Monday, August 29, 2011

Making Jesus Known Among 2 Elders...

Tonite I had the privilege of having Elder Maughon & Elder Yu (yes, my mormon friends) come by again and discuss Jesus, God and the Bible. We've had a couple of discussions before, but this one was different. I invited them in and was reminded by my daughter Jessica to offer them a drink. She obviously noticed the sweat rolling off them from their bike ride here. They GLADLY accepted (102 degrees) the Gatorade as we sat down.
A few weeks back they had given me a Book of Mormon to read, and I promised them I would. I told them I had read some, but I hadn't read the entire thing yet (but I will). They then asked if I had any questions. I told them I was reading in Alma 7 and came to verse 10 which describes Jesus being born in Jerusalem. They said yes. I then showed them where the Bible says he was born in Bethlehem. They looked to their cross references and directed us to Luke 2:4...which also said Bethlehem, to which they said, "hmmm." (I could tell people were praying at this point!) Then Elder Maughon proceeded to say how Alma was written long before, they would have known the region of Jerusalem but not "Bethlehem." To which I replied, what about the prophet Micah (5:2). He wrote years before as well and specifically mentioned Jesus coming from Bethlehem. And again there was a "hmmm..."
So then they asked what I thought of the book of Mormon. So I asked for some clarification of what I had read on "The Book of Mormon, the Bible, The Doctrines and The Pearl of Great Price are the guides you live by correct - all of which are on the same level of authority?" Yes they said. Then I asked about how to be saved, because says its by faith in Jesus + works. They agreed. That's when I shared how Bible believing people differed and I shared the Gospel with them and how it is by grace thru faith we are saved, not works - Ephesians 2:8-9. They brought up James and his writings on works but I pointed out that Paul in Ephesians in dealing with salvation and James is dealing with sanctification, NOT salvation. I think they had never heard that before!
We had some really open discussions, more open than I've ever had with the mormons I've shared with over the years AND they asked if they could come back again. We exchanged digits and then I asked one more question, one I ask myself all the time: "What if you're wrong?" If I'm wrong and you're right, then I may have enough works to get a shot at things, but I had better step it up! But if the Gospel I'm sharing with you is true, then you have to believe or face eternal consequences. They waited a minute and asked if next time they could share how the book of Mormon makes them feel.
Sure. Question avoided, but door open for more opportunities.
I like these two guys, we gave them another Gatorade and asked them (ok, so it wasn't my last question) how they usually get treated at doors. They were sooo grateful to not be blown off and ignored. Thanks Lord for this privilege. Please show them, and me, and everyone reading this, YOUR truth, and give faith to believe in YOU - The Way, The Truth and The Life!~
And thanks too for my daughter Jessica, who just loves people, has compassion on them and who sat around the corner listening to everything!~

Monday, August 22, 2011

B2S BASH Sunday Afternoon: Making Jesus Known

Knowing Jesus was never meant to be some kind of "secret" we keep to ourselves. He is meant to be shared with everyone - there's enough of Him to go around!~
Zane spent Sunday afternoon helping us and encouraging us to "make Jesus known." Wayne Kerr did another stupendous job of leading us to the feet of Jesus and then Zane took it from there.
He began with this statement: "I am crazy enough to believe God can use YOU students to change the world!" But, here's the key: It's dangerous, it may cost you something and you have to be ALL IN! There's no half way in living for Jesus.
Only thru taking risks for Jesus will you be able to experience life "2 the Full!"
Only by seeking the approval of God over the approval of others will you experience life "2 the Full!"
Then Zane reminded us that each of Jesus' 12 disciples were killed for their faith in Jesus. Oh yeah, except for John.....he was "just" boiled in oil and lived thru it!~ Ouch.
Sacrifices must be made.
Luke 4:40-44: Preach the message of the Gospel!
John 20:21: As the Father sent me, so I send you! We are being sent on a mission!
Philemon 6: Be active in sharing your faith!
Matthew 28:19-20: This is THE Cause of all causes!
Risk. Sacrifice. Cost. Out of this world benefits.
Jesus came to give you life and that life 2 the Full!
Are you ALL IN?
In the words of Po in Kung Fu Panda 2:
"I'm not freakin' out, I'm freakin' IN!"

Zane, Me & Wayne...

TOTALLY GRATEFUL for ALL those who supplied snacks, provided prizes, gave money, served, etc...... Philippians 1:3-6 expresses my feelings toward each of you and your investment in the lives of students!~ Totally worth it!!! You won't be disappointed in eternity!
Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known - Let's all be a part of this until our time is up!~

B2S BASH Sunday Morning: Living Water Outreach

Sunday morning ended up being mainly Redeemer students & their friends who were about to experience amazing blessing from God.
Zane told a hilarious story about sharing his faith on a ski chair lift - hey, they can't go anywhere!~ And how every time he has shared his faith on a lift, the lift has stopped - to give him more time - whoah!~!~ He also encouraged us that God is always with us.
Then he spoke of three ways God empowers us:
1 - Thru the GOSPEL message: Romans 1:16
Doesn't matter who throws the grenade, the power is in the grenade, not the tosser! Same is true of the Gospel! Then he took us thru an acronym to help us tell God's story (see below).
2 - Thru the Powerful Tool of PRAYER: Matthew 10:19
God in heaven hears us......and acts - totally amazing thought!
3 - Thru His SPIRIT: Ephesians 1:13-14
GOD lives in me - whoah!~ The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me!
So, we got trained, and now it was time to hit the streets of Parkway Oaks (my neighborhood)! To do what? To offer a bottled of water to people and ask them what we could pray for. If they were not home, we left them with a bottle and this:
God’s Story…

Please enjoy this FREE bottled water!
We’ve been a part of a back 2 school BASH this weekend learning God’s amazing story and how HE offers living water to all who thirst! We hope you will read & believe the story on the back!

The students from:
Trinity Baptist, Holy Apostles, Katy Community Fellowship, Redeemer
For more info contact Mr Bill

This was an INCREDIBLE experience we WILL do again! There are soooooo many hurting people who just want to know someone cares. So we prayed with over 30 people and gave out over 150 bottles of water!~
I praise God for his answered prayers for these precious people!~

B2S BASH Saturday Night: "Knowing Jesus"

Ok, so this past summer (yeah, it's gone, school stated today) our student ministry at Redeemer went through an amazing experience called Gospel Journey Maui - a sorta' spiritual reality series. So when the prospect of having cast member Zane Black come speak for BASH became a reality, the students were stoked! (Ok, I was too) Combine that with getting local rockin' music guy Wayne Kerr to lead worship (Yes, Wayne & Zane) - it was, thru much prayer, fixin' to be a life-changing weekend! And that it was!~ AND it was totally great to have Trinity Baptist, Holy Apostles and Katy Community Fellowship students join us for this work of God as well!~
Saturday night, students came, brought friends and played numerous, ridiculous games: Cheeseball face, noodle hockey, 9 square in-the-air, batting chicken nuggets, licking & sticking lifesavers on faces, cageball relays and, of course, Ultimater (ultimate frisbee but with a Mater - from Cars - pillow)! Yeah, it definitely broke the ice for excitement!
Then Wayne Kerr got us singin', jumpin' and worshipin' for Jesus! He is amazing and has mad skills in leading students to the throne of God!
The Zane spoke to the students. He shared his testimony of how all his life he went to the extreme - snowboarding, surfing, etc... and busted a lot of bones in the process! How he looked to booze, drugs, girls, etc... to find fulfillment, but it only satisfied for a short time. And how Jesus grabbed his life and that only thru HIM can we live life "2 the Full." John 10:10
He showed us a little package of staples (from a head injury) that he keeps in his Bible to remind him that the christian life is dangerous, it might cost us something. Then he challenged us with this question: What if being a believer in Jesus is dangerous, but the payoff is worth it?!~
Zane reminded us that sin is fun! If it wasn't, we wouldn't do it. That's what Hebrews 11:25 is getting at, but it only lasts a short time. Then he spoke of how Solomon (wisest guy e-v-e-r) gave sin a shot (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11) but it was meaningless, didn't fulfill.
Then a buddy invited Zane to church and he was challenged to read 15 minutes a day and get thru the Bible in a year. So he took the challenge The more Zane read, the more he realized that Jesus came to give life NOW, not just in heaven later! John 17:3 says eternal life is all about Knowing Jesus! In the words of Zane, "That day, Jesus began a work I've never recovered from."
As a result of Zane's testimony & message, Saturday night at BASH, 2 students indicated the same! And 17 others indicated they wanted to start living life "2 the Full." Cool God Stuff!~