Tuesday, January 31, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 22 - Matthew 22: A Royal Invitation, Obligations, Resurrection, The Greatest Command, Who Jesus IS & a Really Long Title!

Wow – a lot in this Chapter! Here we go…
1-14: This parable predicts and describes the rejection of Jesus by the nation of Israel. The Jews were God’s chosen people and they would not accept Jesus as the Messiah, the promised Savior. The last verse explains: “For many are invited, but few are chosen." God’s offer of salvation is open to all, but each of us has to choose to receive this free gift. Rejection occurs when either we are indifferent (5), rebellious (6) or when we try to be self-righteous (12).
15-22: Don’t ya’ just love the wisdom of Jesus! The Pharisees were constantly trying to catch Him and they constantly failed. “Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" You and I have an obligation to both God and government. To live in a society run by the people for the people costs money, so we are obligated to pay our dues. To our Creator God………well………..we owe everything else!
23-33: Because we only know life as we have it on earth, we often assume things to be true elsewhere. For instance, if you’ve ever traveled out of the USA you know things are not the same in other countries. The Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection (that’s why they’re sad-you-see…hehe….) were comparing the protocol on earth to heaven in regards to marriage. Jesus corrected them by going to the Scriptures and explaining that “at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage…”
34-40: Again the Pharisees test Jesus by asking Him which commandment is the greatest. He responds by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5, part of the “Shema”, used by all Jews in their daily prayers. Basically Jesus says here’s what matters most: Love God, Love People!
41-46: The greatest discovery a person can make is to know the truth about who Jesus IS! As CS Lewis put it, “He’s either a liar, a lunatic or He is Lord” – those are the only choices we have. Jesus made it clear to the Pharisees that Christ was not just the son of David but truly the Son of God, Messiah and Savior – David even knew it! And the Pharisees’ response? “No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.” – Ha!
*Are you one of God’s kids? He invites all to join His family! “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” Have you gone from death to life yet? If so, you are a chosen one! If not, why not today?!~
*My guess is that we all pay our taxes or we’d face consequences! But how are you and I doing in giving to God what is God’s? If I was given sideline tickets to this year’s Super Bowl, I’d find a way to make it there! Why? Because I’ve learned over the years that we all MAKE time for what we WANT to do! The same is true with God. We can “say” we owe Him everything, but does our schedule, our checkbook, and what we do with our energies prove it? Let’s MAKE time for Jesus! Love God, Love People!

Monday, January 30, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 21 - Matthew 21: Triumphal Entry & a Whole Lot More…

This marks the beginning of the final week of Jesus’ life. This entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is cool, amazing and sad. COOL in the way He got the donkey – tells them exactly where to go and exactly what to do. AMAZING in what the crowds do – Shouting “Hosanna” which means “save us.” They may not have totally known who this Jesus was, but they knew He was from God and He could save! SAD in that only a few days later the very people who were crying out “save us” would be the same ones crying out “crucify him.”
So, first thing Jesus does is enters the temple and sees it being abused. Ok……”WWJD”? And, as usual, not what I would have guessed. He was ticked off – a holy ticked off – and He let ‘em know the sin that they were involved in! Then he healed the blind and lame, which brought praise yet ticked off the religious peeps because they wanted the praise!
Jesus then spends the night in Bethany and on his way back to Jerusalem the next morning He sees a fig tree without figs (worthless). He curses it and it immediately shrivels up & dies. Personally I believe this was illustrative of Israel rejecting Jesus (they were unfruitful in spite of all the advantages they were given), but I could be wrong. The disciples watching were amazed and Jesus told them that if they have faith they could do even greater stuff.
Now, please learn something from this next story – questioning Jesus is never good! He caught them because He is ultimate wisdom! Result – He didn’t have to answer their question.
The next parable had to hit the religious peeps like a knife in the heart. He gets them to see that they rejected Him but tax collectors & prostitutes (scum of their time) were accepting Him and being given eternal life! So He added another parable to show that they not only rejected Him but also the OT prophets and they would soon crucify Him! None of this set well with the religious peeps: “When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus' parables, they knew he was talking about them. They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.”
*Is your response to Jesus dependant upon circumstances? Things going good – Praise the Lord! Life stinks – What is your problem God?!~! This is how the people of Jesus’ day were responding and yet James warns us “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.” Lord help us to see You in both the blessings and the trials of life and to praise you for both. When this happens, we’d know it was a supernatural response from your Spirit in us!
*Are you producing fruit? God has chose us to bear fruit for Him (John 15:8,16). When was the last time you encouraged a discouraged friend or helped a widow or shared Jesus with someone? Let’s Bear Fruit TODAY – it’s our calling!

Friday, January 27, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 20 - Matthew 20: Parable, Pain, Position

Yep - raise your hand with me if you can relate to how the workers who were hired first felt!~ If my parents had done this on our farm with me and my brothers & sister, there would have been mutiny! Yet this story wreaks of the generosity, grace and equality of God’s love! I believe it’s an Allegory – a story with two meanings. The Vineyard is the Kingdom of God, the Landowner is God the Father, the Foreman is Jesus, the laborers are believers, the denarius is eternal life, the workday represents a lifetime of service to God and evening represents eternity. And all of this teaches us so much about salvation. First, GOD initiates it and accomplishes it. It was He who went looking for workers and He asked them. Second, God sets the terms of how someone is saved (by grace thru faith). He set the price. Third, God continually is calling people to Him, even up to the final hour! Fourth, everyone has to choose to accept this offer, the workers gladly did! Fifth, God gives what He promises and more! ALL received the same, the last workers more than they deserved! Finally, workers were rewarded for their FAITHFULNESS with what was given them, NOT on how much was given them! Wow this is good stuff!
In verses 17-19 Jesus, for the third time, predicts His death and the sufferings He would go through. By now the disciples had to be getting weary of this report from Jesus.
The next story cracks me up. It’s just like a mom - trying to look after her boys! “Hey Jesus, can you do me a favor? My boys are pretty sharp, can they be head honchos with you for eternity?!~! They’d be great help!” She wanted them to have “position” and Jesus makes it very clear that greatness is not ruling over others but serving them! And oh, by the way James, you’ll be the first one killed for me! Ha – be careful what you (or your mommy) ask for!
The chapter wraps up with another healing by Jesus. Two blind men are crying out to Jesus for mercy. He asks them what they want, “we want our sight” they reply. Jesus gives it to them and they follow Him.
*Has God’s generosity to others ever seemed “unfair” to you? How do you respond when God blesses others? Periodically in college my roommates would come in from the mailbox (yes, an actual place with actual letters) excited about a check for $500 they just got, while I would stir my 10 for $1 ramen, thinking where’s mine? Ad YET, very often I was the one running in from the mailbox! After attending 4 years at a private Christian college (which I had saved no money up for) I came away with only a $4000 loan – God totally paid the rest! God is certainly not fair. But He IS more than fair! He’s just, He’s merciful, He’s gracious, He’s loving and He is Jehovah Jira, our provider. Never forget it!
*How are you and I being faithful with what God has given us? Talents? Spiritual gifts? Money? Resources? The key is not how much of what God has given us but it is how faithful we are in using those things for HIM! So, are you?
*Finally, always remember that God loves it when we come to Him, helpless and crying out for mercy! I don’t know what you’re going through today, but God would love to have you cry out to Him. He is the best listener and best helper we could ever have!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Two Cheesecakes & A Resignation

The past three days have been a whirlwind for me, for my family and for our student ministry. It's been 72 hours of the lowest of lows and highest of highs. I've been emotionally spent, relationally energized and spiritually excited all at the same time! Gasp - I feel like a female!~ (sorry ladies)
Monday, after six months of discussions on direction and differences, I resigned, during our elder meeting, as student pastor at Redeemer. Ironically, it became the best elder meeting I'd been to in a year, as much love, genuine prayer and mutual encouragement was shown by all of us and I'm sooooo grateful for that! I then left the meeting so they could discuss things, went by ooh la la, grabbed two cheesecakes, went home to Jean, ate cheesecake and cried. Dang - I don't even remember tasting that expensive dessert! Six years of pouring my heart and soul into these students and into these families was going to change. And as sure as I am that God wants us elsewhere, it was rough! But somehow, being in the arms of my girlfriend and my Lord, I felt amazingly secure! (ok, dessert helped)
Tuesday night Jean and I sat down with our son and daughter and let them know. This was VERY hard, but I am so amazed by their responses! Drew (16)just wanted the facts, no emotions, just the facts. Then he told us he was sad but that when he gets married he's going to go to Redeemer! How awesome is that! All he has seen us do is love our church and he wants to keep doing the same! Jessica (11), on the other hand, was an emotional wreck for 2 hours! Crying uncontrollably and worried that she'd never see her church friends, not have over nighters with their families, etc.... What a privilege it was for Jean & I to just hold her tight and, even though things will be different, assure her that she'd still get to see church friends and families. And in the middle of it all, she says, "I don't want anyone else to be my youth pastor because you're the best youth pastor ever." Yeah, now I was balling!
Wednesday night was when we got to talk with our senior high students. Our church sent a letter out that afternoon so parents could talk with them first. I felt the need to have our study and focus on the Lord first, but I doubt any will remember much about the study! Many of them had already had talks with their parents and arrived teary eyed, so needless to say it was an emotional night - but one of the most encouraging nights we've ever had with these students! These students are THE most amazing community - the kind all of us dream of and few get to be a part of! Their tears for us, their prayers for us, their deep words of encouragement for us, the scriptures shared towards us, etc... these students gave us "a taste of glory divine" (they probably wouldn't know that song but y'all know what I mean)! I'm humbled, so encouraged and absolutely honored to have Known Jesus & Made Him Known together with them! And hahahaha, they all said they're gonna follow us wherever we end up! STUDENTS ROCK! After these past three days, I am emotionally spent, yet relationally energized and spiritually excited!
When I left Iowa to go to Colorado Christian University to study youth ministry, people asked me, "Are you sure?" My response, "I don't know...I think so." Then when I left CCU to become youth pastor at Katy Bible Church, people asked me, "Are you sure?" My response, "I don't know...I think so." Then, when I was leaving KBC after 15 1/2 years to become student pastor at Redeemer, people asked me, "Are you sure?" And my answer, "I don't know...I think so." And now, having loved on students & families at Redeemer for these past six years and resigning, I'm asked again, "Are you sure?" And my answer is the same, "I don't know...I think so." But where does faith come in if we never trust God for unknown things?!~ And so we again step out in faith to the unknown (unknown by us, not unknown by God) and trust our Lord.
Here is what I told the students...
FIVE THINGS I DO KNOW: (Ok, I know more than five things, but these are the ones that relate to this)

1 - This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with our student ministry!
- We LOVE Knowing Jesus together and Making Him Known together!
- We LOVE the welcoming, safe atmosphere & community that y'all represent!
- AND we're not wanting to dump y'all. I'm not dead, we're not moving away and we're still gonna be around!
But our student ministry is part of a larger body called Redeemer Church, and we've been unable to resolve our differences.

2 - We still feel VERY called to student ministry and VERY called to this community!
- So, we're searching for another student ministry in this area and we'll keep y'all informed as to where we end up!

3 - I'm gonna keep teaching & meeting with students!
- I can't stop doing this - Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known with students is my passion!~
- AND, as we're searching and waiting on the Lord to show us what's next, I'm not gonna' be sitting around (duh)!
- Until Feb 6th, I'll be working at finding people to take over current ministries like reFuel, FUSION, Sunday morning, etc...
- I'll be offering myself to local ministries to: speak at their youth meetings, retreats & camps, do evangelism training, etc...
- I also plan to continue to disciple students (if them and their parents wish to)!
- If I'm not speaking, I plan to lead a youth meeting at our place. Not a lot of details yet, but there are a lot of students that come right now who don't attend a church and we want to continue to open up our home!
- I plan to continue to work with Katy Area Youth Ministries to plan great events like we've been doing together!

4 - We will miss y'all TONS!
- After February 6th, we won't be at Redeemer, and we'll miss that fellowship with y'all!
- But, like I said, we WILL be around and available! AND, when we land somewhere, we'll let y'all know!~

5 - We'd LOVE to answer any questions you have!
- News like this is never easy, but just grab us, we treasure the relationship we have with each of you!

Trusting HIM, Seeking what He has next for us, and eating cheesecake...

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 19 - Matthew 19: Divorce, Children & Riches

Three topics like this, written about nearly 2000 years ago, and people say the Bible doesn’t relate to today. I think the real issue is people don’t like HOW the Bible relates to today! I mean hey, we live in America, we can do what we want, right? Wrong! Well apparently the Pharisees may have felt this way as well.
Nearly 1½ Million divorces occur each year in the US – an alarming number, “for any and every reason.” Apparently the Pharisees wanted Jesus to give them the go ahead on divorce as well. (Don’t they ever realize this is Jesus they are asking?!~!) First off, He corrects them, Moses never commanded divorce, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” Then Jesus laid out the consequences, “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." Not the answer they were looking for!
Next up - some kids were brought to Jesus, but the disciples rebuked the people who brought them, thinking Jesus shouldn’t be bothered. Of course, Jesus then rebuked the disciples for doing this, again placing an extremely high value on the young!
The chapter ends with a story that could be called “The Poverty of Riches and the Riches of Poverty.” It’s one of those stories that starts off good but has a sad ending. The rich young ruler seemed to be asking all the right questions and living an honorable life, but Jesus saw right to his heart! “Go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." If he had treasured Jesus more than riches, then his heart would have followed what Jesus asked – “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (6:21). But instead, this was the response, “When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” Jesus then used this as a teaching opportunity for His disciples on money and what to value.
*Most of you reading this probably have divorce in your family. My parents divorced. My wife’s parents divorced. It’s not God’s plan. But regardless of wherever we are, God accepts us and wants us to move forward toward Christ-like holiness. We do not have to repeat the damage divorce has played in our lives. Jean & I are living proof. We celebrated our 20th anniversary this past year. How? Certainly not because we’re both so sweet! It’s because Jesus is the center of our marriage and we made a promise to God & each other to stay together no matter what. So here’s a rather simple challenge: How about just keeping your promise?! And don’t enter marriage lightly. It’s better to be single wishing you were married than to be married wishing you were single!
*Importance of youth – round 3! Yep – invest and get involved in kids ministry & youth ministry!
*Finally, the money issue. It’s an issue that none of us is immune to. Many a night I have shed tears with my wife over finances or lack of them. What are we doing wrong??? We have no car payments, no 401K’s, no memberships, no eye bills or vet bills, we do our own lawn, cooking, cleaning, our house loan was for less than ½ of it’s value, etc… and yet we live month to month. (Don’t get me wrong, we are RICH and have never felt poor, we are just not good savers) So in the midst of those tears we have to remind each other that we choose what we value, and we have chosen to value God & people over money & stuff! Pastors don’t choose to be pastors (I hope) because of the money. And youth pastors even worse, at least adult pastors can “move up” – no such rankings in the student ministry world. NO – we feel called and we choose these things because this life on earth is not our eternal home. How can I justify saving up for my tomorrow when there are so many needs I can help meet today? How about you? What does your life say that you value? Remember, we are to love God and use stuff, not love stuff and use God!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 18 - Matthew 18: Greatness, Value, Restoration & Mercy

Yep - at least four messages can be applied from this chapter:
1 – Wanna’ Be Great? Be child-like! Not childish, 1 Corinthians 13:11 tells us that has to go. BUT - we are to forever be like a child - dependent, innocent and simply believe. Not what our culture, that is more & more abandoning our children, would tell us huh?! But Jesus saw them as a priority and that works for me! And what is worse than not being child-like? Causing a little kid to sin!
2 – Where Do We Place Value? Sheep are of great value in a subsistence (big word that means how we make a minimal living) oriented culture. Animals were used for wool, milk, leather, food, etc… So to have one wander off & become lost was a big deal. But a bigger deal is to have friends who wander through life lost without Jesus! Find a lost sheep = whoohoo! Lead a lost friend to Jesus = priceless!
3 – How to Get Right with Others: If you’ve ever wondered what to do when you have an issue with a Christian friend, then wonder no more. Listed here is a step by step process. Go straight to them by yourself. If that doesn’t work, take another friend with to plead and beg for reconciliation.. We must do this ALL THE TIME in humility & love, praying and hoping (love hopes all things) for things to be made right. Will it always work? No, and when it doesn’t, keep loving and reaching out to them. I’d rather err on grace & mercy than on law!
4 – Why Should I Show Mercy? Ok, I’ll say the obvious, because God’s mercy toward us is unending and invaluable! We often want mercy to be dished out to us while we crank out judgment to others – just like this passage! Don’t do it! Read this story and don’t do it!
*What do you value most in life? Ok, this may sound like day 2 of my youth bias, but here goes anyway: Value kids ministry & student ministry! Both in your home and outside your home. If Jesus placed high value on the young, then so should we. 85% of all of those who put their trust & faith in Jesus Christ alone do so by age 18. And 85% of those who don’t, never do! Which generation are you living for? This one or the next? How about both!~ Invest in this one for the sake of the next one! Volunteer to work with kids and students. I rarely hear of any church that doesn’t need help in these areas!
*Is there anyone whom you need to make things right with today? Apply a little Nike Theology and “Just Do it!” Do it with humility. Do it in love. Do it with grace. But do it.
*With whom do you need to be more merciful with? You know, that person who pushes your buttons or rubs you the wrong way. Ask God to help you see them as He does!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Day 17 - Matthew 17: Transfiguration, Great Faith and a Fishing Story

Another amazing chapter in Matthew! Don’t ya’ just love the Word o God?!~!
First off, Jesus takes His three closest buddies on mountain hike they’d never forget. Peter, James & John got to see Jesus “transfigured” = Metamorphoo = changed! In human form, Jesus was veiled, but not when He returns and these 3 disciples got a glimpse of that! And Moses & Elijah show up to! Why them? Possibly because they were examples of men of God and they represented the law & the prophets. Regardless, this was an invitation only view of the exalted Jesus!
Next up, we see Jesus heal a demon-possessed boy. Apparently the disciples has botched up trying to heal the boy – rookies – so Jesus rebukes the demon and it comes out of him. The disciples ask why they couldn’t and Jesus relates it to their faith. Some versions also include fasting and prayer as the reason they couldn’t get this kind of demon out. As they continued in ministry with Jesus, He again predicts His death, which grieves his disciples.
The chapter finishes with a lesson on submission to authority. Apparently some tax collectors were miffed that Jesus hadn’t paid his taxes. Jesus asks Simon, “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own sons or from others?" Ummm….others – the idea being Jesus is the King of Kings, and the King’s Son and wouldn’t have to pay! “But so that we may not offend them, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours." This has to be the best fish story ever?! So he gets the coins and pays for Jesus & himself. Take note, nothing was paid for the other 11 disciples, indicating that they were below the tax paying age because they were TEENS! (Ex 30:14) So here you had the first ever youth group: Jesus as leader, one adult volunteer in Peter and 11 students, one of which was really bad! Ha!~!
*Some day we will truly see Jesus for all of who He is. Until then, we only get a “foretaste of glory divine.” (Blessed Assurance Hymn). What do you look forward to most in seeing Jesus?
*In what ways are you growing in your faith? God always accepts us where we are but never wants us to remain there. If you need help, talk with me, talk with a pastor or spiritual mentor. I’m sure they’d love to help!
*I believe Jesus was a youth pastor – of sorts. I also believe it’s the best job in the world – bias. So, want to stay young in heart, impact young people and affect lives for eternity? Volunteer in the student ministry at your church!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

260 in 2012 - Day 16 - Matthew 16: Blindness, Peter & Losers for Jesus

“The problem with blind people is they just can’t see.” Yes, I said this to my students a while back and they haven’t let me forget it! Real deep huh?! I meant it spiritually, but I’d have given me a hard time too! Regardless, this is the issue in the first 12 verses. If a person is spiritually dead, the best they can do is make up rules & ways to be a good person – precisely what the Pharisees did (1-4) and what many people still do today! This is a false teaching that, like yeast, can spread throughout! Whenever we buy into a “works” philosophy of being made right with God, we have allowed a false teaching to spread.
Because of that, Jesus decides to get feedback from His disciples as to who people say He is: “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Then he pointedly asks them, “Who do YOU say I am?” For others to be wrong was one thing, but His disciples needed to be right about who He was & is. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” YES – way to go Peter! And where did he get that answer? The Lord!
Jesus then predicts His suffering and death for the first time, to which Peter says “no way”, resulting in Jesus calling him Satan! Ha – totally like Peter. When God is leading him – awesome stuff, when he speaks on his own - not really so good. I can sooooo relate to Peter! This is discipleship at it’s best: teaching, correcting, rebuking and training!
The chapter wraps up with a paradox: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” Live for ourselves now and that’s all we’ll get, or live & give our lives to Jesus now and get eternity with God in exchange. It’s a choice!
*What truth(s) of God have you been blind to lately? There are certainly precepts & principles in the Bible that guide how we are to live as believers. But when those become the focus of our acceptance in our relationship with Jesus, we’ve missed it. Always remember this – Our acceptance before God is never based on our performance. It’s based on trusting in what Jesus did for us in our place. Period.
*Who is Jesus? He is God, in the flesh, who came to earth to pay for your sins & mine with His life, rose again and is coming back some day to take all of us who believe to be with him forever – whoooohoooo!!!!
*So, according to verse 25, we are to be “losers” for Jesus! I have a t-shirt that has “LOSER” across the front and has this same verse from Luke on the back. I know, it’s off the cuff, but I get a lot of spiritual conversations going when I wear it! Be a loser today for Jesus…….…which, by the way, makes you a winner!

Friday, January 20, 2012

260 in 2012 - Day 15: Matthew 15 - Lips vs. Hearts and Another Feeding

Romans 10:9 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” You have to both profess (confess) and possess (believe in heart) Jesus to be truly saved. The Pharisees only professed. It was all about the “rules” with them: "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!" Jesus’ reply? “Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” It was rules not relationship with them.
The example Jesus states in 5-6 is this. A person could call all his possessions “korban”, meaning they were dedicated to the Lord. But if they decided to use them for their own purposes, all they had to do was to simply say “korban” over them again. So here’s what people were doing. If a family member was in need they would say, “oops, sorry, can’t help ya’, all my stuff is korban.” And this supposedly made them look spiritual was well! How selfish is that?!~! That’s why Jesus quoted Isaiah, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” Ya gotta love what the disciples told Jesus as this all went down…………. ummm Jesus, I don’t think they liked what you said!~ Ha!
As always, Jesus then addresses the heart! It’s not what goes into us that makes us unclean. Can things that go into us damage us? Yes. But that is not near as damaging as a cold, sin-seeking heart. This is the very heart that each of us has until we believe in Jesus and get a new one!
Next up is Jesus’ second reference to great faith (8:10). Because this Canaanite woman kept asking, seeking and knocking Jesus granted her request.
Finally, Jesus does another large buffet, probably only like 15,000+ peeps to feed this time, certainly a wimpier miracle (just kidding). Tidbit – It’s interesting that Jesus ended each phase of His ministry with a feeding: In Galilee – fed the 5,000, here in a Gentile area – fed the 4,000 and in Judea (before His death on the cross) he fed His disciples (last supper).
*When it comes to faith in Jesus, what are you all about? Do you like to play judge & jury regarding the “rules”? It’s about RELATIONSHIP! Let’s allow God to work on each of our own lives. I’ve learned that as I allow God to do that, I don’t have much time to be checking on everyone else’s life!
*Ever honor God with your lips and not your heart? When I hear this I think of Sunday morning worship. How often do we sing songs we don’t mean or be singing them and have my heart be totally in some other place!~ Ouch! Whenever we come together to worship, Lord please help us to be in tune with YOU!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

260 in 2012 - Day 14: Matthew 14 - The First Martyr & 2 Cool Miracles

Stephen was the first recorded person to lose his life for Jesus during the church age, but John the Baptizer was the first to do so while Jesus was here on earth.
Herod didn’t like John, especially because John called him on the carpet for marrying his brother’s former wife. Marrying family was wrong then and still is. Obviously Herodias didn’t like John either, thus the scheme to have John killed. And most likely it was a sexually lewd dance (early days of pole dancing?). Jesus loved John and when He heard the news went away to grieve & spend time with His Father in prayer.
Then came the feeding of the 20,000+ That’s right, it was 5000 men PLUS women & children, so this is a more realistic number! Regardless, Jesus wanted to let His disciples know that He is “Jehovah JIRA” = the Lord provides. Jesus had been doing all kinds of healings, now he wanted them to know that He is the One who provides for people needs, down to the basics. There is no explaining the fish & chips that kept popping up as they handed out food to everyone – it was a miracle! But I’d love to have seen it!
Next up, the disciples are out in a boat at night being rocked by the waves and up walks Jesus. They freak out, “…they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.” Jesus tells them it’s Him and to chill and then Peter wants to try it (me too). And sure enough, he walks on water, until he takes His eyes off Jesus. Jesus & Peter climb back in the boat and the wind & waves cease – WHOAH!~ Yeah, it caused them to say, “Truly you are the Son of God."
*When it comes to confronting someone on sin, how do you respond? In their face? Compassionately? Chicken out? These things are never easy. Pray first, remove any planks in our own eyes and do it in love! But do it – for the sake of Jesus and truth!
*When is it hardest top trust God? In trials? When we don’t like His answer? When things seem impossible? The disciples we all left holding a basket of leftovers, a grim reminder that we can trust God to do the impossible!
*Ever take your eyes off Jesus? Yeah, me too. And when I do I fall, just like Peter sank. Lord, please help us to fix our eyes on YOU – not on our circumstances! The song goes, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Matthew 13: Parables

Parables are stories that Jesus told that represent spiritual truths. God rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) but He does not give to dogs - those not seeking - what is sacred, the Gospel (Matthew 7:6). This is why he spoke in stories that seekers would get but those not seeking wouldn’t. So here we go…
The Sower – Being a former farm boy, I get this one. AND I love it when Jesus literally tells us what it means! He describes 4 different hearers: unresponsive, superficial, worldly & receptive. It’s been argued that only the last one is saved, could be. Only problem with that is I’ve done all four and I’m saved. Regardless, the truth is that we are to be genuinely receptive towards God’s Word.
The Weeds – Again, Jesus tells us exactly what this one means. Believers, unbelievers and make-believers dwell together and often times you can’t tell them apart. But in the end there will be a separating and a judgment!
Mustard Seed – These next two are stories on influence. The tiniest of seed becomes a large, strong plant. The kingdom of God will come quickly. We may not think our witness for Jesus is much, but God sees it vey differently.
Yeast – It only takes a little amount of yeast to make the entire batch puff up! This has to do with purity. The sins of pride, gossip, etc… are impurities that infect and affect everyone!
Hidden Treasure & Pearl – These next two indicate the incomparable value of the kingdom. It will cause a person to sacrifice and do everything possible to possess it!
Net – This one is similar to the weeds & wheat one. Both believers & make-believers coexist but will be separated in the end!
*When you hear a sermon or Bible study, how do you receive it? With question? Offended? Our receptivity says a lot about who we are! Lord help us to be good soil!~
*Ever feel like your role in God’s plan is miniscule? It’s not! 1 Corinthians 12 is clear on that. We just need to be faithful to fulfill our role.
*What have you sacrificed in being a believer? Friends? Family? Finances? Even King David said he would not give to God that which costs him nothing!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 PURSUIT D-Now Conference Summary...

This past weekend our students & leaders, along with students & leaders from 3 other churches, we're called to "FLEE & PURSUE!" Three times Chad Bailey challenged us from 1 Timothy 6:6-19. Verse 6 was the key, "But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness."
Since I'm not a fan of going from retreat to retreat or just being youth groupy/churchy, we gave students a chance on Sunday morning to share both what they learned and how they wanted to change. Here are some of the things they said:
- I am going to begin reading my Bible more, 15 minutes a day, 4 days a week
- I've been given so much and don't give much, so I am going to start to
- I need to be more consumed by God throughout the day instead of selfish desires & safety
- Stop hoarding the Good News God gave me and instead share it more
- I'm questioning more the things I pursue - should I be pursuing them?
- Spend 1 hour per day pursuing God and talking with Him
- I want to tell others what I earned this weekend
- Etc...
It was a GREAT time of student talk back and commitment and I was soooo encouraged to hear so many different and specific ways God worked!
For me, the question that haunted me all weekend long was: "IS GOD ENOUGH?!" Whenever I trust in anything but Him (money, talents, strength, etc...), I am saying (non-verbally) that He is not enough - Ouch!~ Lord I WANT You to be enough, You ARE Enough, help me to believe it and act like it!
Below are my notes, the italicized parts are what stood out to me.
BIG THANKS to all our host homes, the scholarships given, leader sacrifices made, etc... that made this impactful in student's lives! I am grateful for every moment I am privileged to serve and grow with students!
Friday Night: The PURSUIT of the things of God is worth abandoning every other pursuit!
• Warning Signs insult me (like feed the pigeons, lose a finger), BUT they have a purpose, serve as warnings, of things that could harm me.
• Do I NEED a warning at times? YES!!! Don’t let pride block me from a warning ☺
• Flee & Pursue are ACTIVE words, not passive.
• We are to FLEE from things that might harm us, ot simply to casually avoid them.
• Cannot run TO something without running FROM something else. (Matthew 6:24)
• We need warnings because we UNDERESTIMATE the destructive power of things/the enemy
• SO WHAT?!~
o Is there anything in my life that is causing me harm (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally) that I need to begin to flee from?
o What will this take? When will I start?

Saturday Morning: God IS Enough!
• Fleeing from Comfort and Pursuing Contentment.
• If we use “stuff” to define ourselves, the we become dissatisfied with the basic nature of who God says we are.
• Example: Rich Young Ruler. Sad story of someone who didn’t believe Jesus was enough.
• It’s the Queen Mary ship example. We want to be on a cruise ship, BUT we need a battle ship, because a war has been declared on our souls!
• Being rich & chasing things is a mirage. We ARE rich and it’s not about us.
• We like to quote Philippians 4:13, but need to read verse 12 as well.
• Pursue God for who He IS not what He gives. Often times, when God blesses us, we run off with the gift and don’t appreciate the giver (who is by far more important). Matthew 16:15
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. – John Piper
• SO WHAT?!~
o How much do I depend on stuff to define myself?
o Do I truly believe Jesus IS Enough? How does it show in my life?
o Would satisfaction or entitlement most describe the feelings I have in my heart?

Saturday Night: We are spoiled with security!
• Fear causes us to do things that mess up our lives.
• Some things (sentimental) I’d never give away……but am I a Hoarder? (TV show)
• How can I live tomorrow without ________________? You fill in the blank.
How can I justify saving up for my tomorrow when there are so many needs I could help meet today?
• Luke 12:15-21…..take life easy? NO WAY! A person’s life does not consist in the abundance of their possessions!
• Do the things God lets us have own us or do we just manage them?
• 3 Things we can learn:
o Why trust something that cannot support you? (Ex: trust fall with tiny kid catching)
o God knows what we NEED tomorrow, we are spoiled with security) Exodus 16:4-5, 20
o Trusting God frees us to be generous!
• SO WHAT?!~
o What to do with the money/talents/resources God give us:
• Steward it.
• Don’t trust it.
• Give it.

As of last night, students gave…..
• $530 for 5 Goats (goal was 3)
• $300 for 3 Water Filters (goal was 2)
• $818 for Maddie Collins (goal was $1000)
Thanks too for the work that was done at the Coker’s and at the Church!

You can view pics here on my facebook page

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Matthew 12: More Responses to Jesus' Ministry

In this chapter we not only continue to see reactions to Jesus’ ministry, but now for the first time we see the rejection of Jesus by His own Jewish people. In the first half we see the growing unbelief (1-21) and in the remainder we see the blasphemy that follows.
1-14: The disciples were not reaping on the Sabbath (which was forbidden) they were only eating! The Sabbath does not restrict us from deeds of necessity, service to God or acts of mercy. The Pharisees had become legalistic about it.
15-21: What a great description of servant Jesus!
22-32: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit – what is it? Whatever it is, it is the only unforgivable sin. And the only unforgiveable sin is not believing in Jesus! So it’s unbelief! What a wonderful thing to know that no matter what I’ve done I can come to Jesus and receive forgiveness!
33-37: Want to expose the truth of a person’s heart? Listen to their speech over time!
38-42: Judgment WILL come on those who reject Jesus.
43-50: Relationship is of supreme importance with Jesus. Physical family is important, but not near as important as being born again into the spiritual family of God!
*How do you & I respond to the ministry of Jesus? Do we have a hard time with miracles? The supernatural? Hard teachings? How we respond to Jesus makes an eternity of difference! Believe today!
*How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? Apathetic? Interested? Excited? Passionate? In what ways are you knowing Jesus and making Him known? God always accepts us where we are but never wants us to remain there. Lets ask Him to grow us deeper with Him and wider in our witness to others of Him!

Monday, January 16, 2012

260 in 2012 - Day 11: Matthew 11 - Doubt, True Greatness, Woes & An Invitation

Read Matthew 11:
These next two chapters give us the reactions of people to Jesus. Jesus had delegated ministry to His disciples and now He joins then in the Lord’s work. Jesus never asks us to do anything that he Himself has not done or is not willing to do! Four things I get from today’s reading:
1. Overcoming Doubt – John: If Jesus is really the Messiah, why am I in prison when I could be out preaching, preparing hearts?! What did Jesus do? He encouraged John & confirmed his faith! Always tell others what you’ve seen, experienced of Jesus!
2. True Greatness – Seen in character and calling, not primarily in accomplishments! John was not much to look at but what a compliment Jesus gave of him; “I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” Wowsa!
3. Responding to Jesus – Criticism & Indifference have kept many from trusting in the simple good news of Jesus!
4. A Personal Invite“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
*What doubts do you have in regards to your faith? We all have some. Often they come from a lack of truth or a misunderstanding of it. Ask God to confirm your faith today – He loves doing that!
*It’s a temptation to measure ourselves against others. Be careful to seek God and how He measures greatness – faithfulness to Him and His call on our lives!
*Ever get tired? Weary in your Christian walk? Me too! What a great promise that we can cast all our cares on Jesus!!! (1 Peter 5:7) Do it today and then chillax!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

260 in 2012 - Matthew 10: From Disciple to Apostle

Chapter 9 ended with Jesus calling the disciples to PRAY for spiritual workers go into the harvest field. As a farm boy from Iowa, when it was harvest time, the Lord had provided and it was now our job to go out and get it! Now, don’t get me wrong, farming is hard work, but the reward of the harvest was always exciting. What a great picture! There are people out there waiting to hear the good news of Jesus, waiting to believe, and it’s our job to tell them! Yes, it is work, but there is no greater harvest!!!!!!!!!
These very ones who were praying for workers, now became those workers! They were moving from disciples (learners) to apostles (sent ones) - a continual process. This process of getting saved and following Jesus was sort of an “internship with the Master” – observing His desire to Know His Father and Make Him Known - Wow – this is good stuff!
So Jesus lists His 12 disciples. These guys were unschooled, ordinary men who got 3 years to personally hang out with God! It’s most likely that all but Peter were teenagers. So here you have it – it’s the first youth ministry!!! Jesus was the leader, Peter the volunteer and one really bad student – Hahahahaha! Anyway, these were the Master’s men who first carried the Good News of Jesus to their generation!
God used 11 of them to change the world. And the other disciple, Judas, the betrayer, reminds us of lost opportunity and wasted privilege.
So he called them (1-5), then told them what to do (5-16), then warned them (17-31) and explained again the high cost of following Him (32-42). This verse stands out most to me: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” The life of a believer is totally meant to be a life of selflessness!
*What do you & I pray about most? What do we beg God for? With Jesus, it was his concern for the lost. So much so that he called others to follow Him so He could make them “fishers of men.” Been “fishin’” lately? Lord help us to be fishers of men!
*Ever feel unqualified or that you don’t have what it takes to live for Jesus? Then, depending on how you look at it, you’re either in good company or bad company because this is exactly how the disciples felt! God is never looking for our abilities but He does want our availability! Be available to be used by God and watch Him do great things to you and through you!!!
*Finally, these 12 disciples spent 3 years of intimacy with God and they were never the same. How long have you been a believer? 3 years? 10 years? 35 years? The measure of a man’s life is not in duration but donation! We can be a believer for years and never participate in the harvest. Take some time today and ask God to search your heart, renew a right Spirit in you and then let’s be fishin’!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

260 in 2012 - Matthew 9: Healings, Ministry & The Harvest

Not only can Christ heal the sick, calm the storm and cast out demons, but He can bring a person what they need most: forgiveness of sin! Here are my highlights from chapter 9:
1. Jesus Has Power Over Sin (1-8) – Sin is at the heart of the Gospel and can be forgiven – whoohoo! The Jews thought sin caused this man to be paralyzed. But all hardship, pain, etc. is result of sin in our world, not necessarily is it brought on by some specific sin. When Jesus said your sins are forgiven, He was claiming to be God (and is). And notice that they praised God as the source! If you are truly living a set-apart life, people will know it could only be from God (5:16).
2. The Gospel is for Sinners (9-17) – The Gospel is not for good people but bad people who know they are bad and come to God for forgiveness. Jesus asked Matthew to follow Him. He was offering a despised outcast forgiveness! As a result, Matthew invites Jesus in and, in a sense, is witnessing to all his sinner buddies! The Pharisees corner the disciples and Jesus steps in on their behalf. Religious ritual and routine have always been dangers to true Godliness.
3. Jesus’ Power Over Death (18-26) –Death is real, inevitable! God ministers equally to the ruler as well as the bleeding (outcast) woman showing His divine impartiality! (1 Cor. 1:26-28).
Faith is what counts!
4. Miracles (27-35) – These verses deal with power over physical evils and corruption that sin produces. Notice though that Jesus was concerned about their spiritual sight before He restored their physical sight (vs. 28-29). Our Lord is always more concerned about our deeper needs!
5. The Harvest and the Laborers (36-38) – This is a HUGE passage on mission. Up to now, the disciples have been trainees - Jesus has done all the ministry. Now, Jesus shows the reason and the need to begin involving the disciples. Jesus looked out and saw people who did not yet have a relationship with Him, and His heart was broken for them. He saw them as helpless & hopeless, unable to do anything about their lost condition. And not only that, but they had no one to lead them to find help! So He turns to His disciples and says: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Basically He asks them to pray for workers to go help these lost people to come to know Him! Why? It’s hard to pray for God to send people without thinking of yourself as one of those people! Jesus ministered compassionately and tirelessly because He could see the ultimate consequences!
2 Cor. 5:11; 5 Thess. 1:7-9; 2 Pet. 3:9; John 3:17
*What sins has God forgiven you of? Why not write out a list today of the things you’ve asked God to forgive you of. Then thank Him for His amazing forgiveness and burn the list (don’t start a fire) – because when God forgives, it’s a done deal!
*What breaks our hearts? For Jesus, it was the hell that people are headed to without Him! There are a lot of great causes in our world but no cause is greater than THE Cause of Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known! You & I have been given the greatest news and a great responsibility to communicate that news to others. Are you involved in this ministry? Say I go to the store and tell Drew to make his bed before I get back. Then I get back and I ask him if he made his bed. If he says, “No, but I took out the trash or no but I put the dishes away, or no but __________” – (you fill in the blank). It doesn’t matter what he did, he didn’t do the one thing I asked. Jesus, as He left this earth gave us one command: Make
Disciples. We can do a lot of other things that may seem good, but if we never do the one main thing He asked, we disobey our call! How are you involved in the process of Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known? Let’s be actively involved because Jesus is coming back soon!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS - Matthew 8: King Jesus & His Power

Read Matthew 8:
The miracles (divine authority) Jesus did were supreme proof that Jesus was the Messiah. In the New Testament times, disease was rampant! People became blind, deaf, and crippled due to illnesses, leprosy, plagues, boils, speech disorders, etc. Medicine & technology were not very advanced. For people who seldom could get relief from their disease, the prospect of complete healing was incredible! No wonder He drew such massive crowds! I noticed 4 things:
1. Jesus’ Power Over Disease (1-15) – 3 miracles, 3 common characteristics: (1) Jesus dealt with physical (lowest level) need; (2) He responded to direct appeals; and (3) He ministered to lowest people in society (outcasts, leper, Gentile, woman). Jesus had a special compassion for those whom others thought little of! The leper came without fear, in reverence, in humility and in faith. The Centurion (Gentile officer in Roman service - hated by Jews) understood delegation of power and was certain Jesus’ word would be carried out. Peter’s mother-in-law jus plain served!
2. What Keeps Men From Christ (16-22) – Sometimes it is hard to understand why people fail to trust in Christ after seeing and reading all that He has done. People still reject Him, even His very own (Jews). John 1:11, 5:38-40, 3:19-20. Here the reasons for rejecting Him are:
a. Personal comfort → following Jesus costs! Can’t live for Jesus “your own way.”
b. Personal priorities → Matt. 16:24 – must drop every priority to follow Christ!
It’s interesting that both believed their relationship with Jesus was what it should be. I mean, these seemed like reasonable requests but Jesus knows hearts! Jesus doesn’t need fans, He desires followers!
3. Jesus’ Power Over the Natural (23-27) This story still sends chill up my arms. I would love to have seen this! Because Christ holds all together (Heb. 1:3), He can rule over Earth! Jesus was sleeping! No doubt exhausted from long day’s work! Sometimes God has to bring us to a point of desperation to get our attention! God loves to hear our cries of desperation because realizing one’s own inadequacy is the first step in turning towards Him.
4. Jesus’ Power Over the Supernatural (28-34) Being a farmer, I kinda like this one. The demons in these men were wild, violent, suicidal, strong, etc… and they recognized Jesus. They knew at the appointed time they were to be destroyed! Don’t know why the pigs ran into lake and drown or what happened to demons after that, but purpose was to demonstrate Jesus’ authority and power over Satan and his forces! And what was the response of the towns people? They asked Jesus to leave! Whenever unholy men come face to face with God, there is TERROR!
*What are you facing that seems impossible? Have you given it to Jesus? Do you believe He can do something about it? He can!
*Before you knew Christ, what kept you from believing in Jesus? Is there anything that is keeping you from being 100% sold out right now? If there is, you’re a fan of Jesus, not a follower. Give it to Jesus today and follow Him – you’ll never regret it!
*Who can you reach out to who is downcast and maybe not cared for in your school, neighborhood or workplace? Take some time today and be the one who reaches out to them! You never know how you could change a person’s trajectory for eternity!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

260 in 2012: Matthew 7 - The Best Sermon Ever - Part 3

Jesus finishes His sermon in this chapter by continuing with various, profound teachings.
1. Stop Criticizing (1-6) – These verses do not teach that we shouldn’t make judgments (Matt. 7:15). Jesus is addressing self-righteous, ego-centered condemnation (Luke 18:11-14) that doesn’t help others from sin to holiness, but instead condemns them! Judging motives is dangerous because only God knows motives! And certainly we must deal with our own sin first! And the pigs/dogs thing – don’t waste all your valuable time giving God’s Word (pearls) to those who don’t care!
2. Start Loving (7-12) “Ask, Seek, Knock” are continual action verbs. God sooooo wants us to go to Him with our needs because He is a LOVING Father! “We would not harmfully trick or be unkind to own son or daughter! How much more would God not?! Good = Beneficial Vs. 12 is the “Golden Rule” verse, and is a paraphrase of 2nd greatest commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves.
3. Which Way to Heaven? (13-14) – Ok, this is kinda’ like the “altar call” of Jesus’ sermon! There are only two eternal destinations for people – Eternal Life or Eternal Destruction. THE most critical/important decision a person can ever make is about Jesus and His Kingdom!!! We must come to God on His terms not our own ideas or agendas! Here’s the scenario of the wide vs the narrow:
a. Outward Righteousness vs Internal Transformation
b. Many ways vs One way
c. Human achievement vs. Divine Accomplishment
d. Works vs. Grace
e. Judgment vs. Salvation
f. Religion vs. Relationship
g. Destruction vs. Life
h. Sinking sand vs. Firm Foundation
i. Own Way vs, Repentance
4. Beware of False Peeps (15-20) – Not all who claim to believe and speak for God are His! This gets tricky because there will be those who would mislead you & I. We are to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). Jim Jones, The Way International, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, etc…can all look like real thing but aren’t! “By their fruit” = the kind of tree will show itself and the same is true of people. Be discerning! We don’t want people to be deceived into thinking they have salvation when they don’t!
5. Empty Words & Empty Hearts (21-29) – There are two categories here of self-deception: First, verbal profession (empty words 21-23) - just saying things doesn’t mean it’s true. Second is Relational deception (empty hearts 24-27) – it really is all about who you know = JESUS! Take note that Jesus addressed the lack of relationship- “being”, not their lack of “doing.”
Matthew concludes this amazing sermon by Jesus with a profound statement, “When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.” Yeah, they knew the teachers of the law had no authority! In essence, Jesus had just told them that their teaching was wrong, their living was wrong, their attitude was wrong and everything they believed in was wrong!
*So, are you & I judgmental people? I hope not! Whenever we have issues that WE are not dealing with and our desire is to condemn, then we are wrongly judging. Be careful, would we want God to judge us in the same way? Often we want to receive mercy but give judgment!
*What are you lacking? God knows and wants us to come to Him! I have a former student of mine who does this ALL the time and you know what, God continues to supply his needs abundantly! Hmmmmm…….go figure!~
*Which road are you on? The one that leads to eternal life or the one that doesn’t? It’s the biggest decision in life. I pray if you never have, that today you will choose Jesus and life!

Monday, January 9, 2012

260 in 2012 DEVOS

I am once again reading thru the new testament together with students this year (and any of y'all who would like to) and I'll be posting a devo for each chapter. 1 chapter a day, 5 days a week, reflect on weekends. We started in the book of Matthew last week so this first post will include last week (Matthew 1-5) and today's devo. May God daily conform us to HIS image as we read, learn and be transformed together!~

Of the four Gospels, Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, the book of Matthew:
- Has the most amount of Jesus’ teachings
- Contains more references (50) and illusions (75) to the old testament
- Has more references to money than the other three
- Has the most instructions to the disciples
Matthew was a disciple of Jesus and a tax collector, which was an occupation that was hated because they were seen as traitors to the Jews. Matthew writes to a primarily Jewish audience and presents Jesus as King. The problem was that the Jews were looking for a political king who would bring an external (release from Roman rule) kingdom. Jesus was and is a spiritual king who is bringing an internal (character/heart change) kingdom. This book presents Messiah King who is Revealed, Rejected and will Return. In it we are given life-changing lessons on discipleship!

Matthew 1: The King’s Ancestry & Arrival
If you’re ever looking for some names for your kids, these first 14 verses may be helpful……or not. Hey – they were ALL part of Jesus’ family, not good enough for you?!~! Genealogies can tend to be boring, but we have to remember that in Jewish culture, tribal identification and line of descent were of major importance! Anyway – chapter one records two basic things: Jesus’ family tree and how he came to earth.
FIRST – Jesus’ Ancestry. As we read this, Jesus was both a legal descendant of David through Joseph and a blood descendant of David through Mary, making Him perfectly qualified. Interestingly we see God choose sinners to be such a part of Jesus’ lineage! Mary, his mom, was a sinner (Luke 1:47), David & Abraham who both had issues, and then did you notice the only other three women mentioned? Tamar (a harlot), Rahab (a prostitute) & Ruth (a pagan with no “right” to be a grandma to David). Is God gracious or what?!~!
SECOND – The whole virgin birth thing. Even if you’re somewhat new to the whole having babies thing, you know that “virgin” and “birth” don’t go together! Yet this was Jesus’ DIVINE lineage! The first 17 verses explain his human descent, verse 18 explains his divine descent. It’s a miraculous truth! Joseph didn’t get it (wanted to divorce her) and I would not have either. But we have to remember that not understanding something doesn’t disqualify truth. Jesus is God and this was the divine, amazing plan of the trinity! “Immanuel – God with Us” – what an wonderful promise!
*What is your family background? Godly heritage or not really? Jesus’ family background was filled with scars & outcasts and yet God used Him! How much more can God use you & me & any who will surrender their lives to the Lord! Sweeeeeeeeet!!!!
*Jesus was both Human & Holy! God wants us to strive for the same. The human part we’ve got down, it’s the holy that needs work! No perfection, but direction. How does it show in your life & mine that we desire to live a godly life for Christ? What are you & I giving up to do so?
*Ever feel alone, discouraged or abandoned? Then the good news of Jesus being Immanuel, God with us should pump you up! He will never leave or forsake His kids! Are you one of His? Putting your trust & faith in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sins makes you the Kings kid! If you’ve never done that, what’s stopping you from doing that right now? If you are His kid, then know He’s with you ALWAYS!

Matthew 2: King Jesus: Prophecies, How He Was Received & God’s Sovereignty
Ok, let’s define some words: Prophecies are “predictions” made specifically about Jesus. Sovereignty means that God is in control of everything: people, circumstances, etc…
As we read today’s chapter, there are three additional evidences that Jesus has legitimate, unique and absolute royal right to be King!
1. Wise Men Worship Jesus: “Magi” were men skilled in astrology, interpreting dreams etc… and THESE magi recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
2. Fools are either Hostile or Indifferent to Jesus: It “disturbed” Herod that people were worshipping someone other than him! So he plotted to eliminate Jesus by getting the magi to tell them where he was so “…I too may go and worship him.” Ha! God sovereignly overruled by telling the magi in a dream not to go back to Herod. Yeah, that torqued him off! So he figured he’d just kill ALL the babies 2 years old & under, but again we see God’s sovereignty as he told Joseph in a dream to leave.
3. Fulfilled Prophecies: These predictions should certainly convince the skeptical.
a. Verse 6 = Micah 5:2
b. Verse 15 = Hosea 11:1
c. Verse 18 = Jeremiah 31:15
*What is your response to Jesus? Hostility? Indifference? Worship? We all have to choose to do something with Jesus. His #1 desire is for our worship – not service, not sacrifice, but first & foremost worship. How are you and I involved in worship of Jesus? Not just Sunday mornings, but throughout our daily lives. Take some extra time today and tell God how awesome He is! Then make it a part of your daily routine!
*Who have you recently brought to worship? Wycliff missionary Greg Carlson said, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” Being God’s rep here on earth means leading people to worship! Who have you shared Christ with recently? Who have you invited to church or student ministry lately? These are invitations to worship!

Matthew 3: John the Baptizer, Repentance & Jesus’ Baptism
What makes a person great? Fame? Wealth? Family heritage? Earning & having $? Academic degrees? Expertise? Athletic ability? Artistic talent? Military office? Potential? If you use these measurements, Jesus was not great. And John was even worse, yet Jesus said of John, “I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist…” (Matthew 11:11) So what makes a person great?
John’s greatness was related to his calling. He faithfully fulfilled his role of pointing people to Jesus! His message was REPENT – an inner change of heart leading to an outer change in direction. His motive? “The Kingdom is near” – this phrase appears 32 times in Matthew! In other words, “Hey, get your hearts right with God because He’s coming back soon!”
What also made John great was radical lifestyle. The clothes he wore & the food he ate were of little importance. He was on a mission for God and his message was powerful. He addressed everyone and confronted the “religious make-believers” – those who only outwardly spoke of Jesus. “Brood of Vipers” was not a compliment and yet he offered hope, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” True inner repentance always shows itself outwardly.
What made JESUS even GREATER? His greater calling! He too faithfully fulfilled his calling of laying down His life for you & me!!! He is about to begin the ministry He is called to and we see the trinity at work in His Baptism: God the Son: Is baptized, not because he needed to repent but to validate His ministry. God the Holy Spirit: Descends from heaven and gives light. God the Father: Audibly speaks and says, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Up to this point, no old testament sacrifice had ever truly pleased God (because they covered sin, but had not removed it), but now God is pleased, in advance, with the sacrifice His Son would make! Whoah!~ Cool God Stuff!
*All of us want our lives to count, we want to be great in some way or another. So what measurements do you use to determine greatness? Man’s (listed above) or God’s? Use mans and you’ll be disappointed, but use God’s and you can be sure of a life with impact for eternity!
*Jesus & John both fulfilled God’s calling on their lives. Believers in Jesus all have the same calling – To Know Jesus & Make Him Known! Take a sheet of paper and write that phrase at the top. Draw a line down the middle and begin to list on the left side the ways you are working at Knowing Jesus. Then on the right, list ways you are currently working at Making Him Known. How does your list look? Long? Short? Out of balance? Ask God to help you in the needed area so that you can better fulfill your calling!
*Repentance is at the heart of the free forgiveness Jesus offers. The call to Jesus is a call to different thinking & different living. How can you & I “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” today?

Matthew 4: Ministry: Temptation, Purpose & People
This chapter is a biggie for me as it reminds me of what I need to remember in ministry: That temptation is everywhere, that I must always come back to God’s purpose for my life and that life is about people & relationships, not stuff!
Right out of the “starting ministry” gate, Jesus spends 40 days fasting and then God allows Him to be tempted by Satan!
First Temptation – (Physical) Make the stones into bread = You’re hungry, go ahead, provide for yourself, act independently of God. Jesus’ answer: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Second Temptation – (Power) Satan basically says “Toss yourself off this mountain, God will catch ya’ and hey, here’s a Bible verse to back me up!” Jesus’ answer: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”
Third Temptation – (Authority) Worship Satan & get authority. Jesus’ answer: “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”
Jesus was tempted at his weakest moment but each time replied by quoting (properly) scripture! Note to self, remember this one!
Next we see Jesus begin to fulfill his purpose as He “began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." The long awaited (since Genesis 3:15) good news of the promised deliverer has now come!!! YOU THE MAN JESUS!!!
And who is this good news for? People, like you and me! And so Jesus begins recruiting a team whom He will train and use to convey that good news when He is gone. So who ya’ gonna’ call??? (No, not ghostbusters) The smart, good looking, rich, talented, etc…. Nope. Some fisherman. He calls them to follow HIM. Not to follow a program or a church but the person of Jesus! And with that call, he gives them a purpose – “Come, follow me…….and I will make you fishers of men." These 4 along with 8 others would be the first whom God uses to spread this good news to ALL people!
*TEMPTATION will always lurk as you seek to love & serve Jesus. And it will hit you at you weakest points! You & I must guard our hearts & lives from falling to these. Sex, money, fame, power & passivity are just some ways we get distracted and fall. The answer? Spend time in prayer and in the Bible knowing how to fight these. And get some accountability with people who will ask you the tough questions.
*Remember your PURPOSE! Whatever career you have or choose, as believers, we all have the same purpose of Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known! Let’s not rationalize why we aren’t fulfilling our God-given purpose, but instead, let’s be creative in how we can better fulfill it!
*There are no Lone Rangers in ministry. The first two things I’ve done at both churches I’ve served at is to get every student prayed for every day and to build a team o adults to work with students. A team can accomplish much more than any individual. Besides, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto. Are you serving on God’s team?
*Only Two Things last forever: God/His Word and PEOPLE. Spend time with people. All of us will die with a to-do list! Let’s spend time with our kids, our family, our friends, etc… instead of always trying to get everything done. In the end, relationships will always trump accomplishments!

Matthew 5: THE Best Sermon Ever! – Part 1
So since I like math, I thought I’d run the numbers, and the average churchgoer will hear over 2500 sermons in their lifetime (50 years x 50 weeks). That number goes up if you add in Sunday school lessons, Bibles studies, sermon mp3’s, etc… So depending on how long you’ve been a believer and how old you are, take a moment and do your math. What did you come up with? I became a believer in October of 1982 and because I listen to lots of sermons as I drive I know I’m up over 5K! So here’s the question I have – how many of them do you remember? Good question huh? I believe this first recorded sermon of Jesus would have made your list, and I’m guessing you’ve heard the sermon on the mount preached before too! Which finally leads me to my disclaimer – Chapters 5,6 & 7 could take months to fully go thru, and I’ve got 3 devos. So I’ll be hitting some points and leaving others out.
The Sermon On The Mount shows the absolute necessity of God in our lives. There is no way we can live the way taught in these chapters without God!
The BE-attitudes – emphasis on BE. The Christian life is first about BEing, then DOing. We were meant to be human beings, not human doings. These are a series of condition blessings Jesus states. Humility, meekness, passion for God, mercy, purity & suffering are all priorities in God’s Kingdom!
Salt & Light – Living this way allows a believer to be an impact in a world that is often tasteless and dark. God wants to transform us to lead others to Him.
The Law – It’s always been good, even though the keeping of it was never meant to determine our acceptance before God!
Murder, Adultery, Divorce – I am heartbroken by these. Hating others, cheating on others. I’m sure God is much more heartbroken. If stats are right, half of you reading this are either divorced, or come from a divorced home, or (sadly) will some day get divorced. Here is a Biblical way to think: How about just keeping your promise? How about from the get-go not having divorce as even an option. I’m not saying that if you are being abused to keep taking it. I’m saying make Christ the center of your marriage and persevere.
Keep Your Word – (Read Proverbs 10:19) Our pastor has been preaching out of James on the tongue and it’s been major convicting! Let’s keep that thing in our mouths! Let’s be like Horton (Dr Suess) who said, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant’s faithful 100%.”
Treating Others – Let’s not be a revengeful bunch. Hate those who love you = the work of the devil, love those who love you = the work of man, love those who hate you = the work of God!
*When you hear a sermon, what do you do with it? Deposit the knowledge in your memory bank? Forget about it by that evening? Take notes so you can pray about it and apply it later? Talk it over at lunch with your spouse & family? Why note take some extra time this week after you hear the word of God and hash it over – you’ll be blessed!

Matthew 6: THE Best Sermon Ever! – Part 2
Jesus continues with His sermon and addresses a number of topics. Verse one introduces the first 18 verses that have to do with “hypocrisy.” A hypocrite was a Greek actor who pretended to be what he was not. Wow – that’s a good definition! (not mine)
1. Don’t show off as you give (1-4) There were unbelievers pretending to be believers and true believers who are sinners pretending not to be. And all of this “to be seen by” = Theaomai = Theatre (English). It was showing off in front of everyone! “When” you give reminds us too that giving is expected. Non-hypocritical giving is from the heart, sacrificial and humbly done.
2. Don’t show off as you pray (5-8) – i.e. Not focusing on self! WOW! “To be seen by” (again) It’s not wrong to pray (a) standing, (b) in synagogues or (c) on street corners. But motive is wrong = “to be seen” = theatre = put on a show! When a person dies this they have “Received reward in full” = if prayed “to be seen” then that’s what you get! Instead, go to a private place, shut off distractions and don’t babble! “Unseen” = show off to God not men!

3. The Disciple’s Prayer (9-15) – That’s what I call this. This was given as a model of how to pray. Prayer was the spiritual air Jesus breathed every moment of His life and the supreme purpose of prayer is to glorify God. Here are some things I saw in this: Father = Dad/child relationship. “In Heaven” = our resource. “Hallowed” = holy, revered, honored. “Your Kingdom/will be done”– Die to my wants. “Like it is in heaven.” His will WILL be done there! “Give us today” → day by day grace. “Daily bread” → essential needs. “Forgive us debts” = moral and spiritual debt against God (i.e. sin). Prerequisite = “as we forgive” (also vs. 14-15). Keep one from temptation and evil = i.e. I’m weak, I’ll sin Lord.
4. Don’t show off as you fast (16-18)
Don’t mope around/tell everyone. Do it as unto the Lord! Look like you do any other day so you don’t draw attention to self. And again it says “when” not “if.”
5. Treasure in Heaven (19-24) (verses materialism)
Don’t treasure up treasures for yourself because they become idols. Nothing we own is completely safe. Heavenly security is the only absolute security. “Treasure is = heart also” – Our most cherished possessions and deepest motives are inseparable. And why do we store up stuff here on earth? Because we worry!
6. Overcoming Worry (25-34) “Do not worry” = stop doing this! Have we forgotten who our Father is?! Worry and anxiety shows little faith. Contentment is seeking the things of God.
*Ever pretend to be someone you’re not? Yeah, me too. It’s one thing to be an actor in a play, it’s a whole different thing to be one in life. Be real – with your spouse, with your family, with your friends and most of all, with God. He knows who we really are anyway, and here’s the deal – HE LOVES US regardless!
*Why pray if God knows what I need? I mean really, isn’t He saying “yeah, yeah…. I know…”? No - He wants us to ask of Him, commune with Him, develop a relationship with Him and He wants to hear us!
*Finally, what do you & I treasure? Here are some ways to know: Where do I spend my time? Money? Resources? Energies? And where ever that is, that’s where our heart is! Is what you & I treasure the same as what God treasures?