play guitar, is terrible with drama, has less finances than those around him, can’t sport a nifty hair do and has never had the spiritual gift of cool! (Can you tell I can get bothered buy these things sometimes?!) But I have to remind myself that what I haven’t been given doesn’t matter! I’ll never have to answer to what I didn’t have. God DID make me an encourager, He DID make me real with students, He DID give me the ability to understand & apply the Bible and He DID give me a passion for students and for the lost! It’s these things I need to be faithful with. How about you? Why not take a few minutes and write down the things God has given you, tell Him thanks, and then ask Him to help you be more faithful!
1 – The Ten Virgins This Parable, like much of chapter 24, speaks of readiness. It is foolish to know Jesus is coming back and to not prepare. There were two phases to Jewish weddings. First you’d party at the bride’s home, then you’d take her to the grooms home to celebrate. I believe Jesus will take His bride (the church, believers) to heaven (rapture), then He will return with his bride at his second coming. It could also be that the virgins represent the professing Jewish believers on earth at His return, but I could be wrong.
2- The Talents: This Parable is about responsibility and faithfulness. God gives differently to each of us. This issue is not that someone else has been given more or less (5,2,1) – that happens all the time. The real issue is what are we doing with what God gives to each of us!
3 – The Sheep & The Goats: This Parable describes judgment upon those whom did not know Jesus! Remember chapter 22? How does a loving relationship with God show itself? By loving Him and loving people! We must show love to God’s people!
*Are you ready for Jesus to come back today? Seriously, He could at any moment! Have you prepared? If Jesus were to come to you today and ask you if you’d rather stay here or go to be with Him, which would you choose? Jean, Drew, Jessica and everyone else – I love ya’, but I’m outta’ here! Just sayin’… I mean really, if heaven is as great as the Bible says it is, and if I’m planning my whole life to get there, I’m not going to be disappointed when the time comes! How about you?
*What has God given you? I think we often look more at what we haven’t been given. I’m a youth pastor who can’t play guitar, is terrible with drama, has less finances than those around him, can’t sport a nifty hair do and has never had the spiritual gift of cool! (Can you tell I can get bothered buy these things sometimes?!) But I have to remind myself that what I haven’t been given doesn’t matter! I’ll never have to answer to what I didn’t have. God DID make me an encourager, He DID make me real with students, He DID give me the ability to understand & apply the Bible and He DID give me a passion for students and for the lost! It’s these things I need to be faithful with. How about you? Why not take a few minutes and write down the things God has given you, tell Him thanks, and then ask Him to help you be more faithful!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 24 - Matthew 24: The King’s Second Coming!
This chapter and the next are known as “The Olivet Discourse” – which basically means the answer Jesus gave on the Mount of Olives when the disciples asked "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" This is the longest answer given to any question in the new testament! And we could spend several weeks studying this! Also, because it is future stuff, it can be difficult to understand in the present! But here is my short take on it:
I believe 4-14 describes “birth pains” signs. False christs will deceive (4-5), there will be dissension among nations of the world (6-7), worldwide devastation (7-8), believers being persecuted (9), make-believers defecting (10-13) & the Gospel being declared to the whole world (14). And mark this, the word “will” occurs 17 times in 4-15, 14 times in 26-35 and 13 times in 36-51. So 44 times in the 51 verses of this chapter Jesus uses the word “will.” - Why? Because you can bank on it! It’s a fact! Count it as true! These things will and are already happening!
Verse 15 describes the antichrist who will demand that all people worship Him alone. If you don’t, you’ll be persecuted and killed.
16-28 describe the horrible times to come! Tons of interpretations but they all agree on one thing – it WILL happen! How bad will it be? “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”
29-31 describes Jesus return. This time, not as an innocent lamb, but as a Warrior King!
32-35 describes the final generation and Jesus states that His words will last – i.e. you can count on it!
36-51 is then a call to be ready! Jesus IS coming back and we need to be faithful to fulfill our calling to Know Jesus and Make Him Known! “It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.”
*As you read the “birth pains” described in 4-14, what comes to your mind? If you’re like me, I felt like I was reading today’s newspaper headlines! Much of this stuff is going on right now! So what are we to be and do? Well, if you’re not yet a believer, I plead with you to believe and receive the Gospel of Jesus today! If you are a believer, let us “stand firm to the end” by being faithful to Know Jesus and Make Him Known more and more each day! That way when Jesus comes He will find us being faithful and wise!
*Future stuff can bring anxiety, because ultimately it shows who is in control – GOD, not us! Admit it, we’re all control freaks, but God wants us to daily to acknowledge to Him the control He already has of our lives. Lord, please help us!
I believe 4-14 describes “birth pains” signs. False christs will deceive (4-5), there will be dissension among nations of the world (6-7), worldwide devastation (7-8), believers being persecuted (9), make-believers defecting (10-13) & the Gospel being declared to the whole world (14). And mark this, the word “will” occurs 17 times in 4-15, 14 times in 26-35 and 13 times in 36-51. So 44 times in the 51 verses of this chapter Jesus uses the word “will.” - Why? Because you can bank on it! It’s a fact! Count it as true! These things will and are already happening!
Verse 15 describes the antichrist who will demand that all people worship Him alone. If you don’t, you’ll be persecuted and killed.
16-28 describe the horrible times to come! Tons of interpretations but they all agree on one thing – it WILL happen! How bad will it be? “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”
29-31 describes Jesus return. This time, not as an innocent lamb, but as a Warrior King!
32-35 describes the final generation and Jesus states that His words will last – i.e. you can count on it!
36-51 is then a call to be ready! Jesus IS coming back and we need to be faithful to fulfill our calling to Know Jesus and Make Him Known! “It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.”
*As you read the “birth pains” described in 4-14, what comes to your mind? If you’re like me, I felt like I was reading today’s newspaper headlines! Much of this stuff is going on right now! So what are we to be and do? Well, if you’re not yet a believer, I plead with you to believe and receive the Gospel of Jesus today! If you are a believer, let us “stand firm to the end” by being faithful to Know Jesus and Make Him Known more and more each day! That way when Jesus comes He will find us being faithful and wise!
*Future stuff can bring anxiety, because ultimately it shows who is in control – GOD, not us! Admit it, we’re all control freaks, but God wants us to daily to acknowledge to Him the control He already has of our lives. Lord, please help us!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 23 - Matthew 23: False Spiritual Leaders
The Pharisees were the “spiritual leaders” of their day and Jesus was not pleased with them! This scares me because I’m a spiritual leader and I do not want Jesus to be displeased with me!
And certainly, all pastors and church leaders are spiritual leaders, and this passage ought to sober us!
In the first 12 verses, Jesus reveals the heart and character of these false spiritual leaders. He lays it out right from the beginning, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” Honor their position, but not their practice! Why? It’s all a joke! They ask you to do stuff they don’t do, they show off and they love recognition & titles. And what will this get them? “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Jesus then condemns them (13-33) with “7 Woes”! Each woe is a condemnation for a specific way they were being hypocrites! As I mentioned in a previous devotion, the word for hypocrite means “actor” someone who pretends to be someone else and is only acting. God Hates this!
In 34-36 we read the judgment that these false spiritual leaders will receive – God will hold them responsible for their blood! That is serious stuff!
In a final plea (37-39), Jesus explains how He longed for the nation of Israel to recognize and receive Him as Savior & Lord “but you were not willing.”
*Are you a spiritual leader? As believers, we have the answer to eternal life and are therefore this makes all of us spiritual leaders. Is this an incredible privilege? Absolutely! AND a huge responsibility as well (James 3:1). So how are you doing? Lord, help us not to be hypocrites who pretend and just act, but help us to be the real deal!
*Which of the woes that Jesus gave do you wrestle with most? Ask God today to help you in that area!
And certainly, all pastors and church leaders are spiritual leaders, and this passage ought to sober us!
In the first 12 verses, Jesus reveals the heart and character of these false spiritual leaders. He lays it out right from the beginning, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” Honor their position, but not their practice! Why? It’s all a joke! They ask you to do stuff they don’t do, they show off and they love recognition & titles. And what will this get them? “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Jesus then condemns them (13-33) with “7 Woes”! Each woe is a condemnation for a specific way they were being hypocrites! As I mentioned in a previous devotion, the word for hypocrite means “actor” someone who pretends to be someone else and is only acting. God Hates this!
In 34-36 we read the judgment that these false spiritual leaders will receive – God will hold them responsible for their blood! That is serious stuff!
In a final plea (37-39), Jesus explains how He longed for the nation of Israel to recognize and receive Him as Savior & Lord “but you were not willing.”
*Are you a spiritual leader? As believers, we have the answer to eternal life and are therefore this makes all of us spiritual leaders. Is this an incredible privilege? Absolutely! AND a huge responsibility as well (James 3:1). So how are you doing? Lord, help us not to be hypocrites who pretend and just act, but help us to be the real deal!
*Which of the woes that Jesus gave do you wrestle with most? Ask God today to help you in that area!
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