Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1 Thessalonians 5 DEVO: The Return of Jesus & Final Words

Chapter 5:
Yesterday in chapter 4 Paul talked about the rapture, today in chapter 5 he addresses when Jesus will return. “Now, about times & dates…” refers to the fact that no one knows exactly when Jesus will come back and suggests the bigger idea of being ready.
“The Day of the Lord” is a phrase used 19 times in the OT and 4 times in the NT. Every time it is used it conveys the idea of judgment & wrath – specifically toward sin. Jesus came the first time as a humble baby and offered Himself to all for the forgiveness of their sins. The second time He comes will be as a warrior and king to judge the world for sin. And the idea of this day coming like a thief reminds us that many will be surprised.
But believers should not be surprised because we belong to the “Light” (Jesus) and will not face this dreadful day (yes, I am “pre-trib untill further notice”). As a result, we should live like we belong to Jesus and so Paul gives us a list of exhortations to do so:
- Be alert & self-controlled
- Put on faith & love & hope
- Encourage one another
- Build each other up
- Respect & hold high your pastor & Bible teachers
- Live in peace with each other
- Warn the idle
- Encourage the timid
- Help the weak
- Be patient with everyone
- Don’t pay back evil
- Be kind & joyful
- Pray continuously
- Give thanks in everything

*Regardless of your end times position, we can all agree that Jesus IS coming back and we should live a life of readiness! Are you & I prepared to meet our Lord? We can do that by choosing each day to give & live that day for Him and not ourselves!
*Ok – so pick one of the exhortations above that you need work on. Start today and ask God to help you to live it. Maybe memorize a verse that is related to it. As we seek these things, God can daily conform us to His image!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1 Thessalonians 4 DEVO: Watchfulness and The Rapture

Chapter 4:
As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am living my entire life to someday be with Jesus! As I read my Bible, that will either happen through an event called the Rapture (referred to in this chapter) or when I die. Either way, until that happens, I am to be watchful as I am involved in Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known!
Paul begins with encouragement and continual challenges as he writes, ”Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.” We need both encouragement in our walk as well as challenge to continue because life’s trials are persistent.
Paul then exhorts them to live differently, especially in the area of sexuality. In a culture that worshiped all kinds of sexual “gods” Paul wanted them to know that new belief in Christ meant their body was no longer theirs but the Lord’s and they were to honor Him with their body (1 Cor 6:19-20).
Moving on, apparently the Thessalonian believers had a problem with idleness. Paul encouraged them to work hard, to earn their pay so that they wouldn’t be dependent on anyone. This brings respect and you can’t be effective in your witness for Christ if you are not respected.
Then Paul comes to an incredible and often debated portion of scripture. These believers were excited about being with the Lord someday but had lots of questions (sounds like me). A primary one was “What happens to those who die before the Jesus comes?” A great question which Paul seeks to answer: “According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” So if I get this right, the Lord (along with Michael) is gonna’ come to earth, make some kind of loud command, along with a trumpet sound and then those who had died knowing Jesus will rise first (I picture 1st class on this flight) and then those who know Jesus and are still alive will be “caught up” (“rapturo”) in the air (that would be like riding coach) and we’ll be with Jesus forever! That is that cool stuff or what?!~! So cool that Paul concludes, “Therefore encourage each other with these words.”
*How “watchful” and excited about Jesus coming back? Does it make you nervous? Are You ready? It could happen any time - even toda……….. (he, he). If you only had 48 hours left on earth, what would you do? Reality is, some day that will be true for each of us!
*Are you keeping yourself sexually pure? Without question, we WILL be punished for our sexual sins (vs. 6). My guess is that there are many who are reading this right now who are involved in internet pornography. If this is you, get help TODAY! Set your computer up so you can’t go there, get a program like covenant eyes that reports to a friend, spouse, etc…. everything you’ve looked at. And if you need help in this area, ask me, I’d love to help you! These sins destroy relationships!
*Finally, let’s encourage one another toward love & good deeds……….and do it even more, because today (be it first class or coach) we are one day closer to being with Jesus!

Monday, March 29, 2010

1 Thessalonians 3 DEVO: An Encouraging Progress Report

Chapter 3:
As a dad of two students, it's always great to get encouraging progress reports. Paul and his companions devoted themselves to spreading the Gospel and planting churches. Over and over they checked back to see how those churches were doing - getting a "progress report." That is what we see in chapter 3.
“When we could stand it no longer…” is used twice in these first five verses. Paul’s deep love for the Thessalonians drove him to want to see how they were doing. So much so that they left themselves alone in Athens an d sent Timothy to check up on them. Paul & his companions had been suffering persecution (just had he had predicted) but in spite of that, Paul has his ”mind on things above.” – Colossians 3:1-4.
The report they received from Timothy was totally encouraging! It wasn’t a “Hey we’re having fun, we had a church softball game……… but specifically it was their faith & love that Paul was so encouraged by! The church there told Paul that they always have pleasant memories of him and they want to see him just as bad as he wants to see them – wouldn’t that be great to hear!~
All of this caused Paul to “really live!” I can attest to this as well! When someone comes to faith in Christ and begins to mature in their faith that totally ROCKS! And when they stand firm in the Lord in tough times that rocks even more! This is why Paul wrote “How can we thank God enough for you in the presence of our God because of you?” These are the kind of people you want to be around – and that is what Paul is expressing and of course, like classic Paul, when he does get to be around them he’s gonna’ give them some more from God so he can “supply what is lacking” in their faith.
He ends by praying 3 things:
1) That God will provide a way for Paul to get with them
2) That their love will increase
3) That God will strengthen their hearts
*How much do you enjoy fellowship with believers? It’s meant to be an encouraging place where we can experience both love and truth together. What are you & I doing to make that happen in our circles of fellowship? Let’s edify/lift up each other so that we can say like Paul that we can’t stand not hanging out together!
*How’s your faith & love? What is lacking in your life that you need God to supply? Being more loving than judgmental? Perseverance? Knowledge? Wisdom? Ask God to supply it for you today!

Friday, March 26, 2010

1 Thessalonians 2 DEVO: Relationship: The Key to Discipleship!

Chapter 2:
Relationship is not necessarily key in sharing our faith, since often times we can share with strangers. BUT when it comes to discipleship, relationship is vital! As we read today’s passage, we see the deep relationship that Paul & his companions had with the believers in Thessalonica. I’ll divide it up into three sections:
FIRST – How Paul & his companions brought the Gospel to them. Paul took risks in sharing Jesus with them. They didn’t use trickery, flattery or impure motives but sought to make God happy by telling them about Jesus! Verses 7-8 are precious: “but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Paul poured his heart & soul into these people for THE Cause (Knowing Jesus & making Him Known) – that they might turn around and do the same! He encouraged, comforted and urged them to live lives worthy of God!
SECOND – How the Thessalonicans received the message. It’s easy to be impressed with preachers and speakers who are funny, insightful and passionate. Not necessarily bad, but we need to remember when the Bible is spoken it is coming straight from GOD! That’s how the Thessalonicans saw it. They received it, became imitators of God’s people and suffered as well.
THIRD – How Paul longed to be with them again. When Paul had to leave these believers it was like leaving close family and when he had tried to return, somehow Satan stopped him. Then he says something very cool about them: “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.” Whoah – how cool is that?!
*How are you and I bringing the Gospel to our circles of influence? Ask God for opportunities. Look for them and them follow the Holy Spirit and bring God up. My son Drew even did that this week. You can read about it here.
*When you hear a Bible message, do you take it as from God? I am thankful for all the great preachers, teachers and mentors I have in the Lord but I regularly need to remind myself it is GOD’S WORD I need to be most impressed with!
*Do you like hanging out with fellow believers? That IS what we will do in heaven! And what a blessing it is to get a “foretaste of glory divine” here on earth! Spend some time with some fellow believers this week!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Livin' THE Cause...

Today when I got home my son drew told me he wanted to share something exciting with us at dinner. So here's the scoop:
He was out riding his bike (something he's not that excited about but we encourage so as to balance out his love for video games) and he saw a bunch of boys in the neighborhood. They were playing with airsoft guns and so he began asking them about it. As he left, one of the kids followed him and so Drew asked why. He asked Drew what grade he was in and Drew told him 8th - to which he replied "you're short for 8th grade" - ha! Anyway, Drew began a conversation with him and eventually asked him if he knew Jesus. He told him yes and then Drew asked if he was standing before God right now and God asked him"why should I let you into my heaven", what would you tell Him? "Because I know Him." Then Drew asked (my persistent son) are you 100% sure you'd go to heaven when you died? He wasn't sure (and apparently Drew went on a bit about how bad hell was), so Drew then asked him if he wanted a tract about Jesus. Cole said yes and so Drew rode home (told his mom everything) and got one and went back and gave it to him and his friend wanted one too so he went and got another one! Prayed for Cole and talked about Drew planting seeds!
Talk about TOTALLY PUMPED parents at the dinner table! How exciting to see last week's THE Cause retreat being lived out!
Kuddos Drew!
Kuddos God!
A proud dad...

1 Thessalonians 1 DEVO: Paul Brags on the Thessalonians!

Chapter 1:
Paul established the church in Thessalonica during his second missionary journey in about 51 AD. He wrote this letter a short time later to encourage the young believers there. He wanted to remind them of his love, encourage them for being faithful while under persecution and to remind them of their great HOPE – that their Lord & Savior Jesus was returning!
In ten short verses, Paul gives these believers remarkable encouragement for their strong faith and good reputation! I don’t know about you, but if I read that someone was telling God thanks for me (vs 2), I’d totally be encouraged! He mentions three things:
1) Their work produced by faith:
2) Their labor prompted by love:
3) Their endurance inspired by hope

If actions speak louder than words, then attitudes speak louder still. These believers had attitudes that wreaked of Faith, Hope & Love and as a result, their labor in the Lord was not in vain!
Next, Paul mentions how the Gospel was given to them: It wasn’t just Paul’s words, but the Holy Spirit’s and with that came conviction leading to conversion. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t lead, then it can end up being MY words and they only lead to guilt & resentment! Paul’s character was so Christ-like that they imitated him (& the Lord).
Finally, look at the continual compliments he gives:
- The imitated him & Jesus!
- Though suffering, they received the Gospel with joy!
- They became role models for believers!
- Their faith had become known everywhere!
- They were transformed!

*Would someone ever brag to God about you or me? If they were to thank God, what aspects of our lives would they give thanks for?
*How’s your attitude? We can DO the right things and still have a bad attitude about it. Chuck Swindoll has said that “85% of the same stuff in life happens to everyone.” How we respond shows out attitude! Want a good one to follow? Read Philippians 2:3-8!
*All of us are models. No, I don’t mean the kind who walk down a runway displaying scanty clothes. I mean that we are being watched by our family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, etc… So………………….what are you & I modeling to them? Like Rafiki told Simba in the Lion King to “remember who you are”, we need to remember that God has called us to be His ambassadors! Let’s model JESUS to everyone and anyone we can!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Galatians 6 DEVO: Doing Good & Boasting

Chapter 6:
Up to this point, Paul has been pretty blunt with the Galatians. They were adding to grace which actually changes grace to works and that should anger us all.
Here in chapter 6 we see Paulo’s shepherding heart. He reminds us that we were never created to live independently (sorry America) but Dependently. We are to carry each other’s burdens, to share & support those who teach us the Word of God, to do good to all people, especially fellow believers, to not grow weary, etc…. All these things imply others.
Paul then states that, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” We just planted our garden and it would certainly be a surprise if corn came up where we planted green beans. You reap (green beans) what you sow (green beans). The same is true in other areas. Talk bad about your friends and you’ll lose them. Live your life for your self and you’ll lose it too (Luke 9:24a). But live for Jesus and wow what you’ll reap! (Luke 9:24b)
Paul’s final exhortation has to do with – you guessed it – circumcision. Once more Paul reminds them that it’s not about being outwardly conformed but about being inwardly transformed! And ya’ wanna’ boast? Boast in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ! Live this way, peace & mercy will follow you!
*When was the last time you reached out to a friend who had gotten themselves into a bind due to bad choices? It’s easy to think “you deserve it” but that is of little help to them. Is there someone you can reach out to today, encourage and bear a burden with? Go for it!
*It’s easy to receive good Bible teaching and take our spiritual leaders for granted. Paul says we are to take care of their material needs (vs 6, 1 Cor 9:7-12). I am grateful for all our Pastor Mitch does. If you know your pastor has a material need, why not meet it today and in doing so please the Lord as well as encourage your pastor!
*What are you sowing? What am I sowing? Let’s be sowing seeds of the Gospel wherever we go – that’s the stuff we want to reap!
*Where do you spend more time – in front of the mirror in your room (external conformity) or before the mirror of scripture (internal transformation)? It’s an indicator of what matters more to us!
PS – Galatians 6:11 (he, he…)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

THE Cause Retreat - 5 Amazing Days....

July 14-18, 2010 left a mark on the 14 students, leaders and kids who got away from Katy, Texas and headed to the hill country to hear the voice and heart of God! Out theme was "THE Cause" - taken from my good friends at Dare 2 Share. You don't have to look far to see that this generation of students is all about causes: Helping Haiti & other tragedy victims, standing up against child extortion and this list goes on & on. But what is THE Greatest cause we could be involved in? It's THE Cause of Christ! At Redeemer we call it, "Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known!" It's making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. It's the great commission and the great commandment. AND it's THE Cause we must give our lives to.
So...... we spent the week discovering this cause, looking at our passion fuels, our personal evangelism styles, our circles of influence and how God wants to empower us to reach our friends in those circles with the good news of Jesus! We spent time getting used to evangelism tools: The G.O.S.P.E.L. Journey, our personal testimony, Connecting with God tract and spiritual surveys. During our time together, we all opened up and "caught it" more so than ever before.
I concluded by leaving each of us with two visual reminders:
1) Spark Plug - This represents the Holy Spirit and that if HE is not leading us, then doesn't matter how much passion fuel we have, there will be not fire!
2) Paper Clip - Yes, we made paper airplanes during the retreat. Flew them once, then added a paper clip and flew them again - noting a change in trajectory. Point: you never know how something small (an encouraging word, note, smile) can change the trajectory of someone's LIFE AND how the Gospel can change the trajectory of someone's ETERNITY!
Then we hit the streets of San Antonio and shared Christ with people. One guy, "Doc", remembered us from last summer. It was awesome to be out sharing with strangers the good news of Jesus.
Some day in eternity I truly believe we will see many who came to know Jesus because we were just faithful to share. I'm excited for these students as they head back to their campuses this week and Live THE Cause!
Let's tell someone about Jesus today!

Galatians 5 DEVO: Freedom & Fruit

Chapter 5:
In this chapter, Paul continues to address wrong thinking, adding to the Gospel of grace! He begins by stating the obvious: If you have to be circumcised, then “Christ will be of no value to you at all.” In other words, if acceptance before God is based on something WE do then Jesus died in vain. Truth is, we are free from the law of works and our acceptance is based on what Jesus did! “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
When Paul writes, “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?” – he is reminding them of the Gospel he preached and they believed in, but someone was turning them away from – and it wasn’t God! And truth mixed with the least bit of lie is still a lie! The next verse cracks me up and is a bit PG-13…..”As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!” Translate – Hey, if circumcision is so pleasing to God, then why not just whack it all off and really please God?!” Moving on…. Paul’s thrust is that we are to act out of love not law.
Pau then reminds them that as believers, they have God’s Holy Spirit living in them and they should follow His guiding and not what where their sinful nature leads them because they battle each other. He then goes on to list the fruit of the sinful nature and the fruit of the spirit and a call to not follow our sinful nature but God’s Spirit.
*When do you feel most accepted by God? When you are consistently reading your Bible and praying? When you are at church each week? When you help another believer out? Yadda, yadda, yadda…. As good as all those things are, we must always remember that our acceptance before God is never based on our performance (whew)! It is based on Jesus’ performance in our place and God accepted Him fully!
*Ever allowed other convince you of things not in scripture? Yeah, me too. The more you and I are in our Bible consistently, the more we will be able to spot error. Let’s live 2 Timothy 2:15!
*Finally, verse 24 reads, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” I believe it, but in my daily life I don’t always experience it! Lord please help me seek You and Your leading as I deal with my sinful desires!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Galatians 4 DEVO: Contrasting Grace & Law, Faith & Works

Chapter 4:
I believe today’s reading can be summed up by verse 9 which reads, “But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles?”
Paul again addresses the believers in Galatia because they were mixing the gospel with works of the law. He begins by using the illustration of a child coming of age. He contrasts a believer’s life before knowing Jesus (children & servants), with their life after knowing Jesus (adults & sons). When we didn’t know Jesus, we were slaves to the “basic principles of this world” = rules of men! BUT, “when the time had fully come” – in God’s perfect timing He sent JESUS to pay for our sins – so we are no longer slaves but sons & heirs!
Because of this, “hello – why are you going back to man’s rules instead of God’s grace?” – vs. 9. Paul was afraid he was wasting his time on them – and he had poured a lot of time into them! They knew it, and though they had lost their joy, at one time they would have given Paul one of their eyes had he needed it! Because of this deep relationship, Paul shot straight with them and risked becoming their enemy. He was adamant that the Jewish believers never really wanted Gentiles to be able to have Jesus and Paul was perplexed that the Galatians couldn’t see through this.
He concludes his argument with an allegory of the two sons – Ishmael & Isaac. Isaac being the son of promise, and Ishmael not. Just like Isaac was inherited the promised given to his father, believers receive God’s redemptive promises because we are spiritual heirs.
*What are you doing today to “get in” better with God? There is NOTHING we could ever do to “get in” better since God has already by grace thru faith given us everything as heirs! What a relief!
*Some day the “time will fully come” when Jesus returns. None of us know when that day will be but we do know it’s coming. Let’s be prepared by living our lives as thank you letters back to Jesus each day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Galatians 3 DEVO: Hey - The Old Testamant Teaches Grace!

Chapter 3:
Ok…… so you read the first few verses and you are reminded that Paul wasn’t trying to please people! This first part reminds me of a seen from “Back to the Future” where Biff is knocking on McFly’s head only it’s Paul to the Galatian believers who are adding works to faith: “Hello, Galatians, is anybody home?! You idiots are being tricked! You didn’t work for your salvation in the first place so why do you think you need to now”?!
Then he describes how God, in Genesis 12:3, said ALL nations who by faith believe would be blessed thru Abraham! That the reason Jesus came was to redeem us from the law (works) so that His grace might come to all. And then he nails a really great point: Abraham was declared righteous by god 430 years BEFORE the law was given, so it couldn’t have been the law that made him right – it was grace thru faith. But lest you toss the law, Paul also says hey, with out it we could not grasp grace (vs 24)! Paul also spoke of this same thing in Romans 3:20, “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law.”
*Ever get tired of the “do better/try harder routine to be a better Christian? The Christian life is more about being than doing. Read verse 3 again and ask God’s Holy Spirit in you to help you live the life HE wants you to live! It can happen!
*Lord, please help us to grasp the concept of grace & faith and then let it shine in our lives!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Galatians 2 DEVO: Gospel is By Grace thru Faith plus Nothing!

Chapter 2:
In this chapter, Paul continues to emphasize that the good news of Jesus is received by grace thru faith. This was the very issue that was settled in Acts 15 at the Jerusalem Council. He reminds them Titus, who was a Greek, was not circumcised, proving they weren’t gonna’ give in to this false teaching. He also explains that the apostles agreed with Paul that He was to go to the Gentiles with this message of grace.
Paul then gives a final example of how Peter wrongly gave into this false teaching. His response? “I apposed him to his face because he was clearly in the wrong.” Peter was “not acting in line with the truth of the Gospel” and Paul called him on it!
The closing verses speak of “justification.” I tell people think of “Just-if-I’d never sinned.” Literally the word has to do with a legal declaration. It’s a choice, by God, to declare us righteous because of Jesus’ blood NOT because of anything we have done or could do! For “if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Paul then concludes with a verse that many of us have memorized to remind us who we are: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
*What are some ways we add to the free, gracious good news of Jesus? How about things like “if I read my Bible more God will like me more” or “If I give some money to help people in Haiti” or “if I go to church more often” or…… you fill in the blank. Whenever we do or even think things like this we add to the message of God’s grace. Let’s not do this but instead let’s daily thanks God for His amazing grace and out of gratefulness live a thank you letter back to Him!
*The last time you were corrected for doing something wrong, how did you respond? It doesn’t ell us in this passage what Peter’s reaction was, but if you read his Peter’s letters (which we will later) you’ll see he learned humility and God used him greatly. May we do the same.
*Galatians 2:20 – Do you believe it? Lord, help us to not only believe it but to live it!

Galatians Devo: Introduction & the Gospel

Chapter 1:
Jewish believers (Judaizers) were trying to convince the Galatian believers that they needed to follow the law (i.e. be circumcised) to be sanctified. These Judaizers had misled the Galatians into believing that Paul’s doctrine of justification through faith was false. They thought that Paul’s motivation for teaching such a doctrine was his desire to please men, and that he received his revelation from men. To address this situation, Paul writes the Galatians to exhort them to return to the sound and true doctrine that he, a true apostle, had taught them. Paul wrote this letter from Antioch about AD 48ish.

Paul spends most of the first two chapters defending both the message and the messenger. so he begins with, ”Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead…” He wants them to know that the Gospel he had preached to them was straight from God!
In most of Paul’s letters, after introducing himself, he usually gives thanks for something – not so in Galatians. He immediately rebukes them for ditching what they’ve been taught. They had received the Gospel by grace but the Jewish believers were adding to it by saying things like you had to be circumcised (works). These people were bringing confusion and Paul says “to hell with them!” Ok, ok…..our Bible doesn’t read those exact words but the word for eternally condemned is “anathema” which means to be sent to hell!~
Paul is like – look, I used to please the Jews when I was trying to kill Christians, but now I please God and HE gave me this message - I’m not making it up! Ask around, people know the change in me!
*Paul as God’s messenger stuck to God’s message, not his own, and it was powerful. Stories and illustrations are good, but the more you & I speak the Word of God, the more power the message will have. I’ve also learned that when I stick to God’s Word and people have a problem with what I’ve said, then I can encourage them to take it up with God because it’s HIS message.
*If you have put your trust & faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for the forgiveness of your sin, then you too are called of God! And like Paul, this occurred at birth! How incredible is God’s grace?!
*Finally, let’s not make the good news just “ok news” by adding to it. It’s grace, grace, grace and it’s not earned or ever could be earned, but it’s given freely to ALL who believe & receive!

Acts 28 DEVO: The End of the Book of Acts BUT the Continuation of the Work of Acts

Chapter 28:
Long Title – it will make sense later….
We come to the final chapter of the acts of the apostles in the early church. Paul will give the final of his six defenses in the book of Acts.
On the island where the boat crashed, God’s protective hand was on Paul as seen in:
- The islanders showing unusual kindness. Often shipwrecked victims were enslaved or killed
- Paul was not harmed by the poisonous viper that bit him
- The head honcho of the island showed incredible hospitality
- Paul healed all the sick on the island
- Honor was shown them in many ways
- They provided a boat & supplies to set sail again
- Paul was allowed unusual freedom as a prisoner
As Paul finally arrived in Rome, he gathered the leaders of the Jews & presented his defense. Some were convinced, others would not believe (familiar?) and Paul was eventually released. And we would do well to follow Paul’s lead in the last verse of this book: “Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.”
History tells us that after Paul’s release he continued to share the good news of Christ until a few years later when he was executed for his faith…..BUT it doesn’t end there!
*Do you find it interesting that an island tribe that knows nothing of Jesus, knows that there is right & wrong (“justice”)? That is because the Bible teaches that God’s law is written on our hearts (Romans 2:14-15) and all of us are accountable to our Maker!
*Where the book of Acts ends, the work of acts continues thru all who believe & receive! The baton of faith is being passed on from God to Paul to Timothy to Reliable Men to Others (2 Timothy 2:2). You & I believe today because someone was faithful to share Jesus with us. It’s been said that Christianity is only one generation away from extinction. How are you & I involved in giving Jesus to the next Generation. If you’re not, talk with me, I’d love to help you “get in the race!”

Acts 27 DEVO: A Crazy Boat Ride, Security and Leadership

Chapter 27:
Ok – so…….. not being a big water fan this chapter freaks me out a bit! I’ve been out in the ocean on a boat and have decided that I like land better. But if you want a great boating “adventure”, this ride makes those who landed on Gilligan’s Island look like wimps!
As Paul prayed for God to give him the opportunity to preach in Rome, he might have done well to be a bit more specific on HOW he was gonna’ get there. I’m guessin’ that in chains and on a crazy boat ride would not have been his first choice. But that was certainly God’s agenda!
“We” (1) – Paul & Luke – are being shipped to Rome. And the first part of the trip is going ok, even allowing Paul some special freedoms. But the trip was taking too long and now it was September/October (“after the Fast”). Since there were no compasses and they navigated by stars, overcast sailing was very dangerous. Sailing in September to November was really very dangerous and all sailing ended from November to February. Paul had already experienced three shipwrecks (2 Cor. 11:25) and so Paul warns them of the impending disaster & losses. Julius respected Paul but went with advice of pilot/owner – not good.
You guessed it, they sailed into hurricane force storm. Now I live in Texas and experienced Hurricane Ike and never want to do that again – and I was 50 miles inland! Since you can’t fight wind in a sailboat, 1st day was a dog fight, 2nd day tossed cargo overboard, 3rd day toss tackle overboard, many days and they begin to lose hope.
Then ya’ gotta’ love verse 21: “men, you should have taken my advice…” It’s the classic “I told you so!” But take note that Paul doesn’t dwell on it but instead tells them to take courage and that only the ship (their security) will be lost. Paul shares God’s word to him and even though as professional sailors they wouldn’t listen, now desperate they will.
Ok, this scary boat ride has now gone on for 2 weeks and some of them were thinking of bailing into the lifeboats. Paul again warns them that unless they stay with the sip they “cannot be saved.” So they cut the lifeboats (again destroying heir security). He tells them to eat up, you’re gonna’ need the strength and then they tossed the rest of the food. The next morning the ship runs ashore and is destroyed and ALL 276 of the passengers swim & ride planks to shore and are saved! WOW – what a ride!
*Paul’s position as a prisoner didn’t keep him from preaching the truth. He could have made excuses but he didn’t. Regardless of what we do for a living or where we are, God wants us to share His truth.
*I’m guessing that every one of us has been given wisdom by someone, rejected it for a preferred choice and paid the price – sometimes small, sometimes big. What decisions are coming up in your life that you need to seek godly counsel on? Check out the wisdom in Proverbs 15:22, 16:1,3,9 and then let’s follow it!
*What false securities do you have in your life? In this chapter it was the boat, the food and the wisdom of the sailors. What is it for you & me? Finances? Talents? Abilities? Knowledge? Be sure that God will destroy anything we put our trust in that pulls us from trusting in Him! Let’s ask forgiveness and help from the Lord in these areas!
*Finally, it is in times of crisis and challenge that reveal the qualities of true leaders. How do you respond when things get tough? Ask your family, they know!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Acts 26 DEVO: Paul Shares His Personal Testimony!

Chapter 26:
In this chapter we see Paul give yet another defense of the message he is preaching. After being given permission from Agrippa to speak, Paul affirms him and then begs for him to listen. Paul then proceeds to share his personal testimony. One of the greatest ways to share Jesus with another is to tell them what He did in your life! Paul then gives a great outline of how to do that. He shares with Festus, Agrippa & the crowd about his life before he met Christ (4-11), how he met Christ (13-18) and since he met Christ (19-23).
When Paul got to the resurrection, Festus interrupted and shouted that he was crazy (no intelligent Roman would accept this). Paul then appeals to reason and familiarity – for the death of Jesus and His resurrection were common knowledge that could not be denied. Then he shrewdly asks Agrippa to affirm these things with the question, “Do you believe in the Prophets? I know you do.” Ha – If he admits he believes in the prophets, he sides with Paul’s message, if he denies the prophets the Jews would be outraged. So…… he doesn’t answer but tells Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" And of course Paul, not missing an opportunity to share Jesus, invites him to believe! The leaders then confirm that Paul has done nothing that deserves death or imprisonment.
*How are you involved in persuading those in your circles of influence to become Christians? You and I may not have the gift of evangelism but we are ALL called by God to share Jesus! One of the best ways to do that is to share what He has done in your life. So – rather that a memory verse for the weekend, here’s your assignment. Write out your personal testimony and then share it with someone! Here are some tips to help:
When Paul shared his faith in Jesus Christ, he often shared his personal experience, his testimony (see Acts 26). Being able to verbalize your experience of knowing Christ to another will help them better understand the Good News you believe in.
Your testimony should be 3-5 minutes long and should address three areas:
- Before you met Christ
- How you came to know Christ
- Your life since you’ve met Christ
Write a paragraph answering each of these points:
1. Describe your life before you received Christ—your attitudes, your problems, the things you were
searching for, etc… (but don’t dig out all your garbage, it isn’t necessary). For those who grew up in a
Christian home, this may be a shorter section.
2. Explain how and why you became interested in knowing God personally. Explain clearly how
you received Christ. Even sharing the words you used when you prayed to receive Christ will
help others understand how they can pray to receive Christ.
3. Describe your life since you have received Christ –your attitudes, your perspective on life and
on your problems. In what areas has Christ specifically made a difference? What are some
areas of spiritual growth? How are you changing?
Helpful Hints:
- Center your testimony on Jesus, not on yourself—He is the one who is great.
- Use a theme in your testimony. Relate some of the needs Christ has met in question 3 to the needs you had before you received Christ in point 1.
- If you received Christ at a very young age and point 1 is not nearly as defined, then emphasize your Christian growth.
- Be creative! Help illustrate your experience with a story, the words of a song, or maybe a theme from a movie.
- Begin with an attention getting sentence.
- Give enough details to arouse interest – just don’t make them up!
- Use one or two scriptures (eternal life).
- Finish with a good conclusion relating back to the first sentence.
- Avoid “churchy” words and phrases: saved, born again, blessed, praise the Lord, sanctified, etc.
- Don’t be too wordy or beat around the bush.
- Don’t mention church denominations – these are not important.
- Don’t give impression the Christian life is a bed of roses.
- Share your testimony with another Christian friend, or your parents, or your youth leaders. Ask others to clarify your communication.
Once you have written out and thought through your testimony you will be able to share it with anyone at any time!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Paul's Trial Before Festus & Appeal to Caesar

Chapter 25:
Defense #4 – Festus took over for Felix and was kinda’ stuck.
He knew Paul innocent, but to release him would anger leaders and provoke a riot among the Jews. Wanting to keep peace, both Felix and Festus sought cooperation from Jewish leaders. Felix just left Paul in prison two years. Festus inherits this problem and suggests going to Jerusalem for trial – a place he knew would be “unfair” but would please Jewish leaders. This left Paul no choice but to appeal to Caesar which caused a new problem. Festus was required to send a report with Paul detailing charges against him but the charges were not worthy of trial (religious & theological). So………..Festus needed help and so he consulted Agrippa and Agrippa agreed to hear from Paul!
Festus turns Paul’s hearing into an occasion to honor Agrippa (pomp) – i.e. butter him up! Paul was not legally bound to appear before them but what a great witnessing opportunity! So in chapter 26, Paul will give his 5th defense!
*When are you most tempted to compromise the truth to please others? Lets heed the words in Galatians 1:10 and put God first!
*Ever been guilty of “buttering up” your parents, your boss, etc… to get what you want? Yeah – me too! How about a better alternative: Lets pray and then trust God for His will and then be content in every situation! (Philippians 4:12)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Acts 24 DEVO: Paul Accused of Sedition

Chapter 24:
Defense #3 - Ananias shows up with his lawyer, butters up Felix and basically accuses Paul of “sedition” (good SAT word). I.E. – resisting authorities, disruption & overthrow of government.
Paul then gives his defense by reminding Felix of his years as a just judge, expecting a just verdict himself. Basically he says they made up stories and can’t prove the charges they’re making now (I. e. prove it). He admits being a believer in Jesus but that it doesn’t go against the law & the prophets. And oh yeah, the resurrection being true, I said that one too.
Felix dismisses Paul and tells him he’ll decide his case later when Lysias comes. In the meantime, Felix keeps going to see Paul until he is convicted by Paul’s message of righteousness, self-control & judgment. Why so convicted? Because he had taken another man’s wife and this was getting personal!
The chapter concludes with a combination of Paul’s integrity (wouldn’t offer a bribe) and Felix’s lack of integrity (leaving Paul in prison because wanted favor with the Jews).
*If you tell people today that Jesus is the ONLY way, most likely you’ll be called intolerant. Fact is, Jesus IS the only way and you’re just repeating His message (John 14:6). If there we other ways, then Jesus’ suffering & death was a waste. Remember, God’s Word divides truth from error and all of us have to chose. Likewise, the Holy Spirit’s job is to “convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” Pray that we and those we have influence on will turn from self to God for forgiveness of sin!
*When are you most tempted to compromise your integrity? Character take years to build up and only seconds to tear down. Pray to God that we will not fall into temptation!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acts 23 DEVO: Paul's Second Defense & The Providence of God

Chapter 23:
As much as Paul’s first defense (ch 22) caused a tiff, his second one here begins another plot on his life!
Paul had a clear conscience that he had done God’s work (implying they had not) and so he looked the Sanhedrin (like our Supreme Court) straight in the eye and told them so! The High Priest is Ananias – not the Ananias of chapter 5, he’s dead, and not the Ananias of chapter 9 either – so keep your Ananias’ straight! Anyway, he doesn’t like this so he orders Paul struck by one of his soldiers. And not some slap in the face, but literally a vicious blow! This also was against the law so Paul calls him on it: "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!" Paul then finds out that it’s the high priest he is speaking to and humbly admits that he out of line and shouldn’t have spoken that way (5).
What happens next is totally God! It reads that “Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee. I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead." Ingenious! Paul gets them bickering among themselves and the focus is off him! Where did this come from? I believe this is an example of the power Jesus promises believers in Mark 13:9-11: “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” God will help us when our faith is being tested! We see here God’s “providence”: “pro” = “beforehand”, “video” = “to see.” Therefore, providence is God seeing beforehand and that is exactly what happens! We also see, in verse 11, that God is near during these times too!
Well, all of this tics off the Jews and more than 40 of them take an oath not to eat until they kill Paul! And yes, they’re gonna’ go hungry for a while! As they devise a plot to kill Paul, his little nephew overhears it, tells the commander and an alternate plan is made, saving Paul’s life! Paul is sent to Governor Felix and placed under guard.
*We see in this chapter that speaking the truth can make others angry as well as cause division. Paul was sorry for HOW he spoke to the high priest but not about WHAT he spoke, because it was truth. We too must be careful to speak the truth in love.
*Ever been fearful of sharing your faith because you’re not sure what questions you may be cornered with? Go head and share anyway, the Lord promises that He will give you the words to say!
*Finally, I am ever amazed how God uses YOUNG PEOPLE to do AMAZING things for Him! It’s one of the reasons I work with students! God used Paul’s nephew to go before a commander and give him news that saved Paul’s life! Ever think, “I’m just a teen, God can’t use me”? If you’re a young person, God can AND wants to use YOU! And if you’re not as young, well, God wants to use you too! It’s not our ability He wants but our AVAILABILITY!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Acts 22 DEVO: Paul's First Defense

Chapter 22:
After pleading to give his defense in chapter 21, Paul now gets the opportunity here. This will be the first of 6 defenses He gives (22:30-23:10, 24:10-21, 25:1-12, 26:1-29, 28:17-29).
In giving his defense, Paul recounts the events of his conversion on the Damascus road – how he himself was persecuting Christians but God totally changed him around. He ends this first defense with these words: “Then the Lord said to me, 'Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.' " Yeah – this was too much for the crowd to handle! Teaching that Gentiles could be saved without being circumcised was see as blasphemy to them! So they threw a fit and as they were getting ready to flog him, he asks them if they should be flogging a Roman citizen!? Oops – Roman citizens were exempt from such brutal punishment and Paul here exerts his rights as a Roman. Unlike those who use bribes to get their citizenship (28), Paul was born a Roman citizen and when they found this out, they were alarmed and made sure not to harm him as it was unlawful to punish a Roman citizen until they were proven guilty.
The chapter ends with Paul being brought before the Sanhedrin in an unofficial meeting where Paul will give his second defense.
*Ever been accused of something that you know you were innocent of? How did you feel? How did you respond? Paul stuck to the facts. It’s easy to get sidetracked and emotional but we must remember to be both truthful and respectful.
*Speaking the Truth of the Gospel can cause tension because the Word of God divides truth from error and nobody like to admit they’re wrong. We just need to make sure that as we speak God’s Words we do it lovingly, so that the offense is with the message not the messenger!

Friday, March 5, 2010

ACTS 21 DEVO: Daily Counting the Cost of Living for JESUS

Chapter 21:
Verses 1-16 show us the courage that conviction brings to Paul:
- He left crying friends & family
- He didn’t depart from his plans/goal
- He continued on knowing trouble was ahead
- He continually prayed/trusted God
- He was willing not only to suffer but to die for Christ!
- Instead of others fears affecting Paul, Paul’s courage affected others!
Verses 17-40 mark another transition in Acts. His missionary journeys have come to an end and we read about the events that lead up to his arrest, where he would remain an “ambassador in chains” (Ephesians 6:20). Paul is welcomed by & gets to hang out with his church family & leaders in Jerusalem. They again express concern for his safety & so Paul submits to Jewish custom while at the same time not compromising truth. This is another example of “becoming all things to all people.”
Since his conversion on the Damascus road, Paul has ministered for Jesus freely, now he will be a prisoner - BUT take note that ministry did not end! Things seem to be going from bad to worse for Paul right now. In 27-30 this mob attacks him, in 31-36 he is arrested by the Romans and in the closing verses he pleads to give his defense – which will be in the next chapter.
*What convictions do you have deep down inside? How do those convictions expressed in courage?
*What tough things are you facing right now that you’re a bit fearful of? Cast those cares on Jesus because He cares for you! (1 Peter 5:7)
*What are you willing to do for the name of Jesus? Suffer? Die? Maybe, yet the far more difficult thing is to LIVE for Jesus! Chose the latter and God will control the rest.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Acts 20 DEVO: Loving God & his People - To The Very End!

Chapter 20:
This chapter is one of the more emotional chapters recorded in the life of Paul. Love God, Love People – that was Paul’s life – a paraphrase of Matthew 37-39.
We see Paul’s love for believers as he over & over spent time with them, “speaking many words of encouragement.” Even late into the night he spent time loving them, helping them to know Jesus and even healing those who fell asleep as he spoke and fell out of third story windows – HA!
Then came his farewell to the Ephesian elders, those whom he had poured his life into. Paul humbly reminds them that he not only made the Jesus of the Bible known to people, but he lived out the call of Jesus before them as well. That often it was painful (tears) but that didn’t stop him from declaring “to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.”
He continues to tell them that the Holy Spirit is leading him toward even harder times ahead. Paul’s reaction in verse 24 has become a life verse for me: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.” Following this he basically tells them they won’t see him anymore, exhorts them to “keep watch… shepherds… on your guard” and then commits them to "God and the word of his grace.” Wowsa – no wonder they were bummed! As tears flowed, they took him to the ship, knowing they might not see him again!
*How does it show in our actions that you & I love God & His people? Do you look forward to church? FUSION? reFuel? When you are around God’s people, do we lift them up or tear them down?
*How faithful are we to go to God’s Word to find our answers in life? Or is it easier to check Google? Or some blog? We must always remember that our words, our friend’s words, etc… are not living and active BUT GOD’S WORDS ARE! Let’s go to THE Book for our answers!
*Finally, are you ready to die? Paul’s words in verse 24 seem to indicate he was. None of us know when our time will be up – can’t prepare for that actual day. BUT we can live now in expectation of being with Jesus. I don’t’ know about you, but I’m living my entire life to someday be with Jesus. If somehow Jesus showed up today and gave me the choice of being with Him or staying here – Sorry Jean, Drew, Jessica and students, I love you – but if I’d be soooo outta’ here!!! For what it’s worth, I don’t believe I have much time left – could be totally wrong, but I keep having these dreams. Anyway, it’s caused me to not want to waste time. How about you? Let’s live for Jesus like today is our last and share Him with someone!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God's Word Reaches A Continent!

Chapter 19:
On June 7th I will celebrate 20 years of ministering to students in Katy Texas! I am humbled and grateful for the privilege of helping Students Know Jesus & Make Him Known! Why would I stay in one place so long? There are many reasons: I feel called here, benefits of long-term ministry, good relationships with the community, etc… but most of all I still have a heart to see Katy reached for Jesus! Is that unrealistic? According to today’s passage it’s not! As a matter of fact, maybe it’s too small of a desire?!~!
Paul arrives in Ephesus and finds “disciples.” He didn’t assume they were believers so he asks them if they had received the Holy Spirit? They had not so he prays and God’s Holy Spirit comes on them! He then continues his practice of boldly preaching God’s Word and persuading people to believe – and as always, some believe, some do not. Then comes an incredible verse: “This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of the Lord.” Wow – ALL of Asia heard! Katy is a lot smaller than Asia!
GOD’S WORD is powerful (Rom 1:16, Heb 4:12-13) and can penetrate an entire people! You don’t want to play around with it though and that’s what we see with the seven sons of Sceva! Many Ephesian Jews were into exorcism and the occult (magic) and they thought they’d try out using the name of Jesus as well. Ha – it’s results in a demon beating the crap out of them!!! Nowhere in scripture does it say believers have the power to cast out demons or “bind” them and nowhere in scripture are we commanded to do so. The name of Jesus is not meant to be a magical charm to be used by whoever wants to use it and so the demons questioned their authority and took them out! The result? “The Word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.”
Next we see that a riot breaks out against believers in Jesus because of their witness. Which should be of no surprise!
*What are you passionate about? We get pumped for sports events, or excited about new movies coming out, or want the latest technology coming out – the list goes on. But are you passionate about lost people? The hell they’re going thru and the hell they’re going to without Jesus? This is not meant to be guilt trip theology, but a chance for all of us to ask God to break our hearts for the things that break His!
*Who are you praying for to come to know Jesus? Let’s ask God for KATY TEXAS - or whatever city you’re in! He’s big enough to reach them with His Word! And then get ready, because His means of doing that is you and I!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Daily Grind of Ministry

Chapter 18:
As we read about Paul and the church in Acts, we continue to see Paul in the trenches of ministry, the daily grind of living to let others know about Jesus. As one who is also in ministry, there are a number of things to note from this chapter:
*Paul was constantly persuading people to believe! (4)
- Again & again he spent his days knowing Jesus and making him known (wow – this would make a great mission statement)
* Paul was constantly including others! (3,5 & all over)
- He never wanted a “lone ranger” ministry but saw the importance of the body of Christ.
*Paul constantly saw the same three responses to the Gospel: Hostility, Questioning, Belief! (4,6,8…)
- Although the hostile and questioning peeps burdened him, the joy of seeing others truly believe has to be exciting.
*Paul received encouragement from the Lord for his faithfulness! (9-10)
- A passionate calling brings with it the burden of ministry. And at just the right times, God gives encouragement!
It’s hard to even think of ministering for the Lord as a “daily grind” because it is such a privilege to serve & represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But it must have been hard at times for Paul. I mean come on, he’s been beaten, left for dead, flogged, tossed in and out of jail numerous times, etc… But Paul was committed, even making vows to the Lord (verse 18 totally sounds like something a youth pastor would do!).
*Paul was called into ministry & ALL those who have put their trust & faith in Christ are called as well. You may not be paid staff at a church like me, but we’re all God’s ambassadors to a foreign country (earth)! In what ways are you & I currently involved in ministry? If you’re not already, talk with me. I’d love to help you see how you can serve your Lord where you are!
*Who are you & I burdened for to know Christ? Let’s daily beg God for their souls? He cares for them more than even we do! In our student ministry we challenge students to Pray-Persue-Persuade:
- Pray: Daily beg God for at least 3 friends to know Jesus!
- Pursue: Just begin to “bring God up”!
- Persuade: Friends toward Jesus!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Acts 17 DEVO: Turning Conversations to Spiritual Things

Chapter 17:
Turning conversations to Jesus is something I’m always wanting to do and yet sometimes have had some pretty rough transitions. Conversations like, “It’s sure hot out…………..It’s hot in hell too, are you going there?~!” are not the most effective transitions. In this chapter Paul gives us a great example of how very naturally to take something cultural and transition into sharing the good news of Jesus.
Before we get there, we see Paul & Silas again preaching Jesus and the message of Christ making some angry. So when it got dark, they left for Berea. We can learn a lot from the Bereans for it says that they “received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” And it tells us that because they did this that many believed! And again, as a result, they run Paul out of town for preaching Jesus.
Paul arrives in Athens and is “distressed to see that the city was full of idols.” His heart is broken for these people and I believe that the Holy Spirit gave him the words of transition in verses 22-23: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.” He then proceeds to share Christ and as always, some believe, some sneer and some want to hear more.
*When you heard your pastor preach yesterday, what did you do? Did you fall asleep? Maybe you were bored and acted like you’d heard it before? Let’s be like the Bereans who were eager & excited to hear what GOD had for them! Let’s check out what our pastor says – it helps us grow and keeps them in check. And that’s ok, as a pastor I want to be sure to be teaching the TRUTH of God and not my opinions!
*One of the best ways to become better at turning conversations to spiritual things is to just keep praying and going for it! Let’s ask God to break our hearts for the lost and then be active in sharing our faith in Christ. He’ll do it! I know the more I ask, the more opportunities I have. When I’m not asking, I miss those opportunities. My friends at Dare 2 Share are GREAT and helping us in this area! Check out their free resources here.
*Finally – Whenever the Gospel is preached, some become hostile, some ask more questions and some BELIEVE! Don’t get discouraged if as you share you’re not seeing people believe. Be faithful because God’s Word will not return without eternal impact of some kind. Some day in heaven you’ll get to fully see!!!