Chapter 11:
This can be a very confusing chapter. The problem with talking in generalities is just that – it’s generally true but not always. We’ve been reading about the nation of Israel, the Jews, rejecting Jesus as Messiah. But in the first 10 verses of this chapter we read and are reminded that NOT ALL Jews have rejected Jesus as Messiah! Just like God’s response to Elijah, Paul writes of Israel, “So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.”
“Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles…” As a “non-Jew”, I am grateful to the Jewish people for rejecting Jesus because it led to MY salvation! I’ve been added in! Verse 23 is a reminder of the grace, kindness and sternness of God: “Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”
Then comes verse 26 – “And so all Israel will be saved…” Huh? What does this mean? I believe it is this: God chose the nation of Israel and He has never rejected it. God also the church, through Jesus Christ, and He will never reject them (most of us) either. This doesn’t mean that all Jews and all people who go to church are saved. It is possible to belong to nation or a church and never have responded in faith. God doesn’t stop working with Israel or the church because some rejected, “for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable.” God’s mercy is amazing! And as a result, Paul breaks out into a doxology, a song of praise!
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
"Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?"[j]
"Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay him?"[k]
For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.
*Ever been disobedient to God? Me too……and most of the time! I am soooooo grateful for God’s mercy – that He doesn’t give me what I deserve = the death penalty for my sin! Take a moment today and thank God for His incredible mercy!
* Never forget that we cannot stumble beyond recovery! God is always willing to accept any sinner who comes to Him in faith seeking forgiveness, mercy & grace!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Romans 10 DEVO: Believers, Unbelievers & Make-Believers
Chapter 10:
This title comes from my good friend Donald Haigh who always challenged me to talk to others about Jesus!
There’s a song by Matthew West with lyrics that say, “What if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?” Good stuff. There is a big difference between knowing God and knowing OF God – an eternal difference! In this chapter, Paul contrasts true internal saving faith with deceptive external religious practice.
“Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.” Paul was passionate for people to know Jesus and make Him known and His heart was broken (9:2) that the Israelites were rejecting Jesus. They had an outward “zeal” but because they were ignorant of true righteousness (by grace through faith) they “sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.” Christ’s righteousness is “for everyone who believes.”
This “righteousness that is by faith” believes Jesus (God) came down from heaven (6) and that He rose again from the dead (7) – both of which the nation of Israel rejected. So Paul explains how a person is truly saved: “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Profession of Jesus (mouth) is nothing without Possession of Jesus (heart) – you have to have both! And two great promises comes with it: "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame” and “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Whoah – if these are true then our friends, family, neighbors all have the chance to believe!~*! But “how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’" God’s means of reaching others with this eternal, life-giving message of Jesus is YOU & ME! Some will believe, some won’t, some may even fake it, but ALL can hear. Let’s be faithful to tell!
*What is your “heart’s desire”? Not sure? If we’ll take a look at where we spend our time, money & energy, that will give us a good clue. Jesus put it this way, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So, anyone in need of heart surgery? One of my daily prayers is “Lord, help me to have a passion and desire for the things that YOU LORD are passionate about.” I pray it because I’m usually more passionate about me. Would you consider making this one of your daily prayers as well?
*Unbelief is fairly easy to detect, but make-belief isn’t because on the outside it looks like belief. This is dangerous because it is deceiving. Jesus put it this way, “Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” It’s not about “doing”, it’s first and foremost about a relationship with Jesus, believing in what HE did for us! My hearts desire if that students in Katy (& all peeps everywhere) be saved and not “play church.” Lord help this be true for all of us!
*Finally, never ever forget that living for Jesus is worth it! (11)
This title comes from my good friend Donald Haigh who always challenged me to talk to others about Jesus!
There’s a song by Matthew West with lyrics that say, “What if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?” Good stuff. There is a big difference between knowing God and knowing OF God – an eternal difference! In this chapter, Paul contrasts true internal saving faith with deceptive external religious practice.
“Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.” Paul was passionate for people to know Jesus and make Him known and His heart was broken (9:2) that the Israelites were rejecting Jesus. They had an outward “zeal” but because they were ignorant of true righteousness (by grace through faith) they “sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.” Christ’s righteousness is “for everyone who believes.”
This “righteousness that is by faith” believes Jesus (God) came down from heaven (6) and that He rose again from the dead (7) – both of which the nation of Israel rejected. So Paul explains how a person is truly saved: “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Profession of Jesus (mouth) is nothing without Possession of Jesus (heart) – you have to have both! And two great promises comes with it: "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame” and “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Whoah – if these are true then our friends, family, neighbors all have the chance to believe!~*! But “how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’" God’s means of reaching others with this eternal, life-giving message of Jesus is YOU & ME! Some will believe, some won’t, some may even fake it, but ALL can hear. Let’s be faithful to tell!
*What is your “heart’s desire”? Not sure? If we’ll take a look at where we spend our time, money & energy, that will give us a good clue. Jesus put it this way, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So, anyone in need of heart surgery? One of my daily prayers is “Lord, help me to have a passion and desire for the things that YOU LORD are passionate about.” I pray it because I’m usually more passionate about me. Would you consider making this one of your daily prayers as well?
*Unbelief is fairly easy to detect, but make-belief isn’t because on the outside it looks like belief. This is dangerous because it is deceiving. Jesus put it this way, “Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” It’s not about “doing”, it’s first and foremost about a relationship with Jesus, believing in what HE did for us! My hearts desire if that students in Katy (& all peeps everywhere) be saved and not “play church.” Lord help this be true for all of us!
*Finally, never ever forget that living for Jesus is worth it! (11)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Romans 9 DEVO: God’s Sovereign Choice
Chapter 9:
The word “sovereign” means supreme authority. In other words, to be in charge, and GOD IS in charge. God’s chosen people in the Bible is the Jewish nation . And yet, most of them rejected Him. Chapters 9-11 discus this.
Paul was heartbroken that the Jews were rejecting Jesus as Messiah, thus rejecting salvation. They had been given so much: “Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!”
BUT, Paul goes on to write that “not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” – Meaning, not all from physical Israel are spiritual Israel. Track with me here…Paul is explaining that just being born a Jew doesn’t make you a chosen one. He also explains that God’s choice of some is not based on works (10-13). God’s plan, not man’s works are the basis of His choosing.
So, is God unjust? Ha – no way! He’s MERCIFUL (15-18) and we should be GRATEFUL! Verses 22-24 say it well: “What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?”
Because of Israel’s unbelief, the door was opened to any who would come to Him by faith – namely you & me!
*What breaks your heart? For Paul it was people not putting their trust & faith in Jesus Christ! Who is someone in your life you want to see come to Jesus? Will you commit today to begin to pray daily for them to believe? God can transform anyone!!!
*Can God choose some people and not others? He does. Is that fair? No. But neither is killing His own son for my sins and yours – but He did that too! We tend to think that life is meant to be “fair” when it isn’t. Why was I born in the USA with all it’s luxuries and others are born into extreme poverty in remote parts of the world where there aren’t even written languages? God is more than fair, He’s holy, just, merciful & gracious (to name a few) and offers to any a way back to Him through Jesus Christ. Have you put your trust & faith in Jesus Christ alone? Then you’re a chosen one!
The word “sovereign” means supreme authority. In other words, to be in charge, and GOD IS in charge. God’s chosen people in the Bible is the Jewish nation . And yet, most of them rejected Him. Chapters 9-11 discus this.
Paul was heartbroken that the Jews were rejecting Jesus as Messiah, thus rejecting salvation. They had been given so much: “Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!”
BUT, Paul goes on to write that “not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” – Meaning, not all from physical Israel are spiritual Israel. Track with me here…Paul is explaining that just being born a Jew doesn’t make you a chosen one. He also explains that God’s choice of some is not based on works (10-13). God’s plan, not man’s works are the basis of His choosing.
So, is God unjust? Ha – no way! He’s MERCIFUL (15-18) and we should be GRATEFUL! Verses 22-24 say it well: “What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?”
Because of Israel’s unbelief, the door was opened to any who would come to Him by faith – namely you & me!
*What breaks your heart? For Paul it was people not putting their trust & faith in Jesus Christ! Who is someone in your life you want to see come to Jesus? Will you commit today to begin to pray daily for them to believe? God can transform anyone!!!
*Can God choose some people and not others? He does. Is that fair? No. But neither is killing His own son for my sins and yours – but He did that too! We tend to think that life is meant to be “fair” when it isn’t. Why was I born in the USA with all it’s luxuries and others are born into extreme poverty in remote parts of the world where there aren’t even written languages? God is more than fair, He’s holy, just, merciful & gracious (to name a few) and offers to any a way back to Him through Jesus Christ. Have you put your trust & faith in Jesus Christ alone? Then you’re a chosen one!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Romans 8 DEVO: Not Guilty – Holy Spirit – Hope
Chapter 8:
The trial is over, the jury has given it’s verdict, and now the judge slams his gavel and pronounces………….. “Not Guilty!” As sinners before God (which is ALL of us) who are in trouble, these words are AWESOME: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…” When you & I put our faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins we are declared (justification) “not guilty” by God! How? “God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering…” In other words, Jesus took my place (substitution). And then He calls us to not “live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.” (sanctification)
So how does His Holy Spirit work in us? He changes our nature (5-11), He gives resurrection life (12-13), He leads confirms we are God’s kids (14), He gives us a relationship with Him (15) and He gives assurance (16-17).
The rest of the chapter has to do with hope for the future. We live in a fallen world, cursed by pain & suffering and God knows we need hope! There can be days when the suffering we face seems overwhelming. Verses 17-18 remind us that sufferings always precede glory. But the great news is that they are temporary (2 Corinthians 4:17) and “are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Until then we “groan.” Ha – that sounds like an old person with aches! The idea here is that we can’t wait for these sufferings to be over (so true). Until then we PRAY, and when we are down and don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit in us prays for us!
Then comes even more encouragement: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…………….For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son…” Through the tough times we face, God is changing us each day to be more like Jesus! And ”who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” No one and no thing – whoohooo!!!
*When told you are not guilty before God because of your belief in Jesus, how do you respond? Grateful? Excited? Or feelings of unworthyness? Don’t let the enemy give you an improper guilt trip. You & I have been totally forgiven! Let’s rejoice and let others know!
*Ever feel prompted by God’s spirit to do something and not do it? Yeah, me too. Let’s ask God to help us obey His Spirit in us so we can live the resurrection, abundant, full life He wants us to live!
*What are you going through right now that feels overwhelming? Remember that God is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) and wants to come alongside. Let Him today. Grab a friend, pray together and maybe memorize verses 35-39. God knows and He cares (1 Peter 5:7).
The trial is over, the jury has given it’s verdict, and now the judge slams his gavel and pronounces………….. “Not Guilty!” As sinners before God (which is ALL of us) who are in trouble, these words are AWESOME: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…” When you & I put our faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins we are declared (justification) “not guilty” by God! How? “God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering…” In other words, Jesus took my place (substitution). And then He calls us to not “live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.” (sanctification)
So how does His Holy Spirit work in us? He changes our nature (5-11), He gives resurrection life (12-13), He leads confirms we are God’s kids (14), He gives us a relationship with Him (15) and He gives assurance (16-17).
The rest of the chapter has to do with hope for the future. We live in a fallen world, cursed by pain & suffering and God knows we need hope! There can be days when the suffering we face seems overwhelming. Verses 17-18 remind us that sufferings always precede glory. But the great news is that they are temporary (2 Corinthians 4:17) and “are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Until then we “groan.” Ha – that sounds like an old person with aches! The idea here is that we can’t wait for these sufferings to be over (so true). Until then we PRAY, and when we are down and don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit in us prays for us!
Then comes even more encouragement: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…………….For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son…” Through the tough times we face, God is changing us each day to be more like Jesus! And ”who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” No one and no thing – whoohooo!!!
*When told you are not guilty before God because of your belief in Jesus, how do you respond? Grateful? Excited? Or feelings of unworthyness? Don’t let the enemy give you an improper guilt trip. You & I have been totally forgiven! Let’s rejoice and let others know!
*Ever feel prompted by God’s spirit to do something and not do it? Yeah, me too. Let’s ask God to help us obey His Spirit in us so we can live the resurrection, abundant, full life He wants us to live!
*What are you going through right now that feels overwhelming? Remember that God is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) and wants to come alongside. Let Him today. Grab a friend, pray together and maybe memorize verses 35-39. God knows and He cares (1 Peter 5:7).
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Romans 7 DEVO: The Law & Our Struggle with Sin
Chapter 7:
I love how Paul writes Romans – a logical & systematic laying out of Bible truths. In the first 6 verses Paul’s main point is “that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives.” He uses marriage to illustrate this. If a spouse dies, the remaining spouse is free to remarry because they are “released from the law of marriage.” In the same way, when a person dies to the old life and begins a new life with Jesus, the “law” of sin no longer has to be obeyed. Before I knew Jesus, I had no option but to sin, but now I can chose to live differently by God’s power – and so can you!
Paul then anticipates the next question: “What shall we say, then? Is the law sin?” Survey says… no: “the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good.” Whenever we take our focus off the freedom God has given us and we put it on the restrictions He lines out (which are meant to protect us), we are deceived into sin – the same mistake Adam & Eve made! So the law is good, points out sin, but is not the cause of sin!
Paul then wraps up with what could very well be the testimony of all believers who desire to live for God: “For what I want to do I do not do………For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing……What a wretched man I am!” What is Paul’s point? Until we leave this planet, our new life in Christ will be at war with our sinful nature! Ahhhh……but there’s hope: “Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Wow – I need to hear this!!!
*So where are you in relation to the law? Still under it because you have not put your faith & trust in Jesus Christ? Or, serving in the new way of the Spirit? God is offering forgiveness and a new way FREE today!
*When it comes to freedoms and restrictions, which ones do you focus more on? This tells us a lot about ourselves. Lord help us to be so consumed by your love, mercy & grace that we will thank you for both the freedoms and the “restrictions.”
*Finally, when you read 14-25, what sin comes to mind in your life (& mine)? Why not ask God to help in this area? Maybe look up some verses that address that sin and memorize them? God want us to help us be victorious in these daily battles!
I love how Paul writes Romans – a logical & systematic laying out of Bible truths. In the first 6 verses Paul’s main point is “that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives.” He uses marriage to illustrate this. If a spouse dies, the remaining spouse is free to remarry because they are “released from the law of marriage.” In the same way, when a person dies to the old life and begins a new life with Jesus, the “law” of sin no longer has to be obeyed. Before I knew Jesus, I had no option but to sin, but now I can chose to live differently by God’s power – and so can you!
Paul then anticipates the next question: “What shall we say, then? Is the law sin?” Survey says… no: “the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good.” Whenever we take our focus off the freedom God has given us and we put it on the restrictions He lines out (which are meant to protect us), we are deceived into sin – the same mistake Adam & Eve made! So the law is good, points out sin, but is not the cause of sin!
Paul then wraps up with what could very well be the testimony of all believers who desire to live for God: “For what I want to do I do not do………For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing……What a wretched man I am!” What is Paul’s point? Until we leave this planet, our new life in Christ will be at war with our sinful nature! Ahhhh……but there’s hope: “Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Wow – I need to hear this!!!
*So where are you in relation to the law? Still under it because you have not put your faith & trust in Jesus Christ? Or, serving in the new way of the Spirit? God is offering forgiveness and a new way FREE today!
*When it comes to freedoms and restrictions, which ones do you focus more on? This tells us a lot about ourselves. Lord help us to be so consumed by your love, mercy & grace that we will thank you for both the freedoms and the “restrictions.”
*Finally, when you read 14-25, what sin comes to mind in your life (& mine)? Why not ask God to help in this area? Maybe look up some verses that address that sin and memorize them? God want us to help us be victorious in these daily battles!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Romans 6 DEVO: Sin = Death, Jesus = Eternal Life
Chapter 6:
“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!”
The idea here is , “Hey, if my sins make God’s grace look even greater, then I should keep on sinning!” Ummmm…… no. “We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” When we identified with Jesus (baptism) we put aside our old ways of living that “we too may live a new life.” It was a conscious choice, not that we will live perfectly, but that we, through the Holy Spirit’s power, will “no longer be slaves to sin.” So we now are called to be an instrument for God and not an instrument for sin!
“What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!” this is another idea Paul anticipates: “Hey, if we’re under grace, then God will forgive us…” Yes – but “By no means” are we to abuse grace!~ If I gave you $1 million dollars, would you treat me with disregard or contempt? No, you’d be grateful and you’d tell me so. Well, God has given us eternal life in Jesus and how do we respond to that? Slaves are to be obedient to their masters. Before we began a relationship with Jesus, sin was our master but in Christ we have a new Master we are to obey!
Paul then sums it up with a familiar verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
*If we’re honest, most of our sins are things we already know we shouldn’t do, but did anyway. Is God’s grace greater than our sin? You bet and I’m so thankful! But that should not lead us to take sin lightly. I grew up Catholic, and although I don’t believe you have to go to a priest for confession (1 John 1:9, Hebrews 4:14-16), the emphasis they place on confessing sin is admirable. How important is it to confess our sin to God and seek His forgiveness? Well, Psalm 66:18 says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” Let’s spend some time today & every day confessing our sins so that we can be forgiven and God will hear our prayers!
*Romans 6:23: Which would you rather receive:
- The paycheck for sin?
- The gift of God?
Thank YOU LORD for taking the penalty for MY sin!
“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!”
The idea here is , “Hey, if my sins make God’s grace look even greater, then I should keep on sinning!” Ummmm…… no. “We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” When we identified with Jesus (baptism) we put aside our old ways of living that “we too may live a new life.” It was a conscious choice, not that we will live perfectly, but that we, through the Holy Spirit’s power, will “no longer be slaves to sin.” So we now are called to be an instrument for God and not an instrument for sin!
“What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!” this is another idea Paul anticipates: “Hey, if we’re under grace, then God will forgive us…” Yes – but “By no means” are we to abuse grace!~ If I gave you $1 million dollars, would you treat me with disregard or contempt? No, you’d be grateful and you’d tell me so. Well, God has given us eternal life in Jesus and how do we respond to that? Slaves are to be obedient to their masters. Before we began a relationship with Jesus, sin was our master but in Christ we have a new Master we are to obey!
Paul then sums it up with a familiar verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
*If we’re honest, most of our sins are things we already know we shouldn’t do, but did anyway. Is God’s grace greater than our sin? You bet and I’m so thankful! But that should not lead us to take sin lightly. I grew up Catholic, and although I don’t believe you have to go to a priest for confession (1 John 1:9, Hebrews 4:14-16), the emphasis they place on confessing sin is admirable. How important is it to confess our sin to God and seek His forgiveness? Well, Psalm 66:18 says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” Let’s spend some time today & every day confessing our sins so that we can be forgiven and God will hear our prayers!
*Romans 6:23: Which would you rather receive:
- The paycheck for sin?
- The gift of God?
Thank YOU LORD for taking the penalty for MY sin!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Romans 5 DEVO: Being Right with God ROCKS!
Chapter 5:
Ok, so I don’t know what kind of a day you’re having or what kind of a day I’m yet to have, but this I know: I woke up this morning deserving the death penalty for my sin. But because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I get eternal life instead – it’s a good day! You want to know why I tell people I’m better than I deserve?!~ THIS is why! Just look at a few of the benefits:
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we…
1. Have Peace with God (1b)
2. Stand in Grace (2a)
3. Have Joy (2, 3, 11)
4. Don’t’ Suffer for Nothing (3b)
5. Learn to Persevere (3c-4a)
6. Build Character (4b)
7. Have Hope (5a)
8. Receive His Love (5b)
9. Are Given His Holy Spirit (5c)
10. Are Shown Mercy (6-8)
11. Are Saved from God’s Anger (9)
12. Are Reconciled (10-11)
So, how could what one man did at one time in history have such an absolute effect on all people? The rest of the chapter answers this!
THEREFORE (12-14)…
“…sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.”
BUT (15-17)…
Jesus one act was more effective “How much More…”, God’s grace is greater than our sin and Adams one act did not cause him to “be like God” but Jesus’ one act DID allow all, who by grace through faith believe, to be made right with Him!
In contrast, Adams one act of disobedience that brings death to all, pales in comparison to Jesus act of obedience that makes us right with Him “so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Ohhhhh yeaahhhhh!
*When was the last time you & I took time to thank God for saving us? We can soon forget huh?! Why not take some time and write down all the benefits of knowing Jesus as Savior – then thank Him for those things!
*Peace with God – even as I type this I find this amazing. It’s hard to have peace with anyone, let alone my Creator and the God of the Universe! Wow - to believe that God has and will forgive me of all my sin because of my faith in Him. Thank You Jesus!!!
Ok, so I don’t know what kind of a day you’re having or what kind of a day I’m yet to have, but this I know: I woke up this morning deserving the death penalty for my sin. But because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I get eternal life instead – it’s a good day! You want to know why I tell people I’m better than I deserve?!~ THIS is why! Just look at a few of the benefits:
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we…
1. Have Peace with God (1b)
2. Stand in Grace (2a)
3. Have Joy (2, 3, 11)
4. Don’t’ Suffer for Nothing (3b)
5. Learn to Persevere (3c-4a)
6. Build Character (4b)
7. Have Hope (5a)
8. Receive His Love (5b)
9. Are Given His Holy Spirit (5c)
10. Are Shown Mercy (6-8)
11. Are Saved from God’s Anger (9)
12. Are Reconciled (10-11)
So, how could what one man did at one time in history have such an absolute effect on all people? The rest of the chapter answers this!
THEREFORE (12-14)…
“…sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.”
BUT (15-17)…
Jesus one act was more effective “How much More…”, God’s grace is greater than our sin and Adams one act did not cause him to “be like God” but Jesus’ one act DID allow all, who by grace through faith believe, to be made right with Him!
In contrast, Adams one act of disobedience that brings death to all, pales in comparison to Jesus act of obedience that makes us right with Him “so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Ohhhhh yeaahhhhh!
*When was the last time you & I took time to thank God for saving us? We can soon forget huh?! Why not take some time and write down all the benefits of knowing Jesus as Savior – then thank Him for those things!
*Peace with God – even as I type this I find this amazing. It’s hard to have peace with anyone, let alone my Creator and the God of the Universe! Wow - to believe that God has and will forgive me of all my sin because of my faith in Him. Thank You Jesus!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Romans 4 DEVO: The Spiritual Credit Account
Chapter 4:
This chapter is otherwise known as “Justification by Faith” – a bit churchy sounding, but exactly what Paul is presenting. To be justified means to be declared righteous. In my first year as a new believer I was told to remember it this way – “just-if-I’d” never sinned. And 28 years later I’m passing it on to you! I’d also add that “credited” is an accounting term used of crediting someone’s account. To make us right with Him, God takes what Jesus did for me, deposits it in my account and can now declare me righteous. Not because I am righteous in and of myself, but because HE made me that way! WOW – this is great stuff!
“What then shall we say…?" = What can we learn from Abraham’s experience? I believe at least 4 things:
First – Justification is a Gift & Cannot Be Earned by Works (1-8): If a person could earn their way to God, Abraham could brag. He was chosen by God, obeyed, trusted, etc… but God declared him right, not as anything due him (wage) but by His grace. WOW - Instead of sin being credited to my account, righteousness is! (Read Ephesians 2:8-9!)
Second – Justification is Not Based on Circumcision (9-12): Why? Because Abraham was justified BEFORE he was circumcised! Outward rituals don’t justify a person.
Third – Justification is Not Based on the Law (13-17): Why? Because Abraham was justified BEFORE the Law! You can’t live a good enough life for it!
Finally – Justification is by Faith Alone (18-25): Faith is connected with hope, divine perspective, doesn’t doubt, has power and gives God the credit!
”He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” This is GREAT news! Dare 2 Share puts it this way:
God created us to be with Him!
Our sin separates us from God!
Sin can never be removed by good deeds!
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died & rose again!
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life!
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever!
Do you believe it? I pray you’ll not only know Jesus but you’ll make Him known as well!
This chapter is otherwise known as “Justification by Faith” – a bit churchy sounding, but exactly what Paul is presenting. To be justified means to be declared righteous. In my first year as a new believer I was told to remember it this way – “just-if-I’d” never sinned. And 28 years later I’m passing it on to you! I’d also add that “credited” is an accounting term used of crediting someone’s account. To make us right with Him, God takes what Jesus did for me, deposits it in my account and can now declare me righteous. Not because I am righteous in and of myself, but because HE made me that way! WOW – this is great stuff!
“What then shall we say…?" = What can we learn from Abraham’s experience? I believe at least 4 things:
First – Justification is a Gift & Cannot Be Earned by Works (1-8): If a person could earn their way to God, Abraham could brag. He was chosen by God, obeyed, trusted, etc… but God declared him right, not as anything due him (wage) but by His grace. WOW - Instead of sin being credited to my account, righteousness is! (Read Ephesians 2:8-9!)
Second – Justification is Not Based on Circumcision (9-12): Why? Because Abraham was justified BEFORE he was circumcised! Outward rituals don’t justify a person.
Third – Justification is Not Based on the Law (13-17): Why? Because Abraham was justified BEFORE the Law! You can’t live a good enough life for it!
Finally – Justification is by Faith Alone (18-25): Faith is connected with hope, divine perspective, doesn’t doubt, has power and gives God the credit!
”He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” This is GREAT news! Dare 2 Share puts it this way:
God created us to be with Him!
Our sin separates us from God!
Sin can never be removed by good deeds!
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died & rose again!
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life!
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever!
Do you believe it? I pray you’ll not only know Jesus but you’ll make Him known as well!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Romans 3 DEVO: Guilty.....But There's Hope!
Chapter 3:
Paul has been explaining that you & I & everyone stands guilty before God. He’s addressed some common excuses to think we aren’t guilty:
- “There is no God” (1:18-32)
- “I’m not as bad as others” (2:1-16)
- “I’m a church goer” (2:17-29)
This first 20 verses are like a courtroom setting. In 1-8 we hear the opening arguments. The Jews were very privileged to be the first who are offered faith through the Word of God. Then the faithfulness of God as judge is discussed (3-4). God is truth (John 17:17) and faithful! We are the ones who are not! He is also “just” (5-8) = right, perfect. Then in 9-12 we see the verdict: “There is no one righteous, note even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” GUILTY! And if you read 13-20 it gets even uglier! Our sinfulness separates us from God who is perfect and holy. It would totally stink if God left us here, but He doesn’t! He provides a way back to Him!!!!!
So – how do we get back? THIS IS the most important question in life! Job asked, “How can a man be right before God (9:2)? The rich young ruler asked “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The Philippian jailer asked “What must I do to be saved?” Because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” we need GOD to do something about it and Paul tells us how He did it in the remainder of the chapter! Here is the paraphrased version from the Message:
“Since we've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with Himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in Him sets us in the clear……………to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured.” Well said!
*If you were to die today and stand before God in heaven and He were to say to you “Why should I let you into My heaven” – what would you tell Him? I helped people? I went to church? I even gave to the student missions trip? If your attempt is to explain to God that you’re not really that bad, He would have to deny your entrance (& mine). NO ONE can be good enough to make themselves acceptable before God. Only by grace through faith in believing what JESUS did for us in our place can we ever be made right with God. If you’ve never done that, you can right now! Just confess to God you’re a dirty, rotten, stinkin’ sinner but that you believe Jesus took the punishment you deserved when He was crucified, buried and rose again for your sins!
*For those of us who are believers, let us never forget that even our very best is gross before God (Isaiah 64:6).
Paul has been explaining that you & I & everyone stands guilty before God. He’s addressed some common excuses to think we aren’t guilty:
- “There is no God” (1:18-32)
- “I’m not as bad as others” (2:1-16)
- “I’m a church goer” (2:17-29)
This first 20 verses are like a courtroom setting. In 1-8 we hear the opening arguments. The Jews were very privileged to be the first who are offered faith through the Word of God. Then the faithfulness of God as judge is discussed (3-4). God is truth (John 17:17) and faithful! We are the ones who are not! He is also “just” (5-8) = right, perfect. Then in 9-12 we see the verdict: “There is no one righteous, note even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” GUILTY! And if you read 13-20 it gets even uglier! Our sinfulness separates us from God who is perfect and holy. It would totally stink if God left us here, but He doesn’t! He provides a way back to Him!!!!!
So – how do we get back? THIS IS the most important question in life! Job asked, “How can a man be right before God (9:2)? The rich young ruler asked “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The Philippian jailer asked “What must I do to be saved?” Because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” we need GOD to do something about it and Paul tells us how He did it in the remainder of the chapter! Here is the paraphrased version from the Message:
“Since we've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with Himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in Him sets us in the clear……………to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured.” Well said!
*If you were to die today and stand before God in heaven and He were to say to you “Why should I let you into My heaven” – what would you tell Him? I helped people? I went to church? I even gave to the student missions trip? If your attempt is to explain to God that you’re not really that bad, He would have to deny your entrance (& mine). NO ONE can be good enough to make themselves acceptable before God. Only by grace through faith in believing what JESUS did for us in our place can we ever be made right with God. If you’ve never done that, you can right now! Just confess to God you’re a dirty, rotten, stinkin’ sinner but that you believe Jesus took the punishment you deserved when He was crucified, buried and rose again for your sins!
*For those of us who are believers, let us never forget that even our very best is gross before God (Isaiah 64:6).
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Romans 2 DEVO: God’s Righteous Judgment & False Securities
Chapter 2:
I remember vividly the OJ Simpson trial – did he do it? Did he not? And even after the verdict was given having mixed feelings. Well, some day all of us will stand before God and there won’t be any question if His justice is right. It will be.
After explaining God’s wrath and judgment against immoral people (1:18-32), Paul now proclaims God’s judgment on moral, “good” people. They are equally condemned! Paul gives 6 principles by which God judges men: Self righteousness (1), truth (2-3), our hearts (4-5), what we do (6-10), impartiality (11-15) and our motives (16). It’s always a heart issue with God and in 14-16 there is no denying that God has made it clear that there ARE absolutes (right & wrong) and He has put that in everyone’s hearts!
All people have some kind of knowledge of God’s “invisible attributes”, eternal power and divine nature., and can discern basic right & wrong because of their conscience/heart (2:15) and know that those who do not live up to God’s righteous standards deserve death (1:32). YET they hope to escape God’s judgment and to do so come up with all kinds of false ideas. For example, ever believe you are basically good and God would not send good people to hell? You know, do more good than bad and you’re in? Or believing that God is too loving to send anyone to hell. Or the idea that there is no God and the idea of judgment is crazy. Or believing you can earn God’s acceptance by going to church, giving to poor, helping others, loving others, etc… These are all false securities and the Jewish people of Paul’s day had them (17-29). They thought they were “in” with God because of their heritage (17), because they knew God’s Word & what was right & wrong (18-24) and because they did all the “churchy” stuff (25-29).
NEVER FORGET THIS: God’s Acceptance of me is never based on my PERFORMANCE (external actions), but on my 100% TRUST & BELIEF (internal attitude) in Christ’s performance for me! It’s about a relationship, not the “rules.”
*How do we view ourselves? By comparing ourselves with others (which brings pride or self-pity) OR by comparing ourselves with God’s standards of righteousness (which brings us to our knees)?
*What are some false securities that you & I tend to trust in to make us right before God? Our talents? Popularity? Going to church or student ministry? Hey my parents go to church? Witnessing? I’ve been baptized? Good looks (ok, maybe not)? Regardless – take a moment and confess any of these you do to God and then THANK Him that He accepts you IN CHRIST!
I remember vividly the OJ Simpson trial – did he do it? Did he not? And even after the verdict was given having mixed feelings. Well, some day all of us will stand before God and there won’t be any question if His justice is right. It will be.
After explaining God’s wrath and judgment against immoral people (1:18-32), Paul now proclaims God’s judgment on moral, “good” people. They are equally condemned! Paul gives 6 principles by which God judges men: Self righteousness (1), truth (2-3), our hearts (4-5), what we do (6-10), impartiality (11-15) and our motives (16). It’s always a heart issue with God and in 14-16 there is no denying that God has made it clear that there ARE absolutes (right & wrong) and He has put that in everyone’s hearts!
All people have some kind of knowledge of God’s “invisible attributes”, eternal power and divine nature., and can discern basic right & wrong because of their conscience/heart (2:15) and know that those who do not live up to God’s righteous standards deserve death (1:32). YET they hope to escape God’s judgment and to do so come up with all kinds of false ideas. For example, ever believe you are basically good and God would not send good people to hell? You know, do more good than bad and you’re in? Or believing that God is too loving to send anyone to hell. Or the idea that there is no God and the idea of judgment is crazy. Or believing you can earn God’s acceptance by going to church, giving to poor, helping others, loving others, etc… These are all false securities and the Jewish people of Paul’s day had them (17-29). They thought they were “in” with God because of their heritage (17), because they knew God’s Word & what was right & wrong (18-24) and because they did all the “churchy” stuff (25-29).
NEVER FORGET THIS: God’s Acceptance of me is never based on my PERFORMANCE (external actions), but on my 100% TRUST & BELIEF (internal attitude) in Christ’s performance for me! It’s about a relationship, not the “rules.”
*How do we view ourselves? By comparing ourselves with others (which brings pride or self-pity) OR by comparing ourselves with God’s standards of righteousness (which brings us to our knees)?
*What are some false securities that you & I tend to trust in to make us right before God? Our talents? Popularity? Going to church or student ministry? Hey my parents go to church? Witnessing? I’ve been baptized? Good looks (ok, maybe not)? Regardless – take a moment and confess any of these you do to God and then THANK Him that He accepts you IN CHRIST!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Romans 1 DEVO: Unashamed of God
Ok – I’ll just say it – Romans ROCKS!
Of all of Paul’s letters, this one by far has the deepest teachings (doctrine) about God. It’s main emphasis is Soteriology (Soteri = Savior, ology = study of). In this letter we read what it means to be saved (salvation), how to be made right with God (justification), the price that was paid to bring us back to God (redemption), eternal security, election, choice and a whole lot of other churchy terms that we will define! It lays out an absolutely clear Gospel message. I totally use verses from Romans whenever I am sharing with someone about Jesus!
Paul wrote this letter in approximately 57 AD from Corinth while he was on his third missionary journey. It was written to the “saints” in Rome – probably more than one church so Paul addresses it to all of them there. His plans were to visit Rome soon, but if he didn’t make it he want to give them a complete and detailed Gospel message on God’s nature, righteousness and salvation. Some of the themes covered are:
• Salvation
• Righteousness of God
• Justification
• The Law – over 70xs
• The Flesh
• Depravity of Man – none righteous
• Predestination
• Called/Set apart/Sanctified – chosen
• Grace
• Mercy
Covering an entire chapter of Romans in each devo is certainly going to be a challenge. But I say, bring it on! I mean really, what other choice is there?!~
Chapter 1: Unashamed of God
Paul begins by explaining God’s nature: “…regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.” So right off the bat we get another churchy term – “hypostatic union” = hypostasis = substance, union = together. The point? Jesus is 100% man, 100% God. Totally important! If Jesus isn’t fully a man, He can’t empathize with our humanness (Hebrews 4:15) and if he’s not fully God, He can’t be the perfect sacrifice needed to pay for our sins (Hebrews 9:12).
Paul then declares both his stance on the Gospel and what it is: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." Regardless of what it might cost him, Paul wants to know Jesus and make Him known! This Gospel is dynamite (power) news to ANY who, by faith believe!
The remainder of the chapter is sobering. If I were to ask you to list out God’s attributes, would “wrath” (anger) have made your list? Yeah, not the tops on mine either. Yet God is as equally a God of wrath as He is Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, etc… I believe this is here to remind us our NEED to be saved! A person has no reason to seek Jesus if they don’t know they need Him!
Who is God’s anger against? “…all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness…” Why is it being revealed? Because you & I have no excuse for not believing in & thanking God “since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” The result? “God gave them over” = abandoned. YIKES! God basically says “Want to live without me, ok…” and then withdraws His protective hand and sends judgments. As much as we think we want God out of our lives, this is NOT good! But God loves us enough to let us make our own choices, even bad ones. God gives the over to three things: “sinful desires”, “shameful lusts”, “a depraved mind” As I believe verse 25 sums it up: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
*In verse 1 Paul calls himself a servant, called to be set apart. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you too have the same role. In what ways does it show in your life (& mine) that we are servants? That we are living differently?
*Paul was not ashamed of Jesus and neither should we! If He was right next to you at school or work, would you tell those around you about Him? We sure would! Well Jesus IS with us each and every moment – so let’s ask Him for boldness to talk about Him today!
*Read verses 24-32 again. Which of the things mentioned do God want you to work on most? Ask Him to help you, He is our ever present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1)!
Ok – I’ll just say it – Romans ROCKS!
Of all of Paul’s letters, this one by far has the deepest teachings (doctrine) about God. It’s main emphasis is Soteriology (Soteri = Savior, ology = study of). In this letter we read what it means to be saved (salvation), how to be made right with God (justification), the price that was paid to bring us back to God (redemption), eternal security, election, choice and a whole lot of other churchy terms that we will define! It lays out an absolutely clear Gospel message. I totally use verses from Romans whenever I am sharing with someone about Jesus!
Paul wrote this letter in approximately 57 AD from Corinth while he was on his third missionary journey. It was written to the “saints” in Rome – probably more than one church so Paul addresses it to all of them there. His plans were to visit Rome soon, but if he didn’t make it he want to give them a complete and detailed Gospel message on God’s nature, righteousness and salvation. Some of the themes covered are:
• Salvation
• Righteousness of God
• Justification
• The Law – over 70xs
• The Flesh
• Depravity of Man – none righteous
• Predestination
• Called/Set apart/Sanctified – chosen
• Grace
• Mercy
Covering an entire chapter of Romans in each devo is certainly going to be a challenge. But I say, bring it on! I mean really, what other choice is there?!~
Chapter 1: Unashamed of God
Paul begins by explaining God’s nature: “…regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.” So right off the bat we get another churchy term – “hypostatic union” = hypostasis = substance, union = together. The point? Jesus is 100% man, 100% God. Totally important! If Jesus isn’t fully a man, He can’t empathize with our humanness (Hebrews 4:15) and if he’s not fully God, He can’t be the perfect sacrifice needed to pay for our sins (Hebrews 9:12).
Paul then declares both his stance on the Gospel and what it is: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." Regardless of what it might cost him, Paul wants to know Jesus and make Him known! This Gospel is dynamite (power) news to ANY who, by faith believe!
The remainder of the chapter is sobering. If I were to ask you to list out God’s attributes, would “wrath” (anger) have made your list? Yeah, not the tops on mine either. Yet God is as equally a God of wrath as He is Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, etc… I believe this is here to remind us our NEED to be saved! A person has no reason to seek Jesus if they don’t know they need Him!
Who is God’s anger against? “…all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness…” Why is it being revealed? Because you & I have no excuse for not believing in & thanking God “since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” The result? “God gave them over” = abandoned. YIKES! God basically says “Want to live without me, ok…” and then withdraws His protective hand and sends judgments. As much as we think we want God out of our lives, this is NOT good! But God loves us enough to let us make our own choices, even bad ones. God gives the over to three things: “sinful desires”, “shameful lusts”, “a depraved mind” As I believe verse 25 sums it up: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
*In verse 1 Paul calls himself a servant, called to be set apart. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you too have the same role. In what ways does it show in your life (& mine) that we are servants? That we are living differently?
*Paul was not ashamed of Jesus and neither should we! If He was right next to you at school or work, would you tell those around you about Him? We sure would! Well Jesus IS with us each and every moment – so let’s ask Him for boldness to talk about Him today!
*Read verses 24-32 again. Which of the things mentioned do God want you to work on most? Ask Him to help you, He is our ever present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1)!
Friday, May 14, 2010
2 Corinthians 13 DEVO: Examination
Chapter 13:
Paul is about to visit the Corinthians for a third time and it may not be pretty! "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." – means some will be judged for not repenting of their sins! He also warns them to “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” Paul and his ministry have been attacked throughout this letter and now he turns the table on the accusers. If the Corinthians could prove their Christianity, this would prove Paul’s apostleship because if they are in Christ it is because of Paul’s ministry to them!
Paul’s conduct was true & right and stood the test. And it shows in his constant concern for them and not himself! He prays for their “perfection”, that they would be restored fully in their spiritual health.
Finally, Paul explains that everything he says & does is for “building them up, not tearing them down.” He tells them to “Aim for perfection” – in other words, keep the standard of Christ high!
*Paul’s character allowed the Gospel message to be received well. The way you & I live speaks volumes! Does your life (& mine) draw people to Jesus or push them away? What can we do to live more “attractively?”
*When do you feel at your weakest? Witnessing? Being in front of others? Etc…? It could just be that at that very moment Jesus wants to be strong in you!!!
*How does my life show I am concerned for the spiritual welfare of others? Am I? What would need to happen for me to become a more concerned friend?
Paul is about to visit the Corinthians for a third time and it may not be pretty! "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." – means some will be judged for not repenting of their sins! He also warns them to “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” Paul and his ministry have been attacked throughout this letter and now he turns the table on the accusers. If the Corinthians could prove their Christianity, this would prove Paul’s apostleship because if they are in Christ it is because of Paul’s ministry to them!
Paul’s conduct was true & right and stood the test. And it shows in his constant concern for them and not himself! He prays for their “perfection”, that they would be restored fully in their spiritual health.
Finally, Paul explains that everything he says & does is for “building them up, not tearing them down.” He tells them to “Aim for perfection” – in other words, keep the standard of Christ high!
*Paul’s character allowed the Gospel message to be received well. The way you & I live speaks volumes! Does your life (& mine) draw people to Jesus or push them away? What can we do to live more “attractively?”
*When do you feel at your weakest? Witnessing? Being in front of others? Etc…? It could just be that at that very moment Jesus wants to be strong in you!!!
*How does my life show I am concerned for the spiritual welfare of others? Am I? What would need to happen for me to become a more concerned friend?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
2 Corinthians 12 DEVO: A Thorn, A Vision and Sarcasm
Chapter 12:
Wild as some of it may seem, this chapter is classic! For those of us who receive & dish out sarcasm it will be even more enjoyable!
Boasting has been a theme for a couple chapters now. In lieu of this, Paul basically states “Hey, it’s foolish to boast, but here goes….”
“I know a man” – ok, he’s talking about himself here, so just track with him. Paul had some kind of “out of this world, out of body” experience. Not sure what it was and neither was Paul, but it was an experience with God and it left Paul speechless. Paul would “boast about a man like that” because it exalts Jesus not himself! Paul also clarified that if he did boast about his experiences “he would be speaking the truth.”
Well, because “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” – James 4:6, God will do whatever it takes to make & keep us humble. Say, like, a “thorn in the flesh!” What was this? Temptations? Malaria? Epilepsy? Speech problems? Persecution? People? Again, not exactly sure what this was, but guys, Paul is NOT talking about his wife!~ (I’ve heard this) What I do know is that it was GOD who gave it to him and, whatever it was ,it was meant to keep him from exalting himself! Paul didn’t want it, but God was more concerned that Paul see God’s grace as enough, all he needed, sufficient.
Paul spends the rest of this chapter sarcastically explaining his love and sacrifice for the Corinthians. He was hurt that this church doubted & questioned him – let me paraphrase 11-13: “I served y’all faithfully and sacrificed tons – what didn’t I do for y’all?!~ Oh yeah, I didn’t charge you a stinkin’ dime – well excuuuuse me!
Paul goes on to say in verse 15 “I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?” Paul spent the money he earned as a tent maker on them and was willing to risk his life for them as well! Then with a little more sarcasm writes, “Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!” Translation – I can’t believe you’ve been deceived to think I’m exploiting you!~ This hurt Paul even more.
Paul then finishes by explaining that anything he did was to strengthen them in their faith and walk with Christ. Period.
*Visions, miracles & supernatural stuff can be difficult to understand, but I believe they still exist (not the crazy stuff on TV). The tests are time, and if they line up with God’s Word.
*All over Bible we read that God is for the humble, lowly & meek, but opposes the trash talkin’ & arrogant. This is a great reminder to always humble ourselves before the Lord & others, lest God allows a jab in our side with something sharp!
*Great grace and great privilege go hand in hand with great suffering. Lord help us to remember that YOU are greater than anything we face!
*Finally, verse 15 impressed me! Ministry costs time, money, resources, energy, etc… Unless we gladly minister (vs 15), it can be easy to become bitter or feel unappreciated. How are you feeling about the ministry you’re involved in?
Wild as some of it may seem, this chapter is classic! For those of us who receive & dish out sarcasm it will be even more enjoyable!
Boasting has been a theme for a couple chapters now. In lieu of this, Paul basically states “Hey, it’s foolish to boast, but here goes….”
“I know a man” – ok, he’s talking about himself here, so just track with him. Paul had some kind of “out of this world, out of body” experience. Not sure what it was and neither was Paul, but it was an experience with God and it left Paul speechless. Paul would “boast about a man like that” because it exalts Jesus not himself! Paul also clarified that if he did boast about his experiences “he would be speaking the truth.”
Well, because “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” – James 4:6, God will do whatever it takes to make & keep us humble. Say, like, a “thorn in the flesh!” What was this? Temptations? Malaria? Epilepsy? Speech problems? Persecution? People? Again, not exactly sure what this was, but guys, Paul is NOT talking about his wife!~ (I’ve heard this) What I do know is that it was GOD who gave it to him and, whatever it was ,it was meant to keep him from exalting himself! Paul didn’t want it, but God was more concerned that Paul see God’s grace as enough, all he needed, sufficient.
Paul spends the rest of this chapter sarcastically explaining his love and sacrifice for the Corinthians. He was hurt that this church doubted & questioned him – let me paraphrase 11-13: “I served y’all faithfully and sacrificed tons – what didn’t I do for y’all?!~ Oh yeah, I didn’t charge you a stinkin’ dime – well excuuuuse me!
Paul goes on to say in verse 15 “I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?” Paul spent the money he earned as a tent maker on them and was willing to risk his life for them as well! Then with a little more sarcasm writes, “Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!” Translation – I can’t believe you’ve been deceived to think I’m exploiting you!~ This hurt Paul even more.
Paul then finishes by explaining that anything he did was to strengthen them in their faith and walk with Christ. Period.
*Visions, miracles & supernatural stuff can be difficult to understand, but I believe they still exist (not the crazy stuff on TV). The tests are time, and if they line up with God’s Word.
*All over Bible we read that God is for the humble, lowly & meek, but opposes the trash talkin’ & arrogant. This is a great reminder to always humble ourselves before the Lord & others, lest God allows a jab in our side with something sharp!
*Great grace and great privilege go hand in hand with great suffering. Lord help us to remember that YOU are greater than anything we face!
*Finally, verse 15 impressed me! Ministry costs time, money, resources, energy, etc… Unless we gladly minister (vs 15), it can be easy to become bitter or feel unappreciated. How are you feeling about the ministry you’re involved in?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2 Corinthians 11 DEVO: Imposters & Paul's Resume
Chapter 11:
A while back I did a little investigating into counterfeiting. Ok, not to begin a printshop of my own, but strictly to get a better understanding. I learned that those who look for fake bills don’t study fake bills. Instead they study the real thing so well that it is easy for them to spot a fake – even without the little highlighter pen! What an eye opener this was for me! My need is not so much to study Mormonism or Islam or Jehovah’s Witnesses as it is to dig deep into the truth of God’s Word so much so that I can tell when something is contrary to the Bible!
False teachers were a problem in Paul’s day and they still are today. Paul explains why they must be confronted: “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” Paul had a great concern that fakes would come and corrupt these new believer’s impressionable minds! Totally true - little kids believe almost anything, and new believers can do the same.
Paul then again reminded them that he was not a burden to them (by accepting $) but was a blessing: “Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do!” Paul loved them and he was not the one deceiving them, it was those who “masquerade as servants of righteousness.” – the false teachers!
Paul them, while “boasting foolishly”, gives a pretty unusual resume… ”I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?” Wow! If anyone had external credentials it was Paul. Yet how incredible is it that Paul’s focus was not on what might be “successes” in ministry but on the defeats of his ministry, his weaknesses!
*Ever been conned into believing something that you found out later was false?! Deception is real and those against God and His Word are excellent at deceiving. As believers, we need to sift everything we hear through the Word of God to test if it is true or not. We can only do that by being IN the Word of God regularly. I hope our read thru the new testament has been good for you. It’s been great for me and we all need God’s perspective!
*What does our resume for God look like? A list of all “our” accomplishments? I hope not. I have a sticker in my office that reads, “I bring absolutely nothing to the table.” It makes me laugh and it also reminds me that the only thing I truly bring to the table before God is my sin! Lord, please help me to only boast of your incredible love, mercy & grace – because I need it big time!
A while back I did a little investigating into counterfeiting. Ok, not to begin a printshop of my own, but strictly to get a better understanding. I learned that those who look for fake bills don’t study fake bills. Instead they study the real thing so well that it is easy for them to spot a fake – even without the little highlighter pen! What an eye opener this was for me! My need is not so much to study Mormonism or Islam or Jehovah’s Witnesses as it is to dig deep into the truth of God’s Word so much so that I can tell when something is contrary to the Bible!
False teachers were a problem in Paul’s day and they still are today. Paul explains why they must be confronted: “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” Paul had a great concern that fakes would come and corrupt these new believer’s impressionable minds! Totally true - little kids believe almost anything, and new believers can do the same.
Paul then again reminded them that he was not a burden to them (by accepting $) but was a blessing: “Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do!” Paul loved them and he was not the one deceiving them, it was those who “masquerade as servants of righteousness.” – the false teachers!
Paul them, while “boasting foolishly”, gives a pretty unusual resume… ”I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?” Wow! If anyone had external credentials it was Paul. Yet how incredible is it that Paul’s focus was not on what might be “successes” in ministry but on the defeats of his ministry, his weaknesses!
*Ever been conned into believing something that you found out later was false?! Deception is real and those against God and His Word are excellent at deceiving. As believers, we need to sift everything we hear through the Word of God to test if it is true or not. We can only do that by being IN the Word of God regularly. I hope our read thru the new testament has been good for you. It’s been great for me and we all need God’s perspective!
*What does our resume for God look like? A list of all “our” accomplishments? I hope not. I have a sticker in my office that reads, “I bring absolutely nothing to the table.” It makes me laugh and it also reminds me that the only thing I truly bring to the table before God is my sin! Lord, please help me to only boast of your incredible love, mercy & grace – because I need it big time!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
2 Corinthians 10 DEVO: Authority in Ministry
Chapter 10:
Chapters 10-13 mark a transition, a change in tone. In Chapter 1-7 Paul defends his apostolic authority and ministry. In Chapters 8-9 Paul teaches on generosity. And now in Chapters 10-13 Paul is going to exercise his apostolic authority against false teaching. False teaching unaddressed leads people astray. So how does Paul address it?
First, with gentleness, meekness, yet boldness. Attitude is everything. Paul didn’t want to use his authority (“I beg”) but if he had to he would.
Second, because this is a spiritual war, Paul says he doesn’t fight with “the standards of this world” but with God’s Word, prayer & obedience. He realizes he’s in a battle bigger than Corinth and he has his spiritual armor on (Ephesians 6)!
Thirdly, Paul’s life & integrity gave him the platform to address these things (7-11). Your walk has to match your talk.
Fourthly, you address issues with humility (12). Comparison is not with others but with God’s holy standard – which puts all of us on the same level – sinners!
Finally, Paul’s boast is in the Lord. Yep – keep bringing it back to Jesus as you address issues and the Holy Spirit can do great work!
*What are some of the false teachings that can tempt you & I each day? Money? Self-centeredness? Truth is relative? Etc… How are we combating those false teachings? Being in God’s Word helps us see them. Speaking up with gentleness and boldness is another way.
*How are we living? Does our life show integrity? Do we even value a life of integrity? It takes years to build and only seconds to trash. One of the greatest witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus is the way you & I live – holy, honestly and not for ourselves but for Jesus.
*Ever get into the comparison mode? You know, “I may be bad but I’m not as bad off as……..” As believers, the standard by which we are judged will never be someone else’s life. We are measured against the perfection of Christ – and we ALL fall short. BUT PTL for God reconciling us in Jesus (5:17-21)!!!!!!
Chapters 10-13 mark a transition, a change in tone. In Chapter 1-7 Paul defends his apostolic authority and ministry. In Chapters 8-9 Paul teaches on generosity. And now in Chapters 10-13 Paul is going to exercise his apostolic authority against false teaching. False teaching unaddressed leads people astray. So how does Paul address it?
First, with gentleness, meekness, yet boldness. Attitude is everything. Paul didn’t want to use his authority (“I beg”) but if he had to he would.
Second, because this is a spiritual war, Paul says he doesn’t fight with “the standards of this world” but with God’s Word, prayer & obedience. He realizes he’s in a battle bigger than Corinth and he has his spiritual armor on (Ephesians 6)!
Thirdly, Paul’s life & integrity gave him the platform to address these things (7-11). Your walk has to match your talk.
Fourthly, you address issues with humility (12). Comparison is not with others but with God’s holy standard – which puts all of us on the same level – sinners!
Finally, Paul’s boast is in the Lord. Yep – keep bringing it back to Jesus as you address issues and the Holy Spirit can do great work!
*What are some of the false teachings that can tempt you & I each day? Money? Self-centeredness? Truth is relative? Etc… How are we combating those false teachings? Being in God’s Word helps us see them. Speaking up with gentleness and boldness is another way.
*How are we living? Does our life show integrity? Do we even value a life of integrity? It takes years to build and only seconds to trash. One of the greatest witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus is the way you & I live – holy, honestly and not for ourselves but for Jesus.
*Ever get into the comparison mode? You know, “I may be bad but I’m not as bad off as……..” As believers, the standard by which we are judged will never be someone else’s life. We are measured against the perfection of Christ – and we ALL fall short. BUT PTL for God reconciling us in Jesus (5:17-21)!!!!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
2 Corinthians 9 DEVO: Sowing & Reaping Generously
Chapter 9:
I grew up on a farm in Iowa. Each year we would plow, get fields ready, sow seed, fertilize, pull weeds and hope God would grow it (water, sun). It was hard work but each year God gave us a harvest that was plentiful! Just as God is a generous giver, we are to have hearts of generosity as well.
Paul had been bragging to other churches that the Corinthians has been wanting to financially help others (2). So he sends some fellow believers to confirm their desire and collect the gift (3-5).
Then Paul lays out an amazingly true principle: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” As sowers, God gives us the freedom to sow much or to sow little. It really is up to us. I don’t say this to give a “guilt trip” (and believe me, I can major in guilt and minor in shame if you’d like me to). “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is meant to be a joy, an opportunity to invest.
Often times we may be reluctant to give sacrificially for fear that our own needs might not be met. Paul knew this too and so he writes “…He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” And lastly, God takes our generous gifts and uses them to meet people’s needs which cause them to praise God! (12-15).
*When it come to giving, would others brag on you about your generosity? Or would they see you as a “scrooge”?
*Using the farming metaphor, would we be able to earn a living by what we are sowing? Or would we starve?
*What is holding you & I back from giving generously, beyond our ability? Lord remind us that YOU ARE ABLE!
I grew up on a farm in Iowa. Each year we would plow, get fields ready, sow seed, fertilize, pull weeds and hope God would grow it (water, sun). It was hard work but each year God gave us a harvest that was plentiful! Just as God is a generous giver, we are to have hearts of generosity as well.
Paul had been bragging to other churches that the Corinthians has been wanting to financially help others (2). So he sends some fellow believers to confirm their desire and collect the gift (3-5).
Then Paul lays out an amazingly true principle: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” As sowers, God gives us the freedom to sow much or to sow little. It really is up to us. I don’t say this to give a “guilt trip” (and believe me, I can major in guilt and minor in shame if you’d like me to). “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is meant to be a joy, an opportunity to invest.
Often times we may be reluctant to give sacrificially for fear that our own needs might not be met. Paul knew this too and so he writes “…He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” And lastly, God takes our generous gifts and uses them to meet people’s needs which cause them to praise God! (12-15).
*When it come to giving, would others brag on you about your generosity? Or would they see you as a “scrooge”?
*Using the farming metaphor, would we be able to earn a living by what we are sowing? Or would we starve?
*What is holding you & I back from giving generously, beyond our ability? Lord remind us that YOU ARE ABLE!
Friday, May 7, 2010
2 Corinthians 8 DEVO: Generosity
Chapter 8:
Are you & I generous? Do we go the extra mile for others?? Do we give to the Lord??? Good questions huh?! Certainly God is generous. He gave us Jesus. He offers us heaven. He gives us His absolute best! These are great reminders in a culture that is constantly trying to get us to focus on ourselves.
Here’s the skinny from this chapter on being generous. First of all, generosity has little to do with how much you have. “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” Secondly, we are to give ourselves first, then our resources: “they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will.” Thirdly, we are to give more & more so that we “excel in this grace of giving.” And if these three don’t move us to be generous, how about the example of Christ!? - “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Next, generosity should be done willingly to meet the needs of others: “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable” and “your plenty will supply what they need.” Finally, when people give, we are to handle their gifts with integrity. Paul made special efforts to be transparent with finances! And we should too.
*How is your giving? Do you regularly give to the LORD? Do you see the Sunday offering as a burden or a privilege? As a cost or an investment? Our heart attitude will determine the extent to which we give and are generous.
*Maybe you feel like you don’t have much to be generous with. I often feel that way and so did the Macedonian churches and so did the widow in Mark 12! But they gave anyway!
*Gifts given represent hours worked, dollars earned and are to be treated as so. Many a church and a minister have fallen due to misuse of these gifts. I have nothing to do with collecting the offering nor will I. Scares me honestly, and I want help students Know Jesus and Make Him Known for a long time! You keep praying I stay away from the finances!
*Finally, what are you & I sacrificing so we can give to the Lord? Eating out? The latest gadget? Entertainment? Here’s a sneak peek at a verse out of our next chapter - “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
Are you & I generous? Do we go the extra mile for others?? Do we give to the Lord??? Good questions huh?! Certainly God is generous. He gave us Jesus. He offers us heaven. He gives us His absolute best! These are great reminders in a culture that is constantly trying to get us to focus on ourselves.
Here’s the skinny from this chapter on being generous. First of all, generosity has little to do with how much you have. “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” Secondly, we are to give ourselves first, then our resources: “they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will.” Thirdly, we are to give more & more so that we “excel in this grace of giving.” And if these three don’t move us to be generous, how about the example of Christ!? - “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Next, generosity should be done willingly to meet the needs of others: “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable” and “your plenty will supply what they need.” Finally, when people give, we are to handle their gifts with integrity. Paul made special efforts to be transparent with finances! And we should too.
*How is your giving? Do you regularly give to the LORD? Do you see the Sunday offering as a burden or a privilege? As a cost or an investment? Our heart attitude will determine the extent to which we give and are generous.
*Maybe you feel like you don’t have much to be generous with. I often feel that way and so did the Macedonian churches and so did the widow in Mark 12! But they gave anyway!
*Gifts given represent hours worked, dollars earned and are to be treated as so. Many a church and a minister have fallen due to misuse of these gifts. I have nothing to do with collecting the offering nor will I. Scares me honestly, and I want help students Know Jesus and Make Him Known for a long time! You keep praying I stay away from the finances!
*Finally, what are you & I sacrificing so we can give to the Lord? Eating out? The latest gadget? Entertainment? Here’s a sneak peek at a verse out of our next chapter - “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
Thursday, May 6, 2010
2 Corinthians 7 DEVO: Persevering
Chapter 7:
This chapter gives some great tools for persevering in life and in ministry:
Vs. 1 – Live differently for the Lord
Vs. 2 – Have a forgiving heart
Vs. 3-4 – Brag on others
Vs. 5 – Realize life & ministry can be hard
Vs. 6 – Go to God for comfort & strength
Vs. 7 – Receive encouragement
Vs. 8-13 – Recognize Godly sorrow gives life
Vs 13-16 – Take chances in boasting about others
Vs. 4,6,7,13,15,16 – Have JOY!
*What relationships would be affected most by you living differently for the Lord? Friends? Family? Work? Are you willing to risk those relationships? What keeps you (& me) from living separately?
*As we daily live in this imperfect world, what is our daily temperament? Joy? Anger? Depression? Bitterness? What would our neighbors say our prevailing temperament is? What would our family say it is?
*When you speak of others, do you build them up or tear them down? Read Ephesians 4:29!
*How has sorrow in your life drawn you to God? Will you take a moment & thank Him?!
This chapter gives some great tools for persevering in life and in ministry:
Vs. 1 – Live differently for the Lord
Vs. 2 – Have a forgiving heart
Vs. 3-4 – Brag on others
Vs. 5 – Realize life & ministry can be hard
Vs. 6 – Go to God for comfort & strength
Vs. 7 – Receive encouragement
Vs. 8-13 – Recognize Godly sorrow gives life
Vs 13-16 – Take chances in boasting about others
Vs. 4,6,7,13,15,16 – Have JOY!
*What relationships would be affected most by you living differently for the Lord? Friends? Family? Work? Are you willing to risk those relationships? What keeps you (& me) from living separately?
*As we daily live in this imperfect world, what is our daily temperament? Joy? Anger? Depression? Bitterness? What would our neighbors say our prevailing temperament is? What would our family say it is?
*When you speak of others, do you build them up or tear them down? Read Ephesians 4:29!
*How has sorrow in your life drawn you to God? Will you take a moment & thank Him?!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
2 Corinthians 6 DEVO: Grace & Living
Chapter 6:
Grace – Grace – Grace…..I’ve gladly received it and God wants me to gladly dish it out. Deal! Paul again continues to defend his ministry of the Gospel of Grace and in this chapter he demonstrates it with his patient endurance and sincere attitude through it all.
He begins by begging his readers “not to receive God's grace in vain.” Don’t turn down the great exchange of 5:21! Don’t believe a different message. And don’t pass up this opportunity because it won’t be offered forever: “now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.”
Paul then in 3-10 lays out a defense that is hard to argue with. No one who is in it for themselves, or for the money, would put up with as much as he did. You have to be called to endure and live like this! And then you see his heart: “We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.” Paul so desired to have intimacy in the Lord with these believers!
The final verses lay out a principle that is all over the Bible – those who believe & receive Jesus are to live differently. So what does “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers” and “be separate, says the Lord” mean? Well it doesn’t mean we are to isolate ourselves from unbelievers! Paul made that clear in 1 Corinthians 9-10 and unbelievers are the mission field not our enemies! Being yoked together is a farming term. You wouldn’t put an ox & a donkey in a harness together to plow because they have different strengths & different temperaments and it would be a disaster! In the same way, believers & unbelievers are totally different (5:17) and partnering with them leads to disaster and compromise. This would include marriage, some friendships, joining with churches of differing beliefs, partnering in business, etc… Right now I am counseling a former student who married a Mormon girl and now, unless God intervenes, are headed toward a divorce. Bums me out. They asked me to do their wedding and as kindly as I knew how, I took them to this passage and showed them why I couldn’t. Whenever we chose to go against clear commands of God it brings hurt, pain and disaster.
*Are you a believer? Have you believed & received the gracious good news that Jesus took the punishment for your sin? If you haven’t yet, why not right now? TODAY it is available, tomorrow it may not be! And if you do believe & receive Jesus today – tell someone who can help you grow in that relationship!
*If you have believed & received this gracious gift, what are you doing with it? Are you keeping it to yourself? Or are you sharing it? Don’t hold on to it in vain.
*Who are you “yoked” with? Next to your personal relationship with Jesus, marriage is the biggest decision you’ll ever make. Be sure you marry someone who loves the Lord and is committed to Him! It’s better to be single, wishing you were married, than to be married, wishing you were single! And be careful whom you partner with in other areas – business, church, etc…It can lead to disaster.
Grace – Grace – Grace…..I’ve gladly received it and God wants me to gladly dish it out. Deal! Paul again continues to defend his ministry of the Gospel of Grace and in this chapter he demonstrates it with his patient endurance and sincere attitude through it all.
He begins by begging his readers “not to receive God's grace in vain.” Don’t turn down the great exchange of 5:21! Don’t believe a different message. And don’t pass up this opportunity because it won’t be offered forever: “now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.”
Paul then in 3-10 lays out a defense that is hard to argue with. No one who is in it for themselves, or for the money, would put up with as much as he did. You have to be called to endure and live like this! And then you see his heart: “We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.” Paul so desired to have intimacy in the Lord with these believers!
The final verses lay out a principle that is all over the Bible – those who believe & receive Jesus are to live differently. So what does “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers” and “be separate, says the Lord” mean? Well it doesn’t mean we are to isolate ourselves from unbelievers! Paul made that clear in 1 Corinthians 9-10 and unbelievers are the mission field not our enemies! Being yoked together is a farming term. You wouldn’t put an ox & a donkey in a harness together to plow because they have different strengths & different temperaments and it would be a disaster! In the same way, believers & unbelievers are totally different (5:17) and partnering with them leads to disaster and compromise. This would include marriage, some friendships, joining with churches of differing beliefs, partnering in business, etc… Right now I am counseling a former student who married a Mormon girl and now, unless God intervenes, are headed toward a divorce. Bums me out. They asked me to do their wedding and as kindly as I knew how, I took them to this passage and showed them why I couldn’t. Whenever we chose to go against clear commands of God it brings hurt, pain and disaster.
*Are you a believer? Have you believed & received the gracious good news that Jesus took the punishment for your sin? If you haven’t yet, why not right now? TODAY it is available, tomorrow it may not be! And if you do believe & receive Jesus today – tell someone who can help you grow in that relationship!
*If you have believed & received this gracious gift, what are you doing with it? Are you keeping it to yourself? Or are you sharing it? Don’t hold on to it in vain.
*Who are you “yoked” with? Next to your personal relationship with Jesus, marriage is the biggest decision you’ll ever make. Be sure you marry someone who loves the Lord and is committed to Him! It’s better to be single, wishing you were married, than to be married, wishing you were single! And be careful whom you partner with in other areas – business, church, etc…It can lead to disaster.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Chapter 5:
I like camping. I like camping in tents (unless of course it’s 80+ degrees). And I’ve camped in some pretty rocky weather where I’ve wondered if my tent was gonna’ hold up or if I’d be sleeping in my truck the rest of the night. But I don’t LIVE in a tent, it’s only a temporary place to stay. Paul uses this analogy in the first part of today’s chapter. “Earthly tent” = our body, a hut, “building/eternal house” = our new body in heaven, a permanent, secure structure. Just as the Israelites replaced tabernacle with the temple, so believers will someday exchange their dying bodies for new, eternal ones. Until then, “we groan”. I know this sounds like something an old person with aches & pains would say, but this groaning is actually the longing to be free from sin and be with Jesus!
So what keeps you going in this life? Paul mentions two things for him here: First, the hope of being with Jesus, living by faith, not by sight. Second, was the reality of giving an account of his life to Jesus some day. Ummm…………yep – those two work for me too!
The rest of the chapter focuses on what I call the “GREAT EXCHANGE!” Paul writes, “Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men.” Paul wanted a good evaluation from God (10) and was compelled by Christ’s love that we should “…no longer live for ourselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” Life in Christ is new life: “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!“ And with this new life, God gives ALL believers a job description: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.” Sweeeeet! My job (& yours) is to be God’s rep here on earth, helping people know how to get right with Him! That’s it. And the next verse is the “Great Exchange”, the best deal ever: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” So God, takes my sin, puts it on Jesus and takes His perfection and puts it on me & I’m made right with God for eternity – WOWSA! Wal-mart, Blockbuster, the Mall or any place in eternity can’t get you a better deal!!!
*How do you feel about death? Are you ready to say with Paul that you “…would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord”? If not, what is keeping you from desiring this?
*What compels you to live each day? Stuff? Recognition? Etc…? What compels you to no longer live for yourself but for Jesus?
*What do you want to be in life: Doctor? Accountant? Veterinarian? Pastor? Mom? Whatever career we choose, you and I are first and foremost God’s ambassadors, His representatives here on earth. So…….how’s that goin’ for ya’? Are you a good one?
*We all like a good deal. And when we get one, we tell everyone about it! You & I deserve punishment from God for our sins but are offered eternity in heaven instead when we believe! There is no greater deal in all of eternity and we should be telling all our friends that hey can have the same deal! Will you tell someone today? Take a moment right now and ask God for both the opportunity and then courage to speak up! Lord help us, compel us and please use us!
I like camping. I like camping in tents (unless of course it’s 80+ degrees). And I’ve camped in some pretty rocky weather where I’ve wondered if my tent was gonna’ hold up or if I’d be sleeping in my truck the rest of the night. But I don’t LIVE in a tent, it’s only a temporary place to stay. Paul uses this analogy in the first part of today’s chapter. “Earthly tent” = our body, a hut, “building/eternal house” = our new body in heaven, a permanent, secure structure. Just as the Israelites replaced tabernacle with the temple, so believers will someday exchange their dying bodies for new, eternal ones. Until then, “we groan”. I know this sounds like something an old person with aches & pains would say, but this groaning is actually the longing to be free from sin and be with Jesus!
So what keeps you going in this life? Paul mentions two things for him here: First, the hope of being with Jesus, living by faith, not by sight. Second, was the reality of giving an account of his life to Jesus some day. Ummm…………yep – those two work for me too!
The rest of the chapter focuses on what I call the “GREAT EXCHANGE!” Paul writes, “Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men.” Paul wanted a good evaluation from God (10) and was compelled by Christ’s love that we should “…no longer live for ourselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” Life in Christ is new life: “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!“ And with this new life, God gives ALL believers a job description: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.” Sweeeeet! My job (& yours) is to be God’s rep here on earth, helping people know how to get right with Him! That’s it. And the next verse is the “Great Exchange”, the best deal ever: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” So God, takes my sin, puts it on Jesus and takes His perfection and puts it on me & I’m made right with God for eternity – WOWSA! Wal-mart, Blockbuster, the Mall or any place in eternity can’t get you a better deal!!!
*How do you feel about death? Are you ready to say with Paul that you “…would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord”? If not, what is keeping you from desiring this?
*What compels you to live each day? Stuff? Recognition? Etc…? What compels you to no longer live for yourself but for Jesus?
*What do you want to be in life: Doctor? Accountant? Veterinarian? Pastor? Mom? Whatever career we choose, you and I are first and foremost God’s ambassadors, His representatives here on earth. So…….how’s that goin’ for ya’? Are you a good one?
*We all like a good deal. And when we get one, we tell everyone about it! You & I deserve punishment from God for our sins but are offered eternity in heaven instead when we believe! There is no greater deal in all of eternity and we should be telling all our friends that hey can have the same deal! Will you tell someone today? Take a moment right now and ask God for both the opportunity and then courage to speak up! Lord help us, compel us and please use us!
Monday, May 3, 2010
2 Corinthians 4 DEVO: Treasure & Cracked Pots!
Chapter 4:
So, have you ever been to Garden Ridge Pottery? (If you’re a guy, even if you have, don’t admit it! )So ok, let me rephrase it, ummm………… have you ever seen the burnt orange pots at your local garden center that you plant stuff in? Yeah, me too. They’re the cheapest pots there, pretty common, not real attractive, they’re fragile, crack easily and if you break one you just get another. Basically they are dirt baked hard. BUT they are USEFUL or we wouldn’t see so many of them! Well, in this chapter, Paul refers to believers as “cracked pots” (jars of clay) and explains both the message of Christ and the messenger of Christ.
Beginning with the message of Christ, we are reminded in verse one that ministry for Jesus is only by God’s mercy. He didn’t and doesn’t need us but chooses to use us! As Paul proclaimed this message he did not use deception but was clear “…by setting forth the truth plainly...” And he explains that if people didn’t understand the message it was because “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” It’s not about us (5) but Jesus! And by the way, Jesus is God (6).
Then Paul writes that we have this treasure – the good news message of Jesus – in “jars of clay.” Now why would God put His eternal, saving, good news for all mankind in believers like you & me? “…to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” WOW - In other words, God uses weak, fragile people (like me) to carry His eternal, powerful treasure of truth so that people will have no question that it must be from God – because I’m pretty sorry.......BUT I am useful!
Paul then further describes the messenger as having battle scars (8-9). The demands of ministry can take their toll – “hardpressed, perplexed, persecuted, struck down….” yet they were not death blows and these weaknesses actually made the message strong because it pointed to Jesus not Paul! And messengers of Jesus speak up, “It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken."With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak…” Messengers also put up, “Therefore we do not lose heart.”
*As we talk to people about Jesus, lets be sure to be simple and clear. We don’t need to “water down” the message, it is powerful (Romans 1:16).
*Ever shared Jesus with someone and they just don’t get it? Could be that Satan has blinded them and we need to pray for them to be able to understand.
*Finally, do you spend more time working on the message or the messenger? We like to look good but I wonder if that can detract from the simple, powerful message of the Gospel! Lord help me today to be more concerned about your message than myself. Thank you that though I’m common and fragile, you still want to use me!
So, have you ever been to Garden Ridge Pottery? (If you’re a guy, even if you have, don’t admit it! )So ok, let me rephrase it, ummm………… have you ever seen the burnt orange pots at your local garden center that you plant stuff in? Yeah, me too. They’re the cheapest pots there, pretty common, not real attractive, they’re fragile, crack easily and if you break one you just get another. Basically they are dirt baked hard. BUT they are USEFUL or we wouldn’t see so many of them! Well, in this chapter, Paul refers to believers as “cracked pots” (jars of clay) and explains both the message of Christ and the messenger of Christ.
Beginning with the message of Christ, we are reminded in verse one that ministry for Jesus is only by God’s mercy. He didn’t and doesn’t need us but chooses to use us! As Paul proclaimed this message he did not use deception but was clear “…by setting forth the truth plainly...” And he explains that if people didn’t understand the message it was because “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” It’s not about us (5) but Jesus! And by the way, Jesus is God (6).
Then Paul writes that we have this treasure – the good news message of Jesus – in “jars of clay.” Now why would God put His eternal, saving, good news for all mankind in believers like you & me? “…to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” WOW - In other words, God uses weak, fragile people (like me) to carry His eternal, powerful treasure of truth so that people will have no question that it must be from God – because I’m pretty sorry.......BUT I am useful!
Paul then further describes the messenger as having battle scars (8-9). The demands of ministry can take their toll – “hardpressed, perplexed, persecuted, struck down….” yet they were not death blows and these weaknesses actually made the message strong because it pointed to Jesus not Paul! And messengers of Jesus speak up, “It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken."With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak…” Messengers also put up, “Therefore we do not lose heart.”
*As we talk to people about Jesus, lets be sure to be simple and clear. We don’t need to “water down” the message, it is powerful (Romans 1:16).
*Ever shared Jesus with someone and they just don’t get it? Could be that Satan has blinded them and we need to pray for them to be able to understand.
*Finally, do you spend more time working on the message or the messenger? We like to look good but I wonder if that can detract from the simple, powerful message of the Gospel! Lord help me today to be more concerned about your message than myself. Thank you that though I’m common and fragile, you still want to use me!
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